The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 29, 1906, Image 2

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IstafcUshed il7
Published Daily by
fly mD, per year
By Bail, per month..,
By carrier, per moat,,
WEXriY astorias.
. ... . . '
By avail, per few, la advaaoa. .$1.00
Kntered M eseoaa-eausi matter Jon
M. IMS, l AstorU. Or
gderUialoCusrMU. March,
y Orh for U aTns ot Tl Mom"
rm urouui to Umt nuMeocs) or place of
not oy pcouu WW
Urate Stto kon. A.y krqrutertty la
Mtmt hoHM bo sMassliaHtr report to I
hi shoulder I" b exelaimed vividly,
little later another aiembei1 rose to
point of onto. "I an honorable iwm
ia oruVr ia snoring so loudly that 1
nanuot hear."
Manr good ritirrn hare so much
eonthlenue in the efficacy of th primary
election law that they are willing to
trust it to operate itself.
Mis Mathihle Townsend, Alice Roose
velt's, ehtim, i to be married to Jerome
Xapoleon Ponaparte, nephew of the Sec-
Mary of the Navy.
Imitation frosted glass ia wade by
duwlviiij in a littl ho, at a
much epwm salts a it will absorb.
Paint tha glas with tha water while
it ia wann.
Oregon and Washington
One of tha rarest, and therefore, moat
conspicuous, faculties, in tha conduct
of human affairs, ia the art of minding
one's own businese- Until tha talent is
actually acquired, and systematically
applied, it ia hard to realize tha com
pensating value of it, a a personal as
set. Soma one should endow a Chair
of Taciturnity in one of the great uni
versities and so begin the initiation of
- tha American people into a habit they
hara kng needed. This is a peculiar
stand for- a newspaper to take, of
course, when it is the cardinal aim of
tha presa to "butt in" on everyone'
business with the expectation of get
ting something to write about; but, all
the same, tha virtue of wise reserva
tion, and the less frequent utterance of
irresponsible and hurtful statement,
would injure no one, and raise the tone
of the newspaper itrflf, for then what
was said, and written, would have th
sanction of tacit truth. Pil'nt men are
not always truthful men, but they lie
the least, and are respected for the
quality. The rule of the day is am
biguity, and 'aside from its inherent
falsity, is responsible for tha endless
tissue of lies that encompasses human
society. To niiml one's own business
does not necessarily mean that human
intercourse is to cease; it simply re
stricts tin propensity for interfering
and lying, now so universal, by tho-e
who hare no business to mind save
someone else's. There are limes and
junctures when it behooves even the
most reticent of mortals to unbosom
themselves and tell so much of their
private affairs as is expedient to the
moment, but this crisis is not always
recogniad; in fact there are those who
Th street cara in Valparaiso are all
double-deckers, and the conductors are
women. Tha latter are dressed in a
neat uniform and make a good ap
i o
Cheerfulness ia the rubber tire on
life's vehicle. It breaks tha jolt when
ever prudence and industry have been
unabk to remove the atone from the
A New York divine saya Chicago
women are more intelligent than New
York women. The Windy City ladies
have long been noted for their over
grown understanding.
In making stipulations with the Chi'
mgo beef men Commissioner Garfield ap
pears to have erred in neglecting to re
serve a bit of immunity for his own
Like Tom Lawson, Poultney Bigelow
has made it quite plain that it is no
part of the business of a ten-cent npa
sine specialist to giv evident compe
tent in a court.
Say) French Woman Encouraged
ViUt'i Affection. '
frenchman's Wife Led Valet on to Make
Lovt to Hex and Tata Lata at Kim
Be Then Shoots 1 Himself in Her
Presence. .
If the agricultural department suc
ceeds with its experiment to develop
hens which will lay eggs every day in
the year it ought to diminish the dispo
sition to shv the old eggs at that branch
of the government service.
What the world would become with
out the self-sacrifice and helpfulneae of
the maiden aunts I cannot imagine.
Among the brightest Queens of Heaven
will' be tho-e who took care of other
people's children.
