The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Thirty-Eight Thousand Soldiers
In Manila for China.
Unll.d Slatss !Ui Already Mobilised
3,ooo Men in Manila So A to Bt
Prua4 for th Expected Upritlng in
" CIIK'AtJO V,h. M.-A dl.pateh to
th Tribune bom Vahintm, yi
"Thirty-eight thousand men of the
Wnwlar army ars to I mobilised at
Manila fur service in China In no (
n ii'rllmj against foreigner in tli
ni. lit empire, The War 1eartme4il
has determined to send four regiment
f cavalry and seven battalions uf ar
tillery to thi Far East Wanda to rein
fun tlia troop already tlinra.
Thai navy la alo scUH and hw
directed Rear Admlral'a MirtM' UI
run, consisting of one armored and three
protected erulr to hold ltelf In read
iness to proceed to the Far Kat and
repiit to Hear Admiral Train, oomman
dcr in ililef of tlia Asiatlu fleet. The
navy department Uo has eeut inlrue
tluita to Rear Admiral Train to take
aiwh measure a may seem to lilm ad
visable for the adequate protection of
Ani-iicsii and their interest, tiuit
..,nl, n( the Udell elaa which have
Writ undergoing repairs at Manila, will
be u;iimllimd without further de
lay and sent to China for u on the
Yngt Kiang.
itear Admlial Train h arranged
with Missionaries living lit the terri
tory traversed ly thla at ream to hurry
to i-iilaiu points, in cae of apprehen
Ion f trouliln and upon arrival they
will U picked up by the men of war.
An Iowa editor hs liandeil out die
knocker a hard jolt In the following;
"The sorriest man on earth ia the fel
low, who will ait around and enaa nit
- - a a a ..
own town. If I uvea amine or rue
M..MM.M.Mt1aMjfM,psJTWS -- "
BRKBKMBBBHHRH1! lu.... ".'i'i - 11 .in .urn - 111 1 ssjSSJsHajsaaBpa
iini'tli mli I sVotild cult II home and be
ready to liixwt It up. If 1 c'lilil not
ay anything nice mImhiI it t would say
Unit Miy l hill lllilll'l eiHIie I
would imt tay in a town t tmii to
im while tliB wot lil U a big 11
It is no.
United Stateg Troaiuitr Treat Sayi
Conditio Satisfactory.
Ui ANGKt.KH, Feb. H.-At a pub
lit reception at the l,oe Angelea Chain
her of Commerce, given In Ma honor
Inat night,' United Htate Treasurer
(Twrlea If. Treat delivered lengthy
tnhlreaa ujion the present currency alt
nation In tho l ulled Stales, Mr. Treat
tiaik direct Issue with those who are
alarmeil at the exlslciie of what he
called "an alleged ddhdt," In tlia na
tional treasury and tlx danger of an
lmienditig panic. Referring to the "da
lliil" ha pointed out that while during
the llaral year ending Juna 90 tlia gov
ernment bad expended l2J.00fl.o00 more
than it had Vec.-lved In revenuea, that
during the aeven months elapsing aim
Oiai date th nioncya revived from
the custom bouse and from Internal
revenue a4urcee had exceeded ll,W,-
(Mai, the amount collected from the
nine source during the corresponding
months of tha preceding year.
Ask any "JAP that you may tee,
"What the Car, With Dear behind,"
bad to climb a tree.
Tha Yank, Cod bleaa tha Yanks, ayt
They gave ua Kocky Mountain TtJ.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Chairman of Haw York Ufa Investiga
tion Going to Europe.
XKW YdliK, Feb. H.-Tha Tribune
today aj !
Thomaa P. Fowler, chairman of the
New York Ufa Iiiauranoa Company 'a
llouae Cleaning Committee, will depart
foe Kurop May I. Wlille Mr. Fowler'a
trip ia oflentlhly for pb-aaui, it la
urn that he will Andrew Hamilton,
who, by laat accounta, waa in the
Itiviern. and demand of him, on pain of
extradition, an immediate accounting or
restitution of the fl,taj0,tM0 deUlled in
the Fowler repnt. Air. Fowler, It l
laid, baa Wn in clot communication
with Attorney-neneral Mayer and with
Day in
The Astorian Wants 50O New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper The Astorian
District Attorney Jerome the last few
day". : .
