The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 31, 1906, Image 1

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    VOLUME LX NO. 231
Two Associations are Now
New Association b Called the
American National Livestock
V Speak t Aociatioa Concerning
Fight For At Amendment t Intr
tat Commere Ui Giving Cm
mtc Coramleaio Potr t fit lat
DKSVKR, Jin. 3ft. Th cmiaolldatkm
of the National Uvea lock Assoclatloa
and the A met lean Stuck Grower' As
Uttua occurred Uxiay by th IBlQtl
oaveallone of the two organlratlnn,.
The Aanerkea National Livestock A-
aodatk wae th nam adopted end
Xurno jiarvnsi, m jnnman, was
, 4-hoara prseidant. MacKeoikj wa the
president of tlia American Ktock Grow
era' AocltkB since It'i secraslisa from
th National IJ restock Aaenrlatka. a
jear ego, a bra tba latter deckled to
lv rrprentaika la H't eonventkut io
the railroad, ami packer. In Ika imv
rklion organised today, with whk'h will
1 affiliated forty flv atibsldlary ao
rlatkme, only alorkgrowere wilt be rep
la VI, addrass to tha eonventkm Mr.
MacKeasla aaUl that elnee tha eonven
tloa la May, IDAS, no opportunity had
Wa kt of pressing tha fight for an
entailment to the interstate commerce
law giving tha Interstate commerce com,
mission tha power to'regulate rata. II"
li4 that In th' near fulura a . bill
would ba pawed by Congress that w.wld
not only, correct existing ,vll, but would
prevent ,vlU of a Ilka nalura In fut'ir.
lit aaidt
"Throughout our fight for thl, need
d egthitkn wo kept eteadily Wore
ie tha right, of tha railroad a wall a
those of tba ahlppera, and In thi way
bare been atda to get tha eiipport of
am men who a year ago did not favor
ur lda of tha question. I am gld to
eav tha President of tha United States
In laat annual iitcaaage, ha agnlu
atrongty reeomincnikd a bill which will
give equal right to tha railroad and
1h ,hlpMr, and, If tha hlpper of the
eoiintry will only do their ihara In aaa
Ing that tha Coiigrcaamrn and Senatoia
from each diatrk't support tha Presi
dent, tbl .legislation it certain to la
Referring to tha Intentate Commerc
law Coovrntion hold In Chicago la-t
October, Mr. MaeKenria aaidt
"Thi convention waa railed apH-illftl-ly
ftar tlmae eupportlng tha Pmaideut',
hi y, but tha railroad officlala thought
it might ba a good opportunity to pack
tha convention with paopl, antagonistic
to our policy and out-vote u In th,
convention, lie foresaw what tha rail
CinCACO, Jan. SO.-Ednard Miari,.
aice prenident of tha Falrbank Canning
Tompany and a member of th firm of
?lon, Morrla t Company, teUfleJ to
day la the rackera' oaa that ba had
been required by Comml,ionr Garfleld
to produce tha eecret profit and kw
book, of bl, company after tha Com
.mUloner had prepared bl, report on
road bad In view and made It clear
to them that they bad no plana In our
meat Ing. Wa Informed thatn that If
they wanted to bold a meeting they bad
better hold one of their own. Thlt they
did, and bare Lean trying aver aim,
through the prat and other Ue, to die
emlnate literature to prove to tha ahlp.
para of tbl country that tha Preeideat'
pollry on tba rata bill la tot what la
heat for tha ehlpper."
Mr. MecKrnile told of tba effort, that
were blng made to have tha law re
quiring stock In tranlt to ba unloaded
every twenty-eight hour emeajed la
order to extend tha time limit to thirty
ail hour. Tha greatest opposition, ba
aid, Vaa from the member, of tba
Humane Soriaty. Ha eoeUaoedi
"Far be It from ma to belittle the
work of tbl, body, nothing but prala,
I due It, member, I feel, however,
that anroetimee they art governed to
aoma extent by preJudUo, and In thl,
raaa tuih wa, onr sjtrlanoe. Wa know
that tbl, law doe, not ancomplUa any
humane purpoee, but on the eontrary,
ita enforcement garrally raeulla la In
humanity and Injury to the ttork anl
ae bavo time and again aiked Con
grem to have he tlnte limit attended
to thirty-is boura. Your eteewtive
rommlttea and it, attorney brought tbl.
matter Wore Secret, ry Wil,on In ort
that we might get hia eo-operatioa in
hiving the law amended and I am plea
ed to Inform you that Secretary Wilaon
(Continued on page a.)'
House Discuss Railroad Rate
Legislation Yesterday.
