The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1906, Image 2

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EUbUh4 il7S
Published Daily by
By nail, pyM 7 00
By nail, per ontk .
By carrier, per ont..... J
Mil per yw, U d. .11.00
Enters a ad-esssa '.',1U"
H WIS. at (b poaloffloo AJtortM""
M-Ontan far th. ii
tfcrotar Me AST a-H-ru-""? - "
aarara r
4) Oregon and Washington
4 Rsin; eooler in intern.
The Astoria has ita WM of how
the Portland Oregouian treat the
communities of the State i:nd hs ex
prenrd them pretty fwly, and" it
seem tha Coo Bay News ha an klea
or two of it own on the subject. To
verify the claim of thi parr that it
b not alone in it for dnt con-i
deration, w reproduce t!ie view of
the News herewith:
TorttanJ paper mentioned lat week
that the Chicago ft North western hJ
surveyed a line acroa Oregon to Eugene
with continuation t Com Bay. But
then they tack-d on an aildenda. to the
effect that 'railroader contend that the
outlet is not tlie ort the projector of
a transcontinental road are in search of
and that the line will head north to
Portland.' Thi i another way of ex
pressing the appreciation of Coo Day
a shipping point, entertained by
Portland. They ocoaMonally pat us on
the back and whisper pleasant things in
our ears about how Portland love this
plated portion of the State, and how
anxious the Portland merchant are for
increased commercial relation and
1arg.T order for good. They give us
all kind of old guff rbout cur splendid
pfM.ibiliti:-, and how glad Portland
would be to learn a trancontinetal
road w headed thi way. and that
every mother' on of a Portlander wa
suffering from pain in the alajominnl
region that could never lie relieve! until
Coo Bay bar wa improved to a depth
of 4l. 30, 60 or 100 feet at low water.
But when they realty think there- i
dang-r of a transcontinental road head
lug thi way, th-n it diOerent, an.l
'railroader contend that thi outlet i
ndt the Mirt the projector of a trans
continental road are in search of.' Well,
they may be able to head off a tran
continental road bound for this 'outlet'
for a little while longer. but the day i
surely coming when more than one
trankcnntinetal r.wd will Imve a termi
nus be:e. We have a la-tter bar at
present than the Columbia bar, iiti.l wv
nu jjet 40 fe t of water here for a
trifle compared with the million that
will be necessary to put a like amount
on the Columbia bar, and keep it there.
Well get the road sometime; well alw
get the bay dredged and liie bar deep
ened, but it will never lie by the aid
of Portland interest, wlihh fully real
ize, tliat in mien an event, we would
prove a mot formidible rival."
The bane of charter-making is poli
tic. There i no task givefi to a
citizen that demand so much of the
real best that ia in him, as making, or
revising, the charter of bis city. It U a
large and aolcmn duty and it perform-
anca oVsaaikU the highest expression
of municipal good faith.
The politician i alway hanging on
the eost-tail, or in the ante-room, of
the charter commimnt t often he
i on the wmiulsslon. He get hi as
signment br political manipulation
jut a he g't anything vle he goes
after. The pvlitk-isn ia usually a
lawyer, and upon thi predicate he se
cure his place, and havhig secured it.
proceed with all the aptitude ef hi
dual profession, to manipulate.
There is nothing Invidious In this,
The lawyer politkian is all right in hi
pbia-'s but charter-hoard is not his
place. The real and effective consist
ency of a charter-commission is
Bl"SINKSS, pure, anl simple. That
U all that is needed. The best busi
ness talent to be found in a community
is none too good foe thi exacting post.
and it i far and away preferable to
the political faculty that jols the ordi
nary charter.
Astoria will establish commissiou
in thi behalf this summer, and with
out any desire to evn suggest single
tunas in ita con-traction, thU paper
will be fcund unremittingly lighting
for a board of aetuil bu-lnesa men,
and none other. It tak-a this stsiul
for the good of the city and it speak
with abundant experience of a peional
As AstorWns shall trivc for their
city so will their city respojid in kind
and advertise itself to the pride and
emouhu'iit of it citixens. A they
shall neglect all local advantag- and
opportunities, So will tht city lapse
and relapse into the statu of an in
nocuous country town, or a neglected
and impotent seaport. The limit uf a
community's prestige is fixed by the
sum of appreciation of its people. If
they Jo not sound its praises, who will ?
If they a; willing it should be a' one-
horse, third-rate, unknown place, who
is to deny them" their will! If they
are alive' to it return! ascvoJam-y ami
sources of preferment and do their
duty by them, it will not be long lie-
fore other are infee'ed with a spirit
of inquiry and parallel appreciation
and investment followa. We all know
the proo-dure well enough The thing
to determine and determine nuickry.
i. our own exact estimate of our own
city; for upon that alone depend her
future. A citizens we can make, or
unmake, Astoria. Which i it to !!
