The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 29, 1906, Image 8

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Some of the Good Things
Fresh This Season's Crop
Very fine Mnnilla oiim tuffed with olive.
Maiuanilla olive. stuffed with PicK""'
Mammoth Queen olives, finest ever on the market.
Heinte' Chill Sauce. Heinte India RclUh.
Something new and very
H.inxe's lure Mlt Vinegar. 1M up in qurt at
YYher they keep good thing to eat.
(Continued from page 3)
the busy routine of mercantile life,
Paradi Park U happily named. The
diversity of the landscape, the solemn
ity of the aileot fort, the prodijjality
tad wonderful coloring- of the floral dis
play, the foaminf water of the stream
that rush down the valleya and plunK
rer the diff in many picturesque fall,
carefully considered system of road
and trails connecting thee region with
each other.
'It is Mrnestlv advocaWd thai the
government road, m finely planned and
located, from the mineral pring of the
Sisquallv (locally called "LongtuirVs
Spring) to the upper reache of Para
dise Park, be completed at tha very
earliest posible date. By it visitors
could reach the park ia their con
reyancc without tha expense, iucoa
venienca. and annoyiaca of packing
their outfit and upplie. which now
deter many fioro enjoying thia mag-
with tha mighty whit dome of B-tatar
towering majeaUcaJiy over au ana Uniim p,rk M th, ,Upe
clasping with icy linger, of it, iU mounUin h tt rrM,nt the
the greea slope, below, all combine toj ..y, ot thi,
make thi mountaim park a regio. of; 'tioiL and thera are only
r .
irresistible charm.
Thi appreciation it not confined to
person of our own nationality or race.)
two paabla trail by which to reach
it Tha 'old trail front the unfinished
''nmrnimnt rnt no the north td of
Foreign world-traveler, lover, of the, T River u itt di.
grandly picturesque, unite in highest j up a Wutifu1 Bil.
admiration of tha Rainier region. . ,w.h flst beside the
a.Tf T tka u all.l'itittrn ! fc -
publicist nd a member of the English
Alpine Club, and Profwor Kurt Zittet,
..... .
tossiug river until tne terminal iac 01
the Nisquallv Glacier i reached. From
ku miiii tuvHiSiii can ascend the
of Munich, a geulogU familuir with aMj Mf f th , the park
the asp,-, of Europe, several year, j ' ,ervM tfcp
ago in a joint letter suggesting m ad-l , , Jo w nti lhf
, ,
vance of National action that the Mt.
, fine government road replace it.
Kaiwer region .nouw oe rerrca .. ., ,M lri,. u ow
national parK. wro.a a. iouows: , Mcfc pardj
-Tha Knery of Mount Rainier is of, . ,..,... .j
I I a l Mivaa f-
rare and varied beauty. The peak it
telf i a. notJe a mountain a we have
ever teen in it line and structure.
Tha glacier which descend from it
now-field preient all tha characteris
tic featurea of tho in the Alp and I
A V luA .(iaMlca 1a II lit. I
atrfm. of tha Mont Blanc or Monte j branching off from thi. trail jut bvfore
Roa. gn,up. ar. ta their erev.-e, and eecond crowing of tha Paradise
.triking and equal.,- Br. abov. Nan, da Fall. nd leadmg
worthy of clo. study. W. have en!P . .d. and along the cre.t of
nothing more beautiful in Switzerland M-zam. Ridge, on of the most striking
ar Tyrol, in Xorww, or in the Pyrenee, .'T , t
tUn the Cbon River glacier and th. Pt Ju" S'ukw F',U- J
I trail, eruiiur at a nne camping v
ihigh ground near four or five mall
near the end of the partly completed
four-mile stretch, and, crossing the -qually
once and tha Faradia River
twice, enter tha park near Camp of the
"In 197 there u-ed to be a good trail
great Payallup glacier; indeed, the fee
in the kuter ia unusually pure and the
crevasses unusually fine. The combina
tion of fee acenery with woodland reen
try of the grandest type is to be found :
nowhere in the Old
krkes has been allowed to get into bad
condition. It should be put in a good
repair, and thi could be done with very
World, unfes it;'""e
be in the HimaUya. and so far a wej "A trail should early be constructed
know, nowhere eUe on the Am.rkunlto Indian Henry hunting-grounds from
Continent.' h nortn M ' thf Xi"inally Glacier
Our committee ha few re.-omincn-' in Parudise Tark. This at flr.t might
dations to prcent a to mean, to l;be for pedtriM on,.v' ,t,'r to ," I"r'
taken to conwrve the exi-ting natural . fected for naddle and park hordes,
features, an example of what might I! "The two trails euggested-that from
done to prevent a deterioration in the Paradise River to the head of Mazama
...i.- ,iart the (dkiaina'Rhlin near Sluiskin Falls, and the one
eem worthy of mention:
"The growth of the sub-nlpin fir
(Aties la-4oc.irpa) and ulpine henilic
Ifrom the Xisqually Glarier to Imlian
i Hnmn's hunting-groiindn-niiglit 1 the
' the first of a system to circuit the
nionntuin. and ben eoimtrMiteil would
render acces,-ilile tht finest portions of
the Mt. Rainier National Turk adjacent
to the approach by way of AhforJ and
the valley of the Xivjually River.
