4 Li V, UaUtHf PULL AMOOIATCD PRf ft RIPORT bOVIRt THI MOIININa rtlLO ON TetB LOWS OOLUUBIA; VOLUME LX NO. 244 ASTORIA. OREGON, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS THE UNIONISTS DSAGREE Ranks of Unionist Party Arc Divided. FACT ACKNOWLEDGED Chamberlain and Balfour Arc at Outs Over tht Leadership j- Question. NEW PARTY MAY BE FORMED It it Poeelble Chamberlain Will Wilt draw Adbetioa to Balfour and Form 6ptmU Patty. M Tariff Reform Party Dlvltion, Sensation of Hoar, -v v- LONDON, Feb. S.Tbot thoie U epllt I the Inlonltt party it recog- tiied a an oxUtuig fact by Unlonlit cewtpap-rt thU morning. They My It a M dennltely known , that Balfour and S Chamberlain have agreed to dlgr and It U believed Chamberlain will with -draw bit adbetioa to IUIfour nnj org nit a eepartt party on tariff reform. Thia, the newtpapera admit, It now tb only eourte open to Chamberlain unlet. IUIfour decide to mil a nulling of th party and alluw It't member to di id tbo Question of leadership. The whole question form tho political ton Mtioit of tb bour and no) king ele I fliaruesed la tho political club. PROFESSOR IS CANNED. CUmm Viceroy Discharge Prof, Ten- aty, Director of Education. rKKIX, Fob. 4-Yusa Sht Kal, vice wy of Cbill, bat discharged Prof. Ten Bey, tho foreign director of education. There, bat boon strong opposition re cently, to foreign management of tho chad and particularly to Tenney be niiM bo la aa American. Tho boycott 1 being revived. When it began Mlu l.ter Rorkhlll and the American enniult Urged tho Chine to wait until Con jir met. The feiluro of t'ongreta to ' act h arJUed resentment. FOREIGNERS FEAR. Cantoa Fortlgnera la State of Appre hension Over Condition. HONU KOXd, Feb. 4. Foreigner at Canton are In a ttato of great appro lirntlon owing to the iniufllciency of police protection. After the looting I)r. Ilcattie'o rettdeiice Saturday at Hat I, by aruicd liiineee, a guard boat wat iiettel to tend attance, but tho com manilt'i1 replied be had no authority. KINO, 13 ILL. Monarch of Roumanla Suffering From Heart Trouble. . MEXXA, Feb. 4Klng Clmrlet of Ilnumania I erlouly ill but It believed ( -to I in no linmediato danger. He It eulTcring from ralciflcation of the ar- terlc of tho heart. FOUL AIR N BLUE BIRD MINE, KILLS TWO MEN DENVER, Feb. 4.-A Cripple Creek pec 11 to tho Newt ttatet that two men weiw killed and three Injured by reaanei of foul air in tho Dlue Bird mine today. Allen Webeer and T. L, Oleton wer overcome and were being boiited to tbe curfaca wbea Oleton .tumbled WILL ISSUE ORDER. Called Mine Workers W!U Call Strike For April Fir. IXDIAXAPOLM. Feb. 4.-U wa iU mated at tbo national headquarter of United Mine Work ere today that before the adjournment ol tbo eaerutire board, Secretary and Troaauror WUoa will bo In. t rut-led to prepare a formal atrike order, to bo effective oa April let, la order to avoid reaoeembllng tbo board. An Interesting aituatioa baa oemo About at a mult of I tie peeeago of tbe reeolutloo by tbo national ooaveatioa. Tho mine worker officials interpret it to nwn every district wbetber anthra dte or bituminous. Uader thl ruling tbo wage acalo eommltte appolatod at Shamokfa will bavt no power to olga a contract, area If tbo deraaad art aa orded to by the anthracite operator unleee tb member of all other dtatiiato effect aa groemoat with their em ployer. ,. ' unconscious to end. LOXDON, Feb, 4.Lady Grey, wife of Sir Edward Grey, tho foreign mini ter, abo wat thrown from her carriage at EUlngbtm, died today without bar Ing regained contcioutnee. INCREASE TONNAGE. TOKIO, Feb. 4.-Tbe Japanre Gov ernment expect to inert ee the toantge of tho nary 400,000 ton tha coming year. SEE THE BULL FIGHT Mot ocean Delegates Witness Uttlt Spanish Sport 1 WAS A SANGUINARY AFFAIR Amerlcaa aad Britith Logatloaa Did Not Attead tb Spectacle Plea Horte Killed aad Two Bull SU Tboataad People Ar Present, AIIECIRAS, Feb. 4. A brilliant though bloody spectacle of a bullfight In honor of tha Moroccan conference wat the event of today. Crowd came from all parte of Andulatia more than 0000 teeing the fight. A box, gaily decor t ed with Spaniah colore, accommodated the tmbattador and officiate of many countries. Mott of the dclegationi were represented and many envoye were ac companied by their wive and datigh tere. The American and BritUh lege lion, did not attend. The flrvt animal hroiiKht into tho ring killed two horte before the matador could drive hit. tword to tha hilt Into tha animal, which fell dead. Thoiuanilt cheered aud the band plnyed a SnmiUh fenilanin). The evcond bull proved aa ok'.V flKhlcr, Tlilt bull wat alto detpatched. An other bull killed five home, four dying la th arena and the fifth, terribly gor re-id, ttaggorod outid and died. None of th picador ar terloutty hurt. For eiicr wltnee.ed the aceuo in mingled admiration at Hie amliiclty of the mata dor ami In horror at tho cruelty. , THREE DIE OF FRIGHT, ' ItKXXKS, Feb. 4. All tho buihllng of the home for the al in Fauborg dr Prlrt were dctro.ved toniKht by a fire. XI ne bodiet were found In tbo ruin. Three women died of fright. out of tho cage and wat dahed to death. Webtter expired of atphyxia tlon before tho cage reached tho tur- face. Fred Benjamin who wat waiting to bo hauled up wat caught between the' cage and wall and eruthed, ha may die. Two other were uncontciou but have recovered. '', UP ONCE MORE HOUSE WILL CONSIDER End of Railroad Rate Argument Not In Sight Pen sion and Fortification Bills Next Senate Has SUpplng Bill This Week. SENATOR BACON TO REVIVE HOUSE WILL TAKE UP RATE BILL AGAIN AS MA NT DESIRE TO BE HEARD ON THE SUBJECT-SLTUTE MAT DISCUSS TBE SHIPPING BILL COMING WEEK MOROCCO QUESTION TO COME UP MOROCCO CONFERENCE EXPECTED TO REACH A CRISIS IN A FEW DATS. WASII1X0T0X, Feb. 4.-Chairmaa Hepburn la charge of th railroad rate IcgUUllon la tho Ilout It unable to ee aa and to th dicujon of that urn Uader a t pedal order it ha tha right of way , until dltpotod ofj Hepburn bat a ktu'g lUt of Republican niou to bo htard and Adamton, con trrdling the time oa tho minority aid, tay flty Democrat want to (peak in the bill favor. Speaker Cannon la in clined to let tbe debate run. It it ot mated It will bo tha latter part of tha week before tho but epeech I delivered. Th pernio bill will follow tho rate bill and at toon a thia it out of the way th fortification bill, which will be reported today from tha committee, will bo eontidered. Friend of tho thipping bill in tho Penat hop to occur during tho preeent week an agreement to vote oa that meMire, and it it understood that ae toon a It la ditpoaed of, the Statehood bill will encored it, a un finished butineta. Tho urgent deficiency bill will bo taken up by tho committee EVERYTHING POSTPONED. rARIS, Feb. 4. Th Madrid come- pondent of tho Echo do Pari etafet that owing to th Britith court being in moumftig, King Edward' viit will be poetponed. to take plac thie tprlng and tbe marriage of King Alphonoo and Prince Ena it postponed until June. PRESIDENT PARDONS. Midthipmaa Miller Pardoned by Roote- Ttlt, Take Old Potitioa. AXXAPOUS, FeK 4Tho action of the lreident in pardoning Midthipman .Miller, convicted of hating, wat promul gated at the naval academy today and Miller rrtmed hi position at captain of the 12th company. The Xavy De partment hae axked for further infor mation in the rate of Decatur and Mar- Willi. RECTOR RESIGNS. Ill Health Compel Dr. Raintford to Giv Up Potitioa. NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-Dr. Raln.ford, for twenty-two yearn rector of tho St. Oeorge't Epitcopal church, hat retigned becue of ill health. Rer. Hugh Birckhead, aeaittant rector tucceeda him. Raintford I one of tho beat known clergymen In tho country. Ho I noted at a preacher, writer and for hit activity ia philanthropic work. MEMORIAL SERVICE. Impretaivt Memorial Serrioo Held For Let Xing Chrlatlaa. COrEXTIAGEX, Feb. 4.