' : ........ , v UlLlwHIt PUIL AtBOOIATlO Pflltt MPORT OOVMS TMI MOftNINQ FltLO ON TH LOWth COLUMBIA . VOLUME LX NO. 250 ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 190 PRICE FIVE C EN T ' 4 J DREADNAUGH T LAUNCHED British Battleship Slides t Dawn the Ways, KING PRESSES BUTTON When Finished Battleship Will Be Largest and Strongest In rVorld. BUILT ON LATEST DESIGNS Kntlua .Engiawt Wrt os Japaate Wauhlpt During tlx Uu War aad EiperUec Gained ay Their Obetr I nation, embodied la He Ship. IDKT8MOUTII, Kngl.ad, Feb. 10.- Th monater Uttleahlp Dredaaugbt, which, when finlabcd, will hav eot 700,000, launched her led ky King Edward. Th ceremony wa th mut ilmpl 1uaibl, th Kino having vetoed til damratlon and pageantry mi aeermnt f the death of hi father in law, King Chrlatlan. There waa a moment of eupen aft' r th King touched the tlKrlrio button tenioving lb I at block a th hug hip bealtated anil apprervd reluctant to taka tlx water. But ektwly eh be Iran to move, anj glided down tha waye In hIiI liming tha oecupanta in tha I royal (and were tha American naval l lat he, Lieutenant-Commander John H. Mb tame, and tb other attachra, the Ad miralty official and few privileged ' paraon. Th lunch of th Iheadnaught, tha largeat and moat powerful battleship of the world' naviee, mark th firat Mag in what th Hrltlah admiiwllty claim ,' th gTeataat achievement In naval eonatructlon. On Oetulier t, ltXWI, fly a few daya over four month ago, woik waa commenced at ronmoum on th veaael, tb ftrt of what I to lie known at th Preadnaiight claee. The promt wa made then that she Mould lie Uunrhed within eix mcmlha. Tlie admiralty ha more than made gnud their bojat ami lliiti.hcra hava another aiine for pride In their navy. Another twelve month, all going well, the Dreadiiaught will lie eommiaaioncd and with the Atlantic lici t, (hit beating all pirvloiia recorda in baltlcahip building 1y aix month. There ar two rcaaone why woik la bring niahed on the lheiidmiiight. One tha great aavlng In c"t hut the chief Mwin ia that th alilp ! to aome ettent an experiment and It U dealred to give hrr a giMHl trial 1e(or commnnuiiig eonat runt ion on any nor of bor clua. Great Dillaln It will 1 reini'mlieiwd wa the only power hav ing attache or obaerrera on Jiinnce hlM during the Ituao-Jainee war, vhile exiert lliltlh conatructor wvr yiven every opportunity of learning where In th hip of Japan proved weak or atrong aa th ran may be. Then men were buay from (tart to flnUh of th war and iiumdiatly after the battle of the Sea of Jnpn cam horn with their data, which waa ub- mittaj with auggeathma, to a ipeclal ommitt on which. at not only tb moat experienced naval expert, but th directs of naval ennat ruction, Iird Kelvin, and number of th leading prlvat ahip builder. Tb Dreadnatight la th outeom of their dellberatkma, n embodiment of th leaaon of the lata war in th Fir Kat, a ahlp ap rently invincible, epabl at on dbv charg of her gun of throwing with unparallclled fore talc aa much metal aa any foreign man of war now afloat, whit her armour will rando her Immiirt from attack, by aa aaaaiy'i guna, aad, aom claim, area agalnat tor pmloiM, Kiwd-at tb aaal battl rang. When ready for tb ahlp will diaplae JHaj ton, bul thl t tb lett remarkable thing about kr for beald th idea, latroduead aa a r tult of tb far Eaatern war Britain la placing on ber new fighting macbin th heavieat armameat mr carried by a hip. In th paat Britlab veaaelt hive carried four It Imb gun throwing ISO hIU th Preadnaught wilt have le of the weapon, of a new typa with a mtutil energy of a compatwd with th 33,023 of th gun carried aa recent Uttleahlp tb Majtic eiaaa, an lucre a In power of M per cent. Ia a great ae light tb Dread naught will b abl to dlacbarg every mi nut tn nrujeetilH Wfluhlng KMW pound with euflVient velocity to aend them twenty five mile or to penetrate about alxleea inchea of tb hardrat ar mour at a wnp of about two mite. BUILD TO ASTORIA AD1V1IRALC0URBE ! SOW OFFICERS WEN MUTINY AND LEAVE THE SHIP UNMANNED Members of French Bark's Crew Refuse to Proceed to Sea Unless Sbip Takes More Ballast Declare 'it too Dangerous. XIV. WAKE BESIGRS. Coavicted Miaiater Give Up Paaterat f Tw Charcbca. I)EAI)V()f, H. I)., Feb. lo.