Tha officers' of the New York Ufa
will meet today when the Fowler cone
mitt, rejMirt on campaign cwitrlbu
tlona may be suinbltted. Samuel t'n
tcrmcyer lt night when ahown a
Ktatemciit that h had eonented to act
aa coiiiiw-1 to the committee of policy
hohlcra of the New York Ufa and Mu
tual ('ortipanlea and that Thoniaa W.
1 .11 on hud offered to turn over the
proxie colleirled by him to that com
mil tee, tuiid that tbl wna not awiirote.
Mr. t'ntermcyer did not deny that h
hint been nuked to act a counael for
the eotiiniittea that he bad la-en aeked
to ait a Hiimacl for lh i-ommlttee.
It could not be learned precisely what
anawer if any he bad made. It ia un
deraltHid, however, that lie expreaaed
hla willlngncaa to act, provided the
piirptmea and peraolinel of the Miumiit
tee ahould le atifactory to him.
Chicago Pnyaiclana Oppoaa Preacnt
rr Food Law.
CMC AW, Feb. H.-.,hkgo phyal
ilana laat night placed themaetvaa on
riv-ord to oppoeitioit to the Illinrda
lure Food Commiaahm aa at preaent
conalituted and conducted.
Tha governing or IcgUlativa body of
the Chicago Medical Society which baa
a membership of 20W, recommended a
radical amendment to tha lllinoia Pure
Food law. The proposed amendment
provide for tianaferriog tha dutlea of
the committee to the Hlate Itoard of
Health, putting all employe under the
Civil Service and providing that all
chemical and bacteriological examina
tion of the board, involved In the ex
amination of food product, lie made in
the laboratory of the Slate University
at I'rbana.
Luckiest Han In Arkansas.
"I'm the luckiest man In Arkanaaa,"
write II. I. Stanley, of Bruno, "tinet
the restoration of my wife' health after
five venre of continuous coughing and
bleeding from the lungn; and I owe my
irood fortune to the world'a greatest
medicine, Ir. King'a New Discovery for
Consumption, which I know irom ex-
I perience will cure consumption 11 uaen
i n time. Mr wife improved with first
bottle and twelve bottle completed the
cure. Curea the wort coughs and
eolda or money refunded. At Chaa.
Roger, druggist. 60c and fl.OO. Trial
bottle free.
Tha Morning AstorUn, 85o a month.
the Month -For
From 75c to
Dscllaar a II AVua In France ta th
'i 1om of tllcbvllea.
'J'lio poHslnii for du ilng. wbldi bnd
coxt Fmiice. It wn auld, uotweeo
7,fa.O and MM livca liiiring the twenty
y-ai of Henry IV.'a reign, wua at Ita
bclgbt when bl foil tiimo to the
tliroiie, 'JTnt council of Trent In 1345
huil aolcinnly condemned the practice
of jlngl ciiiiibut, linimrtlally Includ
ing pi'liH-lpul. sui-oud and pe5tutor
lu It pcuiilly of cxi-oiiuminU-atlon. In
lij(i2 an edict of Henry prouoiiuced the
"duiuiinlile ciiHtoiu of dueling Intro
duced by the t-orruptlou of the cen
tury" to las the cnuae of ao many pile
oua accident, to tbo extreme regret
and (Jlwiliiuiire of the king and to the
Irreparable iliimngo of tbo atflte, "that
we should count ountt'lrea tinwortby
to bold the a-eiiter If we dolaywl to
rcprex the enormity of tbl crime.
A whole aerie of edict followed to
the aiime effect, but It waa easier to
miike etlliU than to enforce tbui.
Degradation, Itiipriaoument, conflaca,
tlou of property, loaa of lvll rlglita
and death were the penaltlee attached
to the Infringement of the lawa agninat
dueling, and allll the practice pre
Tailed. Io UXM Richelieu published a
milder form of prohibitum. Tbe first
offense waa no longer capital, a third
only of the offeudor'a property waa to
be confiscated, and the Judge were
permitted to recognize extenuatlug clr-j
A few mouth later the Cotute An.
