The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 06, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    A ....... THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. . Tuesday, kbiuait t,
- .
Fathers Discuss Many Inv
. . ....
Cicat Mist Petition oa Different Sub-
jtSJ Attbadad to Communication
A B,llordinancea Fused. Liquor
License Are Granted to Two Peraona.
The city council met last evening in
tegular session, with tba Mayor and all
th council present. Th petition of
th Altoona ratling Company, king
permission to us part of Thirty-fitth
street to erect a net rack was referred
to the committe on wharfs and water'
front. i
Oara Weiman presented a request
to construct sidewalk in front of th
JJorta 100 feet of lot 7, block fifty-four.
ShiveJy's, which was referred to the com- j
miuee on tiree ana puonc wa.
A petition from O. J. Peterson, et al.
for th appropriation of $23. by the
council to aid in building a sidewalk
around Smith's point was granted.
A petition from Thomas Christians
for permission to build a sidewalk in
fint of lot 7, block 64, Sliively"a was
referred to th committee on streets
and publio ways.
A petition for penuiion to remove
-dirt from th bill on Fourr-fourth St.
street to fill his lot was presented by
Alf. Peterson, and duly referred to the
street committee with power to act.
Th bonds of Charles Dahbtrom, Aug
ust Danielson, and Johnson and Eng
strom, for liquor licenses were pres
ented and referred to the committee on
health and police.
A petition from B. Browing to be al
lowed to build small house at the foot
of Fifty-thinl and Ash streets, was filed
as it was stated that the said lot was
without aide of the city limit.
A petition to reduce the price of light
ing gas and electricity both in the rei-
Whether jour children coed new coats now or not. If there
is the least possibility of their needing them for the coming win
ter its very mnch to your advantage to purchase now
"We have placed in our windows a large quality of fancy
FRESCU FLANXELS suitable for making dainty waists for
early spring wear. The price formerly was C5c and 85c the
yard while thy last we will dispose of the remaining waist
lengths at the extremely low price of ,a yard ;
There's & splendid collection of the most popular shades and
colorings in the choosing, bettor come early.
Where the New things
d-nc and businee ditric, signed by
eveaty-thre pcix. presented
and referred to the committee on Way
nJ Mnm. and th city Attorney
Manager Coolidg of the electric turn
lymr was present at the council and ad
dred the body with repct to the
pctitkm. He lale4 thai in company
, ,)rdy loomg STOu a vr.r an their
ra plant, and " giving the cheapest
noasilde rates to it's consumer. He saM
In th past thirty-seven mouths from
October it, line. 2s.-ua.uoo feet f g
have been supplied to th people of this
rilr Hi cost of 1.S2 cent per thous
and feel, and the selling price to the
consumer ha b-en t.9S cents, leaving
the company a profit of but sixteen cents
I thousand feet. With the expend
which our company i. uuder for re
nairs. salaries, etc.. it can easily be
wen that the gas plant lia Weft a lo
,ing proposition for us. W have th
interest of the eity of Astoria at heart
fuf w pro
piv it ours." Mr. Coolidge said 4 he
company was perfectly billing
' ,""k owr thir book,
and ascertain whether or not his state
niciit was correct.
A communication from the city audi
tor concerning the redemption of M
, block 72. MoClure. waa referred to
the committee on ways and means.
A communication from H. V. Cyrus to
put up chandeliers in the city hall was
(re - cnra u im wihikm"" r"v
The proposal of Jcnen 1 Hansen to
furnish th city with a horse, dump
cart and wagon, for $1.50 per day. was
referred to the street committee.
A communication fim J. Riley ak
ing that his ae-mcnt for th im
provement of Fourteenth street from
Grand to Jerome, be lowered, was re
ferred to the committee oa way and
Th .following till reported favor
ably on by the way and means com
mittee were ordered paid: George Ka
both, $o.0O; Councilman Bclknd, $3.00
and Olof Anderson 5.60.
Liquor licenses were granted to J.
