The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 03, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Ypu Add to the Family Saving Fund
When You Duy
V .111 alwava have food bread and paairy ed satisfaction through-
out tb household. Try sack and
lik It
' Committed For Inanity. Mwla
John, Hra.ldt eltifta, Manila
d yesterday by tha eounty authorille.
U tha ground, of alleged Insanity.
The charge wa proven eoielulvly id
ha we duly committed bf Judge Tron
chard U the 0. H. I. A. ftt Kalem, and
la bow In Rbcrllf Unvlllr's
waiting transportation to tha capital.
T Flehhawk Today .-There wltl I
servbws at tha Flrt ..utbrraa church
tomorrow, tha pastor. ltr. BydquM
having been emldenly called to FLhbawk
yesterday to conduct tha funeral of th
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Maurlti farr.
wbo died at tha family home yesterday
The manager of Hotot Irving" wishei
to aaaoonce that the hotel dining room
la aa open to the public Good cooking
and eplendid esnrfce. Price is eeata pr
meal Special teteo to permanent foesta.
Of Dread CoasumptlonThe sad In-telig-nr
of tha death of Mia Tina
Indrrgeard. at tha I'ppntown boma
Of bar brother, A. Indergaard, on Tbur
day night, a given out yesterday
Morning. MU IndcrgaaiU ba been
failing fur aome lima, hut baa Wna tip
bravely against what aa known to be
Inevitable, Funeral service will ha held
at tha Norwegian Lutheran rlmivh at I
o'clock tomorrow afternoon and Inter
mant will ha had at Ktrenwood reme
tery. Yalta tint at Svensonl.'
MaatMoa aaiaoM.
For Soup: I pint atrr, t pint
milk, hntl-r ia of an rKi when hot
aild mtrnt of ran, Ht Mmo to boll
t.i ili. Hrva li"t.
For Cbowd-r: Mim-a o laijra
of pork amf fry In Iron pt add
I ninta of notatiNHi. alii'! ry thin.
ami ona or to larp oiilrnia, choppiHl
flnaj add auniciviit lr to oovar po
tatora and tmil until trn,iT than add
poiitonta of ran and fla or i rollrd
rrarkaraj a o-on to-tata, tir faro-
fillly, wwk for two inintita, than t
mm. tn Uck nart of atova. 8wa but
Par Lunch liw ipxhI" will I found
01-allrnt, arail from the ran hot or
nj.i. in iiiiiik mft tlv v am tha lt
thlna to taka on an amply atomach
aftar a H'll of hilioiianeaa.
Alao CLAM ItECTAR. A raluabU
product for Invalid.
JohfiHOti Bros.
. i ' i ,
Gives Moro Heat for the Money
Thott Arty Other Fuel. Try It.
'Phone Orders to Main 1961
nvt owy Urk J,a
la K. F. CUcltaalajor (irnrral D. P
laUrr of tha I'nlloitn Hank, Knight of
P)lhU, lth haaibiiart-r at Kan
Framloro, U la (ha diy oa ollVlal hiial
Waa Mad Vlco Grand. Owing to tha
Jrpartur of C P. Craamrr from tb
Ity, prrmanantly, tha mamlr of iVar
af 1-o.lga. I. 0. O. Of thl ally. Kara
alartad W. A. frtiodla to tW dignity of
vra grand. '
Haa If SafvA Ana naw aafa.
washing orar thro tona, haa barn In
atallad at tU oflW of tha Atirla Klac-
trh- Company. It I uiirglar, Ilia a no
dut priHf, and om of tha l.t and lat-
at Nitarna la inonay ba.
Moro Powat Mtwd.-Tha S.t.w Itay
(run k lira Work ha uipplird ton
tra.t..r Itinh A .laUn ih a nrw
and hraty pita driving hammer. It will
ha umh In irjitiii tha Kxrhani.-
atiwl Improvrmrut bow umlntway.
Oa a Biiaf Vlalt.-1-ji ioriior and
Mr. T. T. -.-, ara in tha ally on
liriaf lit, fomhinlng biwinoM and
plra.tira, having Jrft tliflr Halam homa
on Thurly. Thy waro both krpt
buy yaatorday grating bot of old
frVnd who wara glad to wrlomia tham
to A.U'iU again. Thay.laava for himia
on thl morning' rpra.
If yoa ara looking for eoiy lultaa of
rooma go to "Hold Irving". Tha total
la aoulDDtd with all modara coavafl-
Wacaa. WU prapartd and daintily aw
ad naala ua bo bad at s ctata.
blad at St. Manr'a-v-Mr. Jeanatla
S.hlndlr dird at St. Mary bo-piUI
yr.tarday. of haart diia alttal by
olhrr oompllration. at tha ajra of aavan
ly lour vaar. Kha b-avr m-viI rhil
drait, all grown, ona of whom, I). D.
