THE MOUSING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. SUNDAY, FIBBUaBT 4, 1 EXTREME TENSION Chines and Foreitners on Bad Terms. TRADES UNIOIt STRIXS. TROUBLE LIKELY TO OCCUR Rslatieas Between Court acd Lejations ia TJachanted Opea Ajitation Coa tnti to Central and Southern China Ptkia is Row Comparatively Quiet PEKIX. Feb. S. An evidene,. of the tension csistinar between the Chines and foreigner ia sbowa in a recently uu is port act mat, which took pise ii Tira Taia oa th occasion of tht birth day of Emperor William. While Yuan ' Eai Kai, viceroy of th province of Chi Ii we passing through tbt British art tfaasent oa his way to make a foratal visit to the German official one of hi outriders wee truck by a Chime po- Bcentea, enforcing tht rut of tha road te keep to tha left A scuffle eaeued. Tha yiceroy afterward ordered the sur render of the policman for punisnment After a meeting of the authorities the British Consul-Oners! and representa tives of Yuan Shi Kai, a full apology ' was drafted aad the policeman was dis missed aad handed over to the Chinese ffu-il, who proposed leniency. The keroy'a magistrate, however, ordered a punishment of a thousand stroke with tha bamboo, which ii frequently fatal and three months pensl servitude. Foreign . opinion he;e insist that the viceroy's demand for the surrender and the extremity of the puni-hment order ed were both deliberate;,- intended to impress foreigners with a sense of the Chinese authority. British officials are bitterly denounced by foreign residents for surrendering the polio man, a ho was a British employe. Tha foreign newspapers published at Shanghai, Hongkong and Tien Tin con tinue to dwell in apprehension upon anti foreign trouble, but FeVin gives isu sign of any hostile feeling toward foreigner. The dowaear empresa received the diplomatic body on the Chinese Xew Year. At the audience she displayed her customary cordiality. The relatione between the court and the legstions are ia no way changed. The open agitation gaiaet foreigners is confined to Central sad Southern China, and it is antici pated that troubles, if they occur, will be limited to these sections as "Boxer asm" was limited to the Korth. Those wheat predictions would carry greatest weight, however, are most reluctant to express opinions. Undoubtedly all Chin is at a white teat f pulithwl dicusion. Such in tend feeling as prevails on the part of the inhabitants has seldom been seen before and makes any result possible. A local outbreak may precipitate gen eral hostilities Xo organised movement against foreigners is to be di-wovered except the American boycott. The na tional feeling is griming tronger and the peculiar status of foreigners in China afford many points of friction. The court has every inrtucenn-iit to pre serve friendliness at the legation. The dowager empresV supporters freely di- cum the ixmsibilitv that riie may be driven by revolution to eek shelter within the walls of the foreign lega tion. The tabi'ity of present regime is on Inecui'f foundation. The death of Yuan .Shi Kai would be a great blow to the throne. Loral neOBpai and go-iip demerit hi army a infe.twl with anti dynsntic scret wiitie-, but the re ports are dilficult to verify. Yuan Slii Ki. howeer. is frequently threatened with anamination and extraordinary precaution are taken to protect him. He is strongly guarded day nnd night. The ever present menace to order in the spectre of death overtaking the dowairer emprens and thereby leaving tie emperor, who fail" to command the mnfidence of the people anj without heir, surrounded by ambition, intrfgti- ing offi ials with a retles, discontented fopuluce behind thetn. CHAKGK OF TIXX The Baltimore . Ohio Railroad Commencing Sunday, November 19. train No. 6, the Royal Blue Limited, will leave Grand Central paasenger station, Chicago at 6 p. m Instead of J:30 p. m. aad will arrive in Pittsburg at 0:35 a. sj, Washington at 4:40 p. m., Baltimore 5:50 p. m. Philadelphia, 8:19 p. m. New Tork 10:40 p. m. the same aa with the eld schedule, thus reducing the time one hour and thirty minutes. Ko excess fare will be charged on this fast limited train. All other trains will arrive and depart the same as formerly. Stop-over v allowed at Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, aot to exceed tea day, at each place, oa all first-elssa through fekata, pa February 15th, Building Trades Will Declare Sympathetic Strike. NEW YORK, Feb, 3.