The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 30, 1906, Image 1

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    UlLltHKt PULL AM00IATI9 Mitt POT
Ban of General Suspicion
Lined. .
Galments and Patentees Free to
Prosecute Their Land
Ventures Here.
CemmSMloser Richard's Friendly Ia
tr,t Aids la Restoring th Rights
, ( HoMtt Applicants snd Patent of
Land ia this Ortt Stat.
(Special lo Tit A-tnclanl
WAlUNGTON. 1). C, Jen. 89.
la lb revocation v( tha Interior D
partawnt'a order withholding, all pet
nt In Oir-gon, th last blot and ltwm
vnin for I bo general publio of th
Mat ha been removed. Wfcllt every
vntryinaa In tn-egon was denied pat
ill, or even final hearing In hit effort
(u secure till to property, lb entire
Wat frit th general Imputation upon
I la nam. No heed aa given to th?
trirt adherer- to th land law by
ay person, but beceus th Secretary
( th Ulterior an willed, ami because
tin wa engaged In prwweuting law
linwkrn, vry riliarn of Oregon
kept (r nearly )an In th Unlit of
tiaplc)one4 people.
Shortly after th land fraud cases'
wet opened In tbt federal grand Jury,
th prosecuting ofllcer reqnstd that
no further patent iu to Orpin men
fur lb time. Tlw exem given by lb
attorney fur th government wa. that
th work of catching th offender was
mad mora difficult by keeping th land
offices open for mineral, .tone and tim
ber and homestead patent. Upon this
rntiet Ik Secretary of tlia Interior
acted, and did not allr tb situation
uUl meat rlforou ampaJga tu
mad to open to tb rltUens of Or.gon
their lawful right.
Senator Fulton began tb struggle to
reroks tha order aarly Iat year. After
the acop of th government' had
tieen outlined by th grand Jury re
Mipt, and it liecain evident that he
fslerl attorney a ere going to devote
their tlmn to convicting In re pre
eenh'd. rallier than to weking new one,,
the pnior Senator urged the Interior de
artmrnt to giant all ell iron not in
IUtrit afrnctiit by th pro-ecu lion,,
th right if patenting thiif bind where
th re were regular and aUv u
ptchm. ('ommiUiier of Oeneral Ijmd
fll Rhhard eeemwl mora ready to
r.piler. I-a IVeemlier be wrote
the Secivtary of th Interior urging that
the order" be revoked. Thia biter w
,latej Peeemlier IS. Uter Senator Ful
ton w th rreoident In peron regnrd-
WASniN'GTON. Jan. W.-Th Cbl
tiee boycott and admlnUtmtlon of for
e.t reerve divided th attention of
the Senate today. '
The thin queation came tip In con
nection with Tillman' resolution direct
ing an Investigation by th committee
on Immigration. Tillman modified the
resolution by omitting th major por
tion of tb preamble and after consid
lug th lfcitlou, and plained the
Iroubl InflMed upon th people of th
Nlat. In January (lit Keeretary of th
Interior granted tb renueata, t firat
Indicating il puiMwe of ofienlng win'
eral patent, and m afterward opening
all onii-e Had It not been for the
friendly Interact of Couimlwloner Rlrb
ard. for Wtra affair, and prahably
a wild from th Pmident, tb ralor
Oregon Mtialo" would bar been eon-
pel W to truggle on for torn time
longer befor h rould bar lifted th
gen ml Udge of ,ulcln which th
interior dirtnint' action bad pled
over th Mtr' name.
Farmtr S Captaia Commit! Saicid U
Saa Fraadan.
BAN' FRAXnSOO, Jan. 8.-raptaln
JoMHih CatUrinlch ended hi Ufa la.t
night by ga apklsJaltoa. II va for
mwly In th miilor of tb rarifle
Mall Kteam.hlp foiiiiiy and wa In
naumand of th tteainer Ban Ilia when
,e wma wrecked off th Han Salvador
nat in IVremlier, 1001. II wa
native of Austria, S3 year old.
THUS, Jan. Z9. General Criantnoff.
chief italT to tb Vlcemy of (he Call-
caaua, w killed by a bomb today. The
awaln wa arretted.
General Joseph Wheeler b Laid
to Rest
Imprttiir Service Held ia Washington
Attended by Rooamlt and Wift
Veteran of th Civil War Are Pro
tnt lo Fay Final Trtbit.
WASHINGTON. Jan. W.-Th bod
of tint lale Major-General Joneph Whael
er wa laid to rt. In Arlington orma
tery toilay on a ihaded lop overlook
ing Ih Poloniae, Thounanda uncovered
in ilent tribute at th imprrwdve cara
van of mourner mad It way out
IVnnavlvania avenue thia afternoon.
