The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 28, 1906, Image 2

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CtUbUifce Il73
rubliW Dallj by
By m0, per year tMO
By nail, per Month -W
By carrier, per month .73
By Mil, per yV, to dvac.. 11.00
filtered M mad-rtaua matt June
S. lift, M t oinV Astoria, oej
too, ndr KttX Coo
. - - - --"
ok of pubiMUoa.
Oregon and Waiting on
The story of th Valencia b toU.
Ia a few month only the hs of
vessel of that name will I recalled.
The detail of the disaster will slip
from out the public mind, one by on,
until then? will be but few who can
recite them with ny accuracy. So it
U with everything la the1 working
world today, the pressure of the mo
ment is too great to suffer the memory
to remain charged with a tingle Item
that can 1 forgotten. The pa of
American life U aouiething f.arful to
contemplate; the ml trouble U there
are too few who have time for con
templation. Man think a he runs
thew day. Thia he must do or W
tome advantage. It ia killing the home
and social life and uut react on the
normal capacitiea of the nation in time.
It ia at the bottom of the whole-ale
seliemes of rapacity and graft that sr.
making thia era historical in an infam
oui way. It ia creeping into channel
of business, private and public, that
never were allied with mud ri-k and
method before, and it U lowering th
tone of national probity. The people
are becoming hardened to the system,
and personal honor and public sense of
duty i rapidly vitiating. Nothing but
a cataclysm of comra -rcial ruin, a stu
pendous and overwhelming revulnion of
the present successes, something with
out parallel for formidable and subver
sive evil, so utterly complet? that no
home in the country shall escape it
blight, will ever bring the moment fur
reflection and amendment.
her of Year. lU provhkms wake
MitMktneaaor to appro candidate
for office with the propo.-4thu to
ticket ta OTter suppers, church fa
halls amateur entertainment or any
thing whatsoever. It la also a misde
meanor for th candidate to buy. Tm
Cinciimstl Commercial Tribune com
metitinir upon the bill, 'si
"The cliarity unique ha grow
) a source of a calidi'late greater
lie is aked to buy ticket
church suppers ami .ntertiinuenu.
rihnta to everv form of ritaiM .
h-ged ami real, and t be general pub
liu benefactor-demand which be dare
not refuse und r peitltv of Mug hi
political fight."
lVlitioiaus often are guilty of negw
tiva craft. They yield to the permits
ion of othei in older to retwn theii
imnubiritv. Money expended during a
campaign i not always direct WilwH-y ;
much of it i given to secure yte gxu
will of people who would scorn to ac
cept a bril. Yet th reeull is the
nk. Thi. Ohio law may become popn-
kir throughout the nation for it will
v the politician many dollars. Kx.
A floral tmhlUntmn say the aters
are looking well this winter. The real
estate, journal say the same thing.
The covernment ahould stop
ou crop and guess what i going to
happen next to the administration.
There is some talk of a chorus strike
in the concert of the Tower over thi
Moroccan question.
A President's train with a liberal al
lowance for expense, i needed. New
Astoria i peculiarly musicl., In the
sense that mot cities of her size are
equipped, and often noted. She lias
plenty of Individual talent that finds
expression in a quiet, social way, but
nothing that thp popular love of miinic
c-in lay hold of, b'-a-t of, call it own.
and thoroughly enjoy. She hs HO
band. She ncd one bndly. Kvery
strain of public melody that i heard
here during her gala season, fi'mi May
day until Thanksgiving, is imported,
and at rare intervals at that. It is
wronir and should le r 'tiieilird soon.
The ide-i of a city of It.') pf.ple with
out a fine band i a rank incongruity.
There are culture an I mean in ahumLinc
in AMoria. to establish and maintain
such an adjunct to the popuhir scheme
of entertainment, and the lily should
be put on a par with every other com
munity in the State in thi relation.
The ton of thousands of v'Htors ho
throng her street and hotel and
homes in the sing and suMiu-r, as
well a thoe who have to pnn the irk
some and darksome day of winter here.
are entitled to the palliating charm of
popuhir music skilfully and coiiipoititcly
The Ohio housa is considering and
will tiass almost unanimously the most
popular measure that has come before
the legislature of that Stale 10 a nuin
The revolt having died down in Mos
cow, it i now up to the Italtic province
to get busy. New lork r.vemng Mm.
SocakiiiB of the craze for long-di-
tance runs, do not overlook thi lately
stortl be Messrs. Shaw and Fairbanks
Chicago New.
0 '
There art tho-e to hazard the prcdic
tion that had Job hung on to a strop
on the Astoria, street car he would never
have achieved his pre-eiit reputation
, o
Thins have come to a pretty pa
hen a gentleman about to cro the
ocean i arrested a insane becue lit
claims to be a friend of King Kdward
A Newark man who took a good dwe
of a iwtent norUrum lalieled "A sure
cure fop the blue" was cured of them
permanently. He is dead.
It i rumored that llerr Conrie.1
'phoned an inquirer that the strike of
the opera chorus was on it hist leg.
lting off, please!
