i THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Crockery Dept. of A. V. Allen's Store OFFERS FOR TODAY III 111 GLASS II IS II B-tter cu! early to get on at this price: supply is Iimita. and every day we offer U hind of tinwaie and granitewar at price lower than ever sold in i hi fitv. IWl take our word for it j come aud ee. Bargain-seeker wwtch th windows daily of crockery department, when bargain art alwaye displayed. HOLD CONFERENCE REDUCE FREIGHT SATES. Co. Opcritocs and Unions Will Discuss Difference. MOPES FO SETTLEMENT Pretideats of Different Coal Concera Will Meet Witk Preadtat Mitchell and Try t Arrange Settlemeat of . Diflereace Strik May b Averted. Railroad Will Ship Automobile Parts to Coaat at Cheaper Sato, SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. The Transcontinental Freight Committer which ha just closed it meeting at Iah Angeles, ha, aconling to aa n Bounce ment wade here, reduced rate on automobile part by SO per rent, west of the Missi-sippi river" to the coast. While to formerly ship wbeela. engine, gear, or other part from fae- tone to tho West it ha alway cot twice lint clae rate, or W per 100 pound, from Chicago to San Francisco, hereafter they will be carried at aimply first-chm rate, or $3 per 100 pound. Tho reduction is Mid to be general and it benefit will be enjoyed by th maker of (team ran a well a thane of standard gasoline car. x-i-h. v.mjw- r... aT.. MfllWBill wr jtava. staff in nut of the office of tlie aa- k.:.- i r-;n m.u k I Made for Third Meet in Thia ed overtime yesterday in preparation! tonntry, for coming eonerence which the prei- I FA lOhK, reb. 9.-1 or the third denU have replied to Mitchell request J ear the Vnderbilt Cup Kao will take for conference, agreeing to meet hiiiijplce ' country in liWu. For th February 13th. President David WiUvx i "d .war it will be over the Xa-au of th Delaware A Hudson Company Iciwuit in long Island. The distance XKW YORK, Feb. .-The World to day say: Clarence KnWht. attorney for the exiutor of tho Charh T. Yerke' eatate, arrived yesterday frm Chhwgv to confer with taui Uwtley about the dispute that ha arisen brtween Mr. Yerke', widow, now Mr. MUner ami thf executor. Together they called on! Mr. Mhmer at hep Fifth-avenue home Mr. Miiner derhtred to Mr. Knight her intention of asking the court for permission to ue th estate fund to build within the next few year tm $aOO,000 Yerke' hospital Mr. Knight told her that th effort would be tout ly resisted and that, if the executor had their way, the hospital would not be erecteil, until after her death a provided In Mr. Yerke' will. Mr. Knight told Mr. -Miiner that hi would And it dillkult to bunk tint eut letter- yesterday expressing hi view a to the tand the coal preei dent will probably take, In hi. letter Mr. Wilcox poiut outJ-r' 0l-,oJer. I3- will be approximately ninety mile a in the last rare and the date will be it her Saturday, October ft, or Satur- that th anthracite miner are receiv ing more than the toft coal miner in wage. He ayt that hi personal opin ion i that the operator cannot go be yond the award of the anthracite strike eommisskiB, which gave liberal term to the miner. The eight-hour work day cannot be conceded, and the pres ent demand are looked upon a im po-aviblo, If they ware granted, the Tbee facta were made known in a cablegram received In this city yester day from W. K. Vtndrrbilt, Jr., donor of th trophy, who went to France a fortnight ago to consult with the sport cemmittee of the Automobile Club of France concerning the disposition of th eup. By vh-ture of the victory of Hem cry in the last cup contest the automo bile club of France had the privilege rice of anthracite would have to be;"1 : , , ir i oe race m iww. inrreased. he savs j The letter wa not in the nature of' T ,0J ea by that club, how- a ultimatum" said Mr. Wilcox last"" ,Sin,lt th uragement of speed night, "and it is an individual letter wpti pld Freiuh automobile only, expres,ig mv own views. s.tj"'t'r7U in emljarrassing position, .. . 