MONDAY, FEBRUARY J. tol THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. COUNTY COURTFILES History of the Last Stswor. mHl w XixH u w, That Body. RESUME OF ORDERS AWDE Jteparts of Officer and Dei. of County Caauaitsitnert ia AU Relations la cam a4 Expense Record it it Kept January Ten. January jrd, too. Claim examined and the Clerk order ed ta draw Warrant on the eeveral foade, aa foUoww: Oeaeral feed Koa4 Daitrict, No. 1. fuad 15.010.71 . 677 JK . TS.00 . 24.00 U.50 3.00 District, No, 4, faad L District No IS. f ad Road District No. IS, fund ' toad District No. 13, faad Total amount of elainia allowed 10,812.13 Total amount of claim dis avowed S"5-3" Total amount of claim pre sented 5,mJ0 la the matter of improriug one-half mOe of eounty road, Xo. 95, bt-tween Ol aey and Young River Fall. Bkl having otMta a.-led, the folowing bids weir opened and read: Fred 3d. Bloisdcl! ..f-'.W) jr mk! Fred Farhaniemi 2i4 per rod FJine WaruUfr l-'3 er rod , Elmer Warntff being the lowest bidder, wa awarded the contract, ame to be completed by May Ut, . In the matter of the County Road 4 ax-titioned for by Oakar Inuit and iteea others in Roard' District Xo. T. Ordered that J. F. Bartoldu be ap ... , . .. . , , . pointed a member of the board and to- r getber with the itiad master and county E. Astbury instructed surveyor, R. C. to proceed to lay out said road. IB ne mailer oi me .iiuu alley in block 3, Ge.rh.rt Park, from Ia the matter of the vacation of the Fifth to Siith street The Court being well advised in the above aiatter and finds that no other person i particularly affected by the vacation but the owner, The Theo. Kruse Catering Co. which detirea to vacate In nisi- to enable them to enlarge the; lotei. Ordered that the petition be granted. Ia the matter of the vacation of ee I' ll ia streets in C-aiart Park. Ordered that the streets mentioned in the said petition be vacated as the property abutting upon the aaid streets ka been withdrawn from the market. In the matter of the application of the Erwe Catering Co. for permi-ion to lay a pipe line fim the Thompson Fhlla to Gearhart Park, aloujr the Coun ty road. Ordered that tlie petition to Uy a pip line along tlie County road from i Thompson Fall to Onrlnrt be grunted. In the matter of the ImiSal of the Connty poor for the year W. C. A. Pohl, county coroner stilted that he would bury the county poor at the aannr rate as in the year I'-Htf, to-wit: fat for each burial. In the mutter of;! nenl- for eounty prisoners in jail. Thomas Peter-on dc-iiiii to dinliniie kU contniet to furni-h meals to pri ners in the County Jail at i"t cent cr aieal. It Heariii;.' to tae Court that said piiiv i- a reamable one. it i r-net'-d that -ail contract li continued during the year Y.i. Thursday, January 4, 1906. proerty. TIm- 1 onrt h.aiinj,' adiertied lot hi'U iiiiproiing a road from the City Limit" to the Hume Mill property. Said l'il to wcr either of the four mule", r.: Rout - "A" from Ttii!i -tteet to Iliitne mill over giouiid. Route '11" F10111 A-'i strw-t to Hume 3I oier ground. Route Fmiu liin b street to Hume amTI oer Tre-tle. IIouU- "(." From A-h street to Hume siill orr trestle. S.i id rul ! improved acorJing to piuii" and pei-inetitions on Hie in the -fliie of the County Clerk. This being the time -et for opcuiiix mid bids, the following bid were opened and read: Birch 4 ?aeol-oii, route "B" and ' tie.t!e i.VJ i- limning foot; plank ing on dirt I .hx per running fiot; tiradiiig. $ JO per euliie yard; for ex a tat ion emlnkineut .00 per cubic yard. t". A. Cixlin, route "I!," grading and planking tf'.W.on 543 ft. trestle at 2..fi2 perfiait.. H!l7.S Totnl SMJ3.06 tiute "C grading and plaiig .W25.60 J43 ft. trestle at 2C2 per foot.. ft'JT.oO KtMktr ".V crying. planking. ami bullhead cum.let fcI.SiM.0O Koute C" srndin: d plank- .u.l hulUiead wmildrte S.JtW.lM Koute "A r "1 by trwiliiijr lttt ft hem era tatitn M and 20 vord el bratvd instead of pile for the of 2.4iM. ihmt route "A and fcMOOOO per route -D" will accept any ih or work MibacriheU ky resident al.wji route "A or "IT a payment on t-oiit lint price for Hid work. U R. Abercrunlie. Route. "1" a Kr specification for fci.77J.tW. The Court Having