-An Impi- tlvo memorial oervioe over tho body of King Chriatiaa ia tho Garden Room of the Palace wat held tonight. ' All member of tho royal family were pree ent, but otherwise' th ceremony wat itrlctly private. scuss THE BILL THIS WEEK MOROCCO QUESTION TUESDAY early in the week and probably will be reported a few day later. Tb provia ion of thi bill which will bo meet de bated It tho abrogation of tho eight- hour law oa the canal ton. .Baooa wCQ revive the Morocco quettioa In a epeech Tuetday. Scott will apeak Wednesday ia oupport of a bill giving pensionable tialuilo telegrapher employed by tbo union force ia the civil wer. Foraker will take opportunity in th flrt exe cutive tet-ion to oecuro a nUeratka of tho hi of Finee treaty. The death of King Chrhtiaa tho IX bao eaat a liadow over to many court of Europe aa to make thia a period of almoet uai venal mourning, but the important event which can bo forecattod, will not be affected by .hie death, rrogree ia being alowly made at Algeciraa and the delegate are apparently more la ac cord than at any previou time. - The two nation mot concerned, Germany and France, etill teem loath to conaid er tho main bue, that of policing Mo rocco. IMPRESSIVE SERVICES. SAX FRAXCI.SOO, Feb. 4.-Impree tive funeral aervice were held today in honor of Firemen Dakia and Hcnne. y of tbo local department and Third Officer Wallace of th tnatport Meade who kwt their live in a fire on that veeeel - SILLY REFORM. TEURE HAUTE, Feb. 4-A a reeult of the ttrict enforcement of the Sun day doting law thirty-teven offender wer arretted today. One man wat ar retted for ahining thoee tnd another for wa thing a buggy at a livery ttablo. NO CHOLERA IN MANILA. Diteaaa Still Spreading in One Province, However. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-Choler haa finally been completely ttamped out in Manila. The present weeti health re port received by Surgeon-General Wy man thowt that in tha latt teven dayt only one eaa waa reported in the Philip pine capital, and that, it had been brought ia from th outtlde. About the aame number of rate con tinue to be reported from the province, but tbo health official report that the disease hat been eradicated from the placet where it first nude ita appear ance. The provinces of Rizal and Lagun are now almoet entirely free and cateo ar mostly reported in the province of Cavit and Bulacan. Th infection In tho latter province htt spread contid crably in the last week. WILL REACH ATLANTIC. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-The Weath er Bureau forecasts that the cold wave covering tho We tern State today will sweep to the Gulf tonight tnd eastward to th Atlantic tomorrow. SPEED CONTEST. Rival Railroad Stnggl to Secure Mail Coatract. ST. LOTIS, Feb. 4. A apeed contest to -ure tb government mail contract waa Instituted today between the Iroa Mountain and Frio-MiaeouH-Kaa and Texaa rd. Both trains were ttrip-p-d, euntiating only of mail and ex prc cart and tbe tpcedieot engine pro eurthle. The wntet will oerur daily for a month. The objective point are Jort Worth and Italia. Going Some DALLAS. Feb. 4.-TU MiMouri Kaa sa and Texaa reached Drniton three minute ahead of time aftT ataining a maximum tped of 7tl miles aa hour. Conertiona of the train pa teed Da 114 on time. Tbe Iron Mountain train reacheJ Texarkana forty minute late owing to break down and reached Dalla eight minute late. HAWAUANS ARRIVE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4,-The delega tion of Hawaiian citizen arrived today to appear before the committee of Congrewi to advocate legitlation mprir ing that thrVe-fourth of the duties col lected in Uawaii be e-nded on public works there. STILL IMPRISONED. PARIS, Feb. 4.