S.hiiidlrr, of Kan Kram-bvo, i with
hi mothar whrn h pawl away. Tha
hit1and and falhar I lin itanganm-'
ly ill at tin- aania honpllal and no bo
1 rnti'Hainrd of hi ra.ary. Thi old
nx.pla hav Wn living for aome timo
at South Hand, oa tha iungion
roat, and rama to tha hmpital aomr
wa.ka ago whan it wa alilnt thair
maladla wara Woming woraa, In tha
hop that oomathlng nilt!ht I doaa to
ava tham. Tba h-maiii will I tk-n
to Portland whara Intarmant will W
had. Uti-r-Word h III"! rearhrr thi
ofll.a that tha (H hu-Und. tfahrW
Jj.-hln.llrr dinl at St. Mar)' H'"!'""'
at 7 oVI.nI lt rvaniit).'. thu follow inu
hi wifa within twalva hour, to that
"bourne hem no rrtiuna."
The ramalna wHl be 'nt to Portland
thl availing, and the fiim-iitl will 1
double or. It ia pw-uliarty hard on
tha ton who wa with thrm in their
final hour, and ha h th ympathy"of
thl mmmiinity in hi dual lTMi""
(IIa.-o and Kouth IWnd pap-r. pl.xii
It will aot pay to kwp bouse, pay
help, grocery bill, fuel bill, and maay
other Incidentals, when you caa get fine,
airy. wU-furnished, and iteara-heated
rooma with board at "Hotel Irving."
Divorot is Sought, McNeil)
veMi Olive McNelly, In tin till of
tilt Bled yesterday In Hit clrcut court,
lit ph-a l fr aboaolute divorce and
llt grounds alleged rt cruel tiratnu-nt
ami aheiuhminrnt. The parent have
agreed, however, In the event divorce I
granted, tin- mother shall hv custody
f tit youngest rhlld, while tlia father
tukee tha three elder rtiiidieil,
Clataop Bralty. Tha following tran
f..( of ( lut op rral rtt wria IllrJ for
rnnid at tha county rl-rk' odh yra
trr.layt Kmma (iilhrit and hu.Und U
W. W., n.iihl ral ion fllDU,
ntnvrying, under a prohibitive condition
NKaint aalmma, lottrrir, gambling and
all public evil, lot 12 and 13, blotk II,
rrmoa Tark. W, W. Ilahhidg and
wife to William Kelly, warranty title,
ni.laration r.'OOO, lot I, blk 71, Mr
tlurr.' AtorU. '
'Hotel Irving" la tba -only ateaa
boated hotel la Aatoria. RaU Tory rea
aoeablo, -
Grammar Cradaa tea. There wa a
plraaant snaMW of two hour, yr.tarday
afternoon, at tb A. 0. M. W. ball, when
tha grtMluatlon taerrUe of tbo gram
mar grade from tha school of Astoria
took blare. Tba araduatloa addree
wa drliverad by Mr. It 8. Kmith and
wa particularly apt and inlrreating.
.ludga F. 3. Taylor ditributel the
ravrtnl rrriltli-at to the young people
and the entirw sr.ion was one of pro
fit ami plraure.
New Officers -Tha flr.t annual rruniim
of the SorMy of M. Xiihola, fonndrd
in A.loria, February I, l, wa brld
on Thursday evening, at Ixigsn's Hall,
at whi.h lima and plara the following
ofllccr were elected and installed for
the enulng yean preldrnt, Martin
Stannvichi Vica Prr.iJrnt, M. J. Krane
tovlch) firrrrtary, Frana Stcpirbi Fi
nancial tw-rrtary, Paul Bacotkhi Trra
urrr. Martin Francicovich't Trust re
(1. (iiacoul, J. It. Mardasit-b and ePter
Martini. h. Twelvt new mnnbrrs were
I oasaaswaoawaaBssma)
From tbo Sublime to tbo Ridiculous
Valentlnei at Svcaaoa'a.
Dsagerously III. Word was received
hrre jMtri.Uy from Hrlrna, Montana,
that Paik rp""r ! gravely ill of a
frvrr thrra at the home of hi uncle,
Juditr Hunt. The niraMR intimated
that tbo crisis might arrive last night.
which, It I m.t oarnctly hoped by hi
family frienda iM-rr. will eventuate hap
piy in the line of hi recovery. Mr
fp.lmr I lvputy I'nitcd State Mar
hal for the Jlclrna dUlrlcl.
