The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 09, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    rSlDAY, FEBRUARY 9, H.
Not An Experiment
But pur fowl product mad In a acientift manner by the world'a
beat chm maker, nitn who hare iimJ elites making a lift study, thate
Martin's New York Cream
I appteilated hy peopla of good taate, III tha bet by tct. W aril it,
In TM City.-.lrny EiiIwm, on of
thia i-lty former rriMt'iti U In the
-lty (liU wrek' from hi prracnt home :
Caidfur, Or-,, where hi report thing
in RiKut and thriving condition.
In Mcvr Quarteri.' M, and Mr. .f
aepli Item lute b-eil th Itcjtut F.
Hinngr lodging houe ami urn now cum
foiUhly d'Hiiiiilnl tliera.
On Day Mora.-IWt forgri to pay
you water rent. Tomorrow I th laat
day of grac, befnr delinquency at
tachea. Tomorrow U the 10th, '
Doing Business. Hildebrand V flor
are doing bualnee In the furnitur line,
and Ma of It, furniture and tu-lh..
They si iu the old 'lira llhe" quaitcr
on Commercial and a rail there will re
ult In bargain for th taller.
Foot Badly Cnt.-tilaf Neln, a log
ger In one of the jwmi A Claik 1kkIK
camps, had the uilafortuna. later yea.
' lerday a(irumin, to rut hi left foot
severely with the as be waa weildinir
on a log. lie wa attemun a well a
rltruinatanres would permit, in romp,
and w brought to the city and placed
In M. Mary's hospital II" wa very
weak from loaa uf blood, but lr. Urn
drraon soon had the limb under pnqirr
treatment and It will hel in due ohii.iv
Valentino at Svenaoa'a.
Over Frem Soutk Bend.-A. I. le-'u
ard, auditor of Perilte county, Vh.
Ington, arived In the rily from 'Sooth
Jlend. yesterday evening and bate thi.
Morning for Cathlaiint and Portland on,
buaii bent. Mr. l.eonard ia a mem
Iwr of the Armstrong Iveoneid l."fts.'lf
Conipany, of IWp lllver, anil report
that hi eouipany put In a round mil'
lin fret of log in January, d.aplle the
long and heavy net season.
-om the Subllms to tha Ridlculoua
t" laMuIfoei at Svensoo's.
licensed to Wed. Comity (l.-rk din
tun yesterday Issued a marriage lkn
to Mr. Kdwin Young and Via Anna
Jergenarn, both of thi eily.
Still They Comaii-lr lions of in
trillion In becom ritiarn of the fulled
Met, er fld in tlie eounly rlrtk'a
1 ilft yeterilay by Olio Kiwki and J aul
j, buth native of Finland.
Will Inipect Today, lMpeHir of
Hull and ltoil'ni Kdvmnl. and Fuller,
will reaih tbio city UmIhv, whitlier tlii-y
mm to inie,t the motor honni-r
Lie Filed - K. hioiile jr.t. l.Ur fll.-d
a mvciwiiir lii'n axini two certain
kiW and the Sniprnvemrnt therein,
muni t.y William 1'utlrr, In Near Ac
tria, iu Ulutlf of a Hwlin fr MM, an
admittnl tinhht'diH-a in MiM of the
urn of a buiMitig enntrHel.
It w.ll tot par ( atwp bonaa, pay
help, irocery bill, fuel billt, and many
other inddentata, whao yon us get fine,
airy, weU-furnlabad, and ataam-heated
looma with board at "Hotel Inrlng,"
Fine New Map.-Au-nt 0. W. nUrt
of the 0. It k N, aervh' In thU rily i
titriliiiiing in rertaln direrthui ln-re
lliey will be thoroU(My appret'lelnl, ta
ruuiHiiiy'4 Utt revioed railway map
of the Mate of Oregon, It ia a haml
mne end arniwalile wall diaimii tit and
one of the brat all round map of (He
Kn exldtit. Tha Aaloiian ollW i hi
dt btiir for one of IIh im.
80 c Per Box
For a Few1 Days
118 122 Twelfth Bt. Aatoria, Ore,
Criminal Docket, 1 he Krlnuary trim
of lb rirruit mint will not be watued
wilh rriioinal rra, tliere Ulnji lull
too piMinrre nw jnilrd and ila'krt d.
