S ! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY M, toooY T1TE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. ii '. i i ! 8EX IN HANDWRITING. In latvreatlac Mill KiprlmKt t Prove Tn.arjv It it a, curious fact that one of the only thlrtirs which eveu au expert graphologist does toot guarantee to U wer In hautlwrltinir Is the sei of the writer. We are accustomed ti think that the feminine or masculine tem perament will readily betray Itself In the written word, but In the majority f cases such la not the ease. Writing bold, black ami Arm, most nasculine spidering In every way. will frequently be found to emanste frou tbe pen of a woman, while delicate tracery, with the regularity snftrestlve of precision and method or the dash and spontaneity which bulk-ate a live If fancy almost unmistakably femi tine; one says ou examination Is disoov red to belong to a writer of the ohv alte aex. Aa Interesting little eiperluieut prov ing this theory can be made iu this way; Take twelve or twenty envel pea written In chlrographle you aw tut of and number each scrap clear ry. Pass them around and see how many of your friends will correctly . guea the ser. of the different writers, which may be written down and num bered like the envelopes. It will sel dom prove that more than oue-thlrd of the guesses at most are correct.-Ei change. f V CAPTAIN KIDD,' f Hi- Ta Carr mm te Eadtac of tkf Faatoaa Pirate. Captain Kidd,. the famous pirate, started hli career with the Intention of oppressing piracy. In February, 1607. he left tbe Hudson In the Adventure Galley with a crew of 130 men with this Intention. This expedition had beer quipped chiefly at the expense of the "Whig ministers, and its commander earrled wlh him, "besides the ordinary letters of marque, a commission under the great seal empowering hlni to seize pirates and to take them to some place where they might be dealt with ac cording to law." The king's rfplit to the goods found In possession of these malefactors was granted by letter patent to the sup porters; of the expedition, his majesty securing only oue-tentb of the spoil. , Kidd, however, soon finding that little was to be gained by the adventure, threw off all disguise and hoisted the Jolly Roger. ' ( His rapacity and cruelty were on . bounded, and In less than two years he amassed the sum of 200,000. With this be thought to make bis peace with the authorities and end his days 10 lux ury, but be was arrested at New York and brought to England, where be was tried and hanged at Execution dock In 1701. London Saturday Review. ; Prlaae JfapoWoa. Prince Napoleon in 1879 was some thing of a prophet. When he beard of tbr emperor's declaration of war b burried to St. Cloud and bad a stormy tsterrlew with the emperor. He didn't lcsltate to say, "It Is the emperor wbo las brought this upon us," and the em JHtor, while offended at bis frankness, Admitted that 'your presentiments per kaps correspond with mine." Then the trhteo fired bis last shot snd showed that, .though he might go astray in many things, be knew of the weakness of France and the strength of Ger many. He tamed on his heel and, with that bitterness which he didn't hesitate to exhibit when occasion required, said: "So be It; su be it! Let us, however, make haste to pack our possessions, for we are already beaten." And so the result proved. The Saltteat of thr Salt 9a. Some idea of the saltness of tbe wa ters of the Derfd sea may be gained from the comparison made below. Tbe Dead sea Is situated In Palestine, 20 miles east of Jerusalem. It Is 35 miles long and from 10 to 15 miles wide, with ah average depth of 20 fathoms (120 feet;.. Common ocean water contains but 30 parts of salt to the 1,000. Those of the Dead sou contain 250 parts to the 1,000. which makes the briny solution exactly one-fourth salt. The Callliar Bran. The famous t'alabar bean is said to be worse than strychnine. The natives use it for an ordeal. If a person Is ac cused ofa crime he is made to eat one, being adjudged to be guilty in case of death, which Is almost Inevitable. An other seed employed for a like purpose Is that of Oie ordeal tree of Madagas car, said to be the most deadly of vege table products. Oue of . these seeds about the size of an almond will kill twenty men. Cnrly Hair. CSrly hair is a constitutional, hered itary phenomenon. The eurly hair curls because it Is flat. Straight hair Is cylin drical. Being flut, the hair has a nat ural tendency to assume a spiral shape, fulling has no effect, as the cause of the flatness lies in the shape of the fol licle. Hair issuiug from a slanting, erooked follicle Is bound to be flattened and twisted. Natural Inquirr- "I had a cousin who was in one posi tion for thirty-four