considered th bi of Hirvk & JacoWn, find that th totnl eot of the improvement .curding to their" but i follow to its Route "ir-TrvMle ST.0S; planking . . i .. lis Totnl wl l.;.8H. Route V-Orading l.Wi planking on ground 140S0; trtk- ST!MW. Total t, l.OST.TH: The Court nut being fully advised t this time, it U ordered that the Blatter he continued until Wednesday, Jan 10th. 1906. In the matter of furnishing and lay ing 300 roJ of County road between X McKay and X. Anderson. Thin be ing the tin to coaitidef the bid the fol lowing were opened and read: Sim ilay $150 per rod Otto Ridderbuk 150 per rod X. Anderaoa 1.23 per rod One dollar and twenty renta beiog the lowe-4 bid and upon the roll being railed the Judge and both rommUtion- er roted for Otto Ridderbutch who wa awailed the eoutract. In the matter of furnishing the Coun ty brilgee with oil for the year 1900, Tlie following bid were opened and re id: Ro. tTigein A Co.. 21c per gallon. A. V. Allen, W-75 per cae of 10 gal lon. Astoria Onxvrv. fc!.lV per cae if ordered in small uantitii' or $2.50 per case if the rear's supply is ordered at one time. The bid of Ro, Tlimrin & Co being the lowet and bet bid it if orderej that Name be awardnl the smd firm v I In th maMu nf It antw tin tilt In the matter of tlie appointment of a R4 f " This being the time fixed by law for the appointment of a comity road -- , P 1 Wre ln but "e 1 fPtiT iniia.1 Att ttaM Hi l V V U-'U VII fTjv v SVOLLEII VEINS SPRAUJSSTRAIIIS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings, f Over-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. VrOt for tbkt tt toot. WOODARD, CLARKE I CO PORTLAND. OREGON Chinaware in the city. Tea Sets, Chocolate Pots, Cups and Saucers, etc, etc, etc. Yokohama Bazar 636 Commercial Street, Aitorl "PaleBohemlan Lager Beer" THE BEER FOR THE- HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE oa draught and in bottle rtwed l1f Mnttanr condition at prupn KA ruht here ia Atotla. ( WE I ARE SHOWING I Some of the most beautiful I pieces of I North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGOIf, 0 sit HELP WANTED, WASTED-Girls ey place; family of three. Apply Astoriau Ofllce. LEARN 1 CLEG RAT ITT AXD R. R. AeeouaUnc. S0 to M0 . axmta sai try Mtured our (raduatea under bond. Our tlx lekoobi the Urgent la America sad endorsed by all Railroads. Writ (or eataJoffue. W0RSX SCHOOL OF rELEQRAPHT, Oaoiaaatl, 0 Buffalo, ST. T, AUaata, Gv, U Croaae, Wkv, Ta irkaaa, Tex, 8aa I'nuseaMa, OaL UDIES 0SLY READ THIS-lf you koaeatly wiak to aiake aioaey. tad will caavaaa the wemea af year local ity, we bare tbe arUcbta for yenj pat anted s guaraataed, asd rat solleri; sead 0 eeata for cappktbi samples 1 mosey refunded if aot tatisfactory. RamoM Novelty Ajracy, tM-4 Mohawk Bldf, Portlaad, Ore, WASTED GESTLEMAS OR LADY with "od refereace, to travel for firm of 230,000 capital j salary UOTi per year and expenses-, ' salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Ad- dreas, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, As toria, Ore. WASTED: Y0UNQ MENj PREPARE yourselvea to fill the position that will be created at fast a the numerous railroad complete their extenaion during 190; salaries paid telegraph operators $80 to $150 p -r month j w prepare you at home br mail first and you can enter our school later, saving 1 to 2 months' board and tuition; wit for our terms today. Pacifio Coast School of Tele graphy, Portland, Ore. FOB KZICT FURinSBED ROOMS. FOR REST TWO NICELY FURS1SII- cd room with board if desired ; privilege of bath and phone. Thou R. 2131. FOR REST THREE FURNISHED room for houekeeping; no children, Enquire 472 Commercial treeL FOR RES'T-2 FtTLVISHED HOUSE keeping room. 878 Commercial FOR BENT Housekeeping room 877 Exchange street. at F0I CALK. r0R gALB BECOKD-HAND t COL- smn newapiwr - sept rea: cheap. Inqalra at tWa of- Bee. FOR SALE CHEAP-HORSE, BUO gy and harness. Inquire Astorlan of &00.. SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES for sale, suiUbl for logging snd hoUting purposes. For deacriptlna and price apply to F. D. Ku-ttner, Astoria. Orepin. NOTICE FOR BIDS. CI11KK AH'I KH.MAS I Klt'S OFFICE, Vnncuiiver l!iinak, February 3, l!NMi. S.-iilfd j.roiiaU, in tiiptieate, will hp lee ivid t thi olliie until II oVl.Mk a. 111., Fifbrunry W. l'"t. and thi-n imblii-ly opened, fr the cntriie tiiMi at both F"rt Columbia, Vah nnd Ft. Steven-, Ore., of a building f'ir -hvl-tir fr var.h litfht tni'-k. Full iiibr niati'.n will 1 fumi'-heil m tinn to thi, odiie. riun may nl-o be een ut th- i lli' of thn Dt Ouarter master, Portland, Oregon; 1 1,11-tnn ting Ouart.-rnia'.t.-r, Fort Steven. Orejron and I'ot Ou.irtermati'r, Fort (oliim bin, 'h-1i. The T. S. reerve. the ih to ipt or rejert any or nil bid or nny part th r-of. Enelo contain Uig proposal khoiild l indofned: 'Proptieiil for biiiMinjr for n-unh li-jlit triifk, Ft. Coliimbi. (or Ft. Steven)", and ddreed to the Chief Quartermas ter, Vancouver Barraeks, Vali. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE office of the Columbia River Paokere' Association for the eontnietion of Eurka Cannery at Eagle a iff. Plsns and specification can be seen st the A'sociation office. Bids will be opened st 10 a. m., Saturday, February 10th. Right i reserved to reject any or .11 bids. Columbia River Packers Automa tion. Vim iflrlnow at niauucr trouble. l Cures In 148Hours Vch Caeanle uie bear the nmee- mm Situations Wanted Advertisement Inserted Twice Without Charge. LOST ARD F0CHD. FOl'ND-A FtKXETlG01C CONTAIN. ing card of Mrs. II. C Smith. Call t Hotel Occident! k for steward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RIITAUeUNTt. GUM VAH CO. Ststaaiaat 7 Attat St AitaiU, Ota, All kiadi t aaea'ak Iteedlea tad Cbep Saey. T0KS POIBT 0YSTII B0CSX. Eaatara aad Eaaalwatar Bay Oyster Steaks, Ckope, Ste. Opea day aad slgbt Utk 8L, aext to Sculry elgar atora FIRST-CUSS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur nt 434 Bou.l St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-ccnt meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 ComuaervialSt. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, bos wood, any kind of wood at lowest price. Xtlly, the transit r man. "Phone tiot Mala, Bara ta Twelfth, opposite opera koata. COOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOOC0430000000COOOOC JUST We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BIDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . y di dt c We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any ' library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. dt dt dt dt The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astoriau Building , Cornkr Commercial and 10th Street coin, 1R0KIRAQI. C J. TRENC1IARI) R sal Estate, Inturanee, CeenmlseJee and hlaalna. -CUSTOM H0Ul IR0KIR. OKI) 1 Nlatb ttraet, Neat to dwat OtRea, ASTORIA, 0RI00N. UUNORIIt. The Troy Laundry TH only labor laaaeVy to Dm elty. Deo tHa beat week at rs enable afiee 4 la la every way werthy af ywar patraaaaa. Wtft and DUANI tta, 1WL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fHYIICIANI. J AT TUTTLE, M. D. PHT8ICIAN AND M'HQEON Aril a Autaot larawa tj.8. Marine ul IMr vtce. Owaea kowra: It to It a.m. l to :! pja 4TT Commercial Street. od Floor. DR. J. P. GO RAY, Specialist KYI, EAR, ROSE AND THROAT so) Oregoaiaa Bulldlag. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEORATHISTa. DR. RB0DA C HICU OSTEOPATH Offlc. Man sai. Did. Pbon Black toil ITS Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. A MOMENT! F v dt oe Ol Ol Ot DlNTIITa. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Oominercial Hi Astoria Oreaon. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dkktiut Drthlaa Building. Astoria, Orefoa. a . BaiWBwaaaaaaBBaBBiBMaaiaBBaaaaaawBBaa Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DEXTI81 m Oamateresal 8tH Bbaaahaa Baikliai mrsic riACBEi. WANTED TURKS MV61C PUPILS, iaqulre at Astoriaa affle. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN UHS. C D. Stewart, U7 SeireaU ttreet i im 11 W01UUXGMENS HOTEL. Good board and eleaa beds. Kewly renovated throughout L. R. Abercrombie rrop. Corner 14th and Eirhsng Sla. (Formerly Kehalera Iluuse.) MOT I La. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. WJBBBa) FliUet Hotel la th NerOiwaet n O0CO0COCXXXXX5O00000C0C)CXX3000CO0C COCC000COC000COCOC30C)CCC?COCC0000C000CO000Q Total , 1.323JJ8' T