' "V - ' - '.,' e uiutHxa run. amooiatco miii rxpcmt UOVKNS TMX MORNIN fCLO CM TH3 LOWC CCLUt::iiC . PRICE FIVE CENTS VOLUME LX NO. 243 ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1S0S DOLLED Cc:!l Wcrkcca " Rested Sc-tfccni Pacific. FOaCED TO FLEE AWAY tit..!. !)..!. n.n i Li - ntHim rKitic iiiirwia nu Hard Time Entering' J California. mm STEP 1$ OPPOSED Sailread Monopoly Fight Could EUe- trle Company Organised t Haraii Conttrecttea Crw Caique Methods ta Bead OS Oppealtloe, ORoVIIXE, Cal., FtU. S.-Tb Smith nt Paclfi ha opened rl war agnlnl tb advancing force of (tic Western 1'acifle with a boiabardjarat ct bowlder from tka tnotiaUla U. Oenig tiuuhl kail um (ouch tust In the ' East, whr fa sought to invade the lYnasylvanta railroad territory at Pitta burg and tbwwbrr, but nothing inr th Notithcrn Pacific it Making Llm ia th Mountain country round Oloville, Im.lt county. New tactic of obslructtoa against lb Western Pacific wer rwelrd in 1b interference of (hi- Southern Pacific with th work of Gould" contractor In th Feather river cenynn, whrr Urge Ark wer hurled dowa th kl of the raayon, adnging. tlie liv of thr mn nawged in construction work. It is aliened that th Golden. Stat lowr Company, believed to b an adjunct uf llaniman'a line, waa organised fur th uqMM of karaaing th tJould interest in tha vkinlly of Orovllle, caused th attack on tha Weatera t'aclfkt la'mnts In tha canyon and compelled them to -e v1 work. Tkla company allege that tha Goiilil wen am trespassing on it inirty antl la uinf all Ita afforta to block thalr work. , McAtTHVI IXTVRKIKO. Major-Canaral KacArtkaf Camiag Frsa ManckaiU ta A mar lea. WASHIXomV. Fab. S.-Vith rtur to tha I'nltaU Ktatoa of (ionoral Arthur UaeArtkur, wko waa ia tka far Kat aa on of tha Amariraa military ubwrma and who la aow rnrouta to tka UiiHH RtatM. and with th promo tion of Crwral (Irarly to tha jrraoo of Mjor-fraaral tbrrt will k two oftVar to ba jirnvdliHl with dIU.lon aomManda Tha aMitkwatara divMna ia puwmand d by a brifsdW, Oaneral Said win, but with tha aaalitifinant of Ranrfal Lto who mnnuian4d ana of tha drpartmanta of that divUkw, to duty ia tha rhilip piwa, on of th Bujor jtimthW ran ba aaalfrnml to ia aommand of tha aotk wattara HlvlWn and at ill laavt a brlga dlarganmra command for O-nrral RaUwia. Wlthla ! iVw daya MaJorOBarsJ Sumarr, aommandinf tha raritte diria Uw, will ba phuwd oa tha ratirwd lit, kavlnf a liujor-gaBarmra command. it ia quiia proliabla that fiaaaral Mao- Arthur il n-tura to tha command of tha iVifto divlaloa and that tb aouth- r.trrn dlvi-lon will ba General Oreo- ly't AM aoaittwnd at a majorancral, 01 RECOVERED El 1M HEVEuUE CUTTEH FEY PICKS OP 11 tC:! NfccKlicS'Arc Fickca Up Ca tocii at Darlin Creek ad Ttto Here Arc Fc::J at. Sea, Tctall Ttlrty. BODIES BEGINNING TO RISE OWNING TO DECOMPOSITION TO AX2AECX GAX23. XS ntANCI-HCO, Fab. J J. A. 11m Duaald, of Vaannircr, R. C tka rpt enUtive of tht Brltiah Columbia Rugby Football VnUm bat arrirrd hr to prrfwt arrangmita for a af-rW of famea batwaaa kxil playrr and a tram Of Xrw Zealand rlumpiooa. fr. Mae Doaakl will intaniaw tha athMic offic ial of tba L"nivrrity of California and Mian ford and cndVaviir to umngr naU'bra with Inmi from tboaa ioti tut inn. serious rxPLCcros. APPOINTKO KAHACIR. J. J. Glttaoa Stlactad Laadar of Friaca Ball Ttam. HAS FRAM'ISttl, Frli. 3,J..bn J. t.lc-ii, alhlrtlc hdrf at the tlypiiir 1tiK ha flnaly bwn appniMtrd manager if tha Sun FiaiH'iwo tram fur tha nirnina acaMin. Clin mm hn pur rlm. th lntrrvt hdil In tha club by llftiry Hani, firiinr iimniiicr of th I cam. ' i KRIT7IS0 FACTORY BURNS. (IXllN.VATf. Fab. i-Firo U.t iiljilit oVatroyrd tha knitting faHury of V. J, Ki h A Co layna avrnuo and Hcvvntavnt k atrtet and lo twanty-on Jarlliupi adhdtiinif. Uxut, 1 1 23,000, Rivtirui coma perry does good work (x fihouio tki bodies I.U5I TUIJCU FAS5K HCERS DECOXPOSITIOIf IS BK CIMHIHO TO SIT IH, AMD BODIES ARK RISING VALENCIA IS HOW BROUN UP, AND MACRI HERY OF BOAT, IS LYING VISIBLE ON BOTTOM. tatca tba rutt farry baa aucmdxd ia gi-Ulnff win bodk-a from th Vrath at Dariluo Cm-k. Th IVrrr alo fouaJ Moroccan Confcrtnca Approach-! two utia at today, maiinj tkiHr urn ra amooin today though thr aurf continued to roll heavily and the bodiea are beginning to ri. It i ax 1 I L . .' 