The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 30, 1906, Image 2

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Publish Daily by
By Bail, prr JfU .......17.00
By mail, per month... .60
By carrier, per snout.. ......... .75
By Bufl, per yar, la adr.
Inter as oa4-la auutw Job
. IMS. at the at Al"rl. ur
r,BaderUie aetofConcneeol March I,
in e i
VOntan forth Mmv rf Ti Hoaa"
rm uraaua to elilMr nwdaac er place of
1 In i m aar b at by postal card or
throat- Me haae. Any irrulrilr la aa
hrrrj should be iii1iij nponad to the
Oregon and Washington
eeaurd party until on would think he
a a parap, pur ana Miiipie; tfcey
extol and Setter and hurrah and quote
until Ingenuity, aad the kmnwar, W
txhansted; and then disperse, to ut
terly Ignoiw the vital ltunt that were
to abundant aad convincing, and to take
up" the life of the day along line that
art ' completely and diauietrk-ally for
eign to the wildest imagination of the
hlol of the hour pent at the aniveraary,
Here, latolv. wliav "lWn. Franklin
Day", "Bobbie Hum' Day", and ehort-
ty, will coin Uneoln Pay ami so on
through the gamut of popular idolatry.
and not one man in a million think to
do hi patron the one, real, manly honor
of tryinjr, even for a day, to liva a
that patron lived. " 1
The other day the jolly King, of Eng
land, for the sake of aheep comfort, ap
peared in a notable gathering crowned
with an okl red Tain ' Shanter, forget
ting for the moment that he ia the ar
biter of the fashions of men the work!
over? and behold, every aycophanth
miI on both aide of the wide Atlantic,
ia now wearing a red Tarn" on hl
fool head. Thank Heaven, thia city is
on the outer and farther verge uf the
aping univen and th tuania may die
aa easy death before it reaches us. It
wa a grievous blunder for the good
king to make, and hi lap- can only
be forgiven in the light of a mandate
consigning the hideoua Wad piece to
oblivion. It ia up to the royal conr
vat or of fashion to rem 11 the thing and
save hi American fiit-nd and
from a rotten-vgging all over this
broad land.
. The day has been et for the rehabil
itation of the Republican force of
Clatsop county; the duty of the hour i
plain, and jmperative, and fall with
equal force upon every Republican with
ju the bailiwick. The rail U out for a
general assemblage of the party in this
city on the night of February 12th. It
la timely, and expedient ; and the loyal
ty and partisan faith of the local Re
publican are at issue. The pises and
hour of assemblage should find every
man who calls himself a Republican on
the ground, with every vestige of party
difference and misunderstanding elimi
Bated from his mind, and eager only for
the common good of the forces in state,
county, city and precinct, and the de
termination to achieve success at the
June polls. The primal duty of the
honest partisan, as such, is to preserve
the unity of the party so that no atom
of its available stiength shall be frit
tered away on extraneous issue wheth
er they be of men or measure; and it
is tb earnest hope of every signer of
the call, that the spiiit of harmony, and
the safvty of the Clatsop organization,
a re-adjusted on tint night, may be
the fiat cbnclii-ions of the mcetine. One
lor an, ana an Tor one. and that one
the composite victory of the party
throughout the length and hr-a.ltli of
Oregon, from governor to constable.
And yet a Mann's a man for a' that
. o
All the world's a tape and all th
men and women mostly scene shifter.
Lost, strayed or stol.-o on North
western blizzard, nhetlul d for an' Kant
ent engagement last night. No reward.
liming one books may not prove
anything, but it excite suspicion not
easily downed, especially in insurance
and beef -packing Investigation.
It wa great day In old Kngland
and th r4 of the Vailed Kingdom
yesterday when th people reMuated
King Edward birthday with salute.
(lag flying and th ringing of bell. Nor
wa th Memory of hi good mother
forgotten. An annual memorial service
ha been established in her honor. Vic-
tori I the first Queen of any land, an'
rient or modern, who ha such honor
paid to her memory, and prolbly no
queen ever o well deserved it.
The last youth to shoot a girl because
she wouldn't marry him wa captured
before he could commit suicide. This
save him fop the electric chair. There's
no romance about death in the chair.
A peaceful revolt in Persia is report
ed to have sheared the Shah of his
power. As long a he U not sheared of
hi credit in Paris the' winds will lie
tempered to him.
o .
For the peact! of the world, it is de
nimble that battleships shall follow
their recent pmrtir of doing their
blowing up in home ports.