Debate Wat Opened by Tewaeted f
MkaJgaa, FaUewaa by AiaaM ef
Georgia, Who Co mended Beoeevelt'e
Stand aa tba Queat Ua,
WASIUNGTOK, Jan. 90.-Tka mam
her of the boue evinced more gener
al Interoat . In the diwuwilan of
the railroad rata bill a god deal mora
than on any topic of IrgUlatioa for
oma time. Tha debate waa opened by
Townaend of Michigan, lie waa follow
ed by Ada ma of Georgia, representing
he minority, who euiiunended the mee.
lira anil praierd Prenident RiMiaevelt'
hind on tlia attention. Illnabaw, df
NVIit,ka, and Uk'hardon, of Alabama,
Im ,mke on the eubjwt. The quea
indicated there I, to be aome oppiwl
tion to the dill, at leaat in the debate
Tha feature aeemingly mot auhject to
attack l Jut whet will be tha author1
ity of the, liitirUte cHnmuert'e com
mia-lon n-latlve to tha dilTerriitiMl In
rale, lirtwern conipetliig cilie, and lo
BueeUa Folic Dlacovtr Plot to Kill
Governor-General Sollogub.
RIQA, Jan. 80 The police dlovered
a plot to kill Covernor-General Sollo
gub and never I high civil and military
oltli'iuU. Many ate artcnted at Vlad
Ivoetoh, Poland. After an unaui-ceanful
attempt to aaiuat the aherilf of
Popemnkl. the police today found a
nnantltr of arm, in a aynagnoua. A
fine of l.VK) wa, impoaed on tha Jewiah
the beef inquiry He added he had bean
aiaured by tha Commluloner that na
knowledge furnithed by tha Packer,
would be need agalnat them. Other wit
neee of the d,y were L, C. Krauthoff,
who wa on tha itand jrcatcrdayt Sam
uel McRobeHe, treasurer of Armour A
Company, and Charlea G. Daw,, former
Comptroller of Currency,, j
Danish Premier Proclaims
j the New Monarch. -.
Over Fifty Thousand Persons
Greet Accession ol
Frederick VIII.
King Frederick Make Brief Speech
Saying He Will Rule ! Accordance
With Example Set Him By Hi,
Father Europe Mouraa.
COPENHAGEN, Jan, 30-Frederick
VIII waa proclaimed King' of Denmark
at boob today In Amatleoborf Square,
In front of the palace. Tha ceremony
latted only a few minute. The Prem
ier, ii. ChrUUnaan, appeared ea the
balcony of the pahtce and announce! to
the 40,0(10 pereotu aeembled below the
death of King Chriitiaa IX and th ac
cent ion of hia eldett eon. Tba Premier
then railed for cheer, for King Frederick
Tha new ruler of Denmark Joined the
Premier on th balcony and in a ahort
paech declared that ha would rule in
accordance w ith th example aet him by
hia father and truated that tba aame ac
cord between tha King and the nation
would continue a, heretofore. Hi, Ma
Jcty concluded with calling for cheer
for tha fatherland.
King Fmlerkk received a warm
hearted greeting from the aeembled
crowd, whoae cheer, mingled with the
national anthem.
Church Bell, Toll For Dead King. I
Kince o'clock in the morning all the
church belle have been tolling, minute
gun have been booming from the fort,,
flag everywhere have been displayed at
half mat and buaineaa practically ha.
been at a atandatilL Tha aorrowing in-
habitanta of Copenhagen gathered irt
the ,1 recti diacuaaing the Virtue,
of King Christian and the probabilitk-,
of the future.
Prior to the proclamation of hia ao-
ceaaion, King Frederick held a council
of ,tate, at which the Mnitere tender
ed their reaignatlon, and were reiiet
el to retain their pot. Afterwanla tha
n.w ruler, aurrounded by the rrlnce,
received at the palace the Cabinet Min
iter, Prckli'iit, of the RikmUg, the
blcf civil and military ofllciala and the
court dignitarict.
Frederick Proclaimed Suler,
Then came the Important ceremony of
the day. Promptly at noon the Premier
tepped out on the bancony of the
palace and thu ahouted to tlio ,
"King Chriatian IX la dead. Long
live Hia Majeaty, King Fwlerick VIII."
8onoroua hurrah broke from the
crowd In front of tha palace, and re
echoed down the ttreet, opening on
Amalienborg Square, tha flag on the
public building wer run up to the mait
heada and a royal aaluta wa thun
dered from tha city forte. The King
ahortly afterward drove acroae the
tqttar to hia own palace, greeted by
hearty cheer.
The court ha been ordered to go in
to mourning for 30 week and th Min
uter of Juatice ha notified all th thea
ter and other place of entertainment
that they muat remain clooed thia week,
a wall aa tha day before and the day
after th funeral. King Frederick, early
la th afternoon, announced hi, acce-
lon to tha throne in a proclamation a,
folbj wet
King Frederick', Proclamation.