1 1 . itivim Aiiraeue AiieeAiir r" -- . vr mnrereu AAiCII ULK mC UUIUioaC fnm aow on. Owlmr to th. .dv.n lata of derompcMitkfa tba botliea her after will ba buried wherw fmind. laada SaUora, ESorta BIb Mad by Dalcgatca to I Tba Peity, whk-k returned to Banifleld Secnr Accord Batwaaa Franca and I tonight after a day apent in crul-lnr Ctimaay Bafor Dadaiv Quaatioa ialaear th. arena of tha vm-lc. report Broacaed Folic Caatrol ta Diipatt 100 yard from aboia. Oflkera of the Perry aay the eoun. ha took ia indi cated ia tha kelp. Badiaa Wr noatiag. Tha hodie rerarerad by tba cottar ere all pk-ked op whra vrubdnf over a mile from the 'wmrk, each biuf aigbtad from tka learner' de k. Th aorpoea wer all n.le ' and badlr mutiUted. fVone bad beea Uentifled. Tka tug Hyadda i to bring tha bodiea to Vic toria tomorrow, Ckriatiaaaaa ia Angry. VANCOUVER, Feb. S.-(apt. Chrin tianen, maater of tha tug Ctar, which wa on of tka ream, fleet at tk wreck of th Valencia, I out hiking for the "alp of Capt, Couaina, of th Queen, Ila nay that many atatement made by Fifty Man Ara Saricaaiy Hart ia Kiaa KxptoaWa, CENEriEE, Feb. 3.-Fifty men were burned many aerfaxxly, by aa eupkwion ia the Sterling Mine aear Schuyler to day. The erjdimioa wa rawed by the acrumulatkm of ga ia the aaod houw aear the aurfac. The aiea were eon ing up the ahaft at the rUne of the day work when the gaa wa ignited by one pi their Ump. A blinding exploaion followed. The men w.-re all brought to tba urfare. WILL NOT LOSE MUCH. ST. IjOCW, Feb. 3 -Reeeiver IWi of the People' rnite.l State Bank. b ready to make a M per cent payment to d.itor and ktockholik-r. The flrt payment waa 30 pef cent. The bank will probably rewy neatly dollar for dollar. ' ALEXANDRIA ARRIVES. COPENHAGEN. Feb. S.Q.i.en Alex audrl arrived here thia evening and wa . met at the depot by King Frederick. It U not Improhahln the funeral of Kliiir .(lirWtlaa will I potponed to February 2lt In order to permit the attendance of aeveral royal pronage, among them King Edward. AUiH'lllAS. Feb. 3,-Th mnfercnr nn aCoraoran reform ia aow freed from MMt minor (jiiealkina ami And Itwlf fat appreachlng th main leue which hing on who ahall control th police of llontcco. Th Or legal have vbown an im-reaclng anxiety at approaching thU lue, kmiwing th Inten feeling l ba aMiud between Franc and (rnianr, EfTort ara being mail to eenre accord before the question reachea an open conference and tlierehy to avert pen enntruveray ami njien a Miblc Icidlok. France, on the one kand, want con I ml of th acml-niilitary police. Cer many cdijeet tan-au It will make Franc virtual mter of Morocco' po- ('vinK Lieut. Slroinberg and tix litical future. Home of the comprcmiiae M,"lor "" rT ww w relieva th project offan-d are on the following warcher on hora, who are now thoi- acncral linei Firt. leave the pulk to n"MT rhausted, he Sultan of Morocco. lliU avoidt m aea wa amooth. totlay, ttwuph a Oermany'a objection to French .ntril "' ,,lf M4 " h hre, and the u Franc' objertkm to internet km I P'k of the Valencia could be plainly control, but neverthcle 1 dUla.teful ,rnm t"5 up,k ' th, rry. The to France. Another compromi lnce",,,i"B f, the ateamcr hoW plainly in control In th hand of Fran.