The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ij, 1906,
Tim finest nml mokt delicate flavored mackerel in the market.
Xowh-rn clot) will you find the. mi mo high quality nml whulesoineneim
ul "iii li a low pike,
Marriage License. The county ;!.-( U
jr.trriUiy Usiiml a inaiiiugn tiis-iis to
May in K. Donuhu ami Ky K. liidnry,
Bom Yesterday. Mr. ami Mm. Hun
ihiU, of I nitiiitu 11, yc.tcrduy nimning
n mm. Mother and rliilil doing finely.
For Now Astoria. ( , .V. i.k
on, illy auditor of llif thriving town of
Xi-w Anloila, wa a busttiin vlitor in
the lily yesterday.
'Hotel Irving" li the only etesm-
heated hotel la the city.
In the City. Mi IjIu I'uin U in
th rlly thi week uilin Ml. A. M
Smith. Mi lhiiin l allendiiiK sclmol
in I'm I li
Meet This Evening. I he lm.a S
I'ity of the Kul I. ul lt mi Cliunh, will
te eiileitniucd liv Mi Milnm JVIi-r-i-n
at lirr hoiiH'. All mi iii1-i ami friend"
ate cordially invited In In- pi edited.
Rrturni from Nehalem l.nnn.
berry ffttiiiH'il yesterday from Nehalem
where he h been hulking , after the
cuttle mill utotk of the lntr Thotiiiiit l
lien, lit' ay that Andiew Ncl-un lias
lllf.l hi application ami will duubllc"
be appointed administrator f lh' es
tate of the Jri-rawJ.
The very beat board to be obtained in
the dty li at "The Occident Hotel."
Ratee very reasonable.
Our Store Will
At 12 Odock
For the Remainder
of the Day
Goods Should Be
Ordered Before JO
Oclock to Be De-
'livered Today.
118122 Twelfth St, Astoria, Ore.
Gives More Heot
Than Atiy Other
'Phone Orders
In Adjourned Sewum. Tim roiinly
mini will unit in adjourned neimion
tomorrow. 'Ilm bunni to be tran
sacted in opening li). for fount rnctiiiK
two luiilK''" on Homl No. Oil, iifiir Kl-ie,
mil' 1 r il k Ih-Iiik ' '"'t anil the
otlmr M feet. Several of the resident
of (Ik- Klie district have fllt'l bid,
"Under Two FUje"-Thl stirring
drama will be rendered at the Star
theatre on the nlpht of Friday, Feb
niary 23rd (next Friday), under the
auj)lre of the I-adies of the firand
Army of the Republic, of thla city.
Tltkrti, 60 rente. On aakt at Ilarl'i
drug tore.
Chen From EUie. I. ('. Hictsou, a
prominent fiirmi-r of Klsie, in in the
ity. lie rH,il no mihw on the moiiii'
tiiinn or in tlif Nehali-in valley. Con
!! .1 1 ! iiiteii Kt 1. I. ing taken In the
iiiiroiu hintf primacy ilertion, the resi
dent 1 of till" NelnleiJl living hllj,"'ly Ite
pulilii nil, me interested ill n -eiii ili( the
iioiiiimitliili tif the Ik tt. men for the
vnrioiiH p. 1-it in 'he leiul'lii'iimi ev
press 11 determination to Ktatid hy the
party ii"Miitiee under tin direct piiin
it 1 liiw nml theie is no aaieiit dis
sension. Fine luitet of room at "Hotel Irving."
Soldieri in Trouble -Three ynuiij; ol
ilier from Fori 'dumlna un- in truulde
oer 11 tiiautity of liijuur ullcjil to
have toleu from Krirkum'a Milium
at Chinook on Tuedtiy nijht ltit.