We, Frederick VIII, King of Denmark,
by the grace of Cod, do hereby announce
and make known that our deerly belor
ed fattier. Christian IX, waa yeaterday
gathered to hia father, by a udd-a but
calm and peaceful death. W have
thereupon, la accordance with the law,
aaeentied tna tnrone. Wliile taue aa-
anmlng thia high and reponlUe- pool
tkia of whk-b the Almighty ha ehoaea
na, it la our determine! ba to maintain
uniwervingly the eoaatitutioa of our
country and to preserve the right, and
power of our whole people. If the
people tbemaelve, will have tha aa
tunfldeiw la their king which we have
in our people, then will God grant hie
grace and bleing to alt of net
It labour will that all public buiinee
follow it unlntcrrnpted eouraa and
until further notice the officiate appoint
ed by our dearly beloved father will re
main t their pot, la accordance with
their oath.
Given at our Caatle of Amalienborg.
January 30, 1908.
The Amerk-an Minuter, Thome, J.
O'Brien, haa already acted upon cabled
iutructkna from the Stale Department
aa follow (
Convey through the Aocited Preae
channel the aineere condolence of the
Proklent of your country upon the
death of Hia Maje-ty, King Chrialiaa
Notorious Captian of EJU G.
Not Drowned.
Compelled to Seek Shelter la Ifeak Bay
and U diacovered by V. S. Rcrcau,
Cutter Captala Pat ta Sea in Sterm
aad Iacape.
VICTORIA, B. C, Jib. 20.-Far from
bring drowned on the Ella G., tba 15 toa
halibut flliing achoner, incorrectly re
ported floating bottom up off Barclay
Sound, Captain Alec id-Lean haa (imply
added another victory to hi long
list of auereaaea in escaping the Ameri-
can etithoritie, who hold aeveral r-
rant, for hia arreat. Tha Ella 0. and
ber maater reached Ucluelet yeaterday,
aomewhat weatherbeaten and bedrag
gled, but unharmed, after battling for
day, with a atorm which brought a aer
tea of diaiter along tha Vancouver
(land and Alaka coast to veeaela many
time aa large aa the little halibut vea
Becalmed in a treincndou ,we!l, flrt
off Cape Beale, and later cloe to the
reef, fringing the entrance to the
Sound "Red Alec" wa, finally forced
Friday, to neek abetter at Neah Bay.
There alie wa, boarded by a 8iwaah,
who aaked to ee the captain.
rroi rorreM inimduced himaeir aa
maater, but the Indian waa not satisfied,
and found Captain McLean1 In the cab
Iu. Tha latter pretended not to under
stand Chinook,
McLean Smell Danger.
He suspected trouble from the visit,
however, and that night the little ves
cl, with tha "Sea- Wolf" again in com
mand, started out In the teeth of the
gale, manned by a crew, which, daring
a, it I, had practically to be driven to
the work. They aay they had the
choice between tha devil and the deep
sea that night, and chose the latter. -
Just in tha nick of time for when
but half way across tha atraite tha
light of aa American cutter were aight-
ed near Clallam. Tha newcomer bore
down oa the tchooner, flashing her
searchlight, and the wild race for Cana
dian water, waa on.
Old "Yankee Trick." j
The cutter stood off ehore, and when
a tew mile, out to Ma aent up four
blue diatrea, rocket,. General Dumphy,
oft tha Ella 0., ,aid the vessel waa In
diatreae, and urged McLean to Me safer
Tm not going to ba fooled by any
Yankee trMc," vria McLean'a ans
wer, and he lay where he waa, though in
momentary danger of deetructioa.
Marine Representatives
Adopt Resolution.
Will Esublish Life Saving Sta
tions and Re chart Pa
cific Coast.
Indian Pick Up Dead Body OS Wreck-
ad Valenc e But it ie Hot Tst Identi
fiedMany More Might Have Been
KF.ATTLE, JAV.9tt.Fifty represen
tative of the marine transportation
agent and shipowner, la Seattle, at a1
meeting today ratified a resolution
looking toward the establishment of a
eompkte life-saving station oa Tatoose
bland, lb tnstallatkta of a heavy cable
to tha mainland at Keah Bay and the
entire re-chartlng of the North PariSe
coast, including the waters at the en
trance to the Straits of Saa Juan de
Another Body Foond.
VICTORIA, Jan. M.-OnVmor body
waa found today la th vicinity of the
Valencia wTeck. The body waa picked
up by Iudians near Pachena. It waa
placed on the tug Bahada and will be
taken to Seattle. It ie not identified.
