The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 15, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Crockery Dept. cf A. V. Allen's Store SITUATION IS CLEAR (
NiKD jiu m m 11 t
Ryan States Copper Deal Removes
Danger of Trouble.
Better come early to get one at thi- ptioe; supply i limited, and every
day we offer U kinds of tinware, and graniteware st price lower than ever
tola in this city. lVm't take our word fr it; come aud see. Bargain-seekers Amalgamated Copper Company Pay
llmni 915,000,000 For Properties in
watch the windows daily of crockery department, where bargains r alwy
displayed. ,
Dispute Litigation Involving $50,
000,000 in Claims, Will be Settled.
I while the passage, of the Foster bill,
I now pending in the llouv, might make
I it possible for the Chinese authorities
to hold the people in check and avert
I a massacre or the American contingeni
in China, only the complete climina-
UtmeSC AOVICeS indicate IfOUDiei tion of friction can give promise of re-
Is it Hind establishing the waning trade between
China and the United State. Mr,
I Schwerin earne East t testify before a
.Congressional committee on the exclu-
' sion question.
Indications Point to General Massacre
( HKWIiO. Feb. U. The cxamiuation!
NKW VtUK, Feb. 14-Discussing the
transaction completed yeterdy by
which a majority of the Iteinte mine
iu Montana were taken over lv the
Amalgamated Company, John 1. Ityan,
prei,eut of the Anaconda Copper Com
pany and tlie managing director of the
Amalgamated Copper Company, lnt
night aid:
"By the acquisition of the various
properties from the Holme there i
nothing left to make trouble or start
litigation. The purchase ha cleared
the entire Montana situation for all
time. The Montana Copper producer
Piano Number With Bvcry $5 PnrclinMo at Wise's
NO, 1 With every Men's Suit or Overcoat un
der 16. WISE gives a screen worth 01.50
of All Foreigner U China-Boycott ' the "T-rwntativM of Swift and Co,
: ,1,. ii . i ..... ..:..i....i
Arouse Intense Hatred of Foreigner
Department Prepared For Trouble.
Armour ami Company will begin.
NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-R. 1. Schwer
in, vice-pwsident aud general manager j
. of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company j
whose business relations with those of !
China have been intimate fur more than;
a dozen years, regards the situation in
China with grave apprehension. He!
con-iders the manifestations of di-or- '
der ss primarily anti-American but,
with the sentiment of "China for the
Chinese," underlying the erruptions, the
trouble is certain, in his opinion, to
spread and become an anti foreign up
rising that will make all other nation
alities excepting the Japanese, the ob
ject of attack.
Speaking of the prospect of trouble
lr. Schwerin last night said:
"The present situation is eertainly
exceedingly serious, and the safety of
all tbe missionaries in the empire is
menaced. Indeed, I should not be sur- j
prised at any time to read of a whole-!
tale massacre. And if it should come !
to such a pass which I fervently hope!
Vuy be avoided, we simply would be ;
paying the penalty of our folly and !
reaping the. fruit of our outrageous j facts cms-ruing the Meade disaster so
treatment of tbe Chinese. I faf lhfy (.an k(ioHn arfi fwth
'"The Boxer uprising of !! was one j . , ...
' , , 'he finding of the hoard of ui'iuirv,
of the evidence of the fcrm-nt of antl-1
foreign feeling, but when o.d.r lw.1 j c"ined of Captain Wendell I .Simp
been restored no people stood clo-er j on and A. K. Williams, and Lieutenant
to the Chinese than did the American.! ( I. Cabbel. made public je-terday a
Ami as a re-ult our trade with ( hin.i ,,)',
had inerea-crl tiy leips mid Itoimds .mi-e j
the end of the lloxer outbreak. Hut the I
will now 1 left in a position to produce
... . ... . i i .... , . . ,
in the beef packer' case, wa Hmslietl "Tl" "rr l""u "''""i '
today ex,-ept that Kdward Cudahy may mor' of ''
be re called tomorrow for a few que- 'The "" of th eompany.whie'h
thins. He did not differ from previous " acquire the various lleiiue proper
witnesses. It is epe-ted that tomor- ''' l,"t " "elected, nor have
row the invest iirat ion of the plants of incorporation paper l-en filed.
Transport Meade Investigation Re
! ports it's Findings.
Fire Started in Hatch a at Bottom of
Hold, in Either Arms, Chest or Crate
Contaking Mirror Spontaneous Com
bustion Given a Cause.
anti-American lioycott ha- not
checked the development "f trail
lations but caii-cd the complcti. de
struct ion of what lias been built up is
sow threatened. All of this i only
tile K-th'V of tin- ;pH'"il" nicthoil- of
Ceitaiu lalmr or',iniat inn- on Tin- Pa
cific coa-t. The clear iut- lit of the
treaty of 14 ha- ln-n penciled. It
d'-tiiicd the excluded cla- but ill re-s,i,ii-e
to tije constant iy rt--er!ive labor
Influcnse regulation lias been piled up
on regulation uii'i' tic treaty provision-
h.r.c I li billed (oil ol -i';ht.
