The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 29, 1906, Image 5

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rYou Add to the Family Saving Fund
' When You Buy .
. You wilt alway bar good bread and puiry and atlffactlon through-,
mil th household. Try a aack and g-t your money Wk If you don't
Editor-Polio Judge Wataoa Up To Tit
Vry Limit
Imagine tho miliar of lively weekly
jr ervlng a polbv judge, editing
hi paper, running hi (urt, ml placat
lng U10 community, oil Ui moi w.-k
' Juiltor Wan, of th Kid Signal
1 g-nlui m4 if b hold down Uith
job, with facility and grni evl
d'iMd In tli following bit of hietory,
for th nikt two yr, h will b en
tlUad to nirli in Hi national ball o!
, Utn to hi modc-t cenmit of th
lal lumulton cott h pard
, through t
"Saturday, Monday and Tuesday were
tivnumi day for tlx polh- Judga and
editor. Saturday wa hi 'bny day'
getting out th Signal, hntwlthtand
lng which hi offic wa inva.trd iy a
number of mrn rlaiuiuoilug for war
rant for J. II, Johanna fnr ault nd
battery fur warrant for J. II.
Juhn and 11. V. Thompson fur a
fault and battery, Koine wer refund.
Other wer atifird to wait until Mn
day. In th meantime, It, J. Callahan
wnt out and cuffed ft. II. ilnii and
C. N. Juhnwn. both of about applied
lor V rr 11 1 (or Callahan' ant fur
aaatult and battery, but wer pr
lld upon to wait till Monday. Then
application wa mad by a con pi 0'
mm for warrant fur J. II. Johanen
for 'ptiltinjr hi gun' on fa II Inn, which
wer postponed until oMnday. About
7 o'clock in tb (tcning Callahan ap
plied to 'Mqulr J'kI'I ff a a war
rant for J. If. Jotmnorn, who wa tin
mediately pi ami under a Until f Vhi
to keep th pc. On Monday th po-
A Urg dock of tb following
Jmt Int
fimokrd Sardinia
Marlnertl Sardine
Smoked Herring In Oil
FikboIIr i Kraft
Kjodbtdhr I Kraft
Ancliorii In ran and bulk
Iceland Herring (Fcd.ild)
Salt Mackerel
Call and bava
the good.
ut how you
IIS 122 Twelfth St. Aatoria, Or.
lir Judge urj warrant for J. If
Johinwn and II. V. Thompwn and tw
fur Callahan. At t) trhil of Johanv
and TliompMjn th attorneys Fraiil
NpMtla for th -ity and J. M. Hughe
for defendant Ilicinjon, tlpultid to
try Jnliafltrn and Thompsm together
aad tb t?t'wony had been uhinltl-J
Attorney Hugh moved to dlmi U
iwm on tb (rruiid that tb rharjr ba
not been proven, City Attorney HpltU
advUed th NMirt that Mr. I!urhV mo
(ln could not h denied, and tb court
dimi4 th ra and disbar jjed th
d'-frndant. Th (t-t ainint Callahan
wrr continued to Tuedy tilsbt, th
flttt of wbiib wa fur aultiny and
bratlng C. N. Johmun. A jury tria
wa drft!-nded, the dr'rn, waa rcpr
ented by Attorney HukIich atiI th
city by Attorney pittl. I'pon bearing
tb nldrn- and th ar);utiiiit of
rount I, tb Jury lelumrd a vefdb t of
not yuilty, Tb enmd r gini
Callahan for aulUng and beatiiijt II.
II, llanrn, w ttird in th auic man
ner and k-ouHmI In a lik erdb-t.
"It i tb opitucn of th editor of
I hi" pl-r, who i l'l poli Jildtf, that
both Mr. Johrwn and Mr, Caltahan
.lion Id hav been h'arlly fined. The
editor bd determined to let thi matter
ret without funhtr publicity, and be
would har don to, but for th r
iioH that b wa trring to hlrld
jnhanrtt and wa afraid of Callahan
Anothe) itrjii, printe.l) befor b d
trrmin. to piblib tki aiwunt, f
prrua hi vk r-Rrillng th giving
of newppr publicity to uh affair,
lie prefer to present th good thing
of th town rather than th evil and
Sea 4 "Signal."
A. V. Culngcr ha grown nun of lb
t1lit Vegetable ever xhiblled in Pea
aid. Twelv of hi opinion placed in
a row, tourhlnjf, miirrd forty Inrho
If ther la any on in Oregon who can
b.t that the Hignal would , M to
hear from him.
It I understood tint ,Mr. Dud by i
eruring th Hght-of-wy along th line
of tii propoa-d clei'trir road and it i
expntwl that tb tmirit will rr-h u
by ti'lectrhity tlii unimer.
Mr. X. I). Ilain ha contrartvd to
deliver to tb 8eaMl 8prur I.uniU-r
t'niany a matter of twelv million
fi't of bT and ha hi logging ramp In
0ratiu. la additon to thi the 1-0111
lny will run two logging cmi and
tnim then tblA aoiircr It I prruui
ed th mill will l kept bur.
Death of a rioner of 147.
Mr. and Mri. C. C Col were nolitlcl
yentvrday of tlie death of Mr. Cole"
father, Mr. M. Cillihan, at hi borne at
th mouth of tb Willamett riwr, and
left on ytcrdy afternoon' trin to
b preent at the funeral. Mr. 4iillibn
wa a nativ of Tennexx . 82 ycrw old.
and bad roided uHn the furiu upon
whirli It died contimioimly aiiuf the
)var 117, honored by all who knew
bliil. Hi death owurrcd t 5 oVb-k
ye-U-rday moruing, from old age - hea
id Signal.
Coopra Annual Clvaianc Sal Now
Going On. Dflnt Kiaa It
Given More Heat for tho Money
Than Any Other Fuel Try It.
'Phone Orders to Main 1961
Rittory of thi Dtnl of Mr. Loul G.
Tli Vt nuwlr of thrrt Tow
end leader n-nlaln lb following nc
rlmt anwoin of tb death of Mr.
boiiie Kjr, foinierly Mi Loiil
j.'riim!i, neir of John F. of thi etty.
ii.l gland daiightnr of Mr. Mary
J. f", at l'ottn Itirti, and whli-b
will hi- rend by many in ..lirln, where
the lady had hot of fririyl!
' Hardly bad a fwbli-giom from May
giiM, I'orto ltii, to Mr. Mary K.
(irillith, amainrlng tb arim lllne
apiendMlti of Mr. M. II. 1'mtrr,
than a MN-iunl arrived anuou-ing ber
'lejth. Th flrt arrived in tli morning
and read)
'UuiImi pp ndii-itin. Dindithm r
bm. FOKTKR."
"Tli on4 arriv at 7 p. m., and
told tlw tad ttory in th following
"'Uui deaj appendii-itU. Funeral
Kat, Aniv in New York Monday.
Wlro Ctrfleld. FOSTER.'
ClearrVId, P., I th bom of I)r.
Fo.ter'a father, th Iter. M II. Focter,
D. P., and It I inferred that that the
remain will b lulerrd ther.' 'Mon-
lay' meutionrd In th dipwtch mean
Monday, tli 2th lint.
'Tli two meuagr tell the tad tory
f tli death at Mayague, a port on tb
wt end of tb UUnd of rurto Rh'o-
of Mr. M. II. Foster, who wa on her
way to San Juan, I'odo Itiro, with her
huxhand, -who hid bn-n ordered there to
ak charge of th marine biMpiUl it
that plan- for the government, Dr.
Foster with hi. family He4 from Xew
tih-aii for Mavaguei, on a-eouut of
n 4 lieing able to gi-t a ateanier direet
v Siu Juan fmm that port, and of
nniroe, it I evident that Mix Fooler
ia attarked while on the trip. 8be
ad two prevbui at lark, but they were
not Mvere and au operation bad been
leferred. Alamrd th vrrtw-l in all prob
ibility th kurmunding were not urb
bat an operation Could have been per
urmed, and it I doubtful if th facili
ic at the port whi-rw they tupped
wrr any better. It w diitreuing
undition of affair that eould not have
been avoided, not' having been foreseen.
Mr. Fot-r Wa th eblet daughter
f Miw. Mry E. Crifflth of thi city.
Sb wa born in Vk-toria, January 19
wtily-even year ago. Th family
moved to thi city when !miU wa
uiu year of age,. Sb attended to pub
rbmd hrrv and graduated from the
high ai-hmil in m. After her1 gradua
ion ah taught in tb local whooU
il a abort time before her marriage
!r. Fitr, Man-h S, Dr. Foir
t that til" wa lurgiion in charge of
C 8. Marin Hospital her. ' In Op-
ober, Itxit, Pr. Fotrr waa ordered to
an IHcgo, where he wwa wtalinued until
it winter. During th llenningtim
iler, when an many brave m.n were
killed and maimeil, Dr. Fwter wit in
hrg of the marine hnrpital at San
go and made a nam for himrlf
rough the hemic work whirh he did
or tlw unfortunate vidiiu of the ev
loion. Shortly afur the diNtater be
ra ordered to Galvetona Tcx, and
renty lo Iorlo ltlco.
"Mr. Foster leave two children, Hu-
n, agnt four, ana Ki'rt, g.-d two.
alo leave a brother IWrt, at pre
Iti Portland, and four itei. Alctt.
ho i teai'bing rhnul here, Florence.
raim-d nuiM at San Diego, and (iracc
inl l.mlllc, attending nhool in thi-
it r Mr. Crilllth, hr mother lo
urlve ber, a doe tb deeeaed'
ubaiMl, I)r. Foster.
"The relative hero will have the
felt yinHitly of th entite com-
nity where dct-aKcd grew to woman
od ami w li.-r"- hc had a bot of ad
liring fiiend. Tlrat their ueivatrmciit
lotild hav licen made all the moie
niimant by t he fact that death oc-
n-d far from h.r home in a bind al-
ot foreign, will deepen the aympathy
It I a trying hour to the n-hi-
tive, that (eeni almot inexplainablc
in It adnc, beeaune Mr. Foster wa
healthy, robnt woman, to whom di-
ea emed almoat foivign. Thi fact
only add to th hoek carried by the
ad Intelligence. Sympathy - will lo
go out to th hulnd in th terrible
ordeal through which b i plng. bar-
been compelled per hap to await the
death of th ona moat dear, with the
nowledg It wa only eirvumtnee
hat prevented th naving of her lif."
Our Annual Sale
Every article in the house reduced.
This is the greatest offering in Fine
Dry Goods, Gothing, Furnishing
Goods, Etc., placed before the people
' ' , ' - ? ' '
of the Lower Columbia for a year.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
Seaaid I To Kara a Fin Band Thi
Thi Summer.
If the lively little cot town can or
gaiiiae a Ml, liv band fur it own
pleaaur and that of th people who
flock ther In Mtton, why cannot tub
city do a bit toward ucb a ichem of
poptitar entertainment here! The Sig
nal, of Saturday, aya:
'Acting in harmony. everal of our
mot prominent niiuieal people are
making trenuou effort to revive the
old K-aiile Concert Band, and to re
juvenat it in order that vUitor during
th coming teaaon may find another at
traction added to th many already
vi-ting here. Thi i a mov in the
right direction nnd hnuld receive the
hearty mpport of ll, for whatever
benefit Seaaide a a whole benefit cachj
individual. In th c of th proponed
reconrt ruction, amateur practic which
ha driven o many peron to become
felo dcVe will be obviated, a mot of
the member ar flnUhed tnuticUna, able
to pixxluce flmt ela muiie from the
word go."
It becam neceaaary yesterday morn
ing, for Officer WiUon to arreat and in
carrcrat a tailor from the Britiah ahip
Clackmananthir, for diiorderly conduct
on the t recta, and the offender will ap
pear for trial in Judge Anderon'
court thi afternoon.
Matt Alfred Xeinii, tb infant oa of
Mi", and Mr. Alfred Keimi, waa bur
ied yeott-rday afUrnoon at two o'clork
in Greenwood cemetery. Th funeral
w at th family reiidence at 345
Alameda (treet, and wa conducted by
Ker. BydquUt.
Th atranger within Atoria' gate
liiuild know, doe every bom citi-
len, that the one plae to pnicrly feed
one' aelf i th i'alare lletaurant. The
enh. at th dek, in th dining nm,
in th kitchen, i perfect mean'
nd experience ran make it, and avwil-
abl, day and night, th year round
Private dining room for ladie and
partle. tnataetting equipment uniu
paed. Call once, call alway. Com
mercial treet, oppoait th Fage build
Coaptr Aaaual Clranc Sal Row
Going On. Doa't Mia It
Th McCormlck Railroad la Practically
The South llend Journal i authority
for the following bit of new am-nt the
new JKVorniiiK raiuviaii, inai i io
Dud it Muithrrn terminal on the Co
lumbia river anmewher near the mouth
of Cray' river, opposite the City of A-tortas
"The Journal mvv Attorn.-y Pvtart of
the new rwllroad whbh it i proposed
lo build from McCormlck to th Co
lumbia, Monday, and Mr. l)yart iil
Hint the incorporation per were
nigned up an.1 ready to tile. The
.lounml published the eveln-ive new
of tbi new road two week ago. It
will run up the Chchali river to the
divide, and then go down Cray' river
t Mine Hiirt on ( Columbia,
fwelv mile of it will be built 'thi
year. It will be a combined milroad and
a common carrier tor hauling lumber
from th McCoroiirk mill, or any other
mill on the South Hcnd branch, to the
Columbia. The road will be fifty miles
long. It conMnietbm I made nee
ary by the congestion of traffic on the
Northern Pacific and that company'!
apparent inability to handle the bul
ne on the hrwneh for a couple of year
to eome. Naturally thi bn4ne would
coma to tha South Bend, but Mr. Dyaart
ay that the Northern Pacific doe not
neeni to hav th equipment to prc
lo haul th ImnWr and the mov i a
forced put with the McCormk-k company."
Nick Maearley, the five year old aon
of Ferdinand Maearley waa buried yes
terday afternoon from th family ri
dene in I'ppertown at Creenwood
cemetery. Rev. Father Water officiating.
Wa kara mowed to SM Toatk oiraat,
eornar of Grand arena, and awn b
found thr at any tima, for baulinf
and draying purpoaea.
Cooper! Ausal Cleaxamc Salt Vov
Going On. Doa't VM It.
Suceeai b tamped on trerp packag.
It ia th moat aocceaaful remedy known.
It maka you well and keep yon wH.
That' what EollUUr'a Rocky MouoUbi
Tea do. iS cent. Tea or Tablet.
Frank Hart, druggiat.
Shortfcua SckooL
Partiea wihing to atudy aborthaad
at priraU night achool ahould call on
or adrc Roy H. Keagy, Boldei Hon.
Aitoria, Or.
Sealed (ropoaala for liJa will b re
ceived at th oflic of Clatsop Mill Co.
for th extension of th Mill Wharf.
Bid will be opened at 2 p. m., Monday.
January 20th. Plan and rpecification
can be een at office of Clataop Mill
Co. Right i resen-ed to reject any or
all bid.
- N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond Bt, do all
manner of tesidenny, fursltor apbot
atering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat.
tra making a specialty and all work
Cooper Annual Qearaaco Sal Now
Going On. Don't Mia It
Kavar hara to watt long at tha Oc
cident Barber Shop. A. E. PaUraoa,
vSvenson's Book itore,
Fourteenth and Commercial Street
Rtr. CarUal P. B. Martin, L, t, D.
Of Warrly, Text, writ.! "Of a
morning, when Irtt ariting, I oftea
find a troubleoe collection of phlegm
which produce a cough and 1 vry
bard to dUlodgti.but a (mail quantity
of Balard'a Hortbound Syrup will at
one di lodge it, and th trouble I ovr.
t know of no mdicin that ia equal to
It, and It U io pleasant to take. I can
mott cordially recommend It to 'all per
ona Beading a mdidna for throat or
lung trouble." Sold by Bart' drug
W ar Ml agrata la Actaria for' tb Niagara Storo Work of Buffalo, N. T.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
Every on guaranteed. Will let yot
tand or ait oa th oven door If yow
with. Pric reduced oa aU itore al
range till after th Holiday,
17, J, Scully