- and tni k,',l'' nJ hn ,),,i,,,r nJ yHnr. aouie other country. Spain for xmpl.frnm hkh the hull baa ben broken Thl. Incur t'N.rm.nv, nniKwllioa to UT. cn b seen alove th water at MANY HORSES BURNED ST. LOUS, Feb. i. Fir tonight totally destroyed tha I'nk Elevator in Kt Pt. Louia containing a million bnhrh of wheat. The kiaa i $1(10.0110. Th Ar apread to th atablea of th St. Ixuia Tiwn.fer Coniny and 200 horae and a man wagona wer burned aa well at th building. The fir originated in th engin hou of the .elevator. Seven dwelling wer covered with burning oil from the explosion of four tank car and destroyed. Th occupant escaped. The heaven war, brightly lighted and it ia estimated W.OtW people viewed th fir from both bank of tha Mii.iippi riw aad tli brhlg. Th tank car which exploded were .landing nearly 400 yard from the elevator and contained KlflO galkm each. Ju.t north of the tank car threa atring of kwded freight car wer deluged by the burning oil and destroyed. TRAIN IS VHEGriED East Bound CR.L&P Pasjeji-er Train b Ditched. 0eU:G0N PEOPLE ARE KURT 15 113 FC?, IE C2stro is Tt! Etrtcri!: T?arH::res. CALLS FlIAIXFS LLUFr Venezasla Is tzziy tr.i R'ht en French Vessels. CASTRO !$ NOT AFkAID Presideat Hia JtanH Order ta Fir. aa First F reach War tatl Sltci Craiaiag ia VenetaeUa WateraTa Prohibit FreiKh Impart. Lacomotiv Tender to Derailed Throw ing Seven Cart lata Ditch and Dowa Embankment Sevan Pcraoas lajored Traia Waa Traveling at Slew Rat. The wreck I not more than whole kit ia that direction.'' uilliiiutlon be Pr.iu In control Aa. t""" other, whk'h apparent Ir ha ficramn.v' appnival i an International polk, for Franc will b in position to awumej aa ,..iii.-iit,il mrlikl anil If thi. full. I coninn Cousin rerarding what owurretl on the Vededy morning following th wreck of th Valencia are partly, if not whol ly, fla. "If there ua anv eonardic xhiliitl by any one on the morning of January 24th, it wa not by any on on the CJar," Mid Capt. Christiansen, I do not desi to say that Capt. Cousin i a coward, but if he say that I or any on else on the ( tar acted in a coward ly manner I will reply that he beat the DCPvHAM, X. M, Feb, g.-Sevea were injured, two probably fatally, ia tit wreck of th east-bound Chicago, Rite I, Inland and Pacific paaaenger train four mile from Durham today. Among the seriously, but not fatally injured, are: J. II. Dennis, Mr. MargarVt Dennis and Maletha Denni from Oregon. Two pri vate ear containing memhera of the Chicago commercial association did not lesve the track and th occupant es caped witK a bad shaking up. The wreck wa caused by the derailment of the hvomotiv tender. Seven car wer? ditched rolling dowa the embankment. The low rat th traia waa tmveling prevented a larger loa of life. WllXEMSTAD, Fell. 3. - Paa-enf-em from La (iuayra, Veacmela, report that President Castro U making every poaaibla war preparation. Tbay said or der have been isaued to fir oa thai first Fra4 war vm aightsd cniiiir.g ia Vepemielaa wateiw. Castro regards th wkol French movement a a "bhiiT and ay be will "not be bluffed" and , ara he will retaliate by prohibiting the importation of French goods into Venetuela. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.-W. J. Cal- houn, tli PresMlcnf special commit sioncr in the asphalt controversy with Venetuela, ha arrived in Washington, and today called at th State Depart ment to consult with Secretary Root in relation to the pncntatkB of fact ia hi official report. Tb decision of th Presileni again to demand of the Venezuelan government a sett lenient of at least a part of tha Asphalt Company claiine, it I aaid, mark tb refusal of th State Depart ment to accept th Venezuela Coaven tion that th asphalt matter k re-ad- judkwted, having been finally decided by" the V raezuelaa courts. GRAIN RATE LOWERED. Rat From New York ta Eamharg Cut Five Ceata. NEW YORK. Feb, 3. Th rat on heavy grain from New York to Ham burg by direct ateamer wa cat yester day from 17 cent to 121 cents fo the second half