"A ln-smug on the development of
in .y.tem of rmds and trails making the
I entire circuit of Mt. Rainier, we incor-
(Tsuga Merten-ianal aiound Mt.
Rainier, forms the extreme limit
of tree-growth, is dving rapidly.
Beside bring objects of b-aittr thee
"rees have a seiund veiV priu-tic;il ;iloe
a means of conserving the wa-. r np-
ply by retarding the ni.-ltiug n
thff nriiiy and llflinicr lunllth.
"So far as i-uroiv oWnaMon. porate with our r-Krt the following
would permit. -it i evident thut tlie! testimony of a niemlier of our commit
eaiife of the death of thtve trees is nol , tee well veiwl in woodcraft and mot
fir-, hut either a fungus nf an iii-ect ! coiiiietent to seak uon this suhject
die-e. 01 both. It i- therefoic ie.-oni-j Mr. Ahlen Samon writes" as follows:
liien.lcJ that the l'uit-d Mite Jh-part-l "'With another member of our party
liient of A-.i icultitre -end nil e,i it, tojthi mtiutier I made the circuit of the
the puii to ile-crriiine definitely t Iks peak. We traveled with pack-aiiiinats
valuable and in-.ule our journey in a le-iir-ly
1 prevent way, stopping as the view tempted us,
jor where feed, not a too freipi.-nt fir-
ea'U-e of thn death of tiii
tiiiiher, ami tnk n:ea-ures t
future ditmjiire, if pil,lf.
Too iiiin-h enin!iMi cannot li phnid I eti instance, to le found. We left
m the imiMinnncc o-' the in. iiii-of aie ; r,hgmire's Spring after the departure
to the riou r-L'iot!4 of t!ii- iciit paik of the Sierra Club from that cm-amp
.ill. itmir .iril feat urn of intere-t. ' inent. aL.l went by the way of Rear
mid in particular on the de-iial.ility of ' prairie down the Skate .'r--k Trail, 1
- j ing obliged in ora; afternon to fortf tha
trenm. a rockv and at time (lor
hor-e) miiiic hut tlisagreeabla river
lx-1. 110 1-n than thirty-eight time-. At
pres nt the alleged trail is hut a Kor
affair, shiftimr aliout from bank to
bank of the stream wherever foothold
offers; in one section, on a steep bill
side, it can hardly be called a trail at
1 all. Uini unite impa-sable for laden
b the Oalr rll War f Harias
Aa Elective Care.
If ton a woman or a man with lux
runt glowy hair, you may be aura n4
ther baa dandruff to amount to anything-.
In nearly every cue where women and
men hara thin brittle hair, tbey awa It
to dandruff. There are hundred ot prep
aration mat -claim" 10 cur oanaran, 1 - . . r ...
ut not one hut Newbro a llerplcid UIH 1 1'"' '
you that dindruff U tha reault of a germ J River.
A trail laid out intelligentlly
conformity with the broad
srurrvwuia low in. vx:ip, anu nm V here ill cur 01 aanarun ana us cona- i . . ... , , ,, , ,
quent falling and Uldneaa. can only b 'l-rarfri.ti.- of the valley Is much to
bad by killing tha germ; and there la na
other preparation that will destroy that
germ but Newbro'a Herplclde. "P-etror
tha cause, and you remove the effect.'
old by leading druggist. and Wc. Iw
tarn pa for aampla to Tha Herptctde Ct
tietroit. Mich,
i-gi lAug Store, 351-323 Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, 849 Com. St., T. F.
laurin, Prop. "Special Agent."
lie de-ired
"'Following up the CowliU River we
fouled at the mouth of Muddy Fork,
followed up the Carlton Trail to Fi-h
Lake at the summit, thence along the
cret of the Cascade by tha old Klikl
tat Trail, which command sup.rb views
of Mt. Rainier from the eaat, the finest
of all view to1 be obtained of that
mountain. From the mining settlement
of trtdd Hill w continued our cour-c
through Bear Gap, down Silver Creek
to the Fast Folk of White River, ami
up that to Glacier Basin, them aivund
the biwer .nd of the Winthrxp Glacier,
and around the Carlton Glacier. Look
ing up from the trail across the moraine
here, could the edg f Spray
Park ahov us, only two or three mile
distant, yet to reach U we w.r des
tined t tlavel nearly, if n.rt juit.
forty iuile, desnding tlie Carbon Riv
er to Fairfax, and thence ascending the
Mowich River Trail to tha lakt below
tlie park, wheiw w tft our hoie. tio
ing through KiStHm1!! on our r-turn
we eomplcteil the clwuit of the peak.
an excurbn which had affonll many
and aorted experieih-e of di-sviufort
twn to lie forgotten and of delight to
he long treasured.'
"It is obvious that this strikingly fine
excursion should be reuUered leasiuie
for all who would enjoy the park In a
large way.
'At pte-ent thera ar no trails by
which, the twelv or twenty glaciers, ne-
iording as great or le-aer bodies of Ice
ar enumerated, may be visited in suc
cession. In order to reach them long
roundabout journey have to b taken
through the woods, where ther la no
fard for horaea, and forced marches are
of tea required to arrive at places ult
able for tha stock at night, and in aome
inatancew grain must be carried for tm-ir
sustenance, sirvw ia the woods tners? u
too often nothing whatever for horse
to eL Trail hould be opeued from
one glacier to another, and permit
granted to the proper person to pro
vide house of entertainment at suit
able places for traveler. At present
accommodation of thi sort i offered at
R.e' Camp in Paradise Park only.
"The glacier are of commanding In
terest, and are destined within a lew
year to be vi-iled by great numK-rs
of people from all over the country.
Trail opening the-e to view could eai
ly be constructed at a tithe of the ot of
the government rd fivuii lamginire'
Spring to Taradi-a Park. Trail of
this nature would give view of moun
tain u-enery unique in thi country to
such a are not afraid of an excursion
in the saddle, and would le a boon to
traveler greatly to be dr-ired.
In laying out such trail advantage
would naturally be taken of the
mvadow which are found In many
place near tha foot of the glacier, so
that proper feed would be afforded to
stock. By the creation of thes trail
tl great opportunity for tha enjoy
ment of scenerr on this grandest of
American mountains would be for the
first time placed within the reach of
There are few private holding ia
the park but one to tha knowledge of
tha committee. Thi one, howevr, con
twin tha fiiv mineral spring near the
Xisqually River. This holding or claim
hould be extinguished at the earliest
possible date by pumha-e or condemna
tion proceeding and a good hot-1 erect
ed here, either by the government or by
such lesse as would ' provide adequate
and suitable accinmodstiont for tha
public. Thi claim and its crude bet
terment, if bought at a fuir compensa
tion, would cost but little, and thii
could the way be op-ned for proper
treatment of thi. gateway to the finest
scenic region of thi grand National
Jo CIgslos ont of the World'
Greatest Heroes.
Cigalo Daringly Attempts to Swim
Ahor from Valencia With tin
Remained in Water an Haur and Then
Returned ta Ship,
Danger of a Cold and How to Avoid
M01 fatalities have their origin i
or result from a cold than from any
other caue. Thi fact alons should
make people more careful a thr la
no danger whatever from a cold when
it is properly treated In tha beginning.
For many year Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy ha been recognized a tha most
prompt and effectual medicine in use
for thi disease. It acta on nature'
plan, loosen tha cough, relieve the
lungs, opens tha secretion and idf
nature in restoring the lystem to t
healthy condition. Sold by Frank Hart
and leading druggist.
Dr. Reed's
Cushion -Sole
Death on
Easiest Thing Yon Ever Pot
on Your Feet. Sold by
U3 Boai Street Opp. Boat Higgina k Ca.
SKATTl.K, Jan. 2 -Among the many
deed of individual heroism , performed
by sailor and passenger on the wreck
ed steamer Valencia none shin brighter
through the gloom of tha awful tragedy
than the wonderful swim uf Joe CI
giih. He la a simple, unassuming fire
man, a man of medium ttatura and
slight build, but with a heart strong
and brave. When first drawn on board
the Topeka, shivering and shaking and
almoat fainting from exhaustion he
forced tha nip ot reviving liquor from
his lips and weakly murmured, 'Give It
to them," pointing to hit unconscious
comrade. And, it wa nut until they
had been dosed with tha stimulant that
ha would touch a drop.