-Bev. War, recently (onvirted of enepiracy to defraud the government by illegal land entries trndetrd hi resignation aa pa tor of 8t. John', Kplacopal ehurth at DeadwwMl and Cbrl-t, Church tat Lead, and alw et to Bi4iop liar Ilia reaignation a a miiiiatrr of tb Kpico pal tTiurcL. CONFERENCE IS MORE TilUmook-Nthiftm Lint Is Com ing This Way. WILL RUSH WORK THIS YEAR fur Million, to b Zpad4 aa tb Vtw Road-Aixty-aa Mil of rtrat SKtloa Will B Built at 0ac-Tw Year Will Finiah Work Mapped Ont ltnir.AN'D, Feb. 10.-IV.mla In th aunt of a4.0(in,0n0 hav been aold by K. I.ytle, president of tb PacIA Hallway A Navigation Company, to tin I'nlon Truat Company, of San Krwn- ciaco. Thl, Inanre, contrnctlon of 2(10 mile. of main line between llillahoro an I Tillamook and Nehalem, and to AatorU "4 Bcappooke, bealdc, M-reral branch line. Negotiation for th bond, were hiacd yesterday and mortgage will b tiled hort ly. Conatrurtkin ia going hed on the roai) went from IIMUImmo. and It will It completed to TillamiMik, by way of tlu Wllann River, thU year. That portion of th eyateni will have a length of 01 ml lea. Thciw will be a north and aouth connection on the coaat between Tilla ! mook and Nehalem, In addition to the main line to th latter point from con neciion witu the minmooK road at a point about twenty mile wet of llilla bom. Kxdct locwtion of the "V" hai not lieen determined. The force of meu engaged in grad' lug, liridge-biiildiug and truck-laying will lie increaaed aa fat a tlicy ran h aecuieil. Inclement weather of laat month retarded progrena on early work, but npcrntlona are now proceeding with out ' interruption. Along the Vllaoo River it I antiHpatcd ronatrxiction will b difllcult and tediona, but moat of tha work after rrnaalng th divide can be accomplished with dipatch. From Tillamook the coat line will te ctinatructml al-ng th Nehalem River. OFFICERS SAY SHIP IS SAFE AND WILL PROSECUTE CREW BABK BEADY FOB TBIP TO AUSTRALIA, WHEH CKIW TOOK POSSESS ION OF ONI OF BOATS, AKD CAME ASHORE, DECLARING THAT SBIP HAD HOT ENOUGH BALLAST, AND WAS LIABLE TO TURN TURTLE OFFICERS ASSERT SHIP PERFECTLY SAFE. 8KATTLE, Feb. 10.-fUiW. on tb French bark Admiral Courbci biyin at Tort Townaend mutinied today and aftdr fo-ibty taking a boat pulled aabor daclariog that tby would w. proel to aea In th vac owing In ber light Ullaat. lie dU that thia morning wbea th ahlp wa ready la all for Auatralia perwina on ahore ao- ticed a commotion on board, accompani ed by ehoutiog in French and wild Jeatlculating. Then on of the boat waa lowered and practically th entire erew, with th exception of th oflicm pulled aahor. Even the cook left.' Thl men ar very reticent about th matter. I'nder the French lwt It I, a arriou olTenae and Orear aaya he thinka tit mqn ar liabl to mutiny when they re turn to France. Orear aaya the men aaid thele recent experience in th Strait, of Fuca waa enough, and aay, tb erew claim they ar endangering their Uvea Th officer, of th ahlp oa the other band aert the ahip U perfectly aafe with t0 tone of ballaat. The Iom of Ui apart oa tb Pea of Mdford I at tributed to a lack of ballast The, aliip (a ber lightened condition . being I DASTARDLY CRIME. Kyr and Politician of IIHaoia Town Fac Seriaa Crina. KA.VKAKKK, III, Feb. lO.-diaHe E. Rainea, mayor of Jlelfoed, Illinoia, and (iilbert Vennum, a politician of Milford ar under aireat charged with enth-ing Sfyrtlc Taywr, aixteea year old, into a room. Rainea ia alao charg ed with enticing Fvaie Childa, eighteen yeara old. Both men ar bound orr to await the action of th grand ury. ' PRISONERS BURNED. EAST MAX, ., Feb. lO.-Tbre pri onera werg cremated lat night in a fire which dctroyed the police jail. BISHOP DYING. A CITX, Feb. 10.