of February loading without indttceing the engagenit-nt of a ainjjl bushel. Owing to th new German tariff which NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Joseph E. Reed, goe into effect March 1 and which int- GETS NEW POSITION. UWSQN HAS PROXIES. CLERK IS INDICTED ON TWENTY-FIVE COUNTS France, so far, ahow no disposition if jwpt an international police aystcm even for a limited period. Tli discus sion of a ttata bank may pa v. th way for th aohttion. If Germany is willing to give Franc a strong hand over Mo rocco'a finance, may be Franc will con sent to international control of th po lio for th tim being. C1TICA0O, February 3. Tweuty flv liia ca, also hi refusal to turn over indictment wer returned today against lohn A. Linn, eleik of !h circuit court and fur eight yeara clerk of th aiiperior court, Tb charge awlnt Linn ar mbeuleinent. lnreenr and forgery. In addition to the aharge of financial Ir regularities, Linn ia accuard of conspir ing to Veep from the grand jury a wit who evidence iiiiortant In RELEASED FROM PRISON. hi record in hia office to hi uccesor One indictment charge Linn with put ting a "dummy" Juror on the pay roll Thr Humbert' Health ia Failing a.t rf.rr.ntlinf, ftlis Mtiiiitr nt .o I From PnV t.ifa Th chare it mad of abatractmg in I rAKlS, Feb. 3 Th Fitaro this th aggregat of g.'s'XW from th cash! mortiing stale Mm, Theret Humbert drawer in th clerk oflle, tin re-1 th awindler, will be released from pri malnder of tli Indictment concern Inr-Jon today. Mm. Humbert' bealt has oi'sy In connection with stuffed pnyroll I hecum aittch worse recently. Will Delirer laaaraaca Company Proxic t Committe. I508TO.Y, Feb. 1-Thoma F. Law. left here today for Chicago a rated with a large nimiber of protie from policy, holdera in th Equitable, New York life and Mituat Life Insurance Companies. Lawson'a Intentloa i to deliver the proxic to th committe made up of' Governor of the Middle West and West who ar assembled in Chicago to dis cua th insurance question. Lawson de'line to outline hi policy or giv the name of th Governor. Th number of proxic ar said to be BuflMently get to command a voice In th affair of th three companies, 1 examiner of wool at Boston, has been detailed tor ecrvic here. He take the place left vacant by the dismissal of Robert M. Kitetiing on the order of Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, Mr. Reed ha had an extensive experience in th wnvd business prior to hia ap pointment a examiner of wool at Boa-ton, pose th maximum dutiea on American grain imjiorted into that country, th steamers sailing from New York for German port up ta the middle of Feb ruary will, th broker say, carry a large amount of grain. They art in clined however, to think that very littl of our grain will find its way into Ger many during the few succeeding week. DEMOCRATS UNITE TO DEFEAT DOMINICAN TREATY WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. The Demo- garded as Democrat and th point will crati Senator today perfected what raised against them should they ap- they believe to be a compact for th or- ' in fu,ur? Prtr eueu--Fitter- ksin ks lav if , Ira ear ft-Am k u,... V- gnixation to defeat th Santo Domingo . , , , J T , for the rot wa taken declined to treaty and plac the minority ia a poi- plan,ti(m t,f hi ,Hion. tion to comp.1 a trkt rty vote oa Senator Gearin was not prnt at other question. Th spirit manifested tba caucua. Fifty-eijht vote are Berl in th caucus, in emphatic expression, aery for ratification. Th Republican wa that today' actim meant the have &S and four votes from th oppo Deuiorrat ia the Senat hav united sition give them tli requisit two for party acUoa oa matter affecting thirds. IVmtx-rattc leader do not'be party policy. Those who do ot abide liw thes f0iu vote will be forth- by th caucua decision will aot b r-jconiirg,