1L . i rrI,ev t I"'"' a race pertonaiiT ro incneu in oiier inai nr.. , . , r , .... . for his trophy Mi'. a nd.-bilt went abro- may know where we stand. What the! outcome of the conference will lie I would not predict. We take it for granted that the officers of tlie union are not looking fur a strike." The officer of tlie Civic Federation tonnk tsSe (land y4erclayt life the miner are a long war from a strike.! Chicago Minuter Want Saloon License j ad. It was there agreed that a an Amerran car finUhed third, the race should be held here. RAISE TEE LICENSE. No appeal has yet l made to the Civic Federation to iie its oflices mediators Raised to tixw. CHIC.tiO, Feb. U.-Plan f.,r aggrr ive Hitiun to the alleged presuic Ralph M. Easier, chairman of l!i"(uf the suloon interest on the iiii-iiiIm ii Batkinal executive committee of thy,f t!ie city council nvre formiilatid yc-j Civic Federation, .aid la-t evening: jterday in the Iritiy deiimninati'iiia! Matters have not leaded ilie st ige meeting of inirii-t-TH, called to forwar where ailiitratinn eouM lie called tor tho moveiueiit for a l,0t salin licens ! Bith the atithracite and l.it'iiiiiii'ni- There w-i I'liO inini-ter present, miner ure icpr.-.cnte,! in the ( ivir Fed-; while, the iiiiiiitcis were in eH-i.,n eration. Among the anlhiucite in the r-,y ut g .,., i? nvic reaeranon i r. u. ......-..- . lna,,w , , ,iwl( nr,ywan,v (l pr-sident of the Kmc l!ai!ro,d. rranc . L. R"hoin., of 1-iit.bmg. mav ' (f ,-iiIv (( hM to rcyrWnt tlm olt c,:il ml r-l. 4 .... next We.liie-ilav. There m-cih to l.e a nifh-dirg impr-s si.,n that Wan-e the .oft mine re-o:tio. and In sup.nin comenrion ha. adjo.nn-d without pr:y 'leche the .i,i.,i.t,s. w,o r-ptceM vreem.t;t being reached, there may 1 '"i "l', t d. noi.iip,ations pl-lucd them a' i.ti ike t any time. There will be no wu' ,0 ''IM1,I p'i'-.,ii,.lly and org etie in iiliv e.,v until April 1. Ttto ni' nppeal of their cofirey,ti.,n tf ve.trs a jo t'e- oiiieieiiM- ..f ,ft coal tlcir r-i-tiv aldeimeii to vote fo miii i adjoiiriinl sine difl with Ih.iIi 'he hih )i-n-n niea-nie. Tii pic lides at U-g-rheads, jet U,th side -tire which the hrrueij s ure airl tr came together two imuith- Inter, and be exerting on t'nc iidiidnal al h rine settlement wa reai heiL It is not -a;'c pointed in vivid colors and the i piv.lict thiit a strike will take plari deihn.it ion nmde that ipiick. d-ei-ie where there ar nearly two month- .Toits inu-t le made to meet mhIi t.ic ahead. Mith po-ihilitiej of a settle inent.'' tl , IIIZNER TO CONTEST Widow of Yerkes Wanbto Erect Hospital at Once ESTATE EXECUTORS PROTEST Mr. Miiner State She Will Ak Court i Permiuion to Ue Ettat Fund t Build Yerkea Hospital Mutt Break WiU To Do It. PREPARE TOR STRIKE. lllinoia Coal Opitatota Will DiKuu Situation. ClIICACO, Feb. . - I'repsratlon for a general strike of bituminous miner throughout the Mate ate to be made todav at a meeting of the Illinois ( cul ticratoTs' AxH'iiitiun mine owners from all over the State will tak up Ihe (iioldem that they hciee is to confront tlM-m on April I. In Illinois there are 5.MNSI wit coal miners who -will h- involved in case oi' a general walk out after a wage scale .lisngrrement. Millions of ton of coal ai-e on hand for the emergency but the miners admit tint lite -il nation . ki.