Poultney Bigelow, with .his infpres
sionist pictures of Para ma, sonn how
suggests kin-hip with our imn-h-quute'l
friend who never read a book before
reviewing it, lest it might prejudire
Tk. : 1 . ...i:.t
ajic nine uus .'ine a n:-iiiijui-
ment of the di-ciplinary balance at
Annapolis. The government has quietly
ordained that hazing, with all iU brutal
and arrogant concomitants, shall teise.
And no w iser conclusion has been reach
ed in many a day. The nation is look
ing for something besides "toughs"
from its costliest and mo-t advanced
-school for young American manhood,
and the wrvic that receive it best
equipment from that great academy,
will be infinitely better for the embar
go. It is time that one of the country's
school should show what is nidint by a
cultured, r. fined and capable profes
sional American man. The army and
navy have too long been subject to the
presence of ineapables, and the tone of
the senio s has been lonenl by
group of younger officer, lo whom box
ing glove and a bull-terrier were in
finitely more than sword and uniform.
The interfering government arm is liwj(
and powerful, and it never fell at a
time nuf in a imi-e, more iinpei jtive.
nor more profoundly e-ential.
These are the day of turning new
leaves and the popularity of the water
wagon; but there are other day of
turning leaves and, alas- for the water
wagoners, th-y come with an early fall
Our r-ry respected secretary of state
know how to make a happy definition.
Witness his definition of sonculate: A
place in which to shelve estimable and
elderly gentlemen who, friends find it
necessary to take care of them in some
Joseph R. Burton i debarred by the
unwritten law of the Senate from at
tending the sessions of that body. But
he seems to retain hit functions a
statesman unimpaired wlien it comesto
drawing salary or mileage.
There is something farcical in the
rlose observance given by American to
the anniversaries of their illustrious
dead. They get together in dress suits,
backed by mighty banquet, and toast
and eulogize the hero, or taint, or lead
er, or martyr, as the ease may be, re
riling th limitless virtue of the de-
It i high time for the government to
stop expressage on silver dollars wanted
by banks when the charge for a ship
ment from New York to Yonker are
swollen by sending it on a circuit to
Binghamtoii and Tarry town before put
ting down the silver at its destination.
Rookmaking and poolaelling on the
weather is a populir form of gambling
just now in some phurs. It I at least
free from the reproach of "betting on
a dead -ure lliing," for the only sure
thing about the weather nowaday is
that it will not lie what any one In
any reasonable ground for expecting it
to lie.
o- " ' -
The danger of sending telegr.ims Is
shown in the following story: A mctn-b-r
of Parliament wa-s to have made a
speech at Derby, and being unable to
do so because the heavy 'rains had de
stroyed the branch railway .sent a tele
gram as follows: "Cannot come; wash
out on line." In a few hour tha reply
cam: "Never mind; borrow a shirt,"
Seeing that about three filth of the
pwple of Hamburg are, under tl pres
ent law, permitted to elect less than
one tenth of the local legislature, any
further restriction of the franchise, such
a i now itniiendirut, citaiulr vm
unjust Tha report to criminal vh
hntce in demonstrating againt it i not.
however, to b approved or condoned.
and will prolmbly do more harm than
Th Hon. Joseph Choate w one ,ot
thrva gentlemen guest of th New
York It add iffe Almunae at their recent
lunch at tb XIahattan. In hi happy
postprandialisui h remarked that he
readied only one other important oeca
shir where nw sua atiureoea an au
diem nun exclusively feminine and
then hi addresa proved o appealing
and perwuasiva that he ha ever aim
found reason to congratulate himself on
hi word. And Mr. Choat beamed
and blushed a all eye were hent Wkmi
tier. i
0 '
There are some optimistic teuqiera-
meut that ar never overwhelmed by
niisfortiint. Thev are happily able to
i how their case might have been
An Irishman belong lo mis
class, Cassidy had just been injured in
a blast, "Poor b' I" exclaimed tVHara
consolingly. "Tis tough luck to hav
yef hand Wowed off. "Uh Kaith, it
might hava liei-n worse," replied Cas
sidy. "Suppnaa Oi'd had m wwk's
wage in it at the time?
The effort of the Navy Dipartment
to rid the Naval Academy of ruffianism
are evidently not to be relaxed until
the work of purification I completed.
The court-martial Is now engaged in
trying th ninth offender against the
Academy rules, ami the law, and the
fact that the officer composing the
court have taken bouse at Annapolis
fin" the winter, U an evidence that they
still feel there is much work before
them. That it will lie thorough there
need b no fear, and the punishments on
conviction should be exemplary, and
loubtles will be.
Tha lata rmident Harper of tha'"
University of Chicago left only a inialli
tale, and hem it 1 pleasant to Motet
that in Mr. Riakefvllcra latest gift of
.,U to th university a fund of j
$100,000 k set aside, thi intrt of
which U to be paid to Mr. Harper dur-j
ins; her lifetime. Tin prompt nl
thoughtful provision will be generally
tvgardvd as niot tilting under th rlr-ruiustance.
Th eourt nmrtUI follow tha revolu
Hn in Rusia..
' o - - '
X-iH rnq T)oq am aqof a
.sawupool joa-euoaog tin jo ;i.i
-avajj ijoj, jsas-
M1 n PIP nojr;-aipaj)
Waiiwqi jreiiiur r) ni ooj
aqt jo VJid tn -d o tat i-m iQ
"IB J 4ajl
-paoXaq Mqiinj q.ij ejt oq Xtiim
o Bat tm )nq !rax-ttHM nx
on4 jo f mwp qt pao
-K tjop ptMi sj M-uH qx
jj iKuwti-aiio h.jj4 ooj
tm ),oop nq pool ) t.uop aqx,
XjtU Sq pis . on l
iOJunoi -Jfi pi i Hii)im)ciq arf d
jopaiod f ait) qjnm oo )ud t.noin
U I aaj
There' a cure for old age, an excel
lent ami thorough one.l Ther is noth
ing sensational It is the b st
th doctor can find under existing rir-cumstam-e.
Ilillister'i Itis-ky Moun
tain Tea. 33 cent, Tea or Tablets.
Frank Hart, tliuggi"!.
Terrible Scaly Humor in Patches
All Over the Body-Skin Cracked
and Bleeding Itching Unbear
ableCured by Cuticura In Thirty
Days at Cost of $4.75.-
Far Particulars A44rss
MIURS 1261 Ml .amhttl Street,
Portland, Orcgoa.,
" wm afflicted with paorlwls for
thirty five years. It was in patches all
over my body. 1 used three cakes
oi soap, six noxes
Cuticura Oint
ment, and two
bottle of Cut!
cura Resolvent I
bathed with th
Soap, applied tha
Ointment once a
day, and took th
Resolvent a di
recta.. In thlrtr
days I wa completely Vired, and I
think permanently, u it wis about fivt
year ago. I
"the pona4s first made it appear
nee in red spots, generally forming a
circle, leaving in the cetiU-r a spot about
the size of a silver dollar of sound flesh.
I short time the affected circle
would form a heavy dry scale of a whit,
il very appearance and would gradually
drop off. To remove the entire scale
by bnthinf; or uainc oil to soften them
the flesh would be perfectly raw, and
light dincharge of bloody suljetance
would ooze out. That scaly crust would
form again in twenty-four hour. It
wn worse on my anna and limb, al
though It wa in spot all over my
body, also on my sculp. If I let th
scale remain too long without remov
ing by bath or otherwiae, the skin
would crack arid bleed. I suffered
Intense itching, worse at night after
getting warm in bed, or blood warm
by exercise, when it would be almost
"To sum it all up, I would not go
through such another ordeal of affliction
for thirty-five year for the State of
Kansas, (signed) W. M. Chldeater,
Hutchinson, Kaa April 20, 1909."
Mm fMe,0nftBst mi Pett. . mA auumfrssl
M war. K1r IrU a CSSSI Cip., IMS Prsys,
Medicine Co.
Formerly located 25S
Aider Htreet; for the
psl five years, 11 A VK
MOVED into thf
I I..I.L l..,ll.l,nn
HsW at the south-eaiil cor
ner of First ml Morrison Htreeta En
trance No. 1(12 f ront St.
Successful Home Treatment
lif.C.Cirg WO Is known tlimttiftinnl Hit
i'niusl Slab's. aid Is called thefcrrstt ( Illness
Ixs-lur on aciiiiint of lus wniKti-rrul eiirss
wlihoiii (In. am a knife, wiilmiit u.mi
isilMin or d iik. ofsnr kind, lie Irrala ii
soil all dlseasn wild siwrfiil orlet tsl rsKt
h.hs, liarlis, and venHalile Hist are mi
known lo mediral si-l. lira In nils eoiinlrv
and thmuah Ilia use nf Iliese tiarinlvw feme
dies tiaguaraiilee lo cure
Catarrh, Ailhma, Lung Trouble, PhcumWiim,
Ncrvousncti, SMnach, liver, Kidney, fmU
1fcsLit.a mm A II rkuji rt ......
