The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Not An Experiment
But pur food pntduct inada lo elentifk mnnr y tit world'
wi tliwn maker, men who have iimJ ch making llf atudy, that
Martin's New York Cream
1 appirvutlcd by peopl of good iat, tt th be-t by tt. W nil It.
Title stm duuim.-A.imi. and
Clatsop realty I still on th wove nl
t flair figure, titer being tit deed
flirt! for maud it futility (lerk Clin
ton' ofile y-tt-rly.'
t a CKk Aifil M. K. riwM
of th Kmm Una of lemrw hd th
misfortune on Sturdy last to lose a
cheek drawn in hi fvoc by S. KImor
4 Company, In lb turn of t.2A. It
n ndord, and payment Mopped, but
Mr. Pomrror would Ilk to bnv ll
a 'voucher in hi bti-lne (Tnlr.
' ; Opad Up Ytiday.-Flmk 1Mb
r. of HtoukMd, yesterday put In full
operation tlirl f barrel nud stsve
factory, vrrythlng working of moolh
ly and sat Iafaetor lly. It U very a.n
tial lin of manufactured article and
It U hoped lb kmgr they run it, th
belter ll w ill b. ,
la Probata. Tb appraisers of the
lata of 3. V. Kwong. deraed, M-aaera
Thorn Ryrla and 11. 1 Knight, and
1-um Quln, hvlng miril and report
ad tka proiierty of th ded Cblnaman
an ordt wit mad strdy by Judge
Trm-hrd, Htlng r probate, lhl
Administrator Trombly of ald ealate
proceed to sell same upon tha lical mth
cxU and tern. ba might elect.
Organ afuelo Tonight.Lover of real
tousle will hv an oiirtunl(ir to
br a guod del of it tonl(lit at th
Flrwt Lutheran (bnrch, wher Profeaa.
Ranche Eggs
30 Cents
118 122 Twelfth St. Aitorla, Ore.
Gives More Heat for the Money
That. Any Other Fuel. Try . It.
Phone Orders to Main 1961
(iiKxIilih, of rortland, will lva on o'
bl inimitable rciUU on Uia grand pl
organ thr, wilder, tha upk- of the
Dor.aa Koriety uf tbat church. MUa.
Mak Krederlrkten wilt easiat with a
number of yiolin nolo, imI tha.wmM
aalion U (wrtainly warlhy of ' a iig
It will Mt Py kwp BOUM, pay
balp, trectry bin, fol bOI and .many
atntr laddtatala, wkan yea an gtt ina,
airy, wtn hiniiahad, and atum-boattd
room lh board at "Hotel Inrinc."
Toaitbt. ToniaJrt. TI.U U- tl.a nluht
pHiiti(rd fr tbr Riwllng of the rifi-
of lb ,M1ure dUlrk-t and tbr
fi.rniat Uifi of lh t Iniprovrmvnt club
fr tbat. t.rtltory. It U a good thing
and lit fpl frnni th brirt of tit
pity will nut bt bfhlnd tltrlr ounpatriotii
in wing to tli inttallatioli of thia nc
g7 fr Ui upbuilding of AtotU
At th rity bull at 7i30 oVIk lonlwtit
IV nut fttrgrti it
Chamber of Commerce The regular
rion of th Attori thuniber of t'oiu
mrtfe bave brrn acrwuily interrupted
for th pt two nimlb, but will abtirt-
ly b iimd with all rrgularlty and f
ftcat y. The iImki of lriidint Wrlrb
ami Srrtary Hiiariue in CalifurttU to
gather with eeral othrr very a'He
member of tb body, U rvfwnibl
for th hiato in it proceeding, but this
will onn be rvtiwdiml and Hi" Chamber
will take up it work at an early day,
Th Holdei'a Duty.-4'lty Treauier
IValy lute utlerrd bi ofllt'lal rail for ap
proaimatvly I4.KJ worth of rity war
rant, and the inlret tbrmn ha cr
ed at the date of rail. It U now the
duty of every 1ml Ur of "iMiFJJi'
In the rouipAM tif that oall to prent
Mime fur payment and thu Xirlil
the ill)' liiioint-. To drft'i tbl duty,
eoiuprl the trfuriT to carry the
fund itiiiuit from mouth to month.
and ipmrter to iurter, tu hU great In-
riiim-nirma and the intlrpliM'ut of ell)
lui.itii'. which ia ciititlnl to liiul di
putrli In thi pjili.ulur.