Uncle Sam through lii agricultura
department, has gone into the businc'
I of instructing his people in the art of
road buildinir. Last year he built
' twenty-one model roads in different sec
ao nol Know it when it does come; lnit:oni 0 th country. A comparative
Women would do wvll to rememler
that scolding will mark the face with
unsightly lines no beauty doctor ran
eradicate; that to disturb the currents
of life and mar its harmony is littV
short of a crime. Scolding is no good
woman's province; it is an unpleasant
medicine that should only 4k ail in in is
tcred in sum 11 d-es in ca-es of dire
- o--
If the average Russian in his native
country sees an article well made an.!
labor saving he calls it "Amerieansky.'
He regards us as a most terrible, in
penious and godless people, who wor
ship the golden calf. Our other god
is work, whose abject slaves we aiv
Silwiun convicts running away t
America have returned with the condi
tion tint thev would rather be convicts
in the one place than free men in tli
which event they have only to send for
the ordinary reproter who will soon en
ngiiten mem. Mower r, it is a wife
man who knows his own business, and
a wiser who attends to it with utter
indifference to every other man's con
The Parliament of Australia had an
all night ion recently. It must have
been a iicturexiue proceeding. The
ringing of bells, which occurred at fre
quent interval when a vigilant member
drew att ntion to t'ne absence of
quorum, "supplied a kind of triangle
accompaniment to the trombone-like
potes of the elcepcrs." Under these
rircituistsnces, tin remark of Joseph
Cook, who complained loudly of the
"dumb, dead silence" of the sleeping
members, niti't have been ironical. The
s le pers were unmovd, however. The
postmaster-general was in charge of the
bill, but, we a iv told, his "head began
to fall gracefully forward upon bis
breast, and he pulled up his collar, as
if seeking moM warmth." Mr. Cook
was naturally indignant. "Ilere ia the
minister ia charge of these proposals
loeping like a bird with his head upon
statement of cost is given which shows
tint macadam roads average cost of 65
cents per square yards; sand and
clay roads cost fl cents; burnt clsy, 20
cents, and shell, 24 cents per square
Comulaints are made that ths ruml
mail delivery service costs the govern
ment (42,000,000 annually more than it
brings in. No doubt some of the men
and pupers who are the louikt in their
denunciation of such expenditure are
clamoring for a reduction of letter
postage to one cent and the privilege of
seuding four-pound packages through
the mail at the present parcels rate
There is a wonderful amount of Incon
Ost ncy among people respecting postal
The Springfield It publican call
Senator Tillman the Huckleberry Kinn
of the Senate. It is the best chnracter
tuition of the man we have se-n. His
untutored frankness, his picturesque
verbiage and his utter di-Tegard for
convention exnhin the imminent ana
amusd attitude which the Senate at
large maintains toward him. ' But a
sovernment directed by Ben Tillmans
would be no more of a success, than a
society composed of Huckleberry Finns.
Oakland (Gal.), Tribune.
PARIS, Jan. 2H.-U was play to her
but death to hint. Bad aha only fore
, how it would all and the would
never have started on such a dangerous
game, but it appeared so very comical
that her husband's Valet should have
fallen desperately in love with tier, and
should be vi-ibly languishing under the
influence of aiirh ,n consuming pas
sion that she could not resipt the temp
tatioa of leading hint on, with, as will
eventually be perceived, fatal conse
quencea to the luckless man, and in ber
case deep and lifelong remorse.
The young fellow had only been
brief time in the service when he was
smitten by the charm of the master's
wife, who waa about the same age a
himself. She was a 'smart Parisienne.
and the establishment was conducted
on very comfortable line, the husband
being in jiossession of quite! a com
fortable fortune. It was at flrt only
from a respectful distance that the valet
took a worshiping the pretty woman.
He would not have confided his secret
to any one in the world, only with the
instinct so characteristic of the lovely
ex the object of his adoration soon
divined it
She Led Him On.
The discovery caused her to indulge
in many a hearty laugh, but as the
days rolled on, with the eoquettishnes
which is not infrequently the concmi-
tant of beauty, she treated the poor
youth to sundry sentimental ' glances
from ber bright eyes, coolly and calm
ly snubbing him when he made bold to
return them.
Finding the lady alone in the saloon,
he ventured on a declaration, and at
last wrung from her a frank declaration
that she had been at fault, an J that she
had simply been leading him on to this
liuux out of sheer mischievous fun.
So she did not love him after all the
quiet encouragement which she appear
ed to have given him.
This rudo awakening was too much
for the wretched man. He took a re
volver out of a pocket, much to the
consternation of hi mistress, who sank
into a chair trembling in every limb,
under the belb f that ber l.t hour had
come. A sharp report, and a piercing
shriek ended all.
Such is the latest story that Paris
inns are discussing with interest, every
effort being made by the authorities to
keep the names out of the papers out
of consideration for the husltand and
wi'e. who are eminently re-peetahle
p -ople.
All Old People ia Astoria and
Children Take Notice.
A time cornea to every one when the
life force begin to fall. We begin to
feel that we ar going down hill and
perhaps that the end of active service,
if not of life, is near.
These extracts fitim some letters re
cently received from old people should
be Interesting reading!
XJr. A. J. Bakr of F.vansvllle, lnd.,
say, "I iviieve there ia no ether med
icine equal to Vluol for old people, I
would not take tlOOO fur the good it
has done aie." I V
Mrs. Sarah J. Wlmlom, cousin of the
lata United States President, Zachary
Tslor, says, "VUiol is a Cod send to old
peopkv I am seventy-six year old, but
owing to the strength-creating quail
tie of Vinol, I feel young, active and
well today."
Mr. Joe, Banksoa of Decatur, III
seventy eight years of age, aays, "Vlnol
has made me strong, active and well."
Mr. Charles Rogers, aays, Vlnol
its virtue to the fact that it contains In
highly concentrated form all the ac
tive, curative, strengthening and body
building properties of rod liver oil. It
make rich, red blood, Wealthy body
material and sound, steady nervee. In
this way it repair worn tissues, checks
the natural decline of the aged and re
lace weakness with strength. Every
aged person in Astoria should try Vluol
n our guarantee to refund the money
if it fall to give satisfaction." Charles
Roger, druggist.
iwvki it. mil msy nnd it necessary
to re enter politics to gratify a desire
for an investigation of his motive.
Pleasant and Moat Eflectivs,
T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Lib.
rty, Texas, writes Dec, 25, 190Si
With pleasure and unsolicited by
you I bear testimony to the curative
power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I
have used it my family and ran cheer
fully affirm it Is the most effective and
best remedy for coughs and colds I have
over used." Sold by Hart's drug store
Moaart'o Messier.
Mozurt bad a memory for music and
for nothing else. Ou attending the
pp. pal mass at the Klstlne chapel be
wag greatly Impressed with tbe mu
sical service ami asked for a copy, but
waa told none could be given biiu, as
the music waa not allowed to go out
He went to the next service, listened
attentively, went away and w-rc?edown
the whole from memory. When "Don
Giovanni" waa first performed, there
was not time to copy a part for tbe
harpsichord, ao Moeart conducted tha
entire opera, about three bonre long,
and pluyed harpsichord accompany
ment to the eonga and choruses wltb
ont a note of music to assist bla memory.
He Mm4 Bare.
A story la told of the Sudan rail
way which ahowa patient llteraluess.
To an official there came the telegram
from an outlying station: "Station
master has died. Shall I bury blcaT
The reply was eent: "Yes; bury ata
tion mister, but please make euro bs
la really dead before yon do ao." In
aue time back came the message:
"Have burled station mister. Made
lure be waa dead by bitting blm twice
on tbe bead with a fish plate." There
waa perfect assurance that there bad
been no premature burial.
On Sunday, December 17th, the Den
ver A Rio Grande railroad will inaugur
ate a daily line of standard and tour
ist sleeping cara between Denver and
Loa Angelea in connection with the new
Clark road. Both can wlJJ leave Den
ver daily at 1.-30 a. m., and arrive at
Salt Lake City at 1:33 p. m, th neat
day. At this point tha car will be
held over until midnight, thus allow,
ing through passenger th privilege of
a stop-over of ten hour and a half In
Salt Lake City. East bound, these cars
will leav Los Angeles at 8 p. m., and
arriv d Salt Lak City at 6:30 a. m.,
second morning where they will remain
over until 3:50 p. rti tbcuce to Denver
wher they will srrlvs at 4:20 the fn.
lowing afternoon. Thia stopover at
Salt Lake City of the regular line of
sleeping cars promises to be in at
tractive feature for transcontinental
' "
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location .
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we Mv
selling wall paper at prices lower tha, you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
i our elegant lines. ' ?
n r A 11mm CS Cam 365-367
if. UlUil Ot vJUli, CestrclJ
Every LadyV Dressing Chamber
inoulil b equipped w!ih dainty, inow.whks, 0O0-pkc
"ftatiaiki Porcelain Enameled Lavatar. I
yoo tvtr Korcad to consider
bow dcflgnifUny- conrejJcat k would
t to bivt hot and cold nanbif witer
b jrour dmt!n chamber, tltt-plpf
issiunciH ur Hra-Buuv cuuet rwnir
let presence would afford you the highest
of comfort.
f ladly quota you price.
art total cotnpeten
hooeat and reMk
fwvv Iti presence wo
ffiM Our pJumherV
'-J mechanics, hoo
A.Montgomery, " Istoria
J. Q. A. ItOWLBT. President.
a l rtmciusoN. vh rmidnt.
rtlAXK PATTOV, Cashier.
J. W. OARNt'R, Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
farltal raid la tloe.WO, lurpla sod fnUitldsd Pruflu .0
tniiMtisi a Oeaeral Bwikln !. luteml raid oo Tim DepoalUi
1(4 Tenth Straet,
First National Bank of ystoria, Ore.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hack, Carrioger.apj;ige Chcrked and Transferred Trucka and Fur
niturc Wagon piano Moved, Honed and .Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
A little love, little w atth,
A little home for you and mej
It' all I u-k exeejit good health,
Whii h come allh R'H-I:y Mountain Ti
Frank! Hart, (lrii(;j;ist.
A Mas Nerve.
He-I called to see you last evening.
Bbe- Vee? He-Yea, the aervant told
me you were not in. Khe Yea, 1 ws
o orry to bare nilsaed you. He I
thought you must be. I beard you
laughing upstair In such grief itrlcken
tone that I almost wept mytelf out of
The Reaswa.
Teacher You've been a very good
boy for th laat day or two, Bobble.
haven't aeen yoa lighting with the
other boy or romping la th. achool-
rootn. Bobble Tea m. I got a tur
peck. Cleveland Leader.
399 Bond St., cor. Ninth
Absolute Purity, Finest Flavor.
: ; fVliSijCA CureiTln i ;
I 48H0Ur8;
A L:, .
60 YEAftr
r . s "sifs
i M
-M, 4 issdi wisim.
' V DcaMsio
CorvNMMTa Ao.
anTfieesnt1nf sikstrti an mpoin an
ent-fcif mmrwn tmt oisntna ftm whmhm sa
In? sntVm W srobsMf pujs-.tsnls, (Vfsinnnlns
lions sinlr-mSdilis!. NsNOBOOl " fsimtt
tnt frM. ( IM u sf.rf fur sntrlnff MUtils.
-incs Istso Ibrooib Mana C9, rsoslf
flfwisl syittx, wtihuat la the
Scientific Jlmericatt.
4 tistiitsnmcfv Ittmtfsisd wssSlr. fsnmst ehv
nlsUtm of or snwitiSj Journal, Tsrns. SI a
wius St. worn sj all wsMsMra,
rs. wssaintom. v. u
Th best cost yoa no more thsa "any
old thing." It will pay you to buy at
Wo Pay The Express
and charge you no mora than our next
door neighbor. 8nd for Illustrated
catalogue today. A solicitor wanted
in every town.
Ssn r raiu ! in , ....
vemem.e ami i.ih.m In. if'
centrally 'oraic.1 (
venient to ill cut lines,
places of ainusrmrni mil in
tereit. Cafe nl Cull at
tached. Rate f I OOperriiy
and up. Street can direct to
hotel from and to all deputt.
Saa Francisco, CaL
Tm Htf for Birl
rrluitokfl r ntrraikiM
rM(MasOiHKilR. isl of sotvmoM.
CHHUTI.(t 1 aia fcy tws,
... i SMI la sis vrame,
SF 1 nnm. frsssis, f"
J A II , nr I brtllnSI ,
Ufaalar ssal tsasssi,
essrMSfss aj
g S t (B MffteMM,
V titimu C Iia
1 'V
Accordion, Sunburst
and Knife Pleating
To Order
V Hot Iron. H Burning f Goods,
Miss O. Gould
Slfhth Floor, Marquam Bulldtag.
Prompt and Carsfu) Attsatloa 01m
to all Out-af-Towi Oritra,