The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 03, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Some of the Good Things
Fresh This Season's Crop
Ytry fin Mtiuanilla olivt tuffd with olivt.
llanitnilla olivet. ttuffed with ritmento.
Mammoth Queen olive, finest tvt r on the mtrket.
Brian's Chill Sauce, Heine' I ndia RelWh.
Something new and very fin.
lleini a Pure Mlt Vinegar. Put up in quart bottle at
Where, they keep good thing (o eat,
America Uses Uttl Taste in Their
America lu Raa the Gaaatkt f
Style From Gothic to Ctloaiai New
Stractare Art Sooa Out tf Date and
Ttra Dowa.
XEW YORK, Feb. i-Hugh M. G.
Gardner of Chicago pok on "Agricul
tural Style and American Life," be for
the delegate of the architectural Lea
gue of America last night. lie said that
it architecture wa an indication of th
character of a nation and that our ar
chitecture wa vain, tawdry, and sham-Ming.
At present then i a battle of ttrle
and condition, he (aid. American ha
run th gauntlet through th Gothic
ad th dear old Louisea and th Co
lonial, which appear with hay fever
regularity. In ten year th best house
art out of date and in twenty they are
torn down. The accumulation which w
Houm Ctmmittet t Military A Hair
Iavtatigatt Condition.
CHICAGO, Feb. t-A dispatch to the
Tribune from Waahington, D, C, aay
Th Hou CMumitttee on Military
Affairs, of which Bcpmeatativa Hull,
of Iowa, i chairman, ha determined to
put an end to graft la th army.
If Congre enact legudatioa in
cordaac with it recommeadatioa
mileage account can no longer bo peta
rd, nor can army transport be used for
excursion by official, or member
Congress, or anyone else. The commit
tee i searching for other leak ia th
law which permit - diversion of money
into th pocket of interested parties.
"We estimate that $50,000 ha been
paid out in mileage," said Represent'
tiv Hull, "to which the recipient were
not entitled. They got hold of th money
by evading the law which Congres ha
enacted for the epr- purpose of In
troducing economy in transportation.
The intention of Congress was to reduce
the amount of money an officer shall
receive who was under order to the
i '.'The law state specially that only
actual expense shall be paid between
the United States and it insular poa
seoMona, but we have found that officer
have been ordered to Nagasaki, Japan
or Shanghai, or even down to Hongkong,
and thence to Manila, traveling with
th exception of the last leg, on govern
meat transports. The hart received
mileage when they should have been re
imbuned only for their actual expense
and the latter amount to about tl
day while mileage for th trip amount
tear dowa every Tear, t worth million
of dollar; mora that any other nation, the hundreds. An officer going to
spend ia th erection of new build
A building it the fruit of a man' na
ture, he went on. It i a mirror, not
only of himself, but of the wholt peo
1 at any given time and place. The
tain, tawdry and unseemly building
reflect us.
But there art a minimum of building
which are sane, sound and wholesome.
Th existence of the two opposing side
denote the war between the influence
of the Democratic idea and the threat
ened oppression of the dollar. We should
hart a school of architecture of nur
Professor A. D. Hamlin of Columbia
spoke on tlie "Relation of Decorative
Sculpture to Architecture."'
In the afternoon the delegate, the
guest of the National Society of Mural
Painters, made an excursion around the
J. P. Morgan's art galleries ("iorhnm
and Tiffany' new stores," id Chi
eago architect, "are the thr best
building on the contint-nt. The new
custom house is very impoing; for it
ae it is perfect;
Manila via Europe receive over 9900
in imleagt. If ordered to Manila he
goe direct from Ran Francisco and
it cut down two-thirds."
to wnr striex.
The Yellow Fever Germ.
has recently been discovered. It bears
a tlo-e re'embbnee to the malaria germ
To free the sytem from disease perm.
the most effective remedy is Ur. Kings
Xew Life Tills. Guaranteed to cure all
dUeaxcs due to malaria poison and con
stipation. 25c, at Chat. Roger' lrug
There' a cure for old age, an excel
lent and thorough one. There i noth
ing sensational about it It is the b it
the doctor ran find under existing cir
iru distance. Hoi lister' Rocky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Frank Ilart, druggist.
Was Pcrfeeilr Bald Win He Itarted
U tJe BJwbr' HerjtleM
Frederick Mannell, Maryland Mock,
Butte. Montana, bought a bottle of New
two's Herpldde. April , and began to
tie It tor entire baldness. Tb balr fol
licle In hi tcalp were not dead and In
St day h had hair all over bit bead.
On July 1 ho writs, "and todar my hair
b a thick and luxuriant a any en
coold wish." Kewbro' Herplcld work
a an old principle d with a new dla
eorery destroy the eu and you re
aver th effect Herplcld destroy th
arena that cause dandruff, falling hair,
and Anally baldnes. t that with th
eaua gone the effect cannot remain,
t tope falling hair at once and a new
growth starts. Bold by leading
trtrrriat. Send 10c In stamp for sample
Tbt Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mica.