-The Benne corre potident of the Petit Journal oUtes that Roman Irignar arrived Sunday but Sitter Madame Humbert, tbe -ewindler, ha yet been released from pri-on. Three More Valencia Victims Arc Found on Shore. ONE IS THE BODY OF WOMAN Watcher at Darling River See Bodies ia th Surf Canadian Government Begiaa lavoatigatioa Today Nine Survivor ia Victoria to Testify. VICTORIA, Feb. 4. Three more bodies Were) recovered Vodny at the acen of th Valencia wreck, tho total now reaching S. One body wat that of a woman and all wer badly decom posed. Constable Conway at Darting River report teeing bodie in the turf and It It expected further bodie will b recovered tomorrow. The Canadian investigation will be commenced tomorrow. Counsel Lugrin who represented the Dominion at the Clallam investigation, will agaia repro- oent the government and E. V. Bodwell will appear for the Pacific Coast Steam ship Conipany. Nine survivor of the crew brought hero by th steamship company arrived tonight to give evi dence and are staying at a firtt-clasi hotel 1 SEVERE FOREST FIRE. Conflagration Cover Twelve Square Mile of Territory. MILAN, Feb. 4. A forest fire which started three day ago now cover twelve equare miles. Several hundred workmen are wording to extinguish it. A number of factories and a chapel are Jetroyed. Several towns are without light because of the destruction of the electric plant at Ancaeca. i KANSAS AND MIDDLE WEST IN BLIZZARD'S GRASP TOPEKA, Feb. 4.-Eattera Kansas la in tho hands of tho severest bliuard of the winter. The mercury ia expected to go below tero for th first time since latt February. Freeting ia Missouri. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 4,-During SHIPPED TO MUCH Criminals Deported Frcn Manila Here. AUTHORITIES NOTIFIED Government Arrests Number 0 of Men Airivins in San Francisco. ARE TOUGHS OF A'ORST KIND Transport Logta Arrive From Manila Having on Board Number of Men Who Have Served Terms For Harder, Robbery aad Eabcultmeat SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 1 Upon tha arrival of tbe transport Logtn today from Manila tha authorities who had been previously notified took off from the vessel a number of men who bore the reputation of bring dcperato char actcr. When tbo Logan left Manila the carried away about tixty luaen or dered deported by the oecret service officials whose policy it I said, b thus to rid Manila of her criminal and worthiest population. Tho deported me a were all well dreaeed. Among them were men who have served term foe murder, robbery and cmbeuleaent. When tho Logan waa at Honolulu there waa a abortag of oaflorc and thirteen men voluntarily thlpped oa a ship do tinued for Philadelphia. After tho po lice had photographed and exhibited tb new arrival at various station they wer given their liberty. ; ' ACQUIRED BT HARROUN. Illinois Central Railroad Haa Been Beaght by Harrimaa. NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-Tba Herald to morrow will say it wa learned la thia city yesterday that there are many In dia t ion that the Illinoia Central Rail way ha been aquired by Harrimaa in teresta. CHICAGO, Feb. 4 Th Record-Herald tomorrow states it has beea known for Several months that Harriman wa planning to gain control of the Illinois Central and join it to the Union Pacifio tontequently th new created little surprise here. END IN FAILURE. Negotiation For Settlement of Hangar ian Situation Fail VIENNA, Feb. 4.-Negotiations for the settlement of the Hungarian aitua tion ended in failure today. The King refused to accept the modified program of coalition. Unlet the coalition backs down, thia failure mutt, it i thought result in an effort to establish absolut mm. It ia reported tbe military convention of Italy and Montenegro it concluded. Tho purpoe waa to break down Aus tria's influence in the Balkans. Neither haa confirmation or denial. tho past 24 hour th mercury In tb Southwest dropped from 40 to 90 de grees, with close to er weather re ported t Trenton and Wichita, light anow fell today and wa driven by a heavy north wind, which reached tbe velocity of 43 mile ta hour ia Okla horn a.