From 10 (hi. morning until S thia after
noon, while the body lay in date In the
hi.U.rle little chunk in U Fayette
Kniar, Ikoueand of General Wheeler'
frleml naed up th a Me to the chan
cel and bowed la ilnce a they looked
for th bt time on the warrlr fa.
Ily S o'diKk the nave of the church
wa filled nlth guy ha'lr.d men, the
ptaca of honor m the right being given
In "Wlteeler" old cavalry" who fme
from th South by a epeclal invitation
of tbo family. Hack of thi m l other
Confederal Velewna. Ten minutea be
fore the wrvire Wgan, Preldenl Uoom
velt, nrecnled by military and naval
aid. in full uniform, and accompanied
by Mr. HooevcU enleivd the rhurrh.
IV.iilrnt and Mr. ItiHiwvelt were lth
in nuuirniiig. The aenice, were brief
and Imprcive. During the ainglng
"IV ce. 1'erfect lVai-e," the pall bearcn
liak a Hilliim in front of tlw cakct
whhh wa born to the waiting enimt
by eight aergcant of engineer In uni
form, and th march lo Arlington waa
taken lip.
erable diacuotlon the resolution wa, re
ferred to th committee on contingent
expenjw. Heybura raUcd the queation
roncrnlng foreata, . 11 orlticUed tha me
thod of tR foreotry bureau and charg
ed it with maintaining a preta bureau
for the purpoa of attacking him. He
declined to hold th Treaident respon
sible for till, cours. Dubois took tbe
oppoalt view and defended th policy
Denmark's Aged King Pas
ses Away Suddenly.
Kin Betrayed No Signs of Ill
ness Before His
Deceased Monarch Wat Deaa of All
Crowned Hdi of Europe and Ro
uted by Blood or Karriag to Most
of Them.
COI'ENIIAGEN, Jan. 29.-Chri.liaa
IX, th aged King of Denmark, dean
of tb crowned beads of Europe, father
of King Grorgn of Greece, and of Quwa
Alexandria of Great Britain, and of
ta ltowagwr Kmpr Maria FeodnroTM
of Ruaaia. grandfather of King Haakon
the VII of Norway, and related by
blood or marriage to most of th Euro
pean IMlar, died with startling sudden
net this afternoon. Tbe arcewioa of
bU succMkr, lYinc Frederick, hi eld
est eon, will be pructalmed tomorrow.
Tha following t th oflicial bulletin is
sued this afternoon!
"His Majesty died at 3:90 this after
noon. Aitfr the morning' audience)
was closed, be appeared quite well, and
prooeded to luncheon a usual Toward
the end of th morning h gav evidence
of lmlixmilion and wa compelled to
retire tu bed at S:90 this afternoon.
Hi Majesty paM)d ieacefully away,
tint symptoms indicating heart failure."
The bulletin telle concisely the story
of the death scene, whk-h found every
one, etrn those who realised th In
creasing feebleness of the king, unpre-
pard for th sudden shock.
Waa II Years Old.
Christian IX was born neap Scales
nig, April 8, 1818. 11 Was th fourth
son of Frederick, Duke of bchleawig-Holstein-Sonderburg'tiluckburg.
He Ui-
weded Fredcrkk VII, November, 143.
He proclaimed biuiielf sovereign of
Schleswig-Holstein, the tuccmsion to
nhk'h duchies wa claimed by Prince
Frederick 8ondcrburg-Auguntenburg,
who waa supported by the inhabitants,
and on NoveniWr 1)1, lHtU, ha ratilUnl a
conotitution incorporating Schleanig-
llol-tclii. The disute flimlly involved
him in a war with lniie and Austria,
lio forces' invaded & hlcwig, Fvb
ruiiry I, 104, and after an obstinate
rc.Mance, otvupied Jutland. It r the
ticaty of Octolier 30, lm, ChriMian
'oiHiially renounced all t-Uiui to Schlea-
wig lloUtcln and Iiuneuliurg. 111 chil-
Iren are FVederlc, the Crown Prince
(tairn June 3, 18-t:i)j Alixandra,
(juei'n of England (horn December ti.
1K45) i Dngmar, Kmpiesa of Russia
(born November 20, 1847); Thyra,
Duchesa of Cumberland (born Septem
ber i, IH.3) j lrimw Waldemar (born
Oi tober 27, 1853).
Ia Deepest Mourning.