The reirt of the Bureau of Statistic
on the foreign commerce of the year
1905 is still in preparation, but it i
expected that when made it will show
an ajjgreaate of $2.800.000,000 imports
l,175.OfUX0, experot tl.W,0m
the laiy-st in the history of the country
There is a strong probability that th
year l!HMi may mirpas it predecessor
in export, due to the b.jj crop of
l'.M.-, ami that the commerce of the year
mav reaeh in value the finch desired
$;i.ijii,lsm,000 mark.
At Pittsburg, Pa., at a meeting of the
Woman's Club one of the member sug
gested that women were wearing their
dresses too long and said they should
not extend below tha kne. "That
might do for a lady with your form
spoke up an angular member, "but I
don't BgTee with you one bit." Another
member id she never had been able
to forgive Mother Eve fully "for having
made it necessary for women to wear
only clothe enough to protect them
selves from the weather. She however,
was fashionably gowned.
Three square meals a day are an un
dreamed of luxury of the Panama na
live; thc do not know or care for that
abundance and can not realize where
the ever hungry Ameriian requires his
eemiwly unquenchable apetite. No
alluring breakfast food are to b? found
there, a milk i forty cent a pint and
its use is not encouraged by boarding-
house proprietor. One in awhile a
hungry American pie-eater can prevail
upon a native belle to make a pie for
which he must pjy three and one-half
dollars for" a whole pie. Coffee la the
natural beverage; (- a costly luxury,
awl potatoes are imported from Cali
fornia and sold at from ten to fifteen
cent a pound, and to the American ac
customed to summer garden and eor
ner saloon, the bitterest disappointment
eonie when he trie to get g'a '
cool beer. Not only I it wsrtu, but it
Is so doctored with formaldehyde, in
order to preserve it that the drink Is
far front .good. Cues we dont care to
gn to Panama.
Since the foundation of our govern
ment we have admitted nearly ji.ttOO.-
000 immigrants. The direct descendants
of these and those living constitute
Pull one half of our populathm. W
out them we would have been a Ballon
of but 40.000.000 people Instead of over
S0,iw.000, We have alworbcd ami
Americanized them ejsily, ami May we
nn.l them in the I'nited State senate.
the house of rvpresentallves, a gov
ernors of State iu legislative balls a
mayor of cities, in aldcrtiisnic chain
bers, and in all avenue of business ami
social life.
A politU-al party is a great Institu
tion. It sbottltl I recogmseu
managed like any other institution, and
when ulseed in POWHT lis duty Is 10
perform public eervk-o and such legiti
mate reward aa may tie given t it
follower to attack men bevanse they
are office-holders, U no,,"r' "ot
a crime, to bold a public oCice. It Is a
prop. reward for activity In polM
but he who acerpte an office should
never forset that the moment he enters
upon the discharge of his dutie he be
come then an officer for all the people
not only th.. who voted for hi elec
tion, but those who opposed it.
The liNHl World Almanac and Knchlo
pedia Is" a tabloid lilirary of refeonce
It fits the pocket both In '
price and titer Is more solid fact an.l
Btfures in its ttSO page than In a wtml
shelf full of costly encyclopedia. That
i why the voluninious publications are
"shrived." The Almanac buyer earrh-
his reference library in hi pnket. It
i a "peoples book'-for the man wn
cannot afford a lilnwry di-play anj fui
the man who can afford it, but want
practical knoledge quickly. It la nt
written beyond the understanding ot
any man. To see It I to buy It! It I
it own best advertisement! It i the
nuvt active airent for the dissemination
of quick and practical knowledge ever
prcentej to the public.
A little love, a little wvalth,
A little home for you and me;
If all I "k except good health,
Which come with floeky Mountain Tea.
Frankl Hart, druggist.
Aa Error tb ilaae.
The late Mr. Gilbert, the Teterau
aetreea, waa telling some of her expe
rience. Once at a reception In Chica
go abe aald:
"One of tuy earliest speaking part
wa played here In your city, and I
waa very ncrvoua. I wm ao very
nervous, In fact, that on the first night
I made in error that nearly mined the
"I bad small part, the part of an
old nurse. There were a dying king, it
villain and a band of music In the
piece, and the band of mual! waa tip
poscd to be very flue. The nM'en'a life.
Indeed, waa to come near being mined
through the atrauge, awect seductive
ness of this band. Nothing but com
pllments and Catteries of the band
was to be heard on every side.
"Well, in the third act w hile the bnnd
was playing Ita best I had to rush on
and cry:
" 'Stop the music! The king 1 dead!'
Wunt I did In my nervousness wa
to rush on and cry:
" 'Stop the music! It ha killed the
king!' "
Th MSale Mirror.
The "magic mirror" of, Japan la
disk of bronze, usually from all Indie
to eight Inches In diameter. It la sil
vered on the front, which Is a little con
vex, and there Is a raised pattern on
the back which la rather concave. The
polished pattern I generally a mud
scape, flow-era, onluuila or Chinese
characters. This la not visible In tiie
front of the mirror, but when strong
aunllght la reflected from the front of
the mirror to a wall or screen the pat
tern of the back la visible on the screen
In bright linen on a black ground. The
true scientific explanation of tbw mag
ical effect seems to be that the design
on the back altera the convexity of the
front, making It flat along the Unea of
the pattern, ao that the light reflected
from the front ia not dlapersed at these
points of the design, and they appear
brighter on the acreen.