They weie Mrreoted ye-terdav nml taken
to South lien. I for iriventiat ion ; it in
iiid tluil one of them haa tinned StateV
evidemv nainiit hi jmrtner, whieh i"
li panillel o(Tele to teit)ii(; Imhii' mi v
way, and lioulil not mitiiiie tli of
feme in the inallet decree. Tiny tlid
luirjihii inn- work liy hreakiti(.' into tin
pi j re to et the stulT. Their miiiiei aie
ltii-el, AtuiHid, ami Sullivan,
"Hotel Irving" it the traveling men's
From Redondo.- Atoria' N.Vyear old
citizen, H. 1'. Parker, in "till hiiving the
time of his life down in California, lie
i now at lieiliilldn, on the ioiihI, helotv
li Atijf.le, ami I1111 faMited the A
toiian with u copy of the Hedomlo lie
flex, of port. Mr. Parker evident
ly U not coming home until the mnner
NoUtice has uit Atoria in her verdant
(arli and crowded her thoroughfare"
with the usual outing tlioiMimls. He
unyi nothing alKiut coming home, and.
by the way, neither do Mr. ami Mrs. .1.
The best as-cent meal in tbe city is
served at "Hotel Irving."
Holiday Effects. Yesterday wuh a
holiday and the uniial Houreeti of news
were closed to reporter and all othera.
Court and publitt ollices were waled up
ti'lit and silent ami unreapoiiHive, and
the buHineK hottaea were no more amen
able to the Invasive scribe who is sup
posed to fill these column, hence, it
nuiy bo well to make a few allowances
for the Money
Fuel, Try It.
to Main 1961
If (he eopt ami variety of the new I
omen hut lend I'leil Ihi morning
Roads Bad, It is reported l.y thoe
comitlK to I his city from Nehalem, that
Ihi' road hettteeri hero ami tin; valley
an' in feai'lul eondil ion, ho that it is
totally ImpiKsildi! for tenuis to (jet
lliioilli, tholl.'h hoiseiiifii me alile to
do so with dilliiMilty.
You will find WORLD of informa
tion in the I'M WORLD ALMANAC,
as cents Svenson'a Book Store,
Receives Promotion. 1,1 ulrmitil ( ol
oiiel II. A, lieed, who was u slioit time
a (,'n ilssi((uei hy the depart nielli to the
eoiiuiialid of the troops at Foil Steven",
has been reliied with the I li It k of
llligiidier fieneral. Mr. P.eed will in the
fut me make his home at Sun Juan
l'oHo P.leti. At. present the Fort Stev
ens station i coniiiiuudeil by Captain
llo(f. is I', fiiinlii'-r.
"Hotel Irving" gives special rates for
rooms ind board to permanent guests.
Birthday Party. A pli-asimt little
party was jfiven yesterday by Mrs,
(ietiiye I'uin, in honor of h'T daughter,
Mis Isiiliel'g Hth birthday, assisted by
her daughter, Miss Helen Pain, and the
Misses Alice Fox, I.iU M inkier, I-oIh
Hall, ami Mary Ward. They entertained
a lare iiuiiils-r of little friends. The
pur lots and dining room were eluliorate
y (lciniitci with ivy, tlatTodils, ami the
"stars mid stripe." At t o'eliM'k the
paity sal down to refreshments, the
table In-ill); very Is'imtifully ileeorati-d,
the hilt Inlay cake foimiiij.' the center
piece. Mirny (.'tunes mid approptiate
mush', entertained the lit 1 1 . - ones dur
ing tin- ufti'trioon,
Probably a Fake A Isittle containing
it piece of paper with a short me-sa(.'c
pin mii l iiijj i have been written by one
of the ill fated passengers on the Val
encia, was picked up ye-lenlny on the
Is-itcli at Youngs !,iy ,y a ten-year-old
lad, who was playinj; alonjf the shore.
The hut I le which was tightly tsirkcd
was -ecu l.y the hid limiting a short
way from slmie, mid out of curiosity,
he wailed out and sciwtl it. Seeing a
piece of paper iliide, the boy liroke the
lioltli-, ami seemed the paper. It prov
ed to ts" a leaf torn from a memoran
dum hook, dated 1W4. on one side of
which was written with a lead pencil
the winds, "Sir. Valencia wrecked. Writ?
to my son, :i.i Market St ., Duluth, Minn.