O. TyberR, and A. C Campbell
The bill Of a Peterson for $4.50 and
H. Humble for $15.13, were ordered paid.
The committee on streets and public
ways reported unfavorably on granting
Lindi-nberg ft Company, permission to
erect an oil tank, and their report was
The committee on ways and means
Make Their Debut.
reported favorably a ' the following
bilUi Foard A Stoke, SlTOj City l.uin
her Box Company, $33.70 1 and the
City Superintendent, $113.
The committee na fir and wwter re
ported favorably on th following bllU
which were ordrivd paid: S. F.tmore k
Company, $15.80j Dunbar ft Co, $1.00;
Astoria Hectrio Company, $o.0; Ko
Hiins ft Company, $3.00 1 Foard I
Stokes tt-s 1. C MvCosky, et al.
lUiilding permits were granted to Xn-
cy Welch and the Cnton Oil Company.
Ths committee on public property re
ported favorably on th following bill"
which weiw ordered paid: Atoria Klee-
trie Company, ,9.0Uj S. Elmore ft Co.
JU2.50j 11. V. Sauborn, 13.00; Foard
ft Stoke. $0.15; City Lumlwr ft lk
Coanpany. $3.10.
The monthly statement of the audi
tor and police judge was read and
filed. It showed that a total of $Ht had
been collected i of thia sum, $jMS was
for line and fori'ieturea, $30 for city
cemetery aocouBt, and $3.00 for build
ing pertuite.
A report from the city aurveyor on
the Improvement of th street along the
south line of block M, Shlvely a was
read and adopted on motion.
Rev, W. 8. Short presented a petition
askins fof th erection of an el.-rtric
light near th Holy Innocent Chapel. It
was referred to the committee on streets
and public wave.
The committee oa streets and public
way presented a report relating to the
improvement to be made on certain
street of the city. The rvport was
The bid of W. A. Goodin at m for
the improvement of Birch street from
Fifty-second to Fifty-third street was
An ordinance relating to th appropri
ation of blang dollars for th improve
ment of Third street from Commercial
to Puan waa read the first time.
An ordinanr appropriating $136.01
to pay W. A. Uoodin for certain improve
ment work, waa read th cond time.
An ordinance appropriating money for
certain municipal improvement a
read for th third time.
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of $400 the amount of the North Pa-
cifio Brewing Company'a licence, to that
Company came up for the thiftl read
ing and) after considerabln diacuion
passed. At this point in the proceed
ng it was stated that Charles Duhl
strum was operating his saloon without
licence, and th Mayor accordingly
notructed th chief of police to arrest
the guilty party, or make him pay the
fin of M.
An ordinance to suppress nuisance
wis ivad for the third time end passed.
An ordinance fixing the salary of the
city physician at $50. per month ram
up for it' third reading and was pas-
An nulinsnce appropriating the um
of $400 to Laxrll ft Co., the amount of
their liquor licene as lost, as the coun
ril at the previous meeting decided to
allow Laxell ft Company, to operate.
An ordinance appropriating $1,113,90
for the improvement of Columbia aven
ue from Taylor to Alain la streets was
The resolution introduced by Coiind!-
man Linenwrber, to psy experts $150
for experting the city books, was read
and upon a vote being taken was lo-t
Th matter of streH Inpentor Harry
and V. A. (Jomlin was hre discussed
which is referred to in another prt
of this paper, st length.
The council then adjourned.
Criminals Can Be Surely Identified by
Finger Mark.
NEW YORK.Feh. 5.IVt-ctiv Ser
geant Joseph Faurot, who was aent
abroad I)ecem!er sixteenth last to study
identification system in Iondon and
Paris returned on the st curlier Carmana
yesterday. II will submit a report to
day to Commissioner Iliiiliam.
Tli thumb print method of identi
fying criminals struck Faurot as being
the surest and most useful feature of
the liertilion system. While he was in
London, pursuing his study, Scotland
yard was railed on to act in the Dept
ford murder case. Th only clue of
importance was a finger print in blood
on a cash drawer. Tire finger print
was photons plied on copper and sent
to Scotland yard, and in twenty-four
hour the detectives had the murderer.