-Cardinal PcrdauJ. Arrlibiahop f Autun, la la-liev.d to be dying of pneumonia. VALENCIA NOT SEEN Captain unable to beat off ahore and ia liable to (urn turtle. For thl reaaoa lb tailor bar tb eyninatbr of all aeafaring men. Th matter will prob ably com before ,tha United State commiaaloner oa Monday, WuT Aeeiat GovtramtaL S FETTLE, Feb. 10. The committee of five men of the Chamber of Commerce who baa taken aa active part in the work to aecur a federal Investigation of th Valencia diaaater will ait the eommiaaioner in making the inveati- gat ion BOLD THIEF SNATCHES DIAMONDS. x VAXOOUVKR, H. C, Feb. 10. -The Uddeat and moat aurceaaful rob- hery ever attempted in Vancouver occurred thia evening about 6 o'clock In the jewelry Mora of A. F. McMillan. Mr. McMillan waa alone ia the tore when an unknown man boldly amaahed the plat glaa window 0 of th ctablUhment, Mixed a tray of diamonda and darted around the 4 corner. A paaaerby made a grab at the thief, but he drew a revolver 4 and fired, and then ran on, disappearing toward th water front in the fog. A roiifih eatimate of tha good atolen ia 920100, but it la not iinproltabla thia turn will be exceeded when the atock reveal, the full extent of the depredation. ' CROWD ATTEMPTS TO LYNCH NEGRO MURDERER SHOCKING TRAGEDY OCCURS IN DETROIT MICHIGAN DETROIT, Mich., Feb., 10. - John In the aheulder. Witt bad been eepa- VV.tf- tnnl.rlit ht mnA klllit hlmaulf after killing hie four-year-old child, hooting hi, father-in-law through th afomach'ind ahootlng Ma mother-in-law rated from hit wife, and went to her father' houae auppoeedly to kill ber and her child. The wife waa abeent at work, however, iler father ia la a critice'l eonditivS, . . . NKW YORK, Feb. 10. -A thousand men and boy toil)' jeered a aipiad of policemen, who with drawn revolver protected Clarence Rrooka, a negro from the crowd which threatened to lynch him. The negro had been pursued through one of the rity'a buaieat center after a 4 aenaational ahooting affray in whft'h another negro waa killed. 4 Several aawmilU will pmbabty be eatab lUlied on the line within amxther year, ao that when the mad i completed they can Immediately begin ahippiiig. Tha largeat Wit of atandlng timber in th- atat la located between the Willamette Valley and th coaat line, and extend aouth practically from the Columbia River- to the California line. From the country between th mouth of th river and Yaquina Bay th tyatem I expect ed to draw ita trade, and further exten sion Into rii h country may bt ordered after main linea are in operation. It probably will require more than two yeara to finiah work now mapped out, but with aale of the bonda It comple tion U aured. BOY THROWS BOMB. WARSAW, Feb. I0.-A bomb throw by a boy today killed four gendarme. The boy eacaped. NEW RULES PROVIDE to YARDS IN 3 DOWNS NKW YORK, Feb. 10,-Ten yards to be gained in three down the principal foot ball reform, tentatively agreed upon at the meeting of the National Inter Collegiate Foot trnll Rule, Committee today. Thia rule if adopted, football e.jert believe, will do more thaa anything elae toward open ing tip the game. INDEPENDENTS GET CONTRACT. Watera-Pierc Oil Co. Refuted Contract For Miaaourl Penitentiary. JKFFERSOX CITY, Mo Feb. 10. The Board of Priaoa Inpectore haa re- fuaed to award the Watera-Pierc Oil Co.,' the contract for aupplying the State penitentiary fortthe enuing year. Thia company bid Ul cent a gallon. but the contract waa awarded to George P. Joiiea ft Co. and the Mound City Oil Company, who bid IS centa, the board contidering the bid of the Inde pendent companiea preferable, even if they do charge half a cent more per gallon. .... DIVORCE CONGRESS. VxlASIIINGTOX, Feb. 10, -IX legatee from forty-three atataa are forming a divorce which wilt conven In thia city oa February 19th to perfect it perma nent organization. of Tcpcka Testifies Investigation. at SURVIVOR C0NNERS CRAZY Matter af Steamer Topeka Stat ia