I t TOISDAY, JAKUAIT 10, loot, THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. You Add to the Family Saving Fund When You Buy "QUEEN ANN FLOUR" You will lwiy bar good bread and patry Mid tlfctloii tbronyli,' nut lb botvelmld. Try a sack and g-t jour hoary bck If you Uoti't ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. TBI RELIABLE CROCUS A Jolly Hour.-The hour spent In th iar, Theater the day i wholly rim prietiiig. Th management ha in other euvllrnt bill on thi tfk, with pleasant urprie running thick in the pli.jjrsiu. 1h music ia new ami the kit full of snap and )! L TMSi TALU OF THI TOWH. Contract! W.-AIum-I all th Co lunilde rlwr packer liavt now let thr contract for th aalmon boxr to be umh during Ik approaching arantn, th price bring what they were lt )'rr. form Partnership. Rclth ami Wlb m of Ik I'i nd Hark, hv gone' Into partnership In In milk delhery bulnr, ami Intend to start woii on tha flrt of February. Annua) Report,-Master Fih nln Van Ihiam stale that h will pre-enl hi a ii nit I report fur th year IWI4 at Ilia next meeting of Ilia lawrd, which will meet in 81 -m one week from In day. Will Mt.-Th ladiei aid s.-lety of fx Mrth.li.t rhiireh will hold a tea at tha home of Mr, P. J. IWlt, M Kvlinng trret, thi ftcrnn. All friend of tha anlrty are Invited' to he present Ii Poor Halth.-Mr, V. V.. SI.Afee, ha relurmvl from 1'ortland, whlthri , h went l vl.ll hrr daughtrr, Mr. MeCntlnd. The latt-r lady' health U mi Impaired tltat h and hrr hu hand will lcv Immediately for South trn California, Batumi Today.Jhn F.ldridge, who ant Kaat ht month to art up full Una of etjnare.can machinery for Ik Atort Iron Wt.rk li completed hi tk and will t home today bringing tha nieebuiiisro.withjiliiv ( Completes Oral. Tha grading for tha road along Fifty-third street twwn Bin and ldr ''tieet, ha hrrn ftnialicd hy Contractor (.mxlia, and I export to hav thr rtwd completed I llir tliur tha mirovrnrnt ,of Jliri trr U fltlUlieJ. On a Sfrloui Char.uju.tic flood man trtrrdjy u-J t warrant for tha am-at of ona Martin Tlpkb, upon tha allrvation of lira. H. Mardarkh, who wrara Tlpirh vowrd b would murdrr hrr if k)m did not Irava hrr buaband and milk to him. Ha had not brvn arrrtr at a lata hour jf trnUy. Hi ittn Victlmiwd.-lirit IliUU, of thi- city ha hrrn vk-Umlml by a party hrarlng thr nama of ItUr, who it a i (rl to hiitt ard a WoithlrM rlirt ou ItitiU iii thr "inn of III", drawn on tha Ori-mni Trl A Kavliiin Itank of IN.nlaod. Warruiit U "Hit for ltlri arrrt. Four Hundrtd. -l lw vutara ill Iwd rriii-titrd In thr 0000000000000 That i what thry all My wlirn thy drink 000000000000 It's Good 8 8 8 HllUBROl GOOD GOODS. 8 01 OOOOOOOOOOOOO I Try pound of thi lliuli Cradr C'ollfc and If yu don't ay IT'S r.(N)I, wa will ri'fniid tha pur rlm piiif, highly r.'wnniirnd thl oof U9 and frrl Hire that you will be well )lia-d with it. JOHNSON BROS. US 12J Twrlfth St. AatorU, Or. 30000000000 Ifaarly of (Int. tuna of at .' lk yrlrnAy aftrr iHMin. Thr rity utanda for iM. and th outling prr.'ini't at 112. Atoria ir c-im't Nn. 4, ia Of Iradrr in tlie rity with 64; and Sraidr, In tha rounlv with Mi Mlrhawakft and Vrirr not of rwrd In thr prrmiwa, yrt. CW Reception-Tonight tha incinlxT. of thr Firt Prrhytrrlan rhurih in thi rity will trndrr rrrrptkm to thrii nrw imtnr, llrv. V. 8. tlilbrrt In thr itarlnra of tha rhutvh. All nirmU-r and frirn.K of the rhtirrh are ronlially In ltrd to be pirrnt Pttition Pot Sidewalk. Thr pro ri oniirrn living In the lrlnlly of Hniith' point have filed prlitton with thr City Auditor whih wilt be prrrtitrt lo thr i-i v muixil at thrir n t n rtlng, ak ing that a idr walk be built aroun iiiitha point a