; i?;;. '
"Hotel Irving" ia tb -only atcam
heated hs'el in Attoria. Bate very rea
sonable. . '
Th Occident Mimum.-IVl Chat I y
W'linlit, of fli Hotel (Vrklont muintalim
a veiiiahle and valuable mittim, in a
tii t way, iu and lot hi olTli-e, and
ha ninny rar thing to Imw the rtni
on and appreciative bmtt.-r. He show
il a riortir,, ltut ovening, a rvgi-tet
entry of ".luhn R Rm-kefeller," alMint
ijjhtien year , with thu notation
liehlnd It '"kHk" premimably John 1)'
protect ngainnt, paying It i bill. ' Ami
antilhiT rare thing he ilUplnyed win a
photo)(iph of a pliotompln'r, the ltt
taken In JHT:t, of the "I'iomer' Columbia
Bar rilut," the group coniting of
A. C. Fariuworth, J. 0. Hiutler, Cliarli"
Edward, Moe Itogfrs and Alfred Cron
by. Thi'n are but indication of a hot
of other thittt of very ilcllnlle inteiet
to the ohl, and nrw timer, in thi city.
Valentin at Svonwn'a.
Council rVill Look Into.Birry-
Goodin Deal.
Contractor Coodla Prearati a I worn
Statement to Cit Fatbara Alletin
Ha Cava Barry Bake-off for Influeoc
inf Council Commlttaa'a Dediloa.
That nrlth.r graft nor any upilofi
of uiuhMuwJ crliMikeilne ahall lt'
in any department or in any oflVial
of th rity' of Atoria, wa Irmly d
rl.lrd by tha elty rounHI la it evening.
alien in relation to th matter of etrwt
limpeetor Ilarry and Collertor V. A.
Oondln, wbcrrln the latter allege In n
worn statement that b paid lft Barry
tb um of "JO to umj bi ioduene with
the trct omuiitt ,of tb council to
obtain an t-bltant pri nr certain
t-xtra improvement work, a committee of
threewa appointed to Inveetlgitn the
charge and ariiu whether any orime
bad been eommitteed and tb city da
framb'd out of rightful fund or aot.
According to tb allegation of W. A
(iuoilin, in a aworn atatement prearnted
lo tli rity council at night, ,lt wa
privately ayrced between himielf and
lnpect 1 lurry, that if th llmpertor
would u hi influence with the trrt
commit lea to obtain the beat price poa
ilila for doing the extra Improvement
work on exchange etreet brtween Sixth
trv wet to Klfth atrret, then aotith
on fifth to th drain lo aom work re
Uting to tb xtenioa of the drain,
he would divide whatever profit ac-
eured therefrom with the inaprrtnr. It
ia further alleged that Itarry induced the
committee to allow flij ftM th work
nd after, th work wa eompb-tel, the
profit amounting to IW Ilarry wa
paid 120 bia ahar of th boodle. The
money according to tha tatement wan
pa lit in tha form of a check for the
aahl amount drawn on the Aaturla Sav
iiiK I itk.
1'he almv i the glt of the charjtc
liroiik'ht againat Inaiiector lUrry. The
ma l WW came before tb omincil lat
nlyht when a reoolutlonw warding a On-
tract lo A. totodin for tlie linprrive
nicnt of Hinh alrcct ennie ap.. Council
man Ilanacn aroH and Mated In no un
certain term that he lielieved in view
of the rharg made againat I it-pert or
Hurry by W, A. Gomlin, and of the
pn-ariil uiiarttlrd alatu of the matter.
it would not lie politic to award Mr.
Clootlin the contract. A heated dia-
cii'aion waa at once pmvoked. aonie
counclliiieu Ihinking'one way and aomc
another. Counciliiiaa Morton wa op
poecd to taking any cngidunc of the
'liaise made by Contractor (5oodin. lie
nSd. In my npitilon thla matter ia
nothing for tin council to mnoidrr. If
I iindcratiind it, a complaint will be
filed In the court In a abort timo by
the city attormy, then we ehould wnit
until the court ha acted. Then vut
rilit ha anyone to look into Oil mat
ter, which la aiuiply a privato trwnaac
tlmi U-lwo n .Mr. Ilttrry and Mr. CioiHlin'
City Stirvfyer Teo having giiiiieil per
miaaion to lie heard on the'anlijeet atat
cd tint no Imitation of the rlmrge had
heen made to him, and he believed if
nny Chinee waa made, il alumld .hnvr
Iteen pre.-ted divert to him, "There i
colluaion lirlMcen the city attorney ami
the coutnicliir. It i all a ai'lu-me" be
aid, " and I ronaider hrdlu alirdlu
aid "anil I ran (ulnlantinte my won! a."