J'aul IVarinif, cluirui.,1 ,ilh olilaioioti
imoiry inidri' fjlae pn-linit-a, and t.uJ
And'tnn, Hi nun who robbed Itibl
Krrivr Jnnre of a large emu of looort
ImiiiI thrr wiH'ke agi. 1Mb are will
and antioua to plrad Kiiiltv and
thrir wUhra will bev promptly mi't, no
If yo fit looking for coty aultea of
rooma go to "Hotel Irving". Tha hotel
ia equipped with all modern conven
ience. Well prepared and daintily tert
ad meali can be bad at cent.
Four :' Deed. The follow
de.U were fllml for Mirtt at thi' county
I'b'rk'a oflh-e yratiTilay. Ilrinio-ii I'urk
Invlin'itt Conipany to M. I. lo'i-t.
warranty title, roniili'raiion run-
trying lot I, blmk 10, llci iim- 1'itrk.
Frank Patton and N. 1'. Sorenonn and
wivra, to IK'IU lliailli-r, wamuily
title, roiiaiilerition lliMI, ronvryitiy bit
0 and 7, blok I, lliil'i llit Adliiin
l dean r.ioe. M. J. Kinney to Her
man (It im. hi rani v title, eoniili rt ion
M, oonvej'InH lot 4, blmk (111, NVw As
toria. II. .). Kinui'V to J, F. Iluuiilton,
warranty tiltr, roiivryin liHl arira ol
land In rei'lion '!", toVMii-liip II noitli.
range 9 wet.
To Change Wame-An orb-r mail
jel.ny t,y Jut' Trru. hard, ail tins
for llolNiti, gralililiir thr prtilion of
l.ii.UI A. Kokk, to rliantfe hi lot tor to
liiMnf A I ft iv (a 1 1 wm. ,
Horn nit OfScera. - Tli t'niform
Hank, Kliijjhla of l'ythma, lint We'lnea
day evening ami nominated i,t)f-n fur
the MininK yrar, Ike election of thoae
nouiinated will orrur at the next mrrt
Buyi Property.-TI.e reidrwi prop
erty, f irtnerly tieloning to U'. II. Har
krr on the eomrr of Thirty fifth and
Waehinjrton atrrt-le, )u liern lioiight by
Corowr V. C. A, I'ohl. Tbo purrhea
ria of tha land, whh h ia 1.10 by 1MI
feet and mutaiiia two houara, waa $.VMl.
Bo Service Sanday.-Mrrvioe will tv
ouiitled at (jrann ( burih Nonday, owinji
tto, the riuprtivemruta, the re-tr will
hokl arrvk at Kee !'!, 10;.K) a. ni.
SertliTa uaual at. Holy Iiino.-rnt'
t'haprl, rppi-rtown, at 10:30 a. m. and
: p. in. . 1UV. F. 'K. Alleyne, j.rieat
iu cliaig'. """ ' '' "
Meet Tonight. The rommfttre e
iHiinM at the Ut nertini of the eily
niuoiil tu liivr.liyati' into tUr aU'grd
Kiufling tiiflluNU of Mrrrt Inepertnr
Harry, will niwt tonight in the city
lull to innaiir the rharge niadr by Con
l no I or toHnlin, and divide if I he ciin'
'il ahull do anything In Ilia luaUvr.
Police Commission Would Oust
Chief Hallock.
ilf. and Mia. F. I. Kurltner are in
Portland rhpoinjt the Krad 1T are
mm now on thrr. They will rrtum
)lr, and Mra. H. X. Fowbr eii.e up
jfroin tlj Inn Kaitjni Iitm y (- 'Ihv for
a day'a ootin? in tb Clat-op ni -ii)li-.Mr.
and .Mra. X M. t;allafiH-
turned kt ui!it from 1'ortlMnii, whi-r
they ewjojel thr fatatfr (.rand l(ra
araaiin at the Mariuin.
Meeting of Police Board Held Realgna
tion f Chief Hillock and Patrolman
Settem ia Requeittd Officeri May
Re'ua to Civ up Stars.
Two Suita Filed.-To rompUinta, in
allmliniriil, wrtw Bird yeaterday after-
nam in -lu-th-e Cianlmau' euH, by
Allorio-y F. I. Wiiitiui, artinjf for li
Matmie CorTry, the plaintiff, and btgh
iuohiig the'oflii-e of the Atria Ntne-
llriald, wbbb will not ap-er thia moin-
ing in conariienn. Un waa againat
Kola-rt (iilnon in the aum of a-J.K), al-
h-(f d to lie due for wink M-rfornird,
and tlie oilier waa apainot Wilfred ('.
Curtia, in the aum of -'t, atao alli-((r,
to Iw due for ervii-e performed.
Eclipat of Moon. The motm undrr-
Went loUl r'liw Uat ni.'lit. Hie en
li'irj thr ahadiiw of the earth at arv-
riilern luinute to 10 o'clock, alUiined
to totality at twelve minute to II, and
the total ei'lipae ended at twenty-iv
miiiiilea pnt miiliii);ht, the ni(-m hav-
ug the lrrrelial ahadowr at twenty-
frn luiutltra pat I oVha'k thia morn-
un. The cinilitioiia In-re wrre not en-
irly fj in n litu for viewing the pja-
me clraily, a aliarp miat iulenriiiny.
nit it waa clear eiioii;h for pertarulur
ITcela and for eoiiijiiilinjf time. ,
"Hotel Irving' la tha only at earn
boated hotel in Aatoria. Rate very tea
Gives More Heat for the Money
Then Any Other Fuel. Try It.
Phono Orders to Main 1961
Illegal Fiahing-t'omplainta will ikli
My I Died today for the arru-t of
Mlo (irinde and t'. Smith, wh ai
nlliisl to bake i'iiiiilit tweiity-eilit
lnrjfiin in the vicinity of (ninn'
Imiiliii);, In 'urinal ion that tlio-c tuo
pi-r-uina had Ihh-h tlhlii)i illi'jin!!y wea
brought lo Wuti-r Haililf Scltriii, wh
made a trip to uinu'a luinlillj( wher lie
tiaik pnCk.ioil of twrnty-rljilit atui'-
Kn, Qiuht by the nun, anil lnni)ilil
the li!i to tlii rily, whrro ttwy wriv
cold to St. MiirvV Inxpllal for the de
lectation of the iniiinlc-.
Taking Picturea.-In onlcc thnt a
tnuiptiiiaon may lie nude Ix-Ihimii tin
iii-hiiiiiiv of th dilTcirnt pnrta of
the city after they have Iwcn clrnm l
up. wih the prornt unt;litly bioka 01
certain pat In, I'lVaidpnt (HIu b. of tV
Shicly linprovenirnt Club ia bating
numlier of f,).ii itpl.a taken of tlu
wnivt i aiiii); pliual and wlu h llicy
are oleums! up, will lake pictr-'ea o
(he aauie apota, thll affording a atrik
hi)! rxamplii of the aalutnry eirrcta of
Sueeeia ia atamprd on everp paekago
It la tha moat aueeeuful remedy known
It make you wall and keepa you wall
That'a what HollliUr'a Rocky Mouatala
Tea doe, U eenta, Taa or Tableta
Frank Hart, drugglit.
Never hara to wait long at the Oo-
eidant Barbar Shop, A. E. Peteraoa.
Notlco ! hereby given that tha Aa
aenihly Club, giving dancea at Logaa'i
hall, baa engaged union muaiciana
Signed, . "
N. A. Ackarmaa, 421 Bond RU, doaaall
manner of. teildarmy, furnlturo nphol
taring, carpet cleaning and laying-, mat
tma making a apecialty and all work
Aatoria will probably have another
Chief of I'olbw aa the pirM-ut Chief,
Kdward llallork, baa barn rwnr-U-d to
rirn bia MitioN by tb police coin
minion. The action of tha coinniiaaion
aaa taken at their meeting held en that
Tui-Mlay nifcht,, when in re.pnnar to re
pi-atrd rriirta, the coniniiaaion derided
4o uiianiinoiialy rriiieat the chief and
ali Patrolman H. J. Settem to hand in
thrir reolirnation within Se dayi front
dale (, to take erTect on tha
firat of March. . .
Ihe rurrnlM-r of the board. prpMnt at
thr niertiiig which took aui h draatic ar
tiiHi were t.1iarr I'atfe, chairman; T. F.
