THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORtA. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l, io I AFLOAT AND ASHORE she has been for aorue tint loading hook, and went Into Tillamook or Xestucca, aonietime yesterday. 8he falrfcht. abcrever h U, with Onimo .dor Jensen on the bridge. Aragoni ro Bound in Harbor The o. r. a x. towing steamer ar at Dnrtfanrt 1im down t any hour, th Oklahama 1 V BAR IS STILL IMPASSABLE, .with the PJvtheswood and the Harvest Queen, with th harkentiu Portland iTheT will take th Clackmaaanshir ml th Krk back, t Portland. J Th 0llender steamer Melville has . K-cn laid up at th Astoria Iron Work . sanitarium for invalid waft. There wan Barold Dollar Da Down Today Cap- n.ething the water with hr eircula tail Laikia Steadily Improving --Ca-". "J defective circulation ia I lumbia Gtt Away Ihia Morning J thin afloat, or how. Wsterfmnt HacBeainfl Yeateidar. I " J Th Lurlin !ot down on time lat I' night and bring cheerful news of Cap tain Larkin'a atady recovery from hi . . recently attack of illness. She left up Th ateemsliip loinmiMa win doc ai wUh hfr c(bi1 , p,,,,. the a R. a X. piers here at 3 o'clock I t f .y freight. this morning, if all (to well, and gt " away for San Fraucisco at S o'clock.' Th five masted schooner louia I. 0. ... . . ,. , . . . . leairerly looked for by th Simpson Mill Sb will tak tha following Astoria peo- '' . . lug Companv people, at Knappton. Shi pi. w in. ..omen cuv on "".-u have beea in several day ago voyage: Mr. and Mr. Josepa Winter-if nm sa Pedro. holder, Mr. and Mr. L. Mansur, Mr. and I Mr. 1L Zapp, Mr. Harvey Goodall and' Tha steamship Senator ia dn her on, and Robert Smith. Another pa.-!rly on Saturday morning next, from eager was eut over yesterday, from! CWk Point, for dispatch on the Coluru Saa Francisco. jia in custody of the stewardess, towit, big, solemn, green, yellow headed parrot. H sat on th agent's dek all yesterday, mum and glum and cro, and "never a word spake he." The boy tried their level bt to be sociable but tha bird refused to associate with them 1t even to much at a friendly look.) And now the offies fore i gloating over She chance of his becoming akk. The ateamer Sue H. Klmore fame iu ever the bar yeterday morning about 10 o'clock. She had been lying on th ocean edge of the bar fog for ererat hour before it lifted o he could creep ia tinder it, but aba finally made it al right, bringing the following list of people: X. A. Barrett, O. Thornton, Mr. E. B. Morri, Mi Edith Morris. Mia Edna Morri, John Conklin and F. y. FJiwt. The plucky little motor achooner Delia ha been out of thi port fur a month. The last adviree from hr indi cate thai he ha le't Xehalem when Th achoowr Gerald C, ia lying bar bound at "Newport. Thew haa been a long ieg of rough weather down there. The ateamer Alliance i due her from Eureka and Coo Bay Tointa, aometime today. Th British ateamer llenlay i due her from Comox, B. t". She will load lumber fol Adehud.-. at the Xorthern Pacific mills. Th tamhip Xicomedia will be in from Japan and China on one of th next tide: The British ateamer Vermont i about due here for San Francico. Sh will load lumber outward for th Ori.-nt. Th big tran Paciuo fwighter Ara- gouia bound for China, will be here thi morning. She ha been fogbound at Portland for the past thirty- hour. The tea,mer Harold Dollar i du down today with an immen Vmi lumber for San Kranciaco dfllvery. WHOLESOME POLICY. to r SWTS SACRIFICED POSITIVELY THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED YOU; ARE YOUR'S FOR THE TAKING. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE FROM TWELVE HANDSOME TAIL ORED SUITS. ALL THAT'S LEFT OF OUR ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER LINE AT ONLY VALUES RANGE FROM $".oo TO I30.00 AND THERE IS NOT ONE GARMENT IN THE LOT THAT IS NOT MADE RIGHT DOWN TO THE MINUTE FOR STYLE. TWELVE FORTUNATE ASTORIA WOMEN WILL REAP BENEFIT OF THIS GREAT SALE. WILL YOU BE AMONG NUMBER.' AT ABOVE PRICE NO SUITS SOLD EXCEPT CASH AND ALL ALTERATIONS WILL BE CHARGED FOR. . THE THE FOR Coats and Skirts Also Equally Reduced. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY THE FOARD 0 STOKES CO. ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE. . Where the New things Make Their Debut. Eanaciat4 By F. T. Wrifhtmaa B'for - tha People. Frank T. Wrightman, I!cmldiiwn candidate for th nomination for Seer tary of State, la In th city today look lug over th political aituatiou and to attend the Knight of Pythiaa conven tion her tonight. Mr. WVightman ia and ha been trong advocate of th indirect UK fw maintenance of th Stat government thereby relieving the land owner and preaent taxpayer of thi heavy burden Br the indirect tax method which h propmtea the State would be able collect auRU-ient money for all adminW trative purpoaea from rorporation and co in panic owning Valuable franchl or other property, thu cutting olT th State tax which i apportioned a moat the aeveral eouutie of th Stat and by the county government taxed again! tha people. Through the indirect tax thi money would be paid by people doing butintw in Oregon but