Just an ordinary-appearing fireman is
Jw Cigakt. Ilia blat-k mutche hide
a firm mouth, and beneath hi dark
skin, tanned with wind and weather1.
flows the blood of the ancient Spartans.
For Cigalo i a Gieck, horn and tred.
It ww the memory of hi early data
in far away sunny Greeca and tlie attain
of the stem blood of hi that
changed Joa Cigalo the fireman to Joe
Cigaloa the hero, and it wa the won
derful physique inherited from bis illu
trous race that enabled him to success,
fully baflle with the terrible surf and
escajw alive.
Tried to Shoot Liaet Athort.
When daylight broke and the gny
light mealed tha trua position of tlie
ship an effort wa mad to ahoot line
ashore, tme after another tba ropes
wera sent, and although tbey reached
the cliff, there wia no chance of their
remaining imtesa human hands (oulJ
fasten them to too solid tuUtance. It
as obvious that some one mut reach
the nrks, clamber up ste p tlllfs and
make the line fast to the tree on top.
The undertaking wa almost beyond the
power of mortal, and even the bravest
hrank from aa attempt whh h appear
ed to b little lew than actual auiclda
In tha ahallow water the breaker ran
fifty and sixty feet high and dashed
against the sharp rork with tha speed
of an express train. Their foaming
crest swirled and awept and roared
towards the cliff, catching any stray
piece of drift d aud twirling it like
a atraw. That any mortal could live In
ueh a ea was beyond belief.
Calmly the Greek surveyed the troubled
water, and hi mind went back across
the centuries to tlie time when the little
Iwnd of Greeks charged the Persian
hot and in the fa of what appeared
to be siiii ide sim-erdi-d in gaining a vic
tory which has rung down the ages.
Plunged Into tha Billow.
With a glance at the little group of
men who watched him and a last wave
of the hand the Gre.-k pluiiKed into the
crest of a mighty conils-r as it shot
by and in an instant was o-t to view.
The line attached to his wai-t ran out
with remarkable velocity, and all who
were not engHtfed In pnying out watched
Die elfort of the during man. Men
and women alike forgot for the instant
their own peril in watching the stmg
alia of the swimmer. Now he would
appear on the long slope of a rushing
breaker, now lie covered by ton of
water sweeping toward the rx'ks now
caught in the deathly undertow and
drawn back into the seething breakers
. . . . .in ,, - .... 1 .1
and now lost to view 1111 mo-o n ii
gave him up for lost. But he was up In
a minute and fighting bravely. For ful
ly twenty minutes the struggle was
kept up, until thoa on board saw that
the man wns weakening from tha un
equal fight and drew him back to the
vessel. Although unsuccessful in ac
complishing hi purpose, he set an tx-
ample of heroism which did much to
allay the fears of the men on board
Tha day d gght
A Piano Number Fret With Every $3.00 Purchm
Clothes Bought it Wise's Pressed Free ExceptSaturdiy
The End of the
Drawing' Near
While Reductions Are
In Force
While Assortments Are
Or Else You Will Be
iermain Wise
We tell and recommend
and bete stationery
Shall t pleased ta
show you sample at
anytime, and htlpyou
la your selection.
Also Many Other
Goods of Fine
Stationery at 25c
and 50c Box.
It Wll II IC4I VI a Beer.
Cured Lombaio.
A. B. Canman, Cnicago, writes March
4, 1903. "Having been troubled with
Lumbago, at different time and tried
ons phylcian after another than differ
ent ointment and liniment, gava It up
altogether. So I tried one mora, and
got a bottle of Ballard's Enow Lini
ment, which gava me almost instant
relief. I can cheerfully reoorrurund It,
and will add my nama to your list of
sufferers Sold by Hart's drug store.
Tba Horning A(orian, 65 a month.
L. E. Selifj, Lessee and Manafjer
Friday Erenlng-Sousa's El Capitan
Saturday Matinee
Kvening liiis Keervd 8eaU, $1.00) Gallery, SO cent.
Matinej Prices Adult, 60 cents; Children, ti cent,
tm aiisiuiit of tha heavy expense of this engagement the free 1M
will be entirely suspended with the exception of the Presa.
v Ki-served rieat Sala Open Thursday Morning, 9 a. m, at Hneflar's
Candy Mora. Curtain, S:20( Carriage, 10:45.