UailtHIt FULL AttOOIATIO PAIM fWOT OOVKR THI MOMNfNa FIILD ON THt LOWCft COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 228 ASTORIA. OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS BROTH Elt MO If Czar Thus Characterizes German Emperor. DRINKS HIS HEALTH New Grouping of th Powers In Europe' It Fore usted. RUSSIA GERMANY'S FRIEND From th Ranurk Mad by Nicholas l Baaquet H Shew Rnsaia looks Upoa th FracRuUa Allienc u a Mismatched Affair. 8T rKTF.Rnt'RU. .fan. 91 -k w wire with l'r rViit" . "' ia th rar, i IV ed l ', 'tit' ! I iit;-ir (.' torLy at 1'iiiiL' e.n ,n l,Mr lf WilHniri' TO PAY BACK. TOPEKA, Jan. 27.-Governor Huh announced lixUjr that auita will brought to determine ho ntuch of the f 711,01)0 ehortage tx-Treurr Grime ami Traurr Kelly muC pay bark in la th trury. There will be no erirnl ual pruaecutlune, and no ou.ler suit, at present. TOWN IV TLIHI&. ST. PKTKIUqilRU, Jan. 27.-A dl patch fmm (Jomal taye Uiat half Ika town t ia flam, and tbat fighting going, on In I ha center of tha town be tween th troopa and rebel who have bra reinforced by tha peasantry of tba surrounding dWtrict. Tha dionlr tanJ to flv count Ira around Gomel Tka peasantry, aa la tba BalU prov lne, br deposed tba old authorltiea and elected rabela to Oil their plaees. KILL WOUNDED MAN. LODZ. Huwlan Poland, Jan. 27.- Thre unknown paraona today pained ama to tl.a boapl and killed witk lagger n man named Lukaarlall, wko wa wounded January 25lh. Tba mur derers tbua completed, tba aantene of tha lurat revolutionary tribunal, which condemned I.ukvlk aa a traitor. NEGLECTED MIS DUTT. BUFFALO, Jan. 2.-1irge of n-g Ject of duly are preferred again! May or Adama In annnectlon with tba trans fer of 90.000 of tha police pension fund. Tha governor will ba naked to remote AJannt from office. tiAU MANN ARRESTED In- rf S.i ! I n Eci.l'ir gf Town Topics Arroted h CIi4f a,f A Perjury. ,.f (V r.l i r.i l.e mi 1 I " ! . i I- I! ' Tba phraaaa ara aigniArant anii(h in themwlvea, tha xpra4on of brother hood and friendship baring been omit- .-d In prarkma ara, but turning to tba (irftnaa nmbauador, it U rrprtnl ba addetl: "Fret, f'ea plua qua allied (Mr.iUier, thal'a mora than all.). The )jiiierir'a chok of the word "Ally" indicated tha a alllanr with Franra la at lit mnakWrad binding, ImiI avidently not hair'a brradtk mora. CHANCE RULE. Collffea Will ba Allowad to Entar ia and Start 3 la At kittle Cantaata. NKW YORK. dan. 87,-The inter pnllegia aaoriatlon met here laat night. J're.l.lenl V. K. 8tlllraan, of Yale, pra aided. It waa dWided to amend artii'l ulna of (ha by bma to permit each rol to enter aa many aa twt'k men and alart nva In aarh competition. Here tnfm tha limit of antriaa waa alghl fur fiva atartara. It waa alao decided to derlura dividrnda to college ing ten or mure men in the ciiiietl 1 ioua, (ha diatancea that tha men travel to the ineela to lie taken into coitald arathm In tha dUlillmtion. Th annual convention nf tha aaanria tin will ba held at th Fifth avenue hotel, February, and tha track meeting jm.balily will take pluca at William Ilridge. ' r u tS ilXLj AT $10,000 HOUSE PASSES BILL. DUtrict Attorney Jiromt Will Proa, cut tba Editor of Tawa Teplca for Ptrjary Committed la Hapgood'i Trial Tba Colontl Clrei Bail KEW Y0BK. Jan. ST. CoL W. D. Mann, editor of Town Topic, waa ar reded tokiy on a charge of perjury Browing out of hla testimony in the criminal libel proceeding agalnat Kon man Hapgnnd, eUtnr of Collier'a. Mann waa arreated at hit omVa by a dctacttv from District AUorney Jerome' ataff Ha waa aaigned before th city nMgi' lnl and held in 110,000 bail for ex amination next Thurdy. The eperiflc charge atated In the warrant la that ha fnlacly wor in tha Hapgood trial In driving tha Initial "O. K." on a V ler from Ouint Reginald Ward to Moaea K, Woo(r wwa bi own. A letter from the Count Ki Woiwlcr waa offered in evidence by the Hapgnda' rounel. It referred to certain paragraph to ap: r concerning the Count and aoked that he be put on the Toetlng lit of Town Topic." Thla reijueat wa un dcHlned in th original letter and mark ed "O. K D. M.". Mann denied having placed hla initiala on It. STABBED IN BACK. VANIIINtJTOX. Jan, 27.