Make a Hoto.-".Mika.lrt, thl after
n.Hin and tha "Bohemian Cirl" tnnight.
at Fi.hrr' trr lloue. The Iliwian
triv Company will prernt C.illiert A
Sullivan's eomle opera "The Mikado,"
for the matinee thi afternoon, and to
nijjht Batfe's Immortal ora, "Bo
hemian ilrl.w Both of tliee standard
production, are faithfully presented by
the Kow-iaii and contrmpowry rrjioit!.
pronounce them the bet of their rrpor-
toiiv. Ju.ltiing from I he demand for
rat ciiliacitr holiaea ore uird fol
IniIIi uprra.
PleaMnt Announcement -The formal
Mil plrant, anoiimrmrnt i mailr ol
the engagement f rwuvnea A.
Itakrr, of Santa Crui. California, and
Mr. (5 V. Warren, of Worrenton. Mia
Baker Is the gucet of Mis Taylor, at
I'lavel, and the happy new wa given
out at a luncheon there ye.t. t.lay given
ill houor of the rupaged couple. Tlx'
wedding will take place on Thurmwy.
March lt. at the home of Miw. A. Tay
lor, at Flsvrl. The young people left
in Ut evening' train, Mi-a Baker to fiicn.1 in Seattle and Mr. Warren
to Poithmd, oil biiinrs.
East End Club. Mayor Wie I, mak
ing flue pittgrea wiiii ni popumi
cheme of oreaiiiiinit the municipal im
pwvement clulia. Ut night he met tlie
itiien of .tha eat end of the city at
tha Aduir school bouse, and quite
crowd at that, and with the existence
of Mer. John NoriMmm, J. F. Kear
ney, Bailiff Kettem, and others deeply
Interested, succeeded ia organising the
third local group Into a real and active
improvement rlub. The organiaation
was perfected by the eleetiou of ex
Councilman V. E. Wright as president
Councilman C. A. Leienwelier, vice
preldentj II. M. Irnlsen, secretary E
C.ulafnn, treasurer. The rluh ia onlc
ialv rhriMened the East End Club, ami
adjourned to meet at the same place
on next Friday night, at which timo it
hopes to have as guets the members of
tha other rluhe alreadv etablihed. On night next, thee fourth and
lat of the group, will be organised at
the Court Houae, all the citisens of the
Mrflura dltrict, Including the Mayor
himself, taking part in the organisation
It is good work, well done, and full of
promla for good things to come.
Seal her a valeatlno-SvtBJwa'a Book
IStoro aslla them.
Our Annual Sale
C. H.
The Leading
Laid Te Rest. Tbo members of Char
ity Lodge, Degree of Honor, of this
city, assembled yesterday afternoon, at
tha Pohl undertaking parlors, to psy
the la-t ad honors to their friend, Mr.
Mary Kamppila. She was buried at
Crernwood cemetery.
To Danoastrato It Tbo Astoria
Iron Works will install one of its new
can-making body machines In the Kin
ney cannery of the Columbia River
J'acker Association, for the purpose of
demonstrating that it Is the bet ma
chine on earth for tlia purpose. The
demonstration will not preclude the
making of the uual immense grUt of
can for tha Alaska cannerie.
Valuable And Hovel-E. It. Shaw I in
tha city, from I Angeles, for the nur
pme of introducing a novel and conven
irnt frature in the packing of salmon.
It I a gla jar peculiarly adapted to
the trade and patented in that behalf.
It i making a decidedly favorable m
preion, not only for it novelty, but
for beauty and utility a a package
eae for cooiU that of Uiemerlve mske
n alluring diplay.
The Verdict la Good.-It niiht the
ltocian ttjar (.miiiy niened a rrie
if thne perform n, at ri.-.lier opera
houe, iu thi city, to a large and criti-
n,l auilience. iifentinar .the beautiful
IVruxiaa song-atory of "t.l Capitan, by
he renowned Souwi, as Vie initial ntim-
r. The verdict on all sides is unanl
. ....I . . .
innni m favor ot me oownnjsuk
ccllence of the coiiiany and it ability
to technically handle it work in superb
and atWaetorv fahin. The oera, as
whole. wa flawle-ly presented and
the minor member of the trouplo were
faith'lll and ailuoii in the ginnl
worK a llioe iiearniK ino tij;ci ...
mo-t coicpicuou role. It wa a gen
uine puccc in every ene of the word
It ia Reported There ii a Serioua Hitch
The following I taken from the Cath-
lamet Sun, of Thursday lt and is of
iteeuliar Intrest to very many here, e
evially, since It I learned that there
i a serious hitch in the buur negotia
tions, one of the Trulllnger heir abso
lutely refusing to sign the deeds con-
mmating the sale of the property be
catie of an alleged inadequate consid
rration. The Sun says:
Denpit word wa received bene last
Friday by C. If. Warren, auprrintendent
of the local cannery, from the owner,
of Fortland, that the cannery would not
resume work here this spring and that
immediate steps will be taken to have
the machinery removed from the build
ing and taken to Astoria, where F. M.
