TUESDAY, FEBRUARY so, 1908, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. FOR NAVY INCREASE Federated Union Mm ' Enlarge Nivy, Would ADOPT SUCH RESOLUTION Union Men Decide That More Battle ships Should be Constructed and Government Ouht to Build It'i Own Ships. NKW'YOKK, Feb, 10. Th attitude of oiKHiilitotl labor on the ubjeet of In cning the Im of the United HUte navy wa reflected Irnei night In the dla ciil.n' of a resolution prMntvd In th IVntral Federated Union, urging tin building of battleship. Tlt reso lution wa adapted with the Important provision that the ,hlp ba built in uerment yard lnt-d,of by private companies. Not ill the delegate were agreed a to the advisability of Increae irtf the navy, a representative of the Amalgamated Wood Worker Union making tlw aeitlon that hie conscience forbade lilin U "antlon the manufac ture (if machine to murder human be lug." Another dnh-gala. iwid hU Ming were -just, ae' sensitive In the matter, but o long a "uiutderou machine," are to bo butlt he argued that union nifn oiiKht to,! employed in the work. A llegt from the seamen' union lJ that the battleship the govern tnrnt now ha are mating at anchor. He ald he did not ee the ue of build ing more ve!, Wause union men r nt employed in thvm when they ar finished. Artlon at thl time I particularly pircl Wmiw the battleship Conner, tirtit, now building In the flrooklyn navy yard, will aoon be completed. It wa elllmied that twenty per cent of tlw employee already have Urn thrown out of work because there I no more battleship now ordered to be construct ed there and that fifty per cent oi the men will be discharged a soon a te Connecticut la ready for launching "It apiH-ar that the Influence of owner of private tilfyitrclf in 0 11 -powerful," It In act forth In ft rewilu lion, "fn forpliijc government oHklalx, UiioiikIi both Houaea Of ,Confrre, to rcfux' In null linn' the building of gov ernment veil lit tli navy yard, when It hurt been shown by actual experience tiiat belUr rNtilt accrue to the gov eminent hy ttii) government building It own hlp." - ; . CAN'T BE SEPARATED. Some Aitoria People Have Learned How to Get Sid of Both. IhK'kaifhe and kidney ache are twin brother. You can't scparaUt them. And yon can't gel rid of the Imckaclie until you mire the kliuluey ache. ' If the kidney are well and strong, the ret "f the system l pretty ure to b In vigorous health. Don' Khlncy 1'ill make atrong, healthy kidney. 11. II. Mrffcrver of 2"! Cherry atreet, Portland, Ore,, lnctor of freight for the Trana Continental Company, a man who I very well known among the railroadcra of the coast, aayai "Doan'l Kidney 1'ill ar the among the few proprietary retwdle which do all that la claimed for them, and they have my thorough confidence I ued them for backache and other very marked eyinp tains of kidney 'trouble which had an noyed me for month. I think a cold era responsible for the whole trouble. It seemed to aettle In my kidney. IWe Kidney I'lll rooted it out. It ia aeveral month alnce I ued them, and up to date there ha lieen no re current of the trouble, I have recom mended them to a windier of the boyi ata.ut the freight house and I know If they gave them a fair trial tb-y cer tainly mtift have lwn pleased with the results." l'lcnty more proof like thi from A torla people. Call at Char lea Roj?cr' drug tre and ak what hi cuNtomert report. For aale by all dealer. Price, 60 centa. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V, aole agents for the United State. Itememb-r tht name Doan'l aad take no other, The vote in the house on the railroad rate bill, 340 to 7, I coming to be looked upon aa IU greatest dampr on eloquent congrelonal oratory In tome year. MoffmiasC Astoriain ay iii tine Moniitlhi Fog 65c aaomsBiBWsmBBWSMBWMalBls . '' ' " ' The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been Keauce Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian !'.'