Fa rout said yesterday that the adop
tion of the finger print system would
be a decided improvement on the Ilt-r-tillion
system a used here,
"Bad lucky" is a buy man's excuse.
Success depends upon Ourselvef, ,
The booming southwest keeps up the
pace of fast mail train also.
Frightfully Burned.
Cba. W, Moore, a machinist, of Ford
City, Pa, had hi hand frightfully burn
ed in an electrical furnace. He applied
Buck ten's Arnica Salv with th usual
result: "a quick and perfect cur."
Oreatest healer on rth for Burns,1
Wound, Sore, Eciema and Files, tic
at Cha. Rogers, Druggist.
laiUih. Rdraea Confined Secretly
Sanatariuta For Many Year.
NEW YORK, Feb, 1-A eomplabt of
ahduction arising out of litigation over
an ett abroad haa been mad to the
New York polic against a member of
the Yet h.ter County Club and aa In
vest ijrt ion Is In progress.
Little that Is dc tin its about the case
is allowed to com out her but It l
learned that th daughter of an Eng
lish family said to lie nolde, disappeared
'rm Honolulu several yeara ago, and.
Hnully succeeted in communicating with
her relative from sanitarium In this
country. Mi was born, it la said. In
Pari and la 27 years of aite. I'pou
learning hens whereabout her rela
tives communicated with the police here.
A French countess Is said to figure In
th case In some way.
It wws learned yesterday that a de
tect iv had visited a police court on
Saturday and had been looking for the
man eomplaiucd of but without finding
him. The man wanted, it I said had
been at the Waldorf-Astoria within the
put few we,ke.
Milk Train Collide With Freight, Piling
. Up Can ea Tracks.
NEW YORK, Feb, J.-A eievUl to
th Time from Middleton, X. Y. Says:
A combination milk and passenger
traia on the Satuehnaa nd Western
railway, erashedtnto the n-ar end of
a work train composed of twenty cars
standing on the main track here yester
day. The passengers of the milk train
wer badly ahaken up and on waa in-
Several cars of the work train were
demolished and the debris thrown oa
the tracks of the Ontario ft Wests
track, which run psralhll with the Sua-
ipichanna. Traffic was blocked on both
line for several hours.
Luckiest Waa la Arkanaaa,
'I'm the luckiest nun In Arkansae
writes H. U Stanley, of Bruno, "sine
th restoration of my wife's health after
Ave .year of continuous coughing and
bleeding from th lungst and I owe my
good fortune to the world's greatest
medicine, Ilr. King New Discovery for
Consumption, which I know from ex
perience will cure consumption if Ukn
in time. My wif Improved with first
bottle and twelve bottle completed the
cure." Cures th woivt couch and
colds or money refunded. At Cha.
Rogers, druggist. SOc and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.
, . -
New embroi
deries and shirt
New white
shirt Waists.
New ging
hams, percales
and domestic
wash goods.
J$ X5he
a siwi I
Those Two
That are shown in our windows, this week
They fit your head as they do your pocketbook and
best of all they are up to date.
Vher they sell good Clothes."
Day on (he
of Astorft.
Iatrfra With Spawning.
Out ef Yokahama Paiamut Geet t
Sea Boaecrani and Low Arrive Motet
of th Day.
The steamer F. A. Killmrn was among
th early arrivala from sea yesterday.
Sh brought a good consignment of
freight from' the Pay City for Astoria,
and had thirty-oe people on boaid
among whom aer th following: Ur.
and Mr. X. W. Tallant, Mr. and Mrs
Oiss Smith, P. C.rady, It W. Thulinger,'
II. V. Dolph, J. J. Ilryant, Mr. Ilryant,
Mis llnaiit, n. I Ilundemon, (leorge
Wusmiiih, r., A. Uiste, K. X. Kaluhlld,
Mr and Mi. K. toners, W. W Crews, K
I- V.hI, M. L. Skiduiore, Ml.. Skid-
more, W. . lillh-apie, f, V. llolierts,
I. W, ;mm, M. Francis, It. P. lt.-rm and
('. Goodman, with six in second cabin.