-lu a a ion la-ting two hour today, the Ilnu-e ST. 1.0CIS, Jan. 27. Vhla walking paaned an urgent deficiency bill carry-iwhmg Kouth avenue last evening Ing IISiln.KKI, incorporated whli-h Bertha Riley wa (tabbed In tba back, waa a provision for an eight hour lawj preaunmldy by a young man. Sha 1 which ahall not apply to alien laborera not aerionaly hui. Thl ak th n lha Pnm Canal. In addition there alxteenth girl (tabbed In tba trU paed 2il2 private pennlon hill. during the pat two weeka. UNION AND NON-UNION MINERS HAVE FATAL FIGHT OOLDFIFJ.D, Jan. 27. Jack Cinean brought to Tonopah under a ttrnng PIUL TALES I1VI1S BY MEN ON RAFT CRAZED WHEN QUEEN DEPARTS Wave Frantic Signals to Steamer Queen Bat not Seen- Disappointment Causes Some to go Crazy and Jump Overboard. are WHEN LAND IS FINALLY MADE BUT FOUR MEN ARE ALIVE BUOYED UP P0K B0UBS IN HOPE THAT THE STEAaTEK QVL&a WOULD SEE THEIR SIGNALS OP DISTRESS WHEJf THEY FIND THAT THEY ARE NOT NOTICED, THE MEN GO CRAZY, AND JUMP OVERBOARD TO THEIR DEATH POUR FINALLY DRIFT TO LANS VICTORIA, Jan. 27-Chlef Owk ILu-.tbi veuing, Are being Identified. From cock of the wrecked ateamer Valencia, tba party on board tba Grant, tba At one of th aurvlrora found on tba raft oclated Free oorreapondent learned in Barclay Sound, aay ao poigaaat vaa.tbat the ignal eea on ahor by tbe th dioappointment of tba abipwrecked j SaJror, aa a reault of whick BritUh na n, wnea the ateamen yueea lalled to 1 oiuejacKeia on noarai ana un wn. eo tha algnal aod ebeered away, that aant In aa andeaTor to naaka a binding ona man went mad and a not bar in a , Thiirtalar. were not Uinaa of furtaer fear minute died. Other to lighten 1 aurvivora, but made by ona of tba party Uta rait puahed tba body overboard. Then another paaaenger with a cry, lipped off the raft, leaving eight. Then '. escaped, and tba total Dumber of aur a man named Greggy went inaane and vivor 1 but thirty-seven out or became violent While torn propelled total of 154 on board tba Valencia when tha raft landward other were obliged to i abe foundered. THREE LIVES LOST. Coe- LewelL, Maaaachoaett, HoaUlry aumed by Flra. 1)WF.I.U la., Jan. 27. -Three lire were lot by tba burning of tba Riehardoa Hotel here at f o'clock tbia morning. Tbe dead arei If. C. Harding, Somerrille, Ma. ChriMin Kelaon, ptry took, of Boa- tooi Mia Jiwephina Kenniter, Franklin Fall, X. IL K If. Dickey, of Portland, Me, wa injured by jumping from a window oa the fourth floor. There were mora than forty gucata la tha building wbea the flra broke out. Tba upper floor of the hotel were bumd out. Tba flra la beliiwnl to bare atarted In tba kitchen from aa overheated atore. DR. LEGCO WINS. Banal Handicap ia Woa Before a Large Aadieac. OAKLAND, Jan. 27. Before the largest gathering ever avaemblej at Euxryrillr, the fturne handicap wwa run today over, a good track, ut. LegKit won; Red Leaf, arvoad; Proper, third; time, 2:05). Tbe ditance waa a mile and a quarter. FIGHTING BEGINS. TANCIKR. Jan. 27. righting bna begun between the Anjera tribcmen and ntenib.r of Rainuli'a kind. The trilM-men burned three village eaat of Tangier and are now attacking Kuiauli in force at FortreM in Zenai. high mm MURDERED Wife of Millionaire Is Shot By Coachman. IS INSTANTLY KILLED Woman and Coachman Quarrel Over Alleged Debt and Murder Follows. OFFICER ARRESTS MURDERER Coachman Come to Hon and De mand Money and ia Rtfneed B Draw Revolver Which Woman At temp to Grab Man Kill Her. of nine journeying from Darling Creek, Thi diapoeee of tba belief that other bold him. Hancock, wbo fell alerp, waa awakened by Greggy clutching hia throat and aaylng, "You ar a wild dog Paaa Out Pood. Surrirora at Barclay 8ouhd apeak in high term of tba bravery of the ate GRIDIRON CLUB ENTERTAINS WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. From Waahington to Panama, the Gridiron Club took ita gueata and ahowed them bow to conatruct the Ithmian Canal. There were arore of hita upon Canal building. One member went nothing acroaa tha Plaaa replanting that b waa in front of Governor Magoon' residence. When aked what he waa doing be about eti "Don't (top me, I'v got to writ 20,000 word attacking the canal and have only got tea minutea to lay." Humoroua ong were uaed to introduce the apraker. Thoa who made interesting apeeche included President Ronoevelt, fiecreteriea Root and Taft, Mark Twain and Am Wwador Juaaerand. ,11 dead at Tonopah tonight and Geo. Cole, repreaentativ In th l-gll-latur ia ahot through the arm aa a reault of a pitched battle between union and ton-union miner at Clifford'. Eight Mn-anloa miner war arretted, and guard to prevent lynching. The trouble la aid to bava originated becaua Cole and tha committee of miner went to Interview miner charged with working for leaa thaa 13. A man named ilitnl I aald to bar optned flra. and good to et," WJien at htt the womled ahorca of Turret Inland were ecn and aa the raft drifted near ahore. man named Wilton became crary and iin-d into the water. Raft Make Short. The raft with four aurviora and thret bodie grounded on the aandy bmcb. 'ho btvlie were left on the raft where they were found next morning by the Salvor. Tbe four aurvlvor crept above high water mark and fell into a attipor. Frank Connor, who imagined be aw a lighthoiiH and went to And it, got loat in the bruah. Next "morning the Sal or found him teml-conacioii muttering he wa "Going to find tha light houae." Connor will recover. Will Investigate. An Ottawa anecial atatea thai the Canadian government haa ordered an Investigation of th Valencia wm-k. The ateamer Salvor ha returned from tha acene of th Valencia, wreck. Only tha broken dump of a meat and part of a derrick howed. Salvor Return. The ateamer Salvor returned from the wreck today with three aurvivora, and the United StaU Steamehip Grant will reach Seattle tonight with eleven mora and three bodice, whil the tug Bahada with two flailing dorie wa trying to recover other wnahed aahore near th acen of tba wreck. Sixteen Bodiet Recovered. Sixteen bodiet war recovered np to ward and ttewwrdeaa on the Valencia They constantly pasaed out food to all and long after the people took to th rigging tha ttcwuid and many of hi waiter pnased up meat and eandwiche to thme bahed to the yardarm wreck. The three anota heard by thoM on the ateamer Queen a the ttood by the wrccK Wedneaday were attempt to throw line axhoiv. Lineman Logwo telephoned the Aaaociated Pre corres pondent at Pachena that three linea had been aent ahore ward. The flrat fell ihort. the aecond waa caught by Logan and while he wa making It fact it broke, the third fell abort. Thoe on the rock aw the failure and when ignla were iida the abota could not be beard above tba roar of tbe water although the wreck waa only 150 yard way. Th men on the wreck waved their arm, Indicating that they had no more line. The laat hope wa gone and toon afterward when the ateamer Queen bad juat left, the men on ahor v tbe end. Befor long the wreclug commenced to waih on the rock, and there th flrt Ave bodiea wr found. Organlsa Potaea. Government agent ara buay organii ing pone of Indian in Barclay Sound and near Ucluelet where it 1 believed a majority of tha bodie will be recov ered. One body baa been already re covered at Ucluelet and another) 1 lo cated near Cape Beala. DENY THE CHARGES Beef Trust People Say Thay Paid no Reporters. WOULD NOT DO SUCH THINGS Conaael for tba Packer Say That They Wonld Not Try to do Sack a Wicked Thing ai Bribe a Poor Ifewtpaper Rcportef. CHICAGO, Jan. 27.