(all or wrile, enrioslnr 4 j-ceitt isni fot
niallltir Ixs.k and circular. Addres, I
Ths C. 0 Wo ChiiMM M'dkine C., ;
(I. 161 1,2 pint $U it. Cor Morriio I
Mention il.i. Porllsnd Onfoa I
399 Bond St., cor. Ninth
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call tnA .inspect
our elegant lines. ' y ?
B. F Allen a Son coil st
Every 'Lady's Dressing Chamber
thoulj be equipped with a itlmy, inow-wblte, oot-flece
'&mdC PorcxLda Enaaw:!cJ Lmtorr,
. Htvt yoo em stopped to coniUcr
bow dctfull cooftnla k would
bt to kiY hot tad cold nnnb) wster
In your drcsi!ng chimher, sleeping
tpvtmtnt or tut8oor tottet room?
In prestnc would aford you ih highest
dctrt of comfort.
W will f !ad1 qoott jroa prkt.
Our plumber art strictly competent
mcchtnkt, hoocit tod rtliabSa.
J, A.Montfjomery, Astoria
). Q. A. nOWLBY, rrldnU
a l I'ETEKSO.V, Vk rTesldnt.
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
.Astoria Savings Bank
Capita! IVd la 1100,000. turpi us su Cnllldl Profll s.0U8
Transacla (isosral Banking Huslnes. lalertal raid oa Tint Dposltj
IM Tnth ttrt.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
F.HTAIII.IMIIi:i 1881.
Capitol end Surplus $100,000
- Sherman Transfer Co.
IIENHY 8)1 Kit MAN, Manager
Hacks, Curricgrs Pafr).'t(e Chcrkcd and TunferrclTrucat and Fur
ntlurc Vagoni Pianoi Moved, Bwxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 171
njsVcnino extracts
AbdurtPurlhr. fliMsfFIivor,
Crtiitit 5f rw h, ftwiftibk frkn!
i: I (1JA Cures In
I 48Hour8;
Aili'siK. tIRINART I
! 1 S cjimi
niiiT'"- "
tmmrt afemntftftltt
L F r r-v
60 YE Aft
i n Vc"j"jtc53
f1 A
T)bc MMt
eoviHTa Ad.
ans'rni mmMng a shslsh an ssrfis'iva ns
tilnsir swiii wif snmB f "hlisr ss
lnnilol fSslilr Ml',raaiinlra
Uonssielrwaiiiiis!. HIND800 o" I" si sola
asnl tr (Ms uwl fiif smiiIii sauaia.
fmsnis latsq ldr.oS Muiia tu. rwwli
IftruU not:, nnal n la
Scientific American
a i..riMnii ninstrsfs mI I r. I sfirss m
anlsU'iH at mf tiwnlise Ksirnsl, tm a
issr i inmt sx.nuM, (b ouki Bf an
Th best cost you no mot tbsn "any
old thing." It win py you to buy at
We Pay The Express
and ehsrg you do nor than our nit
door nclgjlor. Ssnd for IllustraUd
eatatogu today.' A solicitor wantad
In mry town.
San Frtm i' n's ,- mIim
' venieme ami fiimih l"-"1
centrally locstn) Ci .i
venient to all car Imps, ami
pltcetof inutmt'm anil in
tereit. Cafe and Grill at
tached. Rttei 1 1 00 per da
and up. Street cart direct to
hotel from and to ill depot.
Sail Francises, Cat.
1 ssnsi4 M Irrlisiiuu
fl srsiw. of suites
I' J hSilIS f.llllMS. I
' 1
v ajkj.
Cst Bis 41 for Miaral
or sisrstiotta
so4 sol wtrl
Lis mm,
, 4 ami I tisis wrspssT.
S J r siarM. ss'4,
J A SI f I hrtilM SI H,
Ufir parf a Hiss.
Accordion. Sunburst
and Knife Pleating
To Order
IT Hot Irons, ffo Burning of Goods,
Miss O. Gould
Eighth Floor, Kirquam Buildlog.
Prompt and Cartful. A ttentio Gin
. to all Oat-tf-Toara Ordra.