far a the wli am! dotir faHory. Thr romiril i akrd to dotiate f.'A t hrlii in thr nmt ruction fnlt, f Ifahalem Proipiou..ll.iir are re portr.1 to !. iii(e proerou in thr NVhah-ni country tlira daya owing to the railroad which i bring built to waU that arrtion. Piflinaxler J. C Pujie, of Klir, who wa in the rity yea Ionia y leaving in the evening for Pmt land.'MV thiiiu arv on aomrwhat of Immiiii. there hrinc con-iilorHlilc activ ity along real ette linra. Logi Floated. The heavy rnln of the pat fr- Wrck rwi'eil the watrta of Kcl and tSiay' rivera to null an ex tent that about vik'ht million fret of log were floated down from the head wnter, al'ii a great many log wen' l.nmplit down the Skaniokawa river, Two hundieil mid fifty thou-aud feet of lusr weiv.1' brought down from the h.-ml of the l.ewi ii n J (lurk thoiiL-h n tin wnter m not av liinh aa in tlic olhei river, over Z.taiti.taNI fect till reniuiii 1kvi!, Cooper! Annual Clearance Sal Mow Going On. Don't Mia It. ARB YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR PUBL? mmmn goai Gives More Heat for tho Money Thou Any Other Fuel. Try It. IN LARGE LUMPS OR IN SACKS Phone Orders to Main 1961 ELMORE & COMPANY EeUt Ck.ard.Jii.lg. Tiem-hai!, il ting for probate, yealrrdiiy. approved the final account ()f Allrrt K. Allen, .kut.r of Ilia e-ltt of Mark-It M (.aaliiiMii ami diM-harg'd will mi--iilor front all futlhrr lial.ilily in the prciii ir. ' . Daeire Dlvrc.-Attorn y Oiarlr. J. Si'hnal.le, of Portland, yesterday filed the eoini.laiut of Mr. Aiivnla Hrrit- hatipt and pleading for- divi.rca from llrrthold Iliirtlwupt, uM.n tha ground of rrut'l and luhuttnn treat ment. There U one eh I Id, girl of 1.1 yrar, for the euatndy of whkh the mother pray in her plea. line a i ner antit. Titer were three ehange In I lie ownerahlp of Oat op realty yeatenlay, a evklem-ed by the ik-ede filed for record at the eoiirt hiniaei Thoma l.imillr, aherilf, to R. .1. Huhlard, for delimjuent tana, enal tle and Inter -t, ecriain lot and bwck in and near Ocean (iruva. (lark M. fHighery to (ieater W. Itkh, ararranty title, con. flirtation V eonveying lot 13. U, 1.1 ami 16 in block 47, of Tay lor' Atin-ia. Mary M. Kelley, widow, to Violence M. Ii,'nderm, warranty title, ron-ideration eonvevini lot -1 arid I. in hhak 24. of AMcrhivtok. Our AniTttal Sale NOW GOING ON Every article in the house reduced. This is the greatest offering in Fine Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnhhing Goods. Etc., placed before the people of the Lower Columbia for a year. Petition For RemovaL-Ite.idnt in Al.lctlnH.k aie t-ireulatiiig a petition to prca. nl to the Aatoria twhool lrd re iictiiig that lh principal of the Al Icrltrook achiHtl, J. V. Krater U re nmvrd from hi poaition. Aiming the evrral rhargra cited in tha euinplaitit i that of imiunM-tnica. It being al h-ged thai tk principal ia not rapable to hold the itioti. Tha petition wbk-h ia algned by alauil forty Interested wr tie, will be prraented to the Urd at their nvxt nierling to occur o Feb ruary i. Appoint Special Officer, I)itrk-t Deputy llrown of the Klk lodge ha appointed the four aeial grand klge ntlicer who will ofliriele at the dedi cation ceiemtmi-a of the new ".lk' temple in Portland, to ocrur on Feb ruary 1 and S. The oltii-er aelertrd by him are A. Edgar Itrard, grand riuire, and 1. K. II. MllWBil. gratid loyal knight, both of Haker City, Judg C. Illukley of tly Ilalle. grand rateemed leading knight, ami Dr. It. Pyrd o' Salem, giand e-teemed kt-turing knight. at Delihtful Surpriae-U.t evening the hurvh nienila-r of the Firat Lutheran hurch len.lere.1 their pator. Ilev. Ryd iiint, miwt delightful and tineie-led