Invert igtioei Cemuitt That H Coald Not Find Valencia Connori, Valencia Sarviver, ia laaaa. SEATTLE, Feb. 10,-Captain Cana of the itemer Topekt, which waa acnt to the relief of the Valencia waa a witnej before inectora Whituey and Turner today. Captain Cann teatified Mi ahip did not catch eight of tb Valen ria. Cann testified hia plan bad been, had he Wn able to locate the Valencia to fallen two life raft together, tw them invhora and float them to the wreck. Frank Conner,, oue of the ur vivora of the Turret Ialand raft, while tratifying today talked ao irration ally a to lead to the belief that the hardships have alTeeted hi mind. The govemmerft commisAion .whico will make an inreKtigation into the Va lencia disaster ia rxpe-tcd to arrive her Tuewlay ami hold ita opening aea-ion Wedneaday. Algeciras Delegates Un able to Agree, r BOTH NATIONS FIRM France and Germany Will Neither Gfve Way to Other's Demands. IS FEARED WAR MAY FOLLOW Franc Ceatcada Frr Jaricdietioa Over Moroccaa Polio Becaaa of Her Geo graphical Poaitioa, While Germaay Say Equal Right .For AIL POLICIES MISSING, PKOltfA. 111.. Feb. 10.-Th widow of the late Dr.. Simumna opened a aafe de posit box of the filicide today and found the box, which waa expeced to con'ain valuable paper, waa empty with the exception of an unimportant butinee letter. Xo will wa found, and the poli- rica of heavy inaurance thought ia have been carried are miaiug. READY TO SAIL. PARIS, Feb. 10. The cruiser Du Cliailla haa been ordered held in readi- ne fo at a it for Veneiuela. BERLIN, Feb. 10. -The negotiation at Algecfra bar reached a decisive tun, aad the dioluUoa of the Moroc caa conference without aa agreement npoa tb principal aubject of duwut ioa appear to be the probable remit. The poaitioa of Franc and Germany hav now beea clearly diacioaed. Each country, aupported by eevcra! other power,, hold, tenacioualy to Ita owa principle of tettlement, namely, France for apecial recognition ia Morocco be cauae of ber geographical aad fciatorical relatioa to Morocco, and Germany for a atrict application of the doctrine of equal treatment of all countrie, in the future of Morocco. ' "" Ia the meantime pre,, campaign hv begua in both France aad Germany ia aupport of their reaped iv poeitiona. France Semaiaa Hopeful. PARIS, Feb. 10.-Tbe -view expreaaed ia certain aectiona by the French nd foreign pre that tb Algeciraa Confer ence will not reeutt ia ae tiling th Moroccaa difficulties with a eoaaequeat renewal of the atrained relatione be tween France and Germany ia comuder ed unratified. Ia government circle it ia pointed out that France, though d eiroua of reaching a aettlement, would rather conaent to the atatu quo than accept the anggeetioa of aa internation al police. Thia resumption of the old condition, it is argued, though unaatia factory, would be preferable to agreeing to the eatahlUhment of a force which poatihly would become a menace to the Algerian frontier. EXPEDITION NECESSARY. LONDON, Feb. 10.-At Reynold a weekly newspaper aaya the amah Brit iah garrison left in Thitet haa beea ,ur rounded by hostile trilica and an expe dition ncceary. INDEPENDENTS ORGANIZE. YOCNGSTOWX. Ohhi, FcK 10-Near-ly all the independent ateel and iron mill wet of Youngtown have been organired aa the Wetei Bar Aaaoeia thm. There are about twenty mill in the organiaation and employ over 20WHl men. The object of the aociation ia to have ihe aaaociation deal with the Amalgamated Aociation' iron and ateel work. CHINESE STUDENTS ALLEGE TREATMENT WAS CRUEL SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. lO.-Charge, of cruel treatment toward Chine tu dent upon their arrival in thia country wer mad today befar Commiasioner North by everwl young Cbine, who maintain they treated with indignity. Th atudenta were all examined con cerning the ce of a young maa earned Chi eg. Th atudenta ar all attending th I'niveraity at Berkeley aad mad their report to North at th requeat of rWetary Metcalfe,