Thi, make twenty-two la all recov
ered. Thi, mominir Undinn were made
at Darling Creek where Lineman Logan
had eight bodiea temporarily buried. It
is iBipcssioaj io remove inem ana it na.
been decided to inter, them permanently
at thia place.
Considerable excitement waa occas
ioned today by tbe report of
another ,
steamer ashore. As the new waa
brought by Indians, it la believed they
imagined the wreckage coming "ashore
from the Valencia waa another wreck.
It la also reported two curvivora were j
seen at Da relay Sound by the Indians..1
Thia report is also discredited.
Bnaket ia Victoria.
VICTORIA, Jan. 30--Frank F. Bunk-
er .assistant euperintendent of the
Seattle schools, and a survivor of the
Valencia disaster, who lost his wife and
two children arrived today on the Sal
vor being the last survivor to leave the
scene. He intended going to Seattle,
but wa, subpoenaed to give evidence at
the Government Inquiry. He i extreme
ly anxious to fix the blame, for the fact
that when the wreck broke up at noon
Ve.lin!,, no teir.- waa- off.Jhe! JTJJTTF, -)n. 31. The Butte Keiluc-
point to pick up those who floated out. jtiirn Works' plant, valued at $750,000,
Lim-man Logan told him there were all is burn Hp, and at 1:43 thia morning
leaat fifty person, who drifted seaward the fir "vas bevond control
when the wreck broke up, some of whom i 11
might have been saved if the steamers
had not all left the scene.
Minister Testifies.
SF.ATTLE, Jan. 30 Rev. Fletcher L.
Wharton, a minister of this city appear
ed be'ore the inspector today in re-
WASHINGTON", Jan. 30. The Senate near the scene of th recent Valencia
today passed forty bill, many of them nJ for revenue vessel,, publie
of considerable Importance. The list in- b,uildi" for th Tf"1"
, classification of the consular service,
elude. number of measure, for light- Th, thipping m
house. Including one oa Eliza Island, tion for a time, during which Lodgo
Bellingham Bay and another at Cape made a speech in support of it. Patter
Arago, Wash, and for' life saving ,ta- son gave notice of a speech tomorrow os
tkma, including one at Cape Flattery, the Dominican question.
spone to their invitation and explain
ed ha bad spokea to hia congregation
oa the alleged seleane of life pre
enrere becaaae of th etatemeata made
by AaaUtont Superintendent of School,
Bunker. Oa behalf of tba publie WW.
tna asked tbe inspector what guarante)
it ba aa to the efficiency of tbe seamen
mea aad equipment of the veeaela oa
the Pacific Coast. Ha assorted there la
a feeling that tba Valencia bad aitskilt
ed sea me a and naelena life preserver.
The inspector told Wharton toll
preaervera were equally a good aa eork
and the tulle belt worn by John Cegaloe
one of the aurrivoca, had been im
mersed la a barrel ef water and a
twenty-pound weight attached. Six
hour later tba belt waa atlH afloat.
Conflicting testimony waa given today
by the witn-ese examined, regarding
the roughness of the aea. C. AJlisen,
me peseenger, contending the) water
waa smooth while Cegaloe who attempt
ed to swim ashore gave exactly th
oppotiite tv-otimony. Several witaeaaee
were of the opinion that the tug Caar
should have, made? an effijrti to get
closer to the Valencia than it did. f
SPOKAXE, Jan. 30. Fir broke out
today in the Bunker Hill and Sullivan
Mine at Wsrdner, Idaho. Many were
overcome with rmoke and reached th
surface with difficulty.
Insurance fnvestijtor Armstrong
and Printer Debate.
Say Stat Printer Mad Deal With
Ianraao Committee' Stenographer
Whereby ooo letter Wer Seat Oat
Offering Report at
ALBAXY. Jan. 30 After a decidedly
. lively hearing in which charge and
threata were freely exchanged between
Senator Armstrong of the tneuranc in
vestigating committee and a represen
tative of tbe Brandow Printing Com
paay, and th Stat Legislative print-
era, the Senate Finance Committee
voted to report favorably oa th bill
of Senator Armstrong to have printed
5000 copies of the testimony of the in-
ur nee investigation , at a coat of
0,000. Armstrong made eharfiea of
intentional delay by tha printer and
told of aa alleged deal between th
State Printer and th committee'
'stenographer, whereby he 'had used
the committee', atationery, aent out 900
circular ' offering copies of the testi
mony at $130 per set, the stenographer
to receive forty per cent commiaaioa.
The committee compelled the cancelling
of what orders he had received.
COLUMBUS, Jan. 30.-The Senate
passed a bill this afternoon abolishing
capital punishment, tut .Wuurdci.. except
on ennvirtinn for a aecoiul ntTense.