Kagl Drug hUue, iji-ioJ bond 8t
Owl Drug Store, MS Com. St., T. F
Laurra. Prop. "Special Agent."
Printer Believe They Can Wis Over
Strikt Breaker.
CHICAGO, Feb. i Th printers be
lieve they have evolved a scheme for
winning strike breaker to the union
rank without violating Judge Holdom'
injunction! order. The plan consist in
compelling the non-union men to make
affidavits to th effect that they hare
not been solicited io join the union.
"We believe that will forestall any
possibility of further contempt proceed
ing on the ground of interference with
the business or employe of the Typo
thtae," said I're-ident Wright of the
union vestcrdav. "We shall continue to
take non-union member into the union
bv this system hereafter."
Chicago Univeriity tt Erect Library in
Memory of Harper.
Chicago, Feb. 2. The Harper memor
ial) committee of the Hoard of Trus
tees of the t'niverity of Chicago rec
ommended to the tru-tees yesterday
that the memorial take the form of
gem-ral library building to cost 1,
2.V),000. All the friends of Pre-idciit
Harper will be aiked to co-oj)erate in
( uriiiK the funds.
It was recommended also, that the
final resting place of the president's
bodv be deoiirnutfd bv the wishea of
the fu mil v. This leave, in some doubt
the (tietion as to wheth.T the build
in will serve s a mausoleum as well
a. a memorial.
Mexico Name Maa to Attend Interna
tional Poital Congre.
MKXICO CITY, Feb. 2.Potmaster-
Geni-ril Domingucz ha been appointed
by the government a delegate to th In
ternational Postal Congre to meet at
Rome next month. Two other delegate
have also been selected. The post office
bureau is preparing plans for perfecting
the potal service of this repniilic and
the deb-gatea go instructed to look into
the advanced method adopted by Euro
pean powers.
Senator Spooner wisely reserve the
right to oppose Mr. Tillman without ap
pearing a special pleader for anybody.
Poultney Bigelow is reaping the re
ward of a self-made martyr.
Crazy Woman Filb House With
Costly Trash.
Woman Spend $15,0,000 Out of Fort tint
of tj.00,000 for all Kind of Cottly
Article Which Art Heaped ia Coa-
futioa ia Her Horn.
NEW YORK, Feb. t-Mor than
!&0,OOO worth of good bought In New
York City, oa shopping tour and
stowed In room, closet aad hall ei-
ly filling a largo four-story brownttooe
aiansioB la Brooklyn, Wy for aiaeteea
year unheeded.
Lace were heaped upon calico, fur
oa cotton, th dalatitt of linen aad
ilka wtr stored with common house
hold garment. SS00 gowns from th
most fashionable of dressmaker wtr
mid oa cheap mother hubbardt, tolid
silver and cheap plate, tt most fragiU
of china U were mixed with iron
wart, crystal, and cut gla, with com
moa glasswait all cast ta pile reach
ing a high a tha ceiling, ttuffed ia
closet and lying on th ttairt.
Thit w the mult of a search of the
"House of mystery," No. 17S tate
street, Brooklyn. It tells of th mania
of Mrs. Mary Cook, who died two week
go in a Flushing sauitarium and it
explain what became of pait of the
oOO.UOO estate left to her by her hu
band, twenty year ago. Th search
wa conducted by J. II. Squibb, exeeu
tor of Mr. King' estate.
There wer no children born to the
King and when Mr. King came out of
mourning two year after her husband'
death it was found she had developed an
eccentricity of character bordering on
insanity. She discharged all her ter
vantt, she had th window and door
of her home iron barred, and h it
fused to receive visitor. Sht grew
worst and at tha end of four years.
about 1889 it wa thought best to tend
her" to a sanitarium. At th timt she
wa promised that no one ibould enter
her home until after her death.
When th court appointed a commit
tee for her estate it Wa impoaibl to
find more than 1250,000 ia a bank and
he rtfused to tell what bad become of
the rest. Tbert was then no thought
of searching th house.
Mrs. King died two week ago and by
her will Mr. Squibb wt th executor.
When the legal formalities wer con
eluded be began a hunt for the missing
ecurties and oa Thursday of lat week
bo turned th key ia the rusty lock
and entered the house. The astonishing
discovery wa then made.
Jap net Import Art Increasing To
Thit Country,
S.W FRANCISCO, Feb, .-Th local
appraiwr' office yesterday g out a
lit of goods of tp!e quality that are
now Wing imputed from Jit pan. The
lit does not Include the regular alaytcs
of that country, but article of almost
every kind and description. The report
how that the .lapane are encroach
ing to an alarming extent i upon the
Amerhwn trade. A few year ago none
of these article came from Japan. Now
they art Imported and sold her afti
the duty I paid much the per than the
American manufacturer ran turn them
Burlington Attorneys Move to
Quash Proceedings.