-Counel Miller, representing Armour and Company, in the Beef Packing caaea, id with ref ere nee to tbe correspondence given out by the state department today, which atatd that Judga Brown counsel , for N'claon Morn and Company paid money to two newspaper men in an attempt to procure a biaed report of the court proceeding, that ao far Armour and Company, were concerned nny augge tion that they atempted to poiaon the public mind by dissemination of falt and misleading statement, la basele. Continuing he a id: "Wa have at all time been the vic- tima of thia poison." Edward Morrit of Kelson, Morri & Company, a Wo gave out a abatement denying any knowledge about tha occurrence. ENGAGED COUPLE GUESTS. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27-Mim Alice Roosevelt and Congresman Ingworth were the guet at a testimonial din ner tendered by laaao H. Clothier to Uoyd C. Griscoin, recently appointed miuister to Brazil. While not exactly preaent at the banquet, MLa Roosevelt wa present during the epeech-making and wa entertained in an adjoining room by Mr. Clothier, at a formal dinner. UaS AXGKLKK, Jan. 27.-Mr. Can Held, wife of multi millionaire and oil magnate K. C. Canfleld, a prominent so ciety woman of Lot Angele wa ahot and almoat Instantly killed from tha porch of her residence tonight. Her i layer is Morri a Buck, a former coach -man. According to hia own alory, which be related to the offioer who cap tured him, Buck wrote Mrs. Cansald demanding payment of a large sum of money which ba claimed wa due him. Ho say tba letter received ao re sponse and be determined to aeek a per sonal Interview. He went to tbe CanSekl residence and when ha renewed hi de mand, Mr. Canfleld ordered him oh tba premises. - A household servant atarted to attack him and Buck drew re volver. Mr. Canfleld sieced tbe weap on and attempted to WTeot it from him. During tha acuffle he pulled tbe. trig ger and tha bullet struck Mrs, Canfleld in the brvast and (be fell back on tbe porch. According to tba neighbor Buck fired a second ahot, atriking Mrs. Canfleld in the abdomen, after h felL Th flrat shot went directly through her heart. In addition to the gun which ww nacd, on Buck' person were found another revolver and a long dirk knife. Mr. Canfleld ia mother of largo family. ELIMINATE CURVE. Famous: Horahot Curv Will b Dona Away With. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. A dispatch to tha Timea from Pittsburg aay tha famous horaeohoa curve on the Penn sylvania Railroad ia to be elminiated. Two method are proposed and four sets of plan have been prepared. Two plana are ior tunneling through tha mountains, ona nine mile and tha other eleven mile long. Other plan are new route aero th mountain one ninety and the other 105 mile long. The nine- mile tunel plan probably will bo adopted. The tunnel would enter at or near Kittaning Point, and emerge between Creaeon and Lilly. Tbia would ba the second largest tunnel in the world. It will be ventilated with shaft reaching the crest of the mountain. All opera tion through it will be by electric pow er. Tbe cost of the tunnel and making connect iona with main line ar esti mated at more thaa $15,000,000. VENEZUELA MAY TREAT OTHER POWERS LIKEWISE CARACAS, Jan. 26 (via Port of. SpaJn) The government today replied to tbe joint note of the diplomatic cor pa -Uting it would not accept Veneiuela' position concerning th official charac ter of M. Taigny, tba French eharga 'affaires. The government maintain the position that it baa taken regarding1 Taigny and say any government of those represented by tbe diplomatio corps may at any time And itself ia tbe me position. At present it ia not known her what action tba FrvncU government will take.