Ijiitrin and Martin Foard with P. T
Twombly- acting aa cb-rk pin tein. The
nutter of diMiiial came up after the
n-mit of thr chief of l'olic bad l'rn
rmd and filed, when a communication
waa read from George Cbuttrr, dateil
February 1, Mating charge againat the
I'hirf and i-ertaiu oflictre and anting that
aome action be taken br the board with
mpect to the matter. The roiuuiuuica
tion waa filed, and the President of the
hoard waa directrd to coinniuiiHut with
Mr lliiitlrr with regard lo the namea
if the polii ollii-er and the lino and
placei they had la-en guilty of the of
fenea named, topi her with the namea
of the witnrvra, ,
Action waa then taken bv the board
aa follow a: -t amirarijig to the board
from nuitteroua complaint received and
the facta within thrir knowledge, that
the kcrvKva ol rlwaM tlallia-k, a
Chief of 1'nlice and a ntemlwr of the
Mliir force of thia city, are no longer
conducive to the welfare of the rity
or u the l-encflt of the oti- force
thereof, therefore, he it rrwlvcd, thai
the clrrk of the hoard adilna the fol
lowing communication to each of the
aid partic. to wilj "To Kdward Hal
Ink, Chief of polii-e of A-lori.i. Sir:
I am dirwted by the Hoard of rolii-e
Commit-ioncia of aid citt. to notify
ymi your re-ouiiatiori a t hi f of
hilice a,nd ineinlicr of the force' ia here
by ieiiirted to tiike eltei-t oil Murt-h 1
l!NHl, ami you are further notified that
an -anwrr within five daya from the
receipt of thia couiniuutcatinn i bricby
reipictnl. Youra reaacl'ully, tllof An
ilrraoti, CI. rlt of the Police Coinniiaaion
and Police Jnitc." The ame letter in
iiIwUiht a the nlnivc to alao le ad
ltcMi to H. .1. Settem. The alxivc
r.aolutinn wm p4aed unaniinouly, and
it wa further diivtc, thnt each mem
lier of the hoard get a copy of the police
rule for the city of Portland, and ex
amine them tit tec what additional
regulation for the government of thr
fori- in Aatoria might lie adopted.
May Not Rraign.
It ia alatcd by thoe who are iu a
uitiiii tii iH-k coiicewina the- eiibject
that Chief of police Hulha-k hna deter
mineil not to eoniiilv with the demnnil
nf thr (Milice coniiniiuii, and will re
fur to hand iu bia lesignation, ltelb'V
ing that the preaent eonimi-ion aa con
Mituted, h i no authority to compel him
to reoign; ila own tiitiia Ix-ing ev n
now ;jtcationcd nnd ubjri't to a legal
The chief liimaelf could' not lie found
to interview aa yv whether the atate
menta attributed to him in thia re-peel
were true or not. it ia however eon
iilered moat likely that amh haa b en
the cbief'a drtitnilnation, a .ho haa
not aa yet aent iu hia resignation and
the time given in the notice aeut him
by the eommiai'ion ia almost expired. ,
In the event, that the demand of the
roinniiaaion ia not complied with, it ia
probable, that body will declare the
offlca of Chief of Police vacant, and
iippoint another man to the place. In
'which ca-e there would be 'an anoma
lous atate of 'affair; two men both
claiming the right to act a Chief of
Police. (
Seveml name have leu mentioned
in connection with the appointment nf
another chief, prominent among whom
are Captain Camnial and Captain Tat
tan. Neither of llie-e eu whei queried
concerning the auliject would apeak, ami
juat who will be the new- man, for thia
iinHirtant office, at prevent remain
Completed By County Clerk and,
. Received By Shefilf.
Send her a valentito Srentoa'a Book
Storo aella them.
What Editor Hofar Haa to Say For
Senator Fulton,
TIm following editorial, taken from
the Uat nuuila-r of the Capital Journal.
of Sab-m, convey a leon of Imprr
tive aigniftVance to tin. I'rpublk-ana of
thia city and oiuntr:
"If there ia any divUin at all ia
Million count r it i over the queation
of Fulton delegation in the Senate
The hold-over Srnatora rhoaen thi year
will bate to.decida whether Srnati
Fulton ahall be returned to hi aeat or
not. The whole qto-atimt of builJing op
an ellicicnt delegation, who ahall re-
atore the "pretige" and influence of Ore
gon i involved in the choice of Sena
tor in Jfarjon county who ahall eon
tinue Mr. FulWn. in Wabiygton. Hii
recent aicech' oa the amendment to
the iutei atate commerce law ahnwt Sir.