Warren, the owner ha purehad a
tract of property in the Tnilliiig. r dis
trict The consideration ia reported to
have been tTOOO. The new cannery to
be erected there will embody the latest
Ideas, and 1t ia tha purpose of Mr. War
ren to have it ready for operation by
Anril 15. when the season oien. Thi
will necessitate rapid work, but Mr.
Warren is satisfied that the time I not
too short The new cannery will be the
largest on the river and capable of turn
ins out 2000 raes or more daily. It
will be a valuable addition to the iodu
Every article in the house reduced.
This is the greatest offering in Fine
Dry Goods, Qothing, Furnishing
Goods, Etc., placed before the people'
of the Lower Columbia for a year.
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
try in Astoria and Involves tbo invest
ment of a largo sum of money. C. II.
Wsrren, of Cat hi met will superintend
tbo new cannery and conduct its busi
ness as bo baa the plant here in pat
"The residents of CatbUmet generally
regret to sea this business enterprise
leave our town, but when it ia consid
ered how tbo new location will have
the advantage of both rail and water
communication, beside being along aide
Mr. Warren's cold storage plant already
in Astoria, the ehango is not wondered
Xotice I hereby given that the A
ernbly Club, giving dances at Logan's
ball, ha engaged union muicians.
. Mrs. C. W. Stone sud son arrived yes
terday frtmi Ahln.t, whore they have
been Tifiting. .
For any disea-e of the skin there is
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Salve. It relieve, the itching and burn
ing sensation instantly and soon effects
cure. Sold by Frank Hart and lead
ing druggist.
It may become neer-ary to amend
the Taw- so a to prohibit the ne of the
Panama, canal a well a the old flag
for mere private advertising purpose.
A Healing Gospel,
Thu Kev. J. C. Warren. oator af
Sharon Baptist Church, llelair, Ca., say
of Klevtnc Hitter: It a a tioileml to
mankind. It cured me of lame back,
still joints, and complete physical col
lapse. I w a so weuk it took me half an
hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of
Klectric Hitter have made me so strong
I have iust walVed thre miles in 50 min
ute and feel like walking three more.
it's made a new- man of me. t.restest for weakness and all Stomach,
Livef and Kidney compMint. Sold
under guarantee at Ctar. Rogers' drug
store. Price Mo.
Never have to wait loag at tba Oc
cident Barber Shop. A. K. Petereoa,
Wo ara aolo ageata la Astoria for tha Niagara Stove Worka of Buffalo, N. T.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
tn-r - - 1 ri
f - w
Wa bars mowd to Tenth airoat.
corner of Grand arcana, and aaa bs
found there at any timo, for kauliag
and Araylnj purposes.
B, a McINTOSH. !
Success is atamped oa rverp paelagt.
It ia tha moat successful remedy known.
It makes yon won and keeps yoa weJL
That's what HoIliter Eocky MounUi
Tea doe, 15 cents, Tea or Tabkta.
Frank Bart, druggist
Shorthand School
Partiea wishing to study shorthaad
at private night school should call oa
or adreaa Soy H. Keagy, Holdea Eonaa.
Astoria, Ore.
N. A. Ackermaa, 421 Bond 6t, dose all
manner of tezidenny, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, sui
tress nuking a specialty and all work
guaranteed. j
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish gradual,
room 0, Pythian building. Circs mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Pbcaas
Black 2165. Will calL '
The agricultural and horticultural re
source of the Grand Valley, Colorado,
are most entertainingly set forth in aa
attractive booklet, "The Little Empire
of the Western Slui, now being dis
tributed by the pasfe-nger department of
the IXnver J!io Grande Railroad.
The stranger within Astoria's galea
should know, as does every home citi
zen, that the one place to properly fee
one's self is the Palace Restaurant The
service, at the desk, in the dining room,
in the kitchen, is as p-rfect as meaaa
and experience ran make it and avait
ald, day and night, the. year round.
Private dining rooms for ladiei aad
parties, Bwnquetting equipment unaup
passed. Call once, call always. Com
mercial street, opposite the Page build
Every one guaranteed, WBI let ye
stand or ait oa the oven door if yot
wiah. Pricea reduced on all stores sal
ranges till aftar tba Holidays,
IV. J. Scully