owning no real estate hrra and now neaping their har of the tax burden. Valuable franchisee and other holding, aw-h. at bond and com panic organised outid of th Stat but doing huineM in th Stat, bond and mortgave of big rorporation and all other aource of indirect taxation uch as maintained by the United State government would be taxed by the Stat for th benefit of the Stat. For instance: An exprr company owning no wal etat in Oregon but never the lea doing an iiumen buMiiea in thi State now rape taxation but under th indirect tax it would be compelled to pay a jut portion of the burden. My. Wrightnain ia well acquainted with the financial of the State. He i at prenent corporation clerk under Sec retary Dunbar and it ha been through hit tirclena and capable work that the corporation Ut year paid into the State Treasury tl20,(W0. Of eour. he ay thi indirect tax ayttein could not be put in operation at a jump but would have to be worked up gradually, and a Secretary of State h would be in a position to know the condition andact according at th right time. Hi train ing along thi line make hi opinion raluable and fit him for the undertak ing which would be uch a great bur den, to lift from the common taxpayer of the State. It wa through Mr. WriKhtman'a ef- forte a corporation clerk and gimg valuable aitanca to Mr. Punhar fiat the Kddy corporation tax bill wa o amended M to not kill the wining in- dutry of the State. Mr. Wriglitwan i a atmng ally of the miner and ha tood by them through all the trouble, lie believe in giving th growing indus try all the aid pitile and for this rea o firmly and strongly advocated the minimum licence fee of 110 for non-i productive miue. Thi took away the pemiciou proiion of the Kddy law and gav wen owning valuable prmpect ample leeway to develop the am with out any great tax being levied gaint them by the Stat. In fact Mr. Wright nun aited in drafting the new bill which modified the Kddy law to thi ext.nt. Mr. U'rightnian U a Marion county man. He served for two year a s'.iriilT of that county and although he ha never before been a fundi late for any SUte office yet he i well known all over, the State and ha a mighty utto.'ig following. He is meting with earne-t iiiHimincc of HiiHrt and hi Un.l in ri'jrd to the indirect tax i u inning liiin friend by the ttioii-and uinong the 1 it 1 1 k it tut file of tlie ti.iavei, for realize Utter than t!i y do what thi indirect tax will mean to them. Mr. 1 Wrightman i a lawyer' by profeion. pre-iilcut of the Muiinn wunty br a Ik iiitinii, and wi ll (iiijlilii-'l . for the iil inn he seek. A COAST-WISE POOL Steam Schooner Business to B Centralized. HERE AND AT METROPOLIS Negotiation! New Afoot For Putting Entire Buaiaeaa of Fleet lata One Office . at Portland, With Branch In Thia City Scheme it Popular. REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDU0TI0N8 REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS THB REflTEST SALE There la a rumor abroad over land and water, hereabout, that th rrvic of the roattwlsa tteam achoonera en tering thia port and Portland, (a to be merged into a aori of freight ad p- enger clering hou that th wultl I tude of th craft and th almo.t equal multltud of office at Portland, make it difficult for aa intending pngr or shipper to quickly and conveniently achieve hi paaaair or shipment, and to remedy thia evil and to adjiut th allot ment of buine to each line and ve l. the teveral interest will be merged In on office at Portland and on at thi city. Manager Harry Young, of Portland, bending every energy in the accom plishment of th big tak, and though meeting with mine opposition from local agelicic there, 1 quite aanguine of nie ce; ami in me event 01 a prooerou Issue of hi undertaking, will inaugu rate a flu office, centrally etlllHel thriv, and render inllnilely more feas ible the work of handling the scattered ml fragmentary biiinese now pre ailing, under on general management Iks Immeasurable convenience of hipper and traveler out of that port, via the score or more of eoateiw com prising the fleet betaecu San Kruu- eisco and Portland, with a branch office equipied and ordered here on the same. lentical line. It is said that th owner of eighteen f the steam achoonera crossing the Co lumbia bar will readilr take up the proposition, if they balance of the trade can lie brought to consider it in th liyht of an advantage. Th llt. to date. -1 to MORS COMFORT THAN EVER. On Sunday, December 17th, tha Den ver & Rio Grande railroad will Inaugur ate a daily line of atandard and tour ist steeping ear between Dwrer and Loa Angelet in connection with tha new Clark road. Both oars will leave Den rer daily at 0:30 a. m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m., Uia next day. At thia point th can will be held over until midnight, thu allow ing through paasenger th privilege of a atop-over of ten hour and a half in Salt Lake City. Eaatbound, thee ear will leave Loa Angelca at S p. n, and arrive ai Salt Lake City at :30 a. m, second morning where they will remain over until 1:50 p. m., thcor to Denver where they will arrive at 4:20 tha fol lowing afternoon. Thia tnp-over at Salt Lek City of th regular Una of sleeping cart promisee to be an at tractive feature for transcontinental traveler. For any Jisea-e of the skin there U nothing better than Chamberlainf Salve. It relieve the itching and burn ing sensation instantly and soon effect a cure. Pom or f rame Hart and lead fXXXXXXXXXCCX)OOOOOCO J.