A Grim Tragedy,
la daily enacted, in thousand of home,
aa death claim, In each one, another
victim of Consumption or Pneumonia.
But when Cough and Cold art prop
erly treated, the tragedy i averted.
F. 0. Huntley, of Osklandon, Ind.,
writes t "My wife hst the eoniumption,
and three doctors gave ber up. Finally
she took Dr. King New Discovery for
Consumption, Cough and Colds, which
cured her, and to-day she I well and
strong." It kill th germ of all die
rate. On dose relieve. Guaranteed
at SOe and 11.00 by Charles Roger,
druggfct. Trial bottlo free.
Rev. CaiUtla P. B. Martin, LLC.
Of Waverry, Texaa, write i "Of a
morning, when first arising, I often
find a troublesome collection of phlegm
which prod lies a aougkj and ia very
hard to dislodge; but a amall quantity
of Balard' Ilorehound Syrup will at
one dislodge it, and the troubU 1 over.
I know of no medicine that ia equal to
it, and it Is so pleasant to take. I can
moat cordially recommend It to all per
son needing a medicine for throat or
lung trouble." Sold by Hart's drug
i Cures In
ran art
Kaw Cspsoto f
For Particular Aidraaa
1201 eat emhltl Street,
Portland, OrsgoB..
Do Gaso of
on ton!
There is no case on re
cord of a cold resulting in
Pneumonia, or other seri
ous lung trouble, after
and AE3
had been taken.
It stops the cough and
heals the lungs and pre
vents serious results from
a cold
Do not take chances on
a cold wearing away or
experiment with some un
known preparation thai
costs you the same as
Foley's Honey and Tar.
Remember the name and
get the genuine.
I SiTin Cold for Thru Months.
The following letter from A. J. Not
baum, of Bateaville, Ind., tella lu own
story: "I suffered for three month with
a eevrre cold. A druggist prepared ma
some medicine, and a physician pre
scribed for me, ret I did not Improve,
1 then tried Foley's Honey and Tar,
and eight dose cured ma."
Three !ts 25c, 50c, $1.00.
The SO cent sUe contains two and
M.htl ilfflM aa mnrh aa tha small also
and th jl.00 bottla almost tlx tlmea
aa oncB.
399 Bond St., cor. Ninth
I Smith Premier
is the simplest ind strong
est of til writing machines.
It does better work, does
it qo.icker,)sts longer,
and costs less in the long
run than anv other type
writing machine. It is
The World's Best
Let a wad (tea ovrBrtl book wKag
sUasostk. Trsrsriwr sspsUrt. Ms-
cafcMSisaM. StsnesvseiwitlvtnsiiMS.
Tha Smith Prtmler
Typewriter Cemnuy
I4T etark Bt, ForUa4 Or
Tkio io iKe
kind, of a
Stoi for
is paying
too PirrtCVLT
I Mav s arts 0w M
rmm t ms S l S mmtm M
mhimumI mm amli IMHnsfci
VM Ml krff M M m l m H S-
M raw n&H ink Sf St m$ SS
l . mt SM M WlH M r
I urt k ul. :! tha " MM M M 0k
bMvM, MMtif -li inn mm mt
Do ejrow
know of
ateiter one
W nl litlk atiirl, snsttlotM, tilt of
Kin-r cllvisiii lii.m a twwiait,
Uavuui or buuk Uist lus nutls nt
Think, Lciuh or Cry
S40 prt's lll bs f Ivcn fur th bnt wWr
liuns, Irs V1" m sKf dlLii s. huh
s ins nm irn timsuiui cubikui"'
tlx. litil av4id.
Thvonly cdiltin fur entrtlnc ttiltoisv
iKtllH'D It Hut you ..-lid Still Jl.ltll't' I
iuc. lur a i' liul iuliini.
hi Ui MsdbMwa MagaaUse. Awm,
VtNt'E. I
I'm at i 1nf aaaatsral
4l karixJataninallnM,
IrriuiwM f l"'loM
PaiaiMa. aa aot aalrts
ilVUlCsieiCtlCt. f-l o i(mSUS,
Mi ay MeMia,
m ml Is slaia mnrptt,
kf . Srtea't. M
1 oa. ..f 1 It,
C'lraalsr xat a rasaast.
J, Q. A. B0VLBY, Presldeot.
0. L PETERSON, Vice-President,
Astoria Savings Bank
Ospllal raid la 1101,800. lurpiaa and Cndlvldad Proflt IM.OX
Traoascts a Osoersl Banklaf Hnalncsa. latarsat raid oa Tim Pepniu
IU Tenth Itreet,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sheraan Transter Co.
Hack, