THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTOIUA, OHEGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, ijoi THE , MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily by TEL J. S. BELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By, per year 17.00 By mail, per month..... CO By carrier, per month. .......... .65 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. t B7 nail, per year, la advance. 11.00 Kitter4 as teeond-elasi matter June SI 1S06, at lh potuifflo at AMoria. Orv roo, under U art of Cooaiw ol March S, 18 mm K (Ullnnn. rJ Tww Mnu im vaToaiA to mUmv nskksnoa or pfatos of tarouca tote bona Anr trraipuaritr in do- Wrrry tbouia M auaMMiaiy ravonaa to me offloa of pubUoatloa. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. way in this casp, ami it will be a mat tir if infinite giatilU-atioii to tlu public of Astoria, if befnr that lime, any tiling suMantial Is doue, at all, with the Whipple franchise; in pitt of the extraordinary piiimie ami unttmil ac tivity displayed hew in the jmt few days in this Whalf. We hope some- tliiij will I done, but we are used to waiting in audi premise ami liull be happily disappointed if there is no more dallying and the Astoria Improvement Cowiwny shall make good, wholly, and quickly. EDITORIAL SALAD. After the skyrocket, the stick. 0 It's a short remove from a tip to a tip-over. WEATHER. Western Washington, Western OregonRain. Eastern Washington Rain or anow. '.:' Eastern Oregon Cloudy nd threatening. . A PECULIAR SITUATION. The public lighting of Astoria is in a peculiar situation. The Common Coun ael now has under consideration two or three propositions emanating from the Astoria Electric Company, or rather, one proposition with several phases, namely, bids upon contracts of two, three and five years; and there is in the field another concern, about to initiate a franchise, the real value of which is the public lighting element of it, which cannot be utilized for some time to eome. The older company has signified the kind of service it intends to render in the event it is given an adequate term of future service and the sample of light furnished in advance seems to be a decided improvement on what has been in use. The real question at issue with the council seems to be, for how many years shall the new contract be drawn! Two years means that the old system will be prolonged; three year means that it will be bettered in the character of the arc service; five years might mean a good deal more in the way of improvement, since the company would be disposed to do more fop the city if it Lad time and profits to measure such amendments by. Then arises the further proposition, that if the five-year term is granted, the new concern may fetl that its franchise-value has been mitigated to a point of minimum profit and take no steps to inaugurate its electric service, and ho put the question of competition utterly out of running. And competi tion is the brvath of li'e in public ser vice contracts. Three years for the pending contract seems to be the happy medium in the matter with the council, and perhaps they are right, but it is exceedingly unfortunate for the city that it is de nied the advantage of wholesome com petition in this important case. The Whippli'-t'linton franchise was granted .in the hope that tlii wry phase of business might be inuile a feature of the new lighting contracts that were due to arise this year; but this city, like all others granting franchises, hits met with the isama desultory treatment from its beneficiaries that invariably happens. The people to whom the ad vantage is granted dawdle aloiij.' tor nine montiis uciore nicy turn a hand to avail themselves of the first item of value attaching to their privilege, and then make a plunge at the last moment to save the gift their own laches has forced to the verge of cancellation; and having saved it, will probably sit down for another long season, or until the nest date for doing something shall roll around and compel further action. Present indications are that it may become necessary to exclude a few Chinese from China. o It looks as if there were bound to be an April Fool's Day celebration this year, even if a day or two late. 0 Lawlessness by the agents of govern ment is the extreme form of anarchy. How silly the fake story is when the facts appear. v Those eminent assistant expansion ists, the Boxers, are beginning work again on behalf of the powers who want a little more of China. o In short the congressmen are of the sensible opinion that the whipping post is too good for wife-beater and too bad for a civilized people. the lady is realy in earnest, and not joking at all, for It cornea, indirectly from President Hutler that she eoiisld eiM the abolishment of football as one of the greatest steps in the iuteiet of civilization that have been taken In many years. o - ' A Healing Gospel, The Itev. J. C Warwn, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, llelalr, Ga., says of Kleotric Bittern "lfi a Godsend to mankind. It cured me ot lame back t UT joiuta, and complete physical col lapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles 0 Kleotric Bitters have made me to strong I nave just waikej thre. miles In 00 mtn utes and feci like walking three more. It's made a new man of me.M Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach liver1 and KJdny eompsvints. Sold under guarantee at Rogers' drug store, rrio ouo. The Yellow lever Germ. has recently been discovered. It beaia a close resemblance to the malaria germ 10 free the system from disease verms the most effective remedy It Dr. King's New Life nils. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and con stination. 23c, at Una. Rogers' Drug Store. It is said German and Austrian physi cians have fixed on coffee as one of the causes of epilepsy. Is that a putf for lager beer, "made in Germany?'! After further consideration the presi dent doubtless will admit that it is the private soldier rather than his uniform which should command respect. , . - Perhaps all that Tom Law son meant was that he thought he had discovered a plan whereby he could transform the life insurance companies' tin into cop per stocks. o To northern men used to northern ways it seems etrange that it should take an act of legislature to compel rural hotel keepers in Georgia to. see that bed linen is changed as often as the guests change. There are some things which even a legislature should be excused from the necessity -of ser iously 'considering. o It were better and more delectable, perchance, as occasion may afford op' portunitie, to let ye fish have ye bait to swallow, and for ye sake of a sports manlike pleasure that shall follow later on, to let him run even ye lengih of ye line, with ye same. Izaak Walton Gar field-Moody's Compl.-te Beef Trust Angler. The delegates to the district conven tion of mine-workers at Pittsburg have demanded that Patrick Dolan, district president, and Uriah Bellingham, vice president, who opposed a strike, shall resign. The officials in question deny the right of the delegates to make any such demand, and refuse to budge. It would seem as if the delegates had got the old saying twisted, and wad it, "Cussed be the peacemakers." The inalienable right of mankind to its ears and nerves, a growing gospel that is bound to be preached more a little later on, has so impressed the London city council that it has decided to pave with noiseless material the por tions of street ear tracks in front of churches, and the educational commit tse has proposed that similar material be laid in front of schools. The hos pitals will doubtless insist on similar nerve-saving paving. 0 Bombay has just adopted standard time, and the change has affected the Indian mind in very curious ways. The surrender of thirty-nine minutes to Father Time is made the subject of pro test duly signed by fifteen thousand people who are afraid of deferred break fasts, delayed oflice hours and demoral ized religions periods. Ji tuki-s an old civilization to make really important contributions to the world's fund of humor. It now appears the gift of $ I. VI .1)1 10 to Columbia University, by Mrs. Maria II. Williamson, of New York City, was due to her pleisiil'e at the abolilim of foot ball. a now played, from the univer sity's curriculum, so as to say. Mrs. Williamson might seem to have had a sense of humor, for slit1 stated) the object of the gift to be the endowment of a chair "for instruction in the origin There happens to be six months lee- and development of civilization." But CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of March, 1904, Robert Gib ten executed and delivered to Chas. II. Page, Trustee, hi certain Mortgage Chattel, mortgaging unto the laid Chas. IL Page, Trustee, the following descrlb ed personal property, vUs 1 large printing -presa, 2 small printing presses, 1 wire stitching machine, 1 paper cutter, 1 electric motor. 2000 pounds of type, more or leas, of all descriptions, 5 composing stands, 3 writing desks, I linotype machine, All cases, stands and office fixtures. That the conditions of said Chattel Mortgage have been broken and there is now due, owing and unpaid on the indebtedness secured thereby the turn of $414.27. That pursuant to a demand nude by the said Chat. II. Page, Trustee, and by virtue of the power in aaid mortgage given, I have seized and taken posses tlon of the above described mortgaged property and I will, on Tuesday, the 20th day of February, 1008, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the whole of the above described mort gaged chattels, as an entirety or suf ficient thereof to satisfy said sum of 1414.27, together with the costs and expense of the foreclosure hereof. Dated at -Astoria, Oregon, this 10th day of February, 1900. THOS. LLWTLLE, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. POLITICAL COLUMN. Announcements of candidate! for office will be published in this, column at reasonable rttti for men of all parties. FOR GOVERNOR. Republicans of Oregon are hereby informed that I ant a candidate for the nomination of Governor at the prim aries to be held April 20th. JAMKS WITHYCOMBK. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, I heseby announce myself candi date for the office of Secretary of State, and ask the support of all Republl cans. F. T. wRIGHTMAN. FOR STATE PRINTER. The undersigned announces himself at a Republioaa candidate for re nomi nation for State Printer at the forth coming primaries t , ; 3. R. WHITNEY. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, I hereby announce myself at can didate for renomlnatlon for the office of Superintendent of Publlo Instruc tion, and solicit the support of all Re publicans at the primaries, April 20th. J. IL ACKERMAN. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The undersigned hereby announces himself a a candidate for re-election to the office of Attorney-General, tub' ject to the approval of Republican voter at the primaries. A. M. CRAWFORD. NOW IN OUR NEW STORE COR-BOND AND llth. STREET 4 WE ARE BUSY CETT1N0 SETTLED BUI CAN FIND TIME TO SHOW YOU HOW COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE IS OUR STOCK Of WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OIL, CLASS, MATTINGS, MOULDINGS, ETC. COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LOCATION AND LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY WORK N OUR LINE. , , B.F;AUenSonMIiSt. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Astona Nationa Ban At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, January 29, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $293302.55 Overdrafts, secured and un- secured 5,767.58 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds .. 600.00 Bonds, securities, etc 49,977.82 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4,000.00 Other real estate owned 29,375.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 6,787.01 Due from State Banks and Bankers 870.13 Due from approved reserve agents I377I.I0 Checks and other cash items. 1,288.55 Banks 613.001 Fractional paper currency. nickels aad cents 1,631.13 Lawful money reserve ia bank vizi Specie ... . . ....$53,441.10 Legal-Ugadei) note. 1,254.00 64,695.10 Redemption fund with U. S. Ireasurer (5 per cent of cir dilation 62&00 I "PaleBohemlan Laser Beer' 9 THE DEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Brewed voder Mnllinr conditions sad projxtif gl righl here la Atlotta. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. 1 HUSK"'"- REi ORT OF THE CO.VDi HON Oi 1 1 First National Gaul; Total $600,100.85 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided -profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 35,118.03 National Bank notes out standing 11,300.00 Individual deposits subject to check $249,310.10 Demand certificates of de posit 32,163.79 Time certificates of de posit 212,224.33 493,688,22 Total $600,100.85 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, J. K. Higgins, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of February, 1906. M. U. MAUKB, Notary Public. Correct Attests GEORGE W. WARREN, GEO H. GEORGE, A, SCHERNECKAU, . Directors. At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business January 29th, 1900. Loans and Discounts $315275.00 Overdrafts, secured an un secured 8,536.62 U- S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12,000 00 Bonds, securities, etc 63,000.00 Other real estate owned.... 6,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .... 10078.75 Due from State Banks and Bankers 70,919.26 Due from approved reserve agents 190,465.90 Checks and ether cash Items 224.00 Notes of other National Banks 380.00 Nickels and cents ' 65.49 Lawful money reserve in bank , vizi Special ..........$114350.00 Legal tender notes 60.00 114,800.00 Redemption fund wits V. H. I reasurer (5 per cent circu lation 62S 00 Total $793,500.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund ...... 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 26.698.73 National Bank notes out- Standing 12,600 00 Individual deposits subject to check $509,633.93 Demand certificates of de posit 144,677.48 Ceritfied checks .... 60.60 654,301.89 v. t 4 2T That All Important Bath Room You hive often lean! people rtmsrk If I were ever to build, I would plan my bath' room first snr! would not put 1 tny money Into the parlor with stl hi finery." That U food common Kmc sentiment, for the bath room Is the most Important of all the houtchoU. We woulJ like to help you plan your Kttr room and will glaJly quote you pre or 'jftnsdarii Ware, the lest n ost sanitary fixtures made. i J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. 4 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President, 0. L PETERSON. Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. .Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid la 1 100,000. Surplus and Cndlvldvd I'roflui a'A.000, Trammel a Oensral Banking VtiiUM. Interval Paid ou Time Depot!!. ' fnth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. and Royt. A. 1-. FOX, Vice Pres. F L BISHOP. Secretary ASTORIA HAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturer! of THE LATEST IMPROVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED. Foot of Fonrtb'Hlreet. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:htaijli8!ii-d ihho. Capltsl and Surplus $100,000 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY 8I1ERMAN, Manager lacks, Csrriafees Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur nuure rvagoni rianos aiovea, uoxca ana snipped. 433 Cominerd&l Street Phone Main 121 Total $793,560.62 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop,ss: I, S. S. Gordon cashier of the above. najned bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. B. UUKUUN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February, 1900. V. MOKLUNU, Notary Public. Correct Attest! O. C. FLAVEL, w. f. McGregor, J. WESLEY LADD, Directors. Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, docs it quicker,lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing macnine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let ui send you our little book telling all about it. Typewriter supplies. Ma chines rented. Stenographers furnished. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 1 247 Stark St., Portland Or. " i """ uiuunMiHj, i,n uniiimim, t K0KNIK0 ASTOEIAJf Is on Sals in Astoria at. J. K. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE J0S. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. and THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, Tenth and Commercial Sta. " V ftl Wuf ff if "