Railroad ladicttd ta 8ttt Coaata Ofltr
lag, Graating, Setthrlag, and Clvtng
tf Rebtttt, Coactttitat aad DicrinU
aatioa Cast Up la AprU.
A Piano umber Fret With Every $3.00 Parchue
Clothes Bought it Wise's Pressed Free Except Saturday
The End of the
Drawing' Near
Tit Baltimort k Ohio Railroad
Commencing Sunday, November IS.
train No. 6, tht Royal Blut Limited, will
loart Grand Central paaienger ttatloa,
Chicago at S p. mH inttead of 3:30 p. m.
and will arrivt ia Pittsburg at 8:33 a.
m., Wuhington at 4:40 p. mH Baltlmor
:S0 p. m. Philadelphia, 8: It p. m. New
York 10:40 p. m. tbt amt aa with th
old tchedule, thu reducing tht tlm
ont hour and thirty minute. No txcet
frt will be charged on thl fat limited
train. All other trtln will arriv and
depart the tarn a formerly. Stop-over
allowed at Washington, Baltimort tnd
Philadelphia, not to exceed ten day, at
each place, on all firt-la through
CHICAGO, F.b. 2. All-rt M. John
son, wlio has liern vice ptv.ulfnt or
the National Life I mora nee Company
for several years, ws elected it pifsl-
dent at the annual meeting yesterday,
held here. He succeeds II. M. Stamen,
lio jrsve in his resignation in Decern-
her bwause of impaired health, and is MJ gtrMt H,MiBJ tc
now on me racmc roam.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 2.-The Burling
on railroad freight tramo mamtger,
tleoive IL Cosgrove, and Freight Broker
leorge I. Thomas, replying to Indict
ments returned against tbcui iu the frd
era I court. Died motions to quash thr
entiie proceeding. The Burlington had
lien indicted on setrn nuints. It may
he made Mven an.wers, all of them iden-
icat in text and demurring on the
jround that the allegation contained
in the criminal suit brought against
I hem w ere insiilllcient.
In the inntance of Thoma, tl frei(!it
broker, who is alleged to have had a
deal oa with the Burlington, his clerk,
Taggart, tnd Cosgrov, tbt Burlington's
freight manager, moUoaa to qvuh were
also flll. Afr" .tf rouiUnsr on (tit
ground of insufficiency of altegitions,
no reasonable certainty and "Because
tht indictment charge no offense
tgilnst the United State for th rriton
that the alleged conspiracy liecame
merged ia the completed offenses which
ar alleged to have beta tht object of
tht allemd cousuiracr, tb demurrer
read i
Because the objecta of tb alleged
concert wer tht offense of offering,
granting, receiving aad giving rebate
concession and discriminations, which
offense in themselves required a eon
cert and participation of plurality of
agent, and the said Indictment show,
no concert or combination of permn
other than that uecestary to commit
th laid offense."
These casea cannot now come up until
the April term of court, as the jury has
been dismisted for the present term.
Hi clothe are worn out but look at
hi shoe. They ar still good, hecau.e
th y r
"Billy Buster
They hiv a sole that won't wear out
While Reductions Are
In Force
While Assortments Are
Or Else You Will De
Merman Wise
i -
Special sale of old standard pieces, vocal
and instrumental
Five Days Only, 6c per copy
t wii ii ici a O Beer.
A Helping Hand
To Women
There is help for every woman who lufTeri from headache, faint
ties, depresiion, backache and other ailment during those timet
when Nature make a heavy demand on her strength and vitality.
Every woman ihould takt
to help her through thete trying period and to keep the yttem in
a normal and healthy condition. The girl juit entering woman
hood, and thoae of maturer year, find equal benefit from Beecham'i
Pill. Taken at the firit ign of derangement, they give prompt
assistance. Read the special directions fur women with every boa.
old ETorjrwbor la Bos. It mm4 at.
L. E. Selli, Lessee and Manager
Friday E?enlng-SoaiVs E
Saturday Matinee
THrw vnrreit gmy... u.
auaasi -I DKEAB
v rutaau, lat HEART BOWED
Kvening rrice-lleterred HeaU, gl.00, (JaUe, M etoU.
Matine I,rht-AdulU, 60 cent) Children, 21 cenU.
(n account of tbt heavy epenst of this enltgement th frt list
will bt tntirely suspended with th except ,n of th rrea.
Wrved rat Rait Opto Thurl.y Morning! 9 a. m., tt Hotfltr't
Candy Stort. Curtain, 1:20 Carrlge, 10.45.