'Th Ul I '! i, 'jalii.iiioM-
14! !), . .M-I !.;iM- ..ppliwl I ! le,ys,t
not only atf.iii;-' i.iw-e ci l- ii'i.oit
t I into t'uo country, nut ai'.yn-i lie
uifiehani iio .iiciid i!,c .',ud'n
prodii"- ol 'h'- ' liim-c hi the
Co.;-' State. And i:. r ...If ha- t.-r-n
fililt the .( hiuancii b.'ive tinned th(f
Wf'djion !ieci the .Viin-ri'niis who
taught tin-in In example ' lc poi i-r i'
po es-ed.''
Mr. Selinerin exjir- "scd the opinion
tfn.t the adiniui-Uatinri at Vuishing
Tui was fully alive to seriou-ness
fit tiie e.i-ting -ituatioii. JJe said that
Is I.Ike Tryia to Get Rid of DaadreC
WlthODt llerplclde.
Did you ever see any one trying to
Waal) themselves without soap or
If you did what would you say of
It is every bit as foolish to try to ret
rid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald
ness by feeding- the germs which cause
It, with Canthrarides, Vaseline. Glycer
ine and similar substances which form
the principal, ingredients of most su
called Hair Vigors.
Newbro's Herplcide Is successful be
cause it attacks and kills the parasltle
germ which feeds on the hair roots.
- It la the original and only genuine
fcalp germicide manufactured.
Bold by leading druggists. Send lOo. In
stamps for sample to Tbe Herplcide Co.,
avetroit, Mien.
"That th
in hatch .No
lire na contili d entirely
.': that this batch
ic. i loaded with Uigyae p'-ltaining to the
Si-coud Infantry oilicer mid men; that
the oii'iti ot the lile wa- at a point
remote i mm the hatch and at a con--iih-ialilc
ii-,'h in the hold; that ft rf
-tarted in 'die of two packages, t..
aim- i-ii'--! coiiiiiiiiing rilles and a
iltiaiiiify ot ui--iiuito uctiin' or crate
ni.roi. probably former.
.-cuei -oii-ly oiled about
l id miiior wa- wrapped
and poncho ami wrapped
.a'liu'.' of thi- hatch un
tie hatch ein.c.i at 10
'A; that thn lire was
i. ntil ) midnight; that
been jinpo--il,!e for any
,;;nl ;n ,. to the hatch
hie bet ween the time of
idle ri'le-iic-t,i
with a nlo'i
about wjir,
'Ihat, tie
couipleiid .
a. III., Jam
no! dl-co'.i-i
ii would ..
pei-OU .., ;
eoiitainin:' '
Vou can state, however, that the ma
jority interest will be friendly to the
Amalgamated Cupper Coinmny and will
le in a po-ition to arrange all matter
that might ever cause n dispute or
conlli. t lift ween tliemselie aud the
hitter's subsidiary concern,
"At the present time the 'inliiig liti-J
gallon coei more than one hundred I
nit, invulviiig $.U.0fMl,iHH) in claim.
In the tight Iwttteen the riv ul interest
eiery Ni.iiiiel claim wa Ixiught, nn
that there i now nothing left in the
disputed area on which litigation might
I started afre-h. The purchase of
these properties, therefore, includes the
settlement of the suits."
Mr. Hciiue when seen last night ex
pressed satisfaction over the- trrmimt
tion of the war and said the detail
which were made public during the day
in WVII street were correct, and that
the '.VUUO.OOO which the United Cop
per Company is reported to have re
ceived, was for the land in dispute and
for that land onlv.
Mr. llcinze said the amonnt of capi
tal for the new corMiration would de
pend upon the final determination of
the operating relation la-tween the
Amalgamated Companies. Kverything
will be on a cash basis, and detail of
ett lenient will he entirely with Thomas
K. Cole, and Mr. lUau of the Anaconda.
Mr. Ueine also said that plan
would lie laid out on a very large
scale fur copper operation which would
cover nimh more than tbe disputed
Unite territory and that the Untie
Mountain production would la- expand
ed to more than 4'KMsKl,(HKt pounds or
more than 40 per cut of the American
upper production.
NO 2 With every Suit or Overcoat worth over
over $16, and under 522.60 WISE gives a
pair of Vases, valued at 53.00.
NO 3 With every Suit or Overcoat from 922.60
up WISE gives a Pair of Those Xtra Fine
Japanese Vases worth 56.00
Mermaii Wise
Clothes Bought at Wine's PrcHMCd Free of Charge
Th Yellow lexer Germ.
j ha reoently been discovered. It beat
a close resemblance to the malaria germ.