..:-' ' ' i , ' . DELIVERED BY CARRIER TO ANY PART OPTHE CITY FOR 65 CENTS 'A WONDERgUL PROOF. ' Brnln Jla a Ilaaaoatatray r ( the ' Maat. "The aiiti'a limit la o great" , But an liitolligcut young wornaa lr terruptod the aclcntlot luipatlcutly. "After all," elm aald, "it b gmwework tlila talk alxiut the exceaalve beat ol the aun. You citu't prove any of yoai claluie." IXo waa dlaguati'd. "I can'tr tie cried. "Why, It la Uu taaleat thing lu the world to prove thai Uia-aun la hot euoiigti to tnelt Iron, granite, the bardcat auhatancea knowa Into liquid, Into at cam." "How would you make uch a proof T he aaked liicrcdulouely. ' "With the burnlnic glaaa," an Id b "A bunting glaaa la allgtitly rounded Tbua It benda Into a focua-lt concen trate iiM)u one aiuall jHifut-a uutnbt of aun rays. The tiniest burning glass catching only a few rays, will light Are, set off a gun or bore a red hole fx your band." "Yea." "Toe solar beat which the buralnf glass collects for us la the tlnleat frae tlon of the sun's actnnl lieat. We ear prove this by focusing with our glaai eaya from a powerful lamp or a great Ire, We get a email, brlicbt Mt. a lit tie beat, but this beat la nothing U compare, with the beat of tht lamp It self. "So, knowing, now, that the eolai heat which tbe burning glaas glvea t ua la but a fraction of the) beat of tic sun, we take a burning glass a yard It diameter-such glaaeee have Iwn mud for tbe sole pun" of convincing alter tlcal jwrsona like yonraelf-and tbtf glaas conceutratee many hnndrcda ot aun raya for u, ami It gives na a heat greater than we can obtain In any for hact. a heat that will melt rock lnU vapor." Tbe scientist smiled triumphantly. "There Is yotir proof," be aald. "Tbe burning glass will only collect tiny portion of a burning object's heat, and the tiny portion of the aun's beat that It give ua la yet sufficient to change In a Jiffy a block of granite Into a puff of steam." Excbance. Traaftaft "A Dbotogrspher la really among the moat trmmag of aoan." "How do you make that outr "Doesn't be always take people at their face value r'-Baltlmore Ameri can. A lUUer. Mother-Do you think It la a good thing to spank a child? Doctor-Well. It often relieves the parent of a bad fit of temper-Detroit Free Frees. A mother's tears are tbe same ta ill languages. HERE YOU ARE d From Dr, D. A. Sanburn FRENCH SPECIALIST. e f The King of Cures I am now In your city Introducing ny wonderful arts of healing. Coma one and til and I will tell -vteryoM their diaeaae and you will be mad well. My medicines are all .nature's remedies, roots, herbt, barks and berries. After 1 Introduce my medicine I will leave certain kinds of It in your drag stores. Office bourst 9 to 12 a. m.j 2 to S p. at the Megier tlouee, 680 commer cial street, rooma I and 2. Coniulation free at Astoria, Ore. O' SPICES, o COFFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, FUTOnOEXTOACTS fUtvlurtftity. Flmsf Flivor. CLOSSETCkDEYHlS DCDTUNO. f3HGQN. ' J f . ' ' ! .'t i y$ 7 . j V 75c to 65c a 'Month I. That AH Important You have often heard people ever tny lil I J, A. Moi V. . k7 J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. J NOW IN OUR NEW STORE COR- BOND AND 11th. STREET WE AM BUSY GETTING SETTLED BUT CAN FIND TIME 10 SHOW YOU HOW COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE IS OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS, MATTINGS, MOULDINGS, ETC COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LOCATION AND LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY WORK N OUR LINE. B. F. Allen $ Health Meana the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatigue and to find life worth living. You cannot have indiprestion or constipation without its upsetting the liver and polluting the blood." Such a condition may be beet and quickest relieved by Herbine, the best liver regulator that the world ha ever known. Mre. D. W. Smith, writes, April, 9, '02: " s "I use Herbine, and find it the best medicine for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used." 60c. Sold by Hart's Drug Store. The Morning Aatorian, 63c a month. Every Bath Room remark "If 1 were to build, I would plan bath room first and would not put 11 my money Into the parlor with all its finery." That Ji good common icrue sentiment, for the bath room ! the most Important of all the household. We would lilte to help you plan your betfi room and will gladly quote you on "twhtmr Ware, the test i moat sanitary fixture made. Son, st r. - .... r Accordion, buncurst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Gooda. Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marqnam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Gives to all Out-of-Town Orders. J