Clos Shav.
The gasoline schooner (iertdd C, which
ssih'd Tuesday morning, returned to
this port, says the Newport News, Af
ter crossing out Captain lathsm found
the sea running too high to attempt en
tering the NileU and put hack here to
await a more opNirtun moment.
While going out over thia bar she ship
lied a heavy sa and was very Irtcly to
scspe without serious Injury,
The liar was apparently ijull smooth
when the fiershl C. sailed, but before
had rloarvd it a big green cornlier sud
denly rolled up high over her bow and
broke riht on top of her burying the
staunch little vessel out of sight all
hut the top of lo r masts. The bstloiis
wer torn from the hatch, the sky-
litthts over the engine room tov In,
the bout broken fro mil lashings to
the deck amidsliiii and
other dmiisKe wws done. Captain lath
am was at the wheel and narrowly -
i-nped liclng knocked overboard by a
Imh that was swept past him, striking
Mill a side blow on the breast. Had it
struck apiarcly it would have either
killed or knocked him into the sea.
The steamer Despatch crossed out for
San Piwndsco yesterday morning at ft
The bark Paramita, lumber laden for
Ouaymes, left out on the forenoon tide
The Portland-Asiatic liner Xicomadia.
twenty days from Yokahama, crossed
In yesterday, and left up for Portland
about five o'clock yesterday evening.
The flue oil-tank steamer Itocran-
in charge of the hulk Monterey, also oil
laden, came in from California yester
day and proceeded at once to Portland
The French bark Jules Comer, Cap
tain Quartreveau, seventy-four days
from Hohart Tewn, with oalr arrived
- Fifty Hats
in jvsleidsy
loaer harbor.
and is anchored In the
The steamship Senator la du down
f'tu Port U nd ssrly this morning and
Is rieHe. to leave out for Baa Ftea
cisco at 7 o'clock. C. C Durrltt U th
only passenger rrglsier out on her
from this putt up to clos of business
The steamer R. Miller will go Into
ship' hospital for a couple of wela
during whh-h time her machinery will
he thoroiiifhly overhauled and the boat
put in god shape generally. Th stesru
er Maydowsr will take thd Willra
run and busines oa th inter un.
The Lurllne got down from Portland
about 4 o'clock je.teidsr afternwtn ami
left up on time. Captain Larkln is still
indisposed and has to take prim car
of himself against relapset The follows
ing eop wriw on th l.urlln' register!
F. Haines, 0. C. Hall, T. It. Shrev. Mi.
J. C. White. , .
A Healing CospJ.
Iter, J. C. Wsrrn, pastr of
Sharon llsptlst Church, ItcUir, tie., aya
of Klectric Hitters l lt'a a flodsend t
mankind. It cured me of lam back,
stuf Joints, and conrplet physical 'col
lapse. 1 was so wesk It took me half in
hour to wslk a mite. Two bottles of
Klectric Hitters have made m so strong
I hav just walked three miles in 00 min
utes and feel like walking three more.
It's made a new man of m. Rreiet
remedy for Weakness and all Stomach,
Uver and Kidney eotitpliints. Sold
under gusrsnte at Char. Koger' drug
store, Prlr tttic
The Woman's SuiTrsire Ai.oriation
will hold a special meeting Monday,
February 6th, at SiO p. nu
All memhers ar reueled to b
present as there is business of Import
ance to le acted upon,
Hy order of the President,
Nolle hi-rchy given thst the As
sembly Club, giving dances at Igan'l
hall, ha engaged union mu-iclan.
There's a cure for old age, an excel
lent and thorough one. There la noth
ing sensstlorwl shout it. It is th best
ti, doctor can find under existing clr-
eumstances. Hollister'a IWky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Everything That's
Good to Eat
W carry a full Un of fancy oana4
and frih fruit and vegtUbl.
Fancy aaval orange.
Price, from toe to 30c per dot, '
Ttlephon a and year order win hi?
the tamo particular. attention aa 11 yot
called la person.
Phone Mala 681
123 CommroiI St,