-.U a meeting f ri-pretentatixee of all the building trades in the city of Xew York la' evening it was decided to order the var ious unions in the various trades to go oa strike on February 15th in sympathy with the Houemitht' Union. The eon ference was held under the auplee of the Central Federated Cnbrn and was announced that the failure of any union concerned, to support the Houe Miiiths would mean the expul.-ion of that particular union from the Central Federated Union. Tlii resolntioa wss unanimously adopted: Resolved that on and a'tei Feb' ruarv 1J, 1906, no member of the union will be allowed to work on any build ing or job where union men have been locked out or are oa strike, or haw been replaced." Commenting on the above. Secretary Ernet Bohm of the Central Federated I'nioa said: "This means that no union mea will work with non-union mea who have taken the places of the Houeesmitha' Union." SecMary Bohm said a copy of the resolution would be sent to the union this morning and that the Utter would be requeued to send a prompt reply. A German physician who had spent several vear at Klein Popo, in the African Togoland, say that the stages of color through which negro babies paa in tha equatorial regions are aa loiiowa: At birth they are the same color as European infanta. After two or three mouths the skin turn a klae color. Ten days later it is a light chestnut -hade and it i only at the end of three or four months that the -kin becomes completely black. It is said that if Bertha Krnpp I ml -r of a citv, Harriet M. King rules principality, as her Texas rsnrh eon- sins one and one-half millions of acre of land, and that one may ride for ninety miles in a traight line without letting outnide its barbed wire fence. It is a large a the State of Delaware and nearly twice the size of Rhode Inl and, and far greater ia extent aad wealth than many of those Germany principalities from which have come reigning liou-e of F.unp. SWOLLEN VEINS SFilAMS'STRAIilS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings. HOver-fatnesi and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. Vrfit far Utmltt tU baa. ' WOODARD, CLARKE I PORTLAND. OREGON CO. i ajt jt PICK pi Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. sjl HILI WANTIO. WASTED Oirlj easy plaeei family of thrre. Apply Atoriaa Office. UURN 1LEGRArirf AM) R. R Accounting. ISO to 1500 a month sal sry aeaursd our graduatea ander bond. Our six achoola the largest la America aad endorsed by all RaOroada. Writ (or eatahwue, UORSK SCHOOL OF nLEGRAPHY, OaoiaaaU, 0, Buffalo, 9. AUaata, Ga, La Croaae, Wla Tax arkaaa, Tax, Saa Fraaciaoo, Cal LADIES ONLY READ TH1S-U you honestly wish to soak ajoaey, aad will canvass the woojea of year local ity, we save the article for yeu pat anted 1 guaraateed, aad great llerj sead M cents for complete asm pies 1 Butaey refuaded if Bet satisfactory Reason Novelty Agency, Z03-4 Mohawk Bldg, Fort lead. Ore. MALE HELP WANTED Mea and wo- mea to lsara watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optical easy term) positions guaraateed j money mad learning. Watchmaking Engraving School, 1429 Fourth avenue, Seattle. WANTED 1 Y0UNO MZNj TREPARE yourselves to fill the position that will be created a fast aa the numerous ra ilroads complet t their extension during 1908; salaries paid telegraph operator $80 to 1150 per month; we prepare you at home by mail first and you can enter our school later, saving 1 to 2 months' board and tuition; write for our term today. Pacific Coaat School of Tele graphy, Portland, Ore. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURN1SH- ed rooms with board if desired; privilege of bath and phone. Phone R- 2131. FOR RENT THREE FUKNISHUJ rooms for housekeeping; no children. Enquire 478 Commercial street LOST AND FOUND. ROKtftAOt. FOUND-A rOCKKTUCOK COXTAIN- ing card of Mr. II. 0. Smith. Call at llotel Occident; ask for steward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RIITAUIUNTaV GUM VAH CO. Reitsaraat rl After St Astoria, Or. All kiao tf meats. Needle sad Chop Stey. C J. TRENCHARD Real Estate, Ineurane, Cemmleslar and Ihlpalng. CUIT0M HOUII IROKIR. 0e 1H Ninth ttreet, Neat to Juetiee OiKee. ASTORIA, ORI0ON. DINTIITI. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. S24 Commercial St Attoris Oreson. LAUNORItl, T0I1 POINT OYSTER HOUSE. Eeetera aad Shoe Iwa tar Bay Oysters Steaks, Chops, Eta. Opea day aad sight. Utk St, aext to Scully's eigar store FIRST-CI.A8S MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffin, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St BEST to CENT MEAL. You can always find the host 15ent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 ComtoerciAiSt. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCODt Card wood, mill wood, bos weed, say kind of wood at lowest prices, Islly, the trsssfn sua. Thone si 91 Mala, Bars sa Twelfth, eppeeit epsra bouae. The Troy Laundry The only wait tabor laaaeW In tha elty. Oeea tha beet week at reasonable eiisea aaaj k ht every ay worthy af yeur aatressaae, 10th ana DUANI lie, Rhone left PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHT6ICIAN AND BUK0E0N AeSlnc Aaiiataal Saiisoa P.S. Maria Huapllal aarviea, OStoe houre: 10 to It a-m. I to 4:M sus 4TT Commerelal Street lad Floor. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, ROSE AND THBOAT sos Otegooisa Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON Dr. VAU0HAN, Dentist v fytbiaa Building, Aatoria, Oretoa. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN , DKNTI81 ITS OMBBwrtaal 8t Shan ah aa BaUiag atTJSIC TEACHE1. WANTED T1IREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Aetorlaa office. MANDOLIN LESSONS OIVKN-UKS. C U Stewart, 1ST Seveath stnet I HI I lis. Ilfl n mm UUOL min" I II IS IIUIlUllU II W0RKINGMEN8 nOTEU Oood board sad eleaa beds, Nswly renovated throughout L. R. Abercrombie Prop. ' Corner 14th aad Eichang 61a. (Formerly NshsUm House.) 08TI0RATHISTS. DR. RB0DA C RICXJ OSTEOPATH Office Manse). Bid. phone Black 1041 ITS Ceenmereia! BU Aston a, ore. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORS. Finest Hotel In the Nerthwreat FOR RENT S FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. S7S CommerdaL FOR RENT Houaekeeping 677 Exchange street rooms at FOR &AIX WE ARE: SHOWING Soma of the most beautiful piece of Chinaware in the dty. Tea Set, Chocolate Pots, and Saucers, etc., etc., etc. Cup Yokohama Bazar, C3! Commercial Street, Astorl "PalcBohemlan sttsBala HI "in Laser Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE oo draught and in bottles Brewed as4T aanlUry eolHKiis'a'aI prupetiy aaed Hghl be aert in Aatoria. Norlli.Paclflc Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR BALE SECOND-BAND T COt nmn newspaper outfit; complete x sspt preaa; cheap. Inquire at thla of-See. FOR 8 ALE CHEAP IIORS E, ' BUG gy and harness. Inquire Astoriaa of-lea. ShXXJND BAND DONKEY ENGINES for sale, tuitable for logging and hoisting purposes. For description and price apply to F. D. Kuettner, Astoria, Oregon. NOTICE .FOR BIDS. Chief QiiarternwteTt Office, Vancou ver Barracks, Wash., Jinuary 25, 1908. Sealed proposals, in trlplirate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., February 24, 190fl. and then pub licly opened, for the construction, in cluding plumbing and electric wiring, of quartern for two (2) V. C. Officers, at Fort Steven, Ore. Full information will be furnished on application to this office. Plans may alio be seen at the office of the Depot Qucrtcrmaster, Portland, Oregon, and at Foit Stevena. Or. Th U. S. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes con'nining pro poala should be Indorsed "Propo-ala for Building st Fort Sevens" and ad dressed to the Chief Quarteruiaater, Vancouver Barracks, Wssh BIDS WILL BE RKCEPVED AT THE office of th Columbia PJver Psckers' AsKociation for the construction of Eureka Cannery at Eagle Cliff. Plana and specifications can be seen st the Association office. Bida will be opened at 10 a. m Saturday, February 10th. RiKht is reserved to reject any or all bids. Columbia River Packers Association. For K dnev st Bladder troubles. Cures In 48H0UTS URUttRY DISCHARGES Kac Caowte Ok 'bears Uw mom JUST A MOMENT! at We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BIDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. ... . aje sje dt e We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make. Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old .worn out books with . the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. aje sje sje eje The J, S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building Cornsr Commercial and 10th Street OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC00000000000009 OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOtt) r