To free the ytem from discs germ",
the most effective remedy I Dr. Klnf"
New Ufe I'ill. Guaranteed to cure all
disease due to malaria poison and Con
stipation. 2ic, at Cha. Roger' Drug
When the Wank of Kngland wa es
tablished by charter in I'M it alone
wa allowed to do banking business In
the kingdom, and it was not until the
passing of the banks bill of K.'ll that
joint stock banks began to be established.
II nd Clew
el the batch and that of the
'I ti Ihi ; that the oUiccr
en- piompl. cllicicnf, and
i i.d '!ial water was lit ow-e
tuned mi lb': Hi ', and the fire extin-ui-hed
bv ilooding the iiuurtincnt.
"'I he boa id timU that the lire de
partment of tin- city c(iderel jin-
' mediate and mo-t able assistance, that
Hie ilalii.joe to 1be c.-e cnn-i-tcll Oil-
i Iy of the f-Ji . 1 1 i i j.r of the ceiling on thf!
' uiidi-r-ide ul tin- Orlop deck, this ceiling
being f;r tin: purpose of holding in
sulating material on the under side of
I the refrigerating chamber and Ihat the
, damage can be repaired at an expend:
) Hot tl, Clii eed ,.V),
"That the package mentioned be
longed to company A, and company C,
! re-pectfully. and the interior of each
, was charred throughout, the halve of
, the boxes which were adjacent being
! entirely burned away, showing that the
j lire originated within one or the other,
j presumably through spontaneous corn-
Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., bti-tion, the remote end of each bo
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F. j being entirely clear am) unburned or
Laurin, 1'rop. "Special Agent." i chai red ou the exterior."
Guggenheim and Rockefellers to Build
$3,500,000 Smelter.
SAN" ntANCIsci), Kcb. I I -TheGiig-gviiheiins
rind iim kefelh-i s, tliiough
their recently foinicd Ainericaii Smel
ter-' Securities (.'nmpaiiv have dccidf
to build a $.'(,.Vll.lHK) smelter at a point
near Tort Cousin early next, summer.
'ill- old Selby incllcr on the bay
ihore mar West, lieikeley will be aban
doned when the new smeller is completed,
It. i- said by some of the intcrentei
people that the building of a big smel
ter cln-e by this city will undoubtedly
be followed by the establishment of
copper manufacturing planU in Ran
IVinciseo and the prediction is made
that within a couple of year copper
wire mid other copper product will be
manufactured here,
'Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi
cago; Uverlauil Limited, (limit to
Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansas
City to Chicago.
Xo train in the service of any rail
road in the world equal in equipment
that of the Chicago, Milwaukee 4. St
Paul Hy. They own and operate their
own sleeping and dining cm and give
their patron an excellence cf nervice
not obtains in le elsewher.
Berth in their sleeper r- longer,
higher and wider than in similar cars
on any other line. They protect their
trains bv the Block System, II. R.
Rowe, Oneral Agent, 1:14 Third street,
Portland, Orv.
Latest Popular
Kvery month we receive the latest Mipulai' vocal and Instrumen
tal hit diiect frorn the great Kastcrii puldi-hct. Wc receive from !!0
In .VI of iIicmi nev. pice, each month and It ill pay you In drop in at
bii-l om-e a month sud look them oter. We keep them epnnite from
our huge general stm.k of music and it need take but a few minute of
your time. Keep in eye on the show window lo.
Employer and Iron Worker Want to
Avoid Strike,
XFAV YORK, Feb, 14 -The employer
and iron workers met lust night and
decided to work toward the settlement
of the differences which have caused a
strike of iron worker against the iron
league. Thi is the most important
step taken to avoid a general strike
which would call out 100,000 men. The
general arbitration board of the general
building trades met ami heard the re
port of the committee on resolution.
At the last meeting this committee wu
requested to frame a resolution which
would work toward the aettlement of
the trike. This resolution wa unani
mously adopted by both (idea last night.
1 csr ci
"Billy Buster
They have a olo that won't wear out.
543 Bond Sireet Opp. Soai Biggin & Co
r?k!v lrar4C3
TV Vl 11 ICtl 14 Beer.
Study the Map
Thirteen states and territories of the Middle
West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There
are more cities of a$,ooo population and upwards
on the Rock Island System than on any other
Western road I From Minnesota to Texas, from
the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is
Rock Island country. The Rock Island System
occupies a strategic position in the western
railway world.
Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder
and study the map ten to one your destination
is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it.
Note our several offices maintained in the
Northwest :
Portland, Seattle, Spokane,
Butte and Salt Lake City.
The Rock Island is reaching out for busi
ness and solicits yours. ' '
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third Streot, Portland, Org.