I 'rank Thompson. 't ell him I was
wrecked on Vancouver I-lund." (In the
lewiso side of the leaf was twit tell.
"(iiHid liy to the world, she is sinking
now . ('. II. i hump-on." In the list of
tlie pci-oiis ahoaiil the Valencia there
is no one by this nauu-, peept a Miss
.1. C. Tlioiiipsoii en route to 11. lliii;'li:im.
Scteial in. iik- ami imicciir.icics mi the
mile, point strongly to the fact that
the message was written by some would
be joker. Olc llmi-eil has pns-i-Mon of
the mes-age and will write to Duluth
to ascertain whether op not the mes
sage is authentic
"Under Two Flags" at the Star This
l'rtini present indications Astoriiius
will be tendered a rare treat this even
ing when a company composed entirely
of local talent will present the stirring
drama, " 1'ndcr Two Flags." The play
is under the direction of Mr. Fred Puri
ton, the Star vncalit, who is by the
way, an old stockman of proiiounisj'd
ability, and the local cast chosen for
this play is a close second to the best
professional companies that have play
ed in the city.
The proceeds arc to be used for char
ily by the ladies of the G. A. R. and as
Astoriana always respond nobly a
crowded house is predicted.
The Cast.
Bertie Cecil. T. Duncan Ferguson
Berkley Cecil Tune Nordstrom
Lord Iiockinghtim Emil Xynmn
Knke Fred Johnson
Col. Chauteroy (known as
Illuck Hatvk) Wise
Hen Davis George, McBride
Huron! (the money lender) ... .A. S. Tee
Capt. Leroux 0. W. Spriggs
Pierre Muteou Aston M. Salvon(
Petet l'icopon Robert Waluce
Picpou Turio Nordstrom
Corporal Shelby Hamilton
Nora. MeSlutne Miss Atholo Deveneux
I.ndy Guinevere Miss Emma Shedd
Djolma Miss Emma Shedd
Liuly Venelia Corona
Miss Ailnlinn A. Miller
Cigarette Mrs, T. Duncan Ferguson
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up? It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp & )
Company. They also do all kinds of
blacksmithing and repair work.
Natural and Forceful Flood Tap
ped on the Nehalem.
Heavy Explosion Accompanies Its Re
lease Opening Up About Eight Days
AgoIs On Tillamook Shore of River
Means Much for this Section,
A splendid, and apparently inev
haiistuble, supply of natural gas has
been developed on the south bank of the
Nehalem river ami fifteen mile fioin its
The discovery was made about eight
days ago, and it is evident the fortu
nate parties rexiornililc for the uncov
ering of the element arc desirous of
keeping the matter quiet for a while,
until eertain advantages of land, rights
and other accessories could be secured,
a perfectly natural wish for those who
were lucky enough to make the find,
mid mnbitioiis enough to equip an out
tit for the iiivcHtjgntion.
The development was made in a txire
nml was accompanied by an explosion
on the Tillamook shore of the Xehalem,
of immense force that scattered the
tool, and paraphernalia of the prospector-,
and the prosecutors themselves for
a few moment-, hut it quickly sub
sided to the normal strength of the
flow pressure, ami it is flowing yet, un
less the people; in charge have faund
a way to check ami regulate it.
This is news of iiiiKirtanee to As
toria, and to nil the coa-t country, ami
means much for the future of the whole
scetiiin between Tillamook and the
mouth of in Columbia, since it may la
the furerunner of other' enterprises in
the utilization of the gas in a hundred
lines of application. It has a germinat
ing power in the unfolding of sequent
mid anahigoiis oiicratjons that is in
calculable, nn.l carries the promise of
collateral advantages hard to measure
from a primary base such as this, tmt
inherent to the discovery all the same.