The death of King Christian baa
plunged half the courts of Europe in
the deepest mourning and brought
sense of personal loaa as well as a sin
cere grief throughout th Kingdom of
Denmark, even to the humblest cottage.
Th business world of Denmark is al
most paralysed and unnerved.
Even lata tonight, men of affair are
only itrovering from th shock and
are beginning to prepare for changed
condition. Nothing is definitely known
regarding arrangement for th funeral.
Th new king ascend th throne in bis
sixty -second year. He bear tha weight
of years lightly and is almost as popu-
Ur with tii masse a waa hi father
Tha nun baa a very stately bearing, a
quiet nun In manner and I highly rul
tured. Th new queen, liuisa, U re
putrd to be the talk-t and richest prin
ersaea In Europe, Kh ia a handsome
blomle and reflects the beauty of her
grandmother, Desire Clary, a trades
man' daughter who captivated Bona
part and married Marshall BrmadotU.
Frederick i credited with less determi
nation than his fatfier, while it i
whispered the) new queen poaseaaea the
stronger character of the two and may
have considerable influence in the policy
of the new king.
NEW YORK, Jan. 29. -The imperial
eommlMloner from China bar accept
ed an invitation from Morri K.' Jesaup
president of the Cliamlsr of Commene.
to attend the monthly meeting of tbe
Chamber next Thursday, and at tbq
close of the meeting to meet tbe mem
ber, at luncheon.
NEW YORK, Jan. 29.-Mis Alice
Honvelt and Congressman Nicholas
lngrorth arrived in this city from
Hiikdclpbia, today.
Mis Roosevelt will be tbo guest of
Mra. Koliert Gorlet white in th city.
Questions of Packers Immunity
Before Federal Court
L. G. XraathoS, Formerly Counsel for
irmoar and Company, Civa Coart
Detaila of Bis Interview With Com.
missioaer Garfield Examination Slow
CHICAGO, Jan. M.-The trial for im
munity of the Packer commenced to
day in th federal court Louis G.
Kraut hoff, formerly general counsel for
Armour and Company, waa th only
wilnex. He described in detkil hi in
terview with Commissioner Garfield
during which, the Packer alleged Gar
field promised them immunity, provid
ed they allow him lo have access to
their book. In the afternoon Kraut
lioff wa croai-examlned by District
Attorney Morrison. The examination
wa alow as Attorney Morrison eon
tantly objected to the witnesses'
answers, declaring they were argumen
tative rather tlian responsive. Tbe
court ruled however the witnesa had
right to Explain hi answer.
The witnesa described hie meeting
with Commlsnloner Garfield as follows:
'He said that he spoke for the Prei
dent and that, of coins, we would have
the protection necessary under) the bw
creating his department. I told him
that my client Were in a very delicate
poxition and that the newspapers were
full of matter pertaining to them.
told him that if the law wa valid
there wa no doubt he could compel the
information. I told him that if the
reults of , this submission to his re
HUiieiuentrrV'em to 1 further' news
paper nolo tr and litigation I would.
of course, contest the law.
"He said that the letter of Hi law
protected my clients. I called hi at
tention to tin- queation of the valadity
of th law. He answered that hi de
partment must necessarily be separate
from the other department, and par
ticularly the Department of Justice., and
that if it were known that hi depart
ment wa affiliated with th Depart
ment ot Justice, of course people would
not give bim any information. II said
that If I conceded th law waa valid, the
matter was divided into three classes
that to which the government was en
titled; thst which Was doubtful, and
that to which the government was not
entitled. Ha then detailed how It would
be done: hi special agent to go to
on house and begin th investigation
"On his assurance that all informa
tion would be kept Inviolate ia th
Bureau of Corporations, mm
Commission Named to In.
vestigate Valencia.
Large Quantities of Wreckage
Strew Bach-Fears of
Government Instructs Lightkcepers to
Seta re Things of Value From Ship,
and Destroy All Liquors Befor In
dians GH Possessioa of it.
VICTORIA, Jan. 2.-Capt. James
Gaudin, local agent of the marine and
SsberSe department, Captain Cox,
Lloyds' agent and Captain Neweomb of
the Canadian govcremeat steaqv K
trel are appointed a commission to in
restigate the Valencia disaster. New
comb is at Port Stmpon, and it is
probable Superintendent Troupe of the
Canadian Pacific Steamship Co., may
take hi place.
Advices from tbe scene of the Valen
cia wreck state wreckage in large quan
title I coming ashore and it is feared
th Indian may loot it Instructions
have been sent to the lightkcepers to
secure everything of value and hold it,
but to destroy a 11-liquor for fear the
Indiana will get it.