Fulton to lie an able man, who baa
the ability to atand up and argue im
irtant eonatittttional queation with
pen like Foraker, Baib-y, Culbertaon
and tlie great leader ol the cenate in
tha North and South. . Ha baa the
ability and eloquence to command the
attention and reapect of the entire Sen
ale of 'the fulled State. lie anawered
every argument prraentcxl by hi oppo
nent and the Prvaidi-nt blmarlf, who ia
ataking everything on legislation to
regulate rate and abolUh unjust dia-J
criminal ion, mnt have frit gratified
o have tha Senator from Oregon ahow
hi mettle in a manner that at amp him
trader in all the Pacific Coa-t State.
fhere will be thoae who wilt eei-tly
and in every way try to get a delega
tion in tlie lcgi-lature from thU county
to drfent Mr. Fulton for re-election, a
;4aaa of politician with w ho in peraonal
intereat are everything, and the inter-
Ma of the party and atate and nation
are mere trading Block.
Mis Olga Laeden, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. -Give 'ina-
gc, ' steam and ' hot bath. ' Phone
Dlack 2183. Will call. '
Variataa Noted aa Betweea Thia fiotl
and That of Last Year All la Favor
of idj Number of Credit AM Read
for Entry.
At high tuum yeaterday County Clerk
J. C. Clinton delivered to Sheriff Tbomaa
Linvill. with due warrant attaebed
aulhoiiiing it full collection,' tb CUt
op county taa roll, juat completed for
the year 1914. . And thi morning Sheriff
Linville and JVputie Hinder and An-lr-
aoo will open the aaaaa fo collect ioa.
They will abo mala duo entry credit a
in fardr of many people who have al
ready ent In' the um of tbeir tax, i
deference to tha poat-rard ugjretiou
brretofore eemt out by tb officer to
uon-reaadent, and dietant owner.
The turn total of the roll i 225,782.7t
or A"..84Cl6 leaa than the "Pjh roll; and
the limit of valuation', In 'tfiTV lntance,
i HT2I3, op $I(aiin lethan th
value reported laat year,. when the turn
J taxation reached tiUOU
The mlllu detail ia here ap'pended;
Sute, county, ete.........-.'..fUIl7.tli
The agricultural and. horticultural re
source of the Grand Valley, Colorado
are 'mot entertainingly et forth in an
attractive booklet, "The I.fttle Empire
of the Weatern Slojie,", now being di
tribiiteil by the puna ogee department of
the Denver A Hio Grande Railroad.
Tha atranger. within Astjria'j gate
(hould know, doe every homo citi
ion, that the one place to properly feed
one's self is the Palace Restaurant, The
service, at tha desk, In the dining room
in th kitchen, i a p rfwt aa mean
and experience can make it, and avail
abl. day and night, the year round.
Privat dining room for ladies and
partie. Banquctting equipment unsur
passed. .Call once, call at way. Com
mercial s-treet, opposite the Paj; build-!?
Gai in the Stomach.
HcU'liing and that atiae of fiillnesa so
often experienced after anting is caused
by the formation of gaa. The stomach
fail to perform its function and the
food ferment. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablet will correct tho di.
order. Thev aid digestion and strength
en and Invigorate th stomach and
City of Astoria
" SeaWp
" Wet Sesvaide...
" Warreuton . . .-.
School Pi-trict Xo. I...
" ...
" 3...
" - 4...
" "
" " ...
" " " 8...
" ' 9...
" " 10...
" " ' ' 12...
" " 13...
" " Hi...
" " . 19...
" " " 2l...
" - 21...
32. ..v.
Uond lhVtrict No.
2i.V4.1J ,
1G2.87 '
164 M
1 10.31
1.120 OJ
7411.1 ,
1.415 1
15 4X1.37
111 1. 755.5
17 1.032 t
. .225.7K2.70
The thn-e rr cnt rebate provided by
Inw pplie tiwn all payment up to,
and including, 15th. The taT
then run even up to the rirt Monday
in April, after which delinquency en
lie. This of course applies lo tiuea
who eu-ttle in full, and do not avail
themlvc pf the installment piymcnt
pmviiicil by the statutea.
Tha manager of "Hotel Irving" wiihet
to announce that th hotel dining room
ia now opea to the public. Good cooking
bow!. For sale by Frank Hart and aplendid service. Price as ceata pet
hading druggist. meat, S petal rates to permanent guest.
We ar tola agents In Astoria for tha Niagara Stov Works of BaSalo, V. T.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
Notice to Fisherman.
Fishing boat and other tail maim
Ifarturnl at 1470 Grand avenue. Anil
tx . c i - i -ri
.' r-? rTTTi 1 DP-
Every ono guaranteeM. Will let yoM
atand or ait on tha oven door if yoi
wish. Pricea reduced oa all siove sal
range till after th Holiday.
7. J, Scully
Poutala. I