nrpilMi arty in the t-hurch building, it being the iiion of the reverend grutleiiuin' birthday, A unique man ner of eerurlng Rer. Rydquial' prenence the rhurt'h wa adopted by the hurch people, whw rang the rhnn-h hell. Tha noie altraeteil the attention of toth the Mtr and hi wife, who ruh rd out, and eeing a light in the rhurrh hnrnc.t to the wene, wlieie thi-y were aiirnriaed and pleased lo are over Mie luimlre loyal ehiirch meinlH-m guthi-n-rl i greet them. lie'realinient were rved. and vurioiia aniucnietit4 in- lulgcrl in until a tile hour, when the eople di'petted to their aeveritl home. wiliing their pttalor many happy re- urn of the dv. A token of their pprecintion of hi erKv, and of the -te.Mii in wliiih he i held, Her. Ryd pitst w. preat'iiteil with a puie con- iiinlnu a geliciiui aiiiu of money. c. H. COOPER, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. be organited by the mayor, on Friday night next, at the Adair mIiooI houae ami in thi ea, lo It i the earnest wiah that all lntereated will be in evl denee. Tlie oiganizathin of the Meilure Club, rtivering the territory between Keeond and Twelfth street", will be organiied aonie time next week, due notice being given of time and place. WEST END CLUB MEETS. Greet Mayor Wise and Hi Friend With a Band. Ijiat evening lieiug the date art for he adjournment of the Wcl Knd lui- provenienl I lull, Mnyor iae, aeconi anie. by Meaar. AIUtI Ihmhar and lh'. 1'ilkington and .Indue Andeiwon. cut out to wituea the proceelliig nd were delightedly aurpricd to lie received by the Katwa lira Rand, of ixteen plee, of the exlatence of which no one In tlita imrt of the ritv wa aware. They itlayed national and other ira, for lime and finally the meeting etthtl down to fnrmalitie, chief among hich wa the naming of the aeennri nd fourth Wednemlar in each month. the regular meeting night of the club. A number of question of hx-al hnHrtnce were dirtiru after whk-h light refreahnient were lerved and ad iiriimeiit wa had until Vedneaday. February Nth, which, being St. Valen tine' dar, it waa ordered that each iaitor mi that night ahould be endowed ith valentine a souvenir of the lub'a iultial working night. Tomorrow, Wedne-day night, the Shivery Improvement (lull, with a di trkt bounded bv Twelfth street oil thr et and tlie eastern boundary of tlie Second ward, will be organized at the council ehamher in the rity ltnll, and it hoied every interesfed eiticen will be 4 PERSONAL MEKTIOH. Sir. W. B. lne, of Kelao, la visiting friend in the city thi week. William Gorman of Stella waa in tin- city yesterday for brk-f visit. N. Jleyer of San Francisco, ia a busi nr visitor in town thi week. J. If. Aihley, of rVaide, waa in As toria yesterday for a short time. Y. L Dudley, of Portland, wa in the city yeterday on btisinea. S. It. Alliright, of I'ortland, wa in the city yesterday for a short time. ' 0. A. Itop-r and F. S. M.'ul!ogh, of 1'ortland, arrived in tlie rity yesterday. S, S. Dill, a prominent contractor, was in the rity yesterday on business. . P. M. KUef-n, of Portland, waa in the eitv vealerdav for a brief bushier trip. Mr. Xelson Trover i visiting in As toria this week with Mr. 0. V. Loun- larry. F. A. Fihex wa a aseng-r hence for Seattle on the tf:lt exprrs lust evening. I. (I. Wiikatroiii, a resident of Smf iMsr-e, was a t'lisiiH-ss M-ilor in AMona yesterday, Mrs. (uto Ilcilhorn ha returned from a ph?ant Hijoniu with friends at the m.troHlis. Mr. Dr. August Kinney is visiting in Silverton, Marion county, at the home of her brother. tVcnr Durkhiim of la-op River arrive:! in the eitv jvsterduv to renmiu a abort time on buinesa. Mr. and Mr-. Svvrpaon Morton are in the rity, from