$ X5he -iL. BEEfeaJlUVE A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. Only a Few More Days Left of the Great Reduction Sale ORE OPPORTUHITY III ia MONTHS TO BUY THI NE CESSITIES AT A 10 PER CENT REDUCTIONS. SHEETING, MUSLINS, CALI COES, DRESS GOODS. ' ALL SEASONABLE GOODS LIES CLOAKS, HATS, MISSES' DRESSES AND OTHER OUTER GARMENTS SOLD AT COST AND LESS. WE HAVE A FEW EXCEL LENT BARGAINS LEFT IS SUITS AND CLOAKS. X5he, .J BEEUiJHIVE Of all Great Sales Going on Rlou REDUCTION REDUCTION REDUCTION Look at our Window and !p.V..f $4-65 Suits PV An STOKES REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS include, th Be, South Hey, Redondo,' lo ahow you bat good good Northland, Nome City, Alliance, IV- and good service really ia, send u a patch, Wasp, Kilbura, Cascades, Amelia, (ra ordrr. Jcani Homer and Roanokei with other) sousrely in line on th outcome. Just a bat dork and office ia to handle the buinee at this point ha not yet developed, but there are a good many guaea going about and they are pe culiarly alike in the singleness of their inclusions, but nothing can be ascer tained in this direction upon wlth-h lo male a final statement. There ia merit in the whole ptoptwl tion and It strike the ordinary buMnr.. man, here, and In Portland, aa a mallei of sensible adjustment and common popular service, that ha been rcmtik- ably long ia coming. ( oinlitnatlon . the order of the day, and wliil tin- combination affects only th auprrlMiil element and does not mean a pool id th steamer interests, It le a patent j convenience to the entire shipping and traveling public of the Northwest. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. end Mi. H. Watson are vl-it-ing in town this week. I C. Thompson of Portlnnd spent yesterday in Astoria on bnii'. Mr. H. A. Young of Oak point in town yesterday vliling friends. .f. Iiiibright, a le.ldont of tiolde, aa a visitor in in 'iiy yrn-niny. John Nelson of Nkantokawt jK-nt yesterday for a brief business visit. W. C. Press of Lima, O., was In town yesterday for a brief business trip. Itoliert Nmith of Portland was In town yesterday transacting busine.. J, B. Ballintine of Portland was a business visitor In the city yesterday, F. R. Duti, a resident of South Bend was in town yesterday for a brief time. J. W. Maxwell of Tacom arrived in the city yesterday for a short busino trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Miller of Besside were visitor in Astoria yesterday for a brief time. W. A. Barrett of Portland arrived in the city yesterday to transact Import ant business. Mr. F. A. Fisher has returned from a brief, but pleasant sojourn with Port kind friends. Mrs, Dr. August Kinney ha returned from a lit with relatives, at Silverton, in "old Marion." Mrs. Harvey Goodall and son, Ceorgle. will leave for Los Angeles, via the steamship Columbia for a two months' visit to friend and relative. A SHIPMENT OF FANCY COOKIES AND CRACKERS JUST RECEIVED TODAY. Tha better tha Grade the bigger th trad. And that's why so many people look to 11 wilh confidence for th best va riety, and most complete Una of gro ceries in the city. ST0RIAGR0CERY I'hone Main CHI 623 Commercial St. CONFIRMED PROOF. v4 Th volcanoes of Mt. Vesuvius, Mt. Etna, Mt. Albany and Mt. Washington Residents of Aitoria Cannot Doubt What Has Been Twice Pror.-d. In gmtitinle for complete lelief from aches mid pnins of bad Iwcks-from dis tressing kidney ills thousands hav publicly recommended lloan's Kidney l'ills. It-sjiietits of A-toria, who so les. tilled years syo, now says their cure were permanent. Thi testimony doubly prove the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills to Astiaia kidney sufferer, W. It., of 603 Harrison ave nue, Astoria, Or., saysi "For years, off and on, I suffered a good deal from a deranged condition of the kidneys ami lameness snd aching across the' small of my back which annoyed me very much et my work and made it painful to stoop over or lift anything. I often thought I was troiihl.-d with gravel m painful was the passage of tha kidney secretions. Dosn's Kidney Pills earn to j, my notice) and I procured them atf Charles Roger' drug atore. They help ed me from the first and aon relieved the pain and lameness In my back, cor rected and regulated tha kidney secre tions and the lapse of time since I gav my first statement regarding my satis factory rxperlenc with your remedy has shown that tha benefit derived I of a lasting nature." Plenty mora proof like this from As toria people. Call at Rogers' drug slort snd ask what hi customers report. For sale by all dealers. Prlc, SO ' cawU. j Foter-Milburn Co, Buffalo. N. V-M Jpnt for th United State. Kememb-r tha asm Doan's 1 ad ing druggist. 0000000000000 ara ia action eruption. , '.'uk no other. X