In-pwtor Ilarry, who wa aeateil in tin
rear of the nxim, her interjected a few
heated remark to tb effect that it
wm all a put up job to ouat him. If
blunted City Attorney Smith. Thing
were liecoming quite warm, and for a
minute It looked like nomething more
atrenuoua and forcible than wonla might
mvurcd betwevn the inaperlor and t'ity
Attorney, had not the Mayor Interpreted
with hia gavel for order. Other council
men apoke on th all abaorhing quea
tion and matter aperned to be get
ting wora inatead of bctle, Mayor
Vi auggealed a committee he appoint
ed to investigate the anbject, and r port
to tha council. Acting on tit ia advice
Councilman Slanglaad moved that the
Mayor epoliit a committee of three to
Investigate. Thia motion waa paaacd.
and after cnniilerabl latair, aa no one
aeemetl anxiou to erv on the com
mittee. Councilman Morton, Leberk and
ItellRiid were appointed. The city at
torney waa mentioned to verve xalao,
to adriie th commit te in Iheir action.
Ther waa Mime alight objection to thi.
a it wa intimated that th attorney
wa Intereated in the outcome. What
will be the end i not jet determinable,
though it ii a foryone eoncluaion that
the whole mailer will be thoroughly
aifled and tb guilty partira, if any
brought to account.
! Tb Sluicing TettWontraHor E. A
icrdin I making a teat of the nlililj
Of aluking aa tlie milrket and k-a
up niv aratem of redwing hilla l
bolluwa. H ht a contract nith Franl
linen to reduce a hill on the bit
lev' land ou llaili-ou Avenue, hriwrei
Tenth and Klevenlh atnMa, and a b-
own a couple of aiinkfii lo!a -ljceiit
i moving the bulk of th hill onto hi
own property by ber fore of wal-i
from one hydrant at a coat of Joo pri
day fi water, braid th wage of
tbre nien. A number of other con true
tor are waU-biiig the proceaa with
good deal of Int-reat. a it mar mean
a good de in tb outcome, though of
eourae, it U not alaaya the raa thai
tha point of reduction and th point of
filing are an nally emiliguou. a in
thla particular raa.
From th Sublim ta tha Rldlculona
Vakratln at Svanaen'.
T Extend 8ytnv Iirt Vice-IW
dent Uiula Ol.aa, and Ihvialoo Manager
J. If. Tbateher, of the Paclfle KUte.
Trlepbon A Telegraph Company, were
in tb city yenterday looking over the
ground preparatory to tb entire rehabili
tat ion of the company 'a plant here.' It
w propoaed to rbang the ytm to a
central energy plant, and in.tall all tb
new M cceaorlca iu line and office
aenic. ami to put the Aatoria plant
on a frting with the beat and la teat
ei-rvk in tb tlale. u-ing the aerial
cablea where the trem-h cable are not
permiaaable, and employing copper jr
in plac of iron. The plan and apeci
fliwliona art all drawa and approved at
hradiiuarfe-re and conatrwtioa will be
begun In a very abort while and it l
expected th firat of Augot will ee
the new plant in full operation in Aa
toria. Tlie official returned to the met
ropolia on the 6:10 exprca Ut even
ing. If yon ar looking for wry ait of
room go to "Hotal Irving". Tha hotel
ia qulppd with all a4ra coawea
WnoN. Wall prcparod and taintilj rv-
4 ! caa b had at j ccata.
Taka to Saktm. blwia Jolmtm the
man who wa committed for inaanity bv
Judge Trent-hard on 8aluiday laat, baa
been taken to tint aaylum at Salem.
Took a Spin. A team hauling nvjtk
ft Mr. IWumgarter tta.k a down hill
run yeatenlay morning from tha um
mil of Kourteenlh atrv-et and brought
up on th preniiae of Captain (5o. A.
Wood with few cana, no milk and me
aeratche on the boiae and k wagon
hady battered. It I fort una to neith
er bora wa killed, for it wa a dang
erniia mute and a dangerou par.
Send her a Valentin Svenioa'i Book
Stor tell them.
Mra. I). Y- 1'caa and daughter of
Skitanon, ar viaiting fiVmla in the
J. A. Altbtitt of TA'arrenton. waa In the
city yeatcrilay, looking up the matter of
putting in a bid on the eonat ruction of
a road from fowjaton to Warrentoa.
Mr, (iumuel Klmore and Miaa Flor
et ta Kliuort leave today for Califoitiia.
wherw thej- will remain for1 tverl
If. J. I-angn. the piano man ia in the
city from rortland.