Sir Oliver Loihe, sclent it, say the
sun will be cold in 20,inn),000 year; but
don't let that worry you, New iork
Future historian looking over Mr.
Balfour' jwliticnl record will have to
admit that he wa a great golf player.
Chicago New.
The old truth are the truth we live
br. or oticht to live by, and the truth
by which we hive our best living.-St.
Loui Kcpublican.
The average woman i cither wor
ried to death U-f-au-s she ha no ser
vant or because she !. I'hiluibf-
phia Record.
Secretary Ta't ha achieved the dis
tinction of having a cigar named af
ter him. Of course, it is not a pan -tela
Providence Journal.
The revolution in Santo Domingo is
more serious than such affair are usu
ally. President Morale ha lieen shot
in the hg. Jortland Telegram.
. 0 .
Mr. Lonirworth seem to be the one
member of the congressional committe.
v'iu did some good for himself on the
junket to Asia. Kansaw t ity Mr.
The new pre-ident of the New Yotk
l.if-, it will lie observed, I expected
to wonv alonif on the salary paid the
pre-ident of the United State. Kansas
Citv Siar. '
A sad case of destitution ha come
to the attention of the (ilolie. Th re
i a mn in Arlington so friendless tlist
milssly ha given him a calendar, ISos
ton tilolie.
The democrat can no bmger agTee
in tlM'ir estimali" of President Roose
velt than upon anything else. For In
stance, Champ Clark of Missouri says
the Pre-4lent h eorne to be a pretty
good morTfc, but B-fli llilman 01
South Carolina says be i a dep
trampling on the constitution. Ex.
Even the Rain Coats Aru Deco
rated This Season.
Amulets Are la Favor Among Fash
ionable Women Contrast Employ
ad ia Street Costumes The New
Belts Art Very Striking.
Tb latest atlffvulug for drop skirts
la an Interllulnf of princes haircloth
or the coned Paqutn ruffle. lrup
skirts ar taital to tit outer aktrt oa
tb wearer, as It la doubtful thlug (0
arrange tb fold of a ten yard skirt on
a dummy, the Hue falling lu such dif
fereut place on a form. Th knack of
making these attachments I a nice
ona. Tb bewt drvwuakers fasten the
kih-r skirt to tbj MnHt" wltb a long
firead of buttonhole silk, and the
itltcb Is well anchored to mak It
cure without Iwlug lu the least tight.
A full liKh of double twlat uiust t al
lowed betwecu the two skirts.
IUlu coat are particularly swart
this seasou, aui the touch of th deco
rative I to bv seen even lu thia useful
garweut. A delightful coat of this de
scription la lu snuff browu cloth. The
cut I an extremely full sack shape.
The sleeve la a full leg of muttou
rucked tuto alimwt iuou)uetalr wrin
kles. Above thia Is a combination rape
and dolinuu sleeve starting from the
boulder and fulling free. The neck Is
finished wltb a tint collar that may be
turned up when required.
The latest stock and cravnt direct
from Tarls U made of soft whit suede.
The very htx-omlug nod smart coat
In the cut la luteuded for cloth or vel
veteen. It la rut with a tUlit fitting
Iwdlce and a plaited bas.juc. The roll
collar and turn back cuff are conipoavd
nf black satin, over which a handsome
pnssementprle trlinniliig Is laid. " Of
double width material, four and 'a half
f ard will be required.
Amulet are much In favor among
fashionable women, and the Jeweler
are supplying many quaint conceits
ToutHliUiMf lucky jewel and blrtb
Ktoue. It I question whether the
modern wouiuu Is reully superstitious
jr camiot w ithstand the temptation of
the shops.
In street costumes contrast ar
ireatly used. A Parisian suit that baa
atom sin blocs a
'(en much admired la In hellotrop
aroadclotn, having a bolero tnmmeo
with an Insertion down tb front and
m tb elbow, sleeves of palest blue,
embroidered In lavender and at III
osier shad of blue.
A striking French belt ia of gray
elastic marked wltb lurpder aM Poa
bade. It Has ruY fteei buckle too
la very wide seven Inches. There ar
athers of this pattern In black, covered
thickly wltb Jet bead! and gray belts
wltb rut steel.
A very new belt li of silk trimmed
with a trellis work of gold or silver
braid, with a buckle to match. Then
there are belts of gathered satin' trim
med with gold braid, button and
Tb blouse In th rut la evolved from
th new shot moire silk, displaying- a
hangVabl pal bluiTaud allver effect
Silver button and simulated button
bole trim th surpllced front. Th
ueck finish la a high tabbed collar of
Irish crochet lac ornamented with
Uny bio satin bow.
Cbaruilug ruch of whit lull or
mallne ar to b found In the shop Ac
signed especially for tveulng war.
They ar about quarter of a yard
wld and ar trlpl boi plaited on a
ptee of wld white satin ribbon to
tend romfortihly around th throat
Tb ends ar lulshed wltb long stream
era of whit grosgralu ribbon with
Hi r
1 mm;
an ' A.S
iiilu vklvct hat.
satin Hlge. Thee riidiea ar etpenalvi
to purchBH ready made, but tbe pries
la reluced a third If made at borne.