-tt that iudiistiial tioulile will follow ith in few month- if th stiike i or-lercl. BIG LUMBER SALE Pacific Pint and Lumber Corn- pan) Changes Hands LARGEST CONCERN ON COAST Patting of Tali Coacera Mark Death of GUat Combination Which Pot Eighteta Ytari Haa Domuuted Lum ber Baaineat of Pacidc Coaat. SAN FRAXt ISCO, Feb. 9.- The sale San will, and only by breaking it would she L,.,,, v( ht ,l0lk lh I able to carry out ber plan. Mr ' Mlaorr Mid .he would tight for what rrancco LmnlsT t ompany to the Brll- she considered ber rights. Th executor are prepared to rrit every exinditur by Mrs. Mimcr that they deem extravagant. In this Ibry are backed by Char I.- K. Yerkes, the lead millionaire' on. Owsley will re main Ut ew lorn inuenniieiy. .or iKniglit will return to Chicago tomorrow but will return when needed. The exe cutor are satisfied that they are to have a long quarrel over the estate. SHOT BY EMMONS Chattel EUer State That Emmoaa Shot Him For Allegtl Inault, RAX FRANClStt), Feb. 9. An Ex- i a miner special from Lo Angele avs that Charle E. Ehler, who wa shot just above the heart in Baken6eld on December 7th lt ha arrived there ml that he be broken bia long silence regarding the ahooting and mad th following statements. Until now I have refused to ay who hot m. It ha been a much mooted ipietim wBemer u wa uone uy sm.- one interests in the fewbel murder iiigliam Iwy l.uiiii-r t ompany lor e;.sv is), follow ing Ihe parsing out of exist ence on January I of tlx Pacific Pine Lumber Compiny, mark tlie death of the giant combination which for H vrar has absolutely dominated the lumber husine- of the we-tern cswsl of America. The death of the trut will have little effect on the lumber im!utry. For some year it had been a trust in name only. Although nominally the business will not tie conducted on a bi of competi tion, a a matter of fact the different concern fit their chedule of rates, In-dependent!. PLANS FOR SEAWALL. Saa Fraadaca Preparing to Build tooo Feet of the Wall. SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. .At a meeting of th harbor commissioner yesterday plan with specification were ordered fur th building of tXt feet of seawall extending from the Pacific MM1 Company' new pier to north of Fremont street wharf. The matter wilt il TranL firt. Kv. In which I am - . .. , j., redited with hving been an Importan '' 'P nmii ac,.o reoru.rv -i.. , Mate Senator E. B. Em- l ' ' n"w "rK " P""' mon of liakersfleld." If then goe on to declare that Em- mon shot bim for an alleged insult to Mr. Em mon. Emmon is now serving a term in the State penitentiary, having been convict ed of boodling at the last -e-si.in of the State Icgi-hitme. BIG CONFLAGRATION. out of Ihe money derived from the sale of bond recently declared valid by the Supreme Court. DENIES EVERYTHING. Mr. Graham Say She Said Nothing Coneerntrf Wine at Wedding. BUFFALO. X. V.. Feb. 9. -Mr. Fran ce W. Cmhatn, of IMkfHirt la-t nlM denied erv cmiiliHticallv an inteiview Five-Story Brick Burn Down in New j accredited to her je-terdny in which York With Big Lot. XKW YORK, Feb. W.-Furrington i Whitney, importd and -pii-e "Tinders. ou-upying a live story brick building ut the coiner of flreenwich nnd North Misire stists w -re biirned out enily to.ljy. The building and content were pMctji-ully ruined. The loss was rough he was made to ay that it wa no body's business whether wine was serv cj at th bmgworth Roosevelt dinner. Accoidintf to Mr. lirnhain, the -tate W. C. T. I'., o' which .he i I'r-ldrnt. has taken no action in the matter. Scrub yourself daily, you'r not clean COMPETENT JUDGES. eawtf Dcrlsra Ra4ra RerwieU. Women who make a business of beau tifying e.her woinen com pretty near knowicf what wttl brief about the best result. Here are letter from two, con cerning Herpiclde: "I cn recommend Nesrbro'a "HerpU eidc," as It stopped my hair from falling out; and, aa a dressing It ha no auper lor. "(Slrned.) Rrtha A. Trulllnrr, "Compleilon Bpec'Ullst, -VI Morrison St., Fortiand, Ore." After using on bottle of "Hrplcld my bair bas stopped falling out, and my acslp I entirely free from dandruff. "(Bigmd.) Grace IXxljre. "Buty Doctor. 