For any diaea- of the akin thcr b
nothing bettor than Chamberlain'
Salv. It relieve the itching and burn
ing cii'ation inatant! and coon effects
a cure. Sold by Frank Hart and lead
ing druggUW.
Prominent Banker Takea Drug and I
Found Dead.
XKYV YOKK, Feb. S - A peei to a
morning paper front Kingaton, aya:
Roderick Mackenzie, banker, waa found
dead on th Grand Trunk track near
here. Hi death rulled from a drug
which he had taken, the bottle being
found in hia pocket. '
Mackenak ha be In the a rvio of
th Bank of Montreal aim- 1SH7, at
Cornwall, Halifax, Kewcaall. St. Johna
nd Kingaton, where he wa the manag
Tha Baltiatora k Ohio Eailrwad
Oomnaenclng Sunday, Kovambar 19.
traia No. 6. tha Royal Blu LlmlUd, will
Uar Grand Central pasaenger (tatlon,
Chicago at S p. m, inatead of 1:30 p. a,
and will arrira la PitUburg at fl:SS a.
Waahlngtoa at 4:40 p, m, Baltlmor
5:M p. m. Phlladelphl, l:l p. m. Kew
York 10:40 p. m. th aama aa with th
old acbedulo, thu reducing th Urn
on hour and thirty minute. No axeei
far will ba charged on thla fait limited
train. All other train will arriv ad
depart tha aam aa formerly. Stop-nrr
ia allowed at Waahingtoo, Baltlmor and '
Philadelphia, not ta ascwed tan day, at
aach plaea, on all SrwM through
Eureka Times Sett Up Su j jestive
Normal Ca,tch Wot Attained and th Se-
aoaa For It Pacific Supply Threaten
ad Growing Steadily Lea Drvijht
Interference With Spawning.
Th following article taken from the
laat iaaiia of tha Humboldt Time, (Eu
reka),' under dat of January tftib, will
be of interest to many in the aalmoa
induatry here, eapecially when it aa-tbettlk-itv
i eonaidered:
According lo atatententa from an au
thoritative ourca, the aalmoa eatck ia'
Eel rive but aeaaoo w (mailer thaa
in year.
Mr. Sidney Htartmck, ef Xew York
who throughout, tb but aeatoa ha
bee tb financial authority in charge
of the Port Kenyoa Pm-king Company
at Eel river, aid at the Vane Hotel
lat night to a Time man: "While the
eatch for the ending January 1,
1906, due not bow a financial lo, it
waa, howeirer, abnormally (mall.
In proof of thi statement it need
only be recounted tint tip to Decem
ber 15, 1WU, we bad parked but 130
tierce of fiah, whereat, under ordi
nary condition W tbould hava by
that time packed 8U0 tierce.
"A it wa we only packed fiOO tier-
eea during th whole aeaaon up to Jan
uary 1, ltaXJ, when w abut dowa. Or.
dinariljr tha pack would hava bean at
leaat HU0 liereea, or about 654.000 pound
f aalmoa."
"Doe that ntea ' t: ; - rl river
packing bou wi!' '!'
Jfo, not a Ins tt t, i vM- t
gala a the eomisn-.- '. :ti.J t j '. ii
ct the wUbliahn -r.t c-f -., !.
I your eow.-at'-y-!- h tr.-.icl
th et!"
"Ob, no, w
i. 'l.'."t v'l anjth
of atock held
deapita the bi
ftn.t.i &at:a-
"What mad-,
"Ijtv wate .
the conditio!
only unim il
Thi-re waa n
get up in,
flow to the "
factor. Tb r
Kel river
! t:ei.-ul.
t, I..
I, ,,,
T' not 1
ie rr .'. I
f,h t -
. .1, ,it ,
-. w.-i
i..n ''
the ocean and aliraiw
ar aearrhing for pawning pkcea. ii
i like twit thrown broadcaat. If it ia
not aeut out the anlinon do not come
up to awn. Thia eaon it wa not
aent out. There were no raina, and
the fih that were attracted by the
mull flavor that did exiat could hardly
get over the bar, much le-a up the riv
er to Ihe tpawning place."
' "What proporlMHt would yon y
thia aeaxin' ratch iu Krl river ha to
tli average pitch?"
"About rlve-eighta, or httle more
than half. That ia what tlie catch
fiiiounted to when we ahut down on
.lamiarv lat. Since that time have
come the raina and attendant Ataxia,
and 'thoiiaantN and thonnda of filt
have come aurgiug up the river. How
ever, thev have been kept out of the
spawning bed by the drouth, and vve
coiill not ue theui even if our pack
ing plant waa running. Their apiwn
ia over lip. Iheir lleh growing pale
in ptlor ami their eomlitHHi altigetlu-r
"Are they not uaed at all t"
"Yea, I understand," aaid Mr. 8tar
buck, " that miny of theui are Wing
hipied to San Kraneieo aa frch fi-h
We do not hamlle fih at atl.