years, and" be gan Hf Spry. "Holdfn' a gover'ment Job or playin' a game o' chess?" Inquired Old Codger la bis usua.1 grim way. Puck. EatbarramiliiK. Rich Flaucee-Oh, this bouquet is too costly! You must take it back to the lieutenant! Valet-Ob, that's all right, aaiM. Since my master Is engaged to you he has been able to get things on redlt-Fllegende Blatter. . oMi!r? 2 nillPlf RETI1RN Mil IIPHMff 2 from HEADACHE. LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION TORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS BEECIIAU'S PILLS will quickly rttnoY th ctuai ot these dittrtawig complaints and rtstort healthy action to srery organ. You will feel lik new ftnoa after taking a lew doata ol Bcttham's Pills. They rid the system ol impurities, improve tha digestion, banian headache and Give Positive Relief in all casts of Biliousness, Coastl tattoo. Indigestion and Duordered Liver, . , The excellent retails obtained by the was ol Beccnam'sPillt have proved them worthy of th coafi oencs they enjoy. They have helped' tbootaada and recommend themselves. Sold Efiyaheii. Is bow Uetoi me. U . . COFFEE JEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS! Atoolutt Purify, finest Flavor, CL0S5ET&DEYERS f PORTLAND, OREGON. 'J TRAVELER!" GUIDE. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO- Par tflslurfuif berth and msala, 15; ' RoiRdtript 2S. Steimer Laves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Cennects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for Scutb. era California. C. W. ROBERTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. A. O. D. KERPELL, Gsn. Pss. Agent 8an Francisco, Cat. THE MILWAUKEE "Tht Pioneer Limited" St Panl to Chi cago. "Short line" Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited" Kansas City to Chicago, No trains in the service or an rat road in the world that equals in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars oq all their trains and give their pations an excellence of service not obtainable else where. Berths on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars on sny other line. They protect their traim by the Block system. Connections made with all trans-con tinental lines in Union Depots. Her tales Dansk, Svensk og Norsk Hier wird deutach gtsprochea. H. S. Rowe, General Agent, Portland Oregon. 134 Third Street, comer Alder. Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Poirit?. For Illustrated Phamplilets Pic turing Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OS. A III I II II n H II II II II II II SI III! Ill I II n II II II II I HI III III I II v ill i 1 ii ii u n ii ii tin ii ii hi ii ii ii i ii ii h ii m n i i ii ii i m m . i oe UU UU Lb U W 1111111 UJ IblUUUUU Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted , , 08 ' Twice Without Charge. HELP WANTED. LEARN 1 fXECRAFITT AND R. R. Accounting. S0 to 1500 month sal ary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest In America and endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati O., Buffalo, N. Y, Atlanta, Ga, La Crosse, Wis., Ti srkaoa, Tex Ban Francisco, CL WANTED: YOUNO MEN FRETARE yourselves to fill the position that will bo created as fast as the numerous ra Uroada complets thsir extensions during 1906; salaries. paid telegraph operator t$0 to $150 por montk we prepare you at home by mU first and you can enter our school later, saving 1 to 2 months' board and tuition; writs for our terms today., Pacifio Coast School of Tele graphy, Portland, Ore. AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS, REPAIR men, chauffeurs and others wanted sll over the country; 50,000 macnlne built this year in United States; affording ffreat opportunities for our students s 8 cents a day will qualify you for good wage in this growing field. For full particulars and one free lesson, includ ing a Dictionary of Motoring Terms. Address The Correspondence School of Automobile Engineering, suite 7403 Flat iron Bldg., New York. WANTED -GENERAL AGENT TO represent us in tins locality; man with some ability; we offer the best plan to buy orange proves in Southern California on small monthly payments permanent position with liberal pay to good men who can produce bu-ines; write today. California Fruit Growers' Association of Los Angeles, 23 II. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. WANT ED--BY FAMILY OF THREE adults, a middie agpd woman for gen eral housework; must be good, plain cook snd laundress. Address, stating wages. Box 33, Seaside, Oregon. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work in Oregon, representing Large Manufacturing Co.; sulury $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expends advanced, Addreaa with atamp, J. H. Moore, Astoria, Ore. FOUND, ON COMMERCIAL STREET, ladies' hand bag, containing money. Apply 387 iTth street. FOR RENT 1TJRHLSB1D ROOMS. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; no children. Enquire 472 Commercial street. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. 578 CommerciaL FOR SALE. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL nmn newspaper outfit; complete ex :ept prss: cheap. Inquire at this of fice. FOR SALE-CHEAP-IIORSE, BUG gy snd harness. Inquire Astorlan of Ice. SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES for aale, suitable for logging and hoisting purposes. For description and price apply to 17. D. Kuettner, Astorls, Oregon. FOR SALE HW.WJ. ONE ACRE, FINE land. New 0 room limine on . All feni-fil. (iiD( wi'll on rivi-r bank a line home 'for a fisherman. Net rack, barn and boat hou-e go with place. At Hunmifle Station. .ily to Nels Pet erson, Skarnokawa, W'aih. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Vancouver Barrticks, Wush., February 5, 10(H). Sealed proposal, in triplicate, will bd reuidved'.at this oflice until 11 o'clock a. in., February 20, 1906, and then publicly opened, for the construc tion at both Fort Columbia, Wash., and Ft. Stevens, Ore., of a building for fsbel ter for Reareh light trucks. Full infor mation will'' be. furnished on applica tion to this ofliee. I'lann may also be seen at the office of the Depot Quarter maBter, Portland, Oregon; Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Oregon and Post Qiiaitermustcr, Fort Colum bia, Wash. The U. S, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be indorsed: "Proposals for building for search light truck, Ft. Columbia (or Ft. Stevens)", and addressed to the Chief Quartermas ter, Vancouver Barracks,. Wash. The Morning A&torian, C3e. a month. MUSIC TEACHES. WANTED -THREE MUSIC ruriLS. Inquire at Aatorlan oftke, MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVENMRS, C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street HORSES FOR HIRE. GOOD SADDLE HOFvSE FOR HIRE BY hour or day. Apply st Astorlan office. WOOD YARDS. WOODI WOOD! WCODWoughuuta, fie, at U. 8. Itwtatir- Cord wood, mill wood, box 'wood, soy kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, tht transfer nan. Thons tiot Main, Ban oa Twelfth, epposil spots house. ROSES FIELD GROWN Ths bet cot you no more than "any old thing." It will pay you to buy at HEADQUARTERS. ar r sm rr e ray l ne express and charge you no more thnn our next door n-'iglibor, Semi for illutraied catalogue tolay. A solicitor wanted in every town. CALIFORNIA ROSE CO., Lot Ar.eiea. STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED For Particulars Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 1201 east lamhill Street, ...w- Portland, Oregon.. JUST We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . The J. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building ' Corner Commercial and 10th Street f5cxxooooooooooooooo BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. T0KE POINT OYSTER HOUSE, Eastern sad Shoalwator Bay 0yters Steaks, Chops, Eto. Open dsy and night, Uth St, next to Scully's cigar store FIRST-CLASS MEAL J for 15c; nice cake, coflb, pie, or int. 434 Boml Stl'WlXAM BEST t5 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-ccnt meal in Uio city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 012 rVunraercialSt. BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCH A R I) Rsal Eatats, Insurance, Commleeiofi i and Shipping, CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. I ,0m9 153 Nnth 8lrMt, Nst t Justios Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. LAUNDRIES, The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In ths oity. Doss ths beat work at resionsbls prioss and Is in every May worthy of your patronsgs. 10th and DUANE Sta Phone 1M1. A MOMENT! tf sj8 sj5 15 j5 jS& We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. e s6 sjC S. Dellinger Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. ' JAV TUTTLE, M. D, PimiCIAN AND NU 110 HON Aetlsg AMlitaat lurama 0, i. Starts HuanlM Nor vie. OtRoo hours: it to II s.m, 1 to 4:11 p.sa, Tf Commarslai Street, tod Hoof. DR. J. P. GOItAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT sos Orsfoaiaa Building. ' OREGON ) 1 - - OSTEOFATHISTS, DR. RHODA C HICKS OSTEOPATH OfBco ManssW Bid. Fhone Black loll 171 Commercial flu Astoria. Ore. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. HALL, DENTIST. J 624 Comrnerrial Hi Astoria Oreson. Lm. VAUCiHAN, Dentist Fytblsullulliliiiit, Aatori. Orrinm. Dr. W. 0. IaOOAN j IENTIH'l j 878 Commercial St.. Hlianahan Huildlnu HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. ' Plneat Helal In the Northwaot ("aiwivw.-. -