1 Both St.. Portlnd. Ore." eVld bv leading drugrtsu tend lOe. la itonpi f'ir sampia to To lltrplcld Co ' Detroit, Mich. fgle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond SL, Owl Drug Store, S49 Com. St, T. F. Isiarm, Prop. "Special Agent." FIND COUNTERFEIT MONEY. j Three Bogus Half Dollar Fonud by U ! S. Intpectort. (IllC.Ucf), Feb. 9.-Three eounteifit silver half dollars Werej found in a 'oii-iynuieiit of money which reached the United State sub-treasury jester day from Texas. The coin cannot b detected as spurious except by the rlo ' in-ioction of n expert, Chief John K. Wilkie, of th Unite , State Secret S-rvice identified thi-m i f a lot of counterfeit coin which w-r circulated In th United State thre y.-ars ago, and were made In China b expert counterfeiter. They eont.ii the legal amount of silver. Th Morninr Atorian. B.V. a month ' , . M-t . 1. U e-timated at ',.'l.i.fat. The cau-e of insiue. ini means ciean ioinarn, ....! i; i t ii L a : the liie. which orijinnti -l on the third i noweis, imoou, iivee, Clean neanny us ttc h r where only spice a- Imt ilcf ei miricd. were -toivd. sua In every organ. MORAL: Tak Kollister' Rock Mountain Tea. 35 cent, Tea of Tablet. Sold by Frnk The Morning Astoria, 6-'c a month, j Hart. i Who Gets the Most Out of Life? Not the wealthiest, not the most learned, nor the idler but the man who ha good health and work for hit living. 1 bis truth if trite, but not trivial. Every man should guard hit health it hit most valuable posses sion. The more so because health is easier to retain than regain. Keep your grip on health by regular exercise, reasonable care in eating and requisite sleep. Take Bercham's Pills occasionally, to tone the stomach and keep the liver and bowels in good working order. And don't worry. Observe these simple rules and you will agree that the one who gets the moit from liie it The Man Who Uses BEEeOALTS P Mold Prsrywber la Bozo, jftold 1 10a aad . WMcIhi pace leraaaini Wise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER r Valentines This year our stock ia larvr and more vailed than ever before both comic and sentimental, ranging in price from k each to It 00. Then w have some aoveltir In Uie wt of fancy folding Valentine '.hU have never been shown before. Also a new series ia both comic and sentimental in p)til card. Ibth ahow window have been given up to Valentin Pi -play for on wk. Walk by and take a look. J. N. GRIFFIN I f fmrmmmmm , ""S'BBfgsWSMH-l Weinhard's Ln&re . Study the Map Thirteen itatei and territories of the Middle West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There are more cities of 35,000 population and upwards on the Rock Island System than on any other Wtttrn road! From Minnesota to Texas, from ; the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is I Rock Island country. The Rock Island System occupies a strategic position in the western t M 1.1 J railway wunu. Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination'' is on the Rock Island or reached by way of ir' Note our several offices maintained in p ie Northwest: ff Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Butte and Salt Lake City. The Rock Island is reaching out ness and solicits yours. , . A. H. McDONAUi ! Oonotal Agent, Rock Wand U. 140 Third Street, Portland, Yr-' urs. s ft I ) 1 v