Buutevllle thouglit lit to test tbo min-j
later' patience In thla direction. The
I'tace Hoyale bad long been a favorite
dueling ground, and Ix Boulevllle
traveled from Itrusaela to fight bis
twenty -eecond duel here, In tbe heart
of Part, In deliberate defiance of the'
king's authority. Tbe result waa cot
encouraging. Montmorency though be
was, tbe count went with bla eecond'
to the scaffold, and tbe marked de
crease from that time lu the number!
of duela may bo attributed either to
tbe uioUerntiou used lu framing thej
luw or to tbe Inexorable rwwlutlou j
with which It wa euforced. Macmll
luu'a Magnxlne. j
Roguery la the last of trades.
Without cheating, no trading.
Every fox praises bia own tall.
A debt is adorned by payment
A good beginning 1 balf the work.
Every llttlo frog is great la bis own
bog. j
Trust In God, but do not stumble,
yourself. '
Go after two wolves and yoo wlU not
catch even C-.
If GiM iiir,--'i forsake M, the pig
will not take u.
The deep-r )ou nlJe ny thing the'.
Be praiaal not for yonr anceatora,
but for your virtue.
Ki-inJ a pig to dinner and he will put
hi feet on tbe table.
Dr. Hwlwea' Heee.
When "Tlw I-nat lAmf' waa publish
ed by Oliver Wendell Holme a critic
attacked It aavagely and cruelly. Dr.
Holme, though Importuned by friends,
did nothing In revenge. H waited for
time to avenge blra, which time did
liberally. The critic fell upon evil
day ami ended hi existence with ul
cUle. The only morcean of personal
revenge which the good dotrtor allowed
himself waa to cut out the paragraph
about hla enemy's career and paste
It in bl scrupbook on the aame page
Which contained the original crlticlam
and the announcements of the succes
sive editloua of the poem. This was a
mild revenge, but even tbl waa un
worthy of Dr. Holmes.
ticarsls mt (atlea la tmrrtem.
The first idnnting of cotton aeed In
the colonies w aa In tbe Carolina In th
year 1021, when seeds were planted as
an experiment In a garden. Wintbrop
aaya that lu 1643 "men fell to th
manufacture of cotton, whereof wt
hare great atores from Barbados." Is
1736 It waa cultivated In tbe gardens
along Chesapeake bay, especially in the
vicinity of Baltimore, and at tbe open
ing of tbe Revolution it was a garden
plant In New Jeraey and New York,
but Its real value aeema to have been
almost unknown to tbe planters until
about 1780.
The Cfcaateleaa.
The American chameleon, a email lla
ard, inhabits various parts of tbe south
ern t'nlted Slate. Tbe little animal
baa the remarkable bablt of quickly
and completely changing ita color,
varying from brown to yellow and pale
green. Ita food conalat of insects.
The little animal la perfectly harmless
to higher forms of life. I often kept
as a pet and haa been worn attached
to a chain as an ornament The toes
are provided with adhesive pads, which
enable the lizard to run upon sraootD.
vertical surface.
The Boa in at tha Top.
"AH the lower bertha are taken," said
the ticket seller. "You'll have to take
an upper berth." '
"Of course," grumbled the professor
"Tbere'a alwaya room at tbe top."
Chlcao Tribune.
. - mwwo mail aiu
1DV HBW" -
make a ss"4 tesband who aoeant eat
S good breakfast
65c a MoRtfa
Dr. D. A. Sanburn
The Kitifi of Cures
n 1 '
... - ,lisr.v.., J- i
I t a"
i f V i
I 'e
! 1 ' ' i
t f : i
j i .
I am now in your city introducing my
wonderful art of healing. Com one
and all and I will tell everyone their
disease and yon will be mads welL. My
medicines are- all nature's remedica,
roots, herbs, barks snd berries.
After I introduce my medicine I will
leave certain kinds of it in your drag
stores. '
Office hoars: 9 to 12 a. m.: 8 to 8
p. m, at the Megler House, 680 Commer
cial street", room 1 and 2.
Comrulation free at Astoria, Ore,
A&iGlut(Pvruy, Flavor,
Cmrest Sfrofh, lM0!tb!: Pricn
ansn mi 1 lanatinia n " w