Yells come to match all bats. Even
the different shade of niauv ar to tie
found, both dotted and In plalu mesh.
The newest black ami whit veils Just
over from Pari have tluy black dot
very cloe together. These beautlflcr
ilefoat their purpo when worn by
woman with a thin face.
Tb smartest thing In hosiery sre
Ilk and linen stocking In delightful
touc of fruit red.
Embroidered HM-on belts llnctl with
a color and worn with th prettiest
buckle you pomes are very smart;
also high gtnlle of gold braid ribbon.
A lovely corsage trimming la made of
white artificial Bowers with a fringe of
blossoms banging from It.
Tbe bat Illustrated I of dahlia velvet.
About tbe low crown I a ruclm of
mallne In a pretty harmonizing shade
of mauve. The front trimming Is a
panacb of white feather and an
algret. The back I banked up wltb s
ruchlng of mnllues.
The new stiffened skirts have brought
bustles In their train-not the old lime,
cage effects, but a scries of silken ruf
fle sewn In at the back of the skirt
Just below th w;alt line. Tbe raffle
extend down the skirt eight or ten
Indies and are three finger deep. Care
must be taken that they do not en
croach on the hip lines.
For afternoon wear chiffon cloth Is a
favorite material of the moment Ju-
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in tbe meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines.
D. F. Allen Son, c..aS.s.
JOHN FOX, Pre, and RnyU
I" LllliillOP. 8cmary
A U FOX, Vic Pre. !
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
CORRCSrONOtNCe SOLCITtD. ' Foot of Foorthtrswl.
Every Lady's Dressing Chamber
inouW be fquippeJ with cMmjr, inow-whlte, ooe-piect
vn v. v-. i 1
mm m . .all. I
llv jroaevcr atorfM to coniucr u
how dc!!jiufull coDvtiilcnt X woulJ V,''
be to lvf not ami coU ronrJr water 1
la jour dmtlnf chamber, slccplnf '
partmtnt or firt8oor toDct room? '
It prrKnct woulJ affix J 70 lb hljhcrt
X ' W wJll glad! qwx yoa pWe. jM
r&J Our plumber, art stfWjr competent t ,
L nicvhinki. honest and rtliaU. f ,
J, AsMontgomery, Astoria t
J. Q. A. HOWUIY, rrslunt. FRANK PATTON, Cashier.
0. I. I'l.TKItSOX, VUT-Pre.ldent J. W. OAIINFK. AUunt Cashl.
Astoria Savings IBank
fapllal Fs'd In llon.aon. Surpm. anil rmilvlded l'nflu lVim
TrmiMwU s (irorml Hoiking Uu.inma. Inlrriai I'm na lim tVlu
Tenth ttrttt.
kbooi. ouwn,
llclonsly mixed with tlotd Brnfet
Tinted woolen lac I very popular
for stole nJ muffs of t ceremonious
order, edged and elaborately trimmed
wltb chinchilla or ermln and lined
with soft whit fur.
Smart wrap of cloth and silk velvet
ar adorned wltb enormous silk but
tons worked In fold or allver, while
dlrectolr costumes show button of
past and enamel.
Buckh ofdull fold, rAJnotaJ n
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
i:mtaiimsiii:i) ini.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
silver tudilel wltH' coloiTTstone bt
qr largely on small Parisian baU
On may buy corwt covers of
qulsltuly fine long- clotb slumped In on
English embroidery ilealfn for 4! cents.
Tii entire waist I blocked out ready
to be cut and made up. These corset
cover when completed In th shop
cost from S3 to f.1.
Tli girl's f own seen .In th cut I of
blu eta mine, A bis band of plnld
Ilk I Inset Into th skirt, whlrb Is
formed of alternate box plaits and
tucked panels. Tb sailor collar on th
Moused wslst la strapped wltb clotb.
Tb tie and girdle ar of plaid silk.
A letter written by the President
$17 at a sal. lt of office prkHt
sold for 117 at a sale. Its of ofllce
seekers would be glad to y ttiurh
more than that for otie.
ftant C'Iaii arrived In Ruuia on
January S. His toys were confiscated,
his whUkera ting i, and lii relmber
dehorned. He ssys he g" l'"1
a Krupp-armored automobile,
The going to pump pur air In
to darkeH London for tli people Ui
breathe if tbey can find His air.
Pot Kldnv
i Cures In
San Frsntiw o'l leilinj m
venieixe and family hstci '
centrally locaied Con
Tenient to all cur tines, and
placet of muse mem and in
tereit. Cafe and ('rill at
tached. Rate, f I 00 per day
and up. Street car direct to
hotel (rota and to all detiys. ,
Saa Francisco, CtL 1
Sherman Transter Co.
Hack,, Kagwft Cbcrked and Traiisferrci! Trucks a ii 1 1 r
niture Vagons Pianoi Moved, Hoxcd nd Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main !?1