the northhor suburl of Knappton, on a visit with friend. Bohemian Girl', Mikado', 'Chime of N'ormany', 'Fr Diavola', and The Tele phone Cirl it i difficult for anyone not a eonnoueeur of music to say which wa the best. Each ha it champion, but none failed to please. If the Ron cian Opera Company should ever favor Walla Walla with a return engagement, they are ure of a hearty and generous welcome, but the Key lor Grand may need to be enlarged to eat the crowds that will flock to tee them." Seat sale open Thursday morning t Hoefler'i caudy (tore. Cooper Annual Clearance Sal Now Going On. Don't Mis It WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! W hart rowed to 836 Tenth itraet, comer of Grand arena, and u U found there at any timo, for hauling and dnying purpose. B. C JXcIXTOSa. Cooper1! Animal Cleanse Sal Vow Going On. Don't Mi It Suece is tamped on ererp package. It ia th mot uoceful remedy known. It make 70a well and keep you wcIL That' what Hollister't Rocky Mountain Tea doe. 35 cent. Tea or Tablet. Frank Hart, droggiat. A GOOD THING TO KNOW. The at ranger within Astoria' gate should know, a doe every bom citi zen, that the one place to properly feed one' self ia the Palace Restaurant. The service, t the desk, in tlie dining room, in the kitchen, is perfect means , N, A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St- doe aQ and experience can make it, and avail-! manner of Uxidenny, furnltar BpkoU. Shorthand School. Partie wishing to (tudy (hdrthand at private night tchool abould call om or adren R07 H. Keagy, Holden Houas. Aatoria, Ore, Id, day and night, the year round, Private dining room 'for ladie and parties. Banquet ting equipment .unguis passed. Call once, call always. Com merciul treet, opposite the Page build- DONT FORGET FRIDAY. The Roscimt 0Hr Coniny who commence an engagement of two nights and matinee at Fisher' next Frklay evening are jxken in the great et and liest of term by the pre wheivever they appear. Th Wall Walla States man ha thi to say of the company! "It wa with general regret that the great crowd at the Keylor Grand last night saw the curtain drop on the last net of the last of the seven perform a nee given here by the Rocian Oicra Company. i theatrical company that ever appeared In this city ha won a higher place in popular favor. The capacity of the theater was taxed every night to accommodate the eager crowd and th audience kt no opportunity to manifest their appreciation of thr many clrver act and ong of each iterformance. Kncorea and curtain calls were so frequent that it must have been most trying to the patience and th trength of the favorite, but they lwy responded cheerfully to the els moron and perMent enthuiats who usually included tlie entire audi MASSAGE, FINNISH METHOD. Mr, (tig Ijiudrn. Fintii-h grudunte. ris.ni (I, Pythian buihiiiig. Gives mas sages, steam and hot baths. Phone ltlnck 2 Hi.".. Will rail. teriog, carpet deaning and laying, mat- tree making a pecilty and all. work guaranteed. Cooper"! Annual Clear a nc Sale Hew Going On. Don't Mi It TOTJH UXL Kever have cident Barber proprietor. to wait long at th 0e Shop. A. E. Petenon. VALENTINES FOR EVERYBODY vSvenson's Book vStore. Fourteenth and Commercial Street We ar tot agents In A.torta for th Niagara Stare Work of Buffalo, K. T. Celebrated Stoves and Ranges StLL..,J&, THE ZENITH AND T STAB 13- - V- ' 1 fa a 0 Kl:H Ur4 I wrey Every one guaranteed. WM let yowj atand or sit on th oren door If yow wiah. Price reduced 01 all tove tat range till after th Holiday. W.J. Scully 470-472 COMMERCIAL S1KET m In attendance. ' ence. The F4it Fad Improvement Hub will "Of the bill presented-'FJ Capitan",