The Astonan is under obligations to
Mr. Samuel Adair for the information.
and his authority is unequivocal. There
has been a concern operating through
that country for some time past, in
search of oil sign, and v number of
horcs hate twen made in this behalf,
the last eventuating in discovery here
The AtoiSan will do all it may, in
the near future, to confirm this matter
further, and to get details that will
be very definite mid grateful to ttiis
w hole sect inn upon a subject of such
unqualified virtue and value.
Gail Laughlin. When Mis. Gail
Langlilin entered Welleley College she
gathered around her a clu-s of girls
who were interested in decjicr prob
lems than those discussed by the other
college societies, and they organized the
"Agora," a society for the discussion of
social and economic questions. It soon
btvamc a power under Miss Iiughlin's
leadership, and is now one of the
strongest organ i at ions of the college.
Miss Laughlin has given deep study to
the-e questions, nml presents them in a
most eloquent manner. Be sure to hear
her at the Methodist church tomorrow
NEW YORK, Feb. 22. On a decision
by Judge Somemille, the board of
United States General Appraisers sus
tained a claim filed hy the George Hall
Coal Company of Rochester, N. Y., re
garding the action of the collector of
customs in assessing duty at 50 per
cent ail valorem on certain docking
charges undertaken at a Canadian port.
The Treasury Department contended
that the charges were correctly assessed
and that the board has no jurisdiction.
Judge Somerville however, contradicts
both of the government's contentions
and reverses the action of the custom
house authorities.
Means the ability to do a good day's
work, without undue fatigue and to
find life worth living. You cannot have
indigestion or constipation without its
upsetting the liver and polluting the
blood. Such a condition may be best
and quickest relieved by Herbine, the
best liver regulator that the world has
ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith, writes,
April, 9, '02:
"I use Herbine, and find it the best
medicine for constipation and regulating
the liver I ever used." 60c. Sold by
Hart's Drug Store.
The handiest book, contains the great
est amount and most valuable infor
mation. 1906 The WORLD ALMANAC
25 cents at Svenion's Book Store.
Showing of New White
Spring Waistings for
Th 14 r sd ay , Friday
and Saturday
: 20c, 25 i 30c
Per Yard
Morse Dept. Store
Where Everybody Likes to Trade.
'""' "' tVM.l..,...,ia:i';iiL.l 1 - "t mi ,js
sv .
A no torn leal Chart
KhowlntT the Muftcles for
February 27th
A Scientific
I Beauty. Culture and
S X. 2. Cauffman, P. D. L. D. I
rrofessor of Physiognomy Dermatology and Hair Culture,
! Admission
Ladies bring your note books'
$ and pencils. Please be
three o'clock sharp.
The hungry mortal is almost uni
versal (at times). When one is hun
gry he wants something good and wants
it quick, well-served, in comfortable
quarters, and at reasonable cost. That's
what he wants; and if in Astoria, he
goes where he knows he can get satis
faction under all these conditions, that
is, to the Palace Restaurant, on Com
mercial street, opposite the Page build
ing. The stranger going there once,
goes there always. Party, and banquet,
service, on the same satisfactory scale.
The perfection of whisky used in the
medical department of the United
States military and naval service. Also
in hospitals. Recommended by the high
est authorities as the purest stimulant
for family use. Sold exclusively by
Win. Bock.
The Morning Astorian, 65c. a month.
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
- jjfl a IBl
u m k
f aL . ;.....-t-a
rtn Z
Ladies Only
Ptar Theatre
at 3:00 o'clock
Lecture on
aciai memisnes i
seated at
Anotomlcal Chart '
Showing the Muscle for
Home Treatment SV
If you contracted a cold In the recent
change of weather, you will find a rem
edy of real merit in Tar & Wild Cherry
or Atwood's Cold Cure. At Frank
Hart's Drug Store. See our window dis
play of purses and leather goods, eta.
X. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of teiidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and , hot baths. Pboaa
Black 2165. Will call.
Never have
to wait long at th Oe
Shop. A, E. Petenosv
eidant Barber
Every one guaranteed. Will let ym
stand or sit on the oven door if yo
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves sal
ranges till after the Holidays.
. J. Scully