Twenty -on Recovered.
Tfce list of Valencia dead recovered
now total twenty-one. inree more
bodies were found this morning. The!
tug Lorn left this afternoon with a
party of searcher, an undertaker and;
a carpenter to make coffin. Advice
from the land party which saw the final
destruction of the Valencia and who
tried to make ft a line shot to shore
state that if those on the Valencia had
bent a small line onto the spun rope
shot ashore instead of a hawser there
would hve been a good chance of av
ing some of those on board.- A it was
when Lineman Logan started to haul
in the spun rope .it was unable to stand
the strain of the big hawser and parted.
Again Submerged.
VICTORIA. Jan. 2. The steamer
Xell recentlv floated from the rock,
near Metlakatla i again submerged
ha vim? settled down soon after the
launches pulled her from the rocks.
The sea, almost completely demolished
tha deckboue, K.ffort to sava the
stctiner continue.
Investigation Continues.
SEATTLE, Jan. 29,-At the Investi
gation before Inspectors Whitney and
Turner into th Valencia disaster to
day it was developed that Captain
Johnson believed the lot off Umatilla
Reef when he struck. Second Mat Pct
tterson who gave this testimony stated
W,VSinNT.TOX, Jan. 29. Whst Is
considered a blow at the railroad was
taken by the House today in the sdop-
ion of a resolution calling on the
President to funuVhed information as
to the existence of an alleged agree
ment in violation of the interstate
commerce law, between th Pennsyl
vania, Baltimore and Ohio; Norfolk and
Western; Chesapeake and Ohio and the
Baltimore and. Washington railroad
this reckoning wa arrived at beraa
th Valencia wa in the habit of over
running tb kg by about aix per cent.
Alter 0 p. nv. th day of tb dixastar,
Patterwm testified the water eontinn
ally shoaled and top tbat reason th
maim wa change to one point mora
westerly. Pettcrsoa asserted tbero wa
no paaio on board, but believed if tbo
paaarngrr bad not Interfered' wKk tbo
lowering of the boat mor people
would have been saved. Tbe wit Bess,
Campbell, averted tha lif preserver
were too heavy. One be bad oa weighed
between fifty and sventy-five pound
after it was wet Other "testimony of-
fered brought out no additional facta.
Tbe bearing will b continued tomnr
row. -,
SALEM1, Jan. 29.-Judge Burnett, ia
tha circuit court today, sustained tha
demurrer to tha indictment against F.
W Jewett, tbe Minnesota, captalUt
cruseil of subordination of perjury In
procuring women to make an affidavit
in connection with purchase of school
bind. The decision will have tbe effect
of throwing the case out of court.
fewett' bail wa refiind.-d and return
to Minnesota today. The ea- will be
appealed to the iWpreiue e;urt, for un
les tli decision is reversed, no further
prosecution ran b obtained a the of
fen-e charged are now outlawed.
East and West Bound, Passenger
Trains Collide.
Train Com Together at Columbia
Falls, If oat. With Fearful KanlU ta
Thoat oa Board Train fa a Fir
and Passenger ta Danger.
SPOKANE, Jan. 30 (Special) Th
Great Northern, east and west bound
passenger trains, collided last night at
10:30 o'clock, one miles west of Colum
bia Fall, Mont There were many kill
ed and injured. From Great Falls,
Mont, a dispatch says that it is be
lieved that all tbe passengers on tbo
east bound train were cither killed or
Injured, but at this time it can not bo
learned what wa th result to tha paa
senger oa the west bound. It is us
officially reported that fire baa broken "
out and is consuming the cars piled np
in a mas of wreckage, and fears ar
entertained f iat those not already dead,
pinned down by the debris, will meet a
horrible death. At 2:30 this morning it
is known that four were killed and
many more injured.
Jack, the Slabber, Assaults 17th Girl la
St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 29. While entering
the Iucdemtoritt school today Bertha
Ruile. a 13-year-old girl, Waa stabbed
in the bip by an unknown man. Tbe
knife rut her clothing, but did uot pene
trate the flesh. This makes the seven
teenth girl stabbed in the past two
weeks. The girl's description of th
tabber tallies with thst furnished by
other victims.
companies. The opposition did not de
velop until after the resolution waa
declared adopted by the speaker. Dal
sell moved to re-eonsiJer, but th mo
tion waa tabled. The House gav 1U
unanimous consent to begin tomorrow
tbe eoMideratiou of the Hepburn railroad
rate bill.
In tribute to tb memory of Joseph,
Wheeler, the House has named a street
of this city after hiin.