We pack in mild pickle and trantfor
to cold atorage. Except tlie thort
W ar eel agents ia Aiteria for th Niagara Star Werki of BnSala, IT. T.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
fill 01 1
il 1 aaaaMa-J1
in- .--.Lf t-t-"" " t-yN-- e 1
tim - taken f trinaferal our packf
i not exta-wed at all until it reach
Cermanv, whr practically all ma
pack ia rit, and hr it La mokcd
for kical ennaufflption."
"Mr. V, A. Wllciix, ir-t for th
t'nited Sutea Bureau of Fiaberie,
aaid in tb Time a few day ago that
tb Eel river aalmoa rop bowe4
an etiormooa n; ae. ' How do ym
reorn-il (hat wilh thi poor lirwimr!"
naked tha Tim man.
"Eaaily, foe tiiat etimU waa ba
"1 on four yr. I read Mr. Wilcox
atateratent and kioked up our record
a to shipment from thi naxat, find-
ing that th two agreed very well.
"For all thai," a.J.led Mr." fctarbwk,
'I believe that depite tb state and
federal effort at propagation and tb
general eatahlUhineot of hatcherie,
th nupply of mIiimmi ah tha Pacifi
eoaat will grow ea, not greater. Tb
wal in aiich a-ea a I tttentioaad re-
culling from tlie late freahet b om
thing hardly belirralde."
Mr. Ktarbwk ia the father-In Jaw
of V. E. Tallant. tlie lrei.lnt of tha
Port Kenyoa Packing Company of EI
river, and th Tallant A Crant Pack
ing Company of the Columbia river.
When the tam of last Week hit Eel
river, Mr. Starhmk waa marooned by
th flood. "It did not rain" aaid he.
It waa a sucee ion of doudbuiwta.
and when I looked out In tha morning,
except for tha top of tb surrounding
hill there waa nothing but water ta
b ao." "
After being taken out of hi front
window in n boat. Mr. Starbuck waa
wrecked on a snag and saved him
elf by clinging to a fence post in a
current tbat tried hi trrngta. He
wa 2in rear-ued and takew tn m
plac of anfetj. The sit of tha pack
ing bouse and Mr. Starbwk ' narrow aa
cap i on Halt river, three mile abova
it junction with Eel river. Ha describ
es the ranch fence a washed away for
mile and agricultural condition seri
ously injured.
Tha aaanager af "Hot! Irving" wixbe
ta anneaac that tha hotal dining raora
U aow apea ta tha pabtk. Coed cooking
4 tpleadid aervica. Prka 05 ccata per
a ,.i. !(U1 rataa t pernuutrat gaoata,
' rom mt,
Xcvsr bar to wait long at tb Oo
cident I arbar Ebop. A, E. Petarsaa,
Cuvt sa is atamped on averp packag.
- h aaoat auoceaaful remedy known.
1. ma; yon well and keep you wall.
1 hf what HoIIisUr Rocky Mountain
ire. t'ae. cant, Taa or Tablet.
Fm.ik Hart, druggist.
N". A. Ackennan, 421 Bond Sk, do all of texidermy, furnltnra bp hoi-
' Nteriiig, carpet cleaning and Uytng, aut
" t tr sa makinr a neevartv and all srnrk
( r ,
gus:antaad. ,
Mis Olg Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Give mat
sage, steam and hot baths. Phone
Black 2163. Will call
The agricultural and horticultural re
source of the. Grand Valley, Colorado,
are moat entertainingly set foitb in aa
attractive booklet, "The Little Empire
of the Western Slope,1 now being dis
tributed by the pasa.nger department of
the Denver & Rio Grande RailroaJ.
The atranger within Astoria's gate
should know, doc every home citi
ten, tht the one plac to properly feed
on' self is th Falace Restaurant. Th
aervk-e, at th desk, in the dining room,
in the kitchen, i a p.-rfect mean
and experience can make it, and avail-
abl, day and night, the year round.
Private dining rooms for ladies and
partie. Banquet ting equipment unsur
passed. Call once, call alway. Corn
menial street, opposite the Pge build
Every one gvuiranteed. Wai let yaaa
atand or ait on the area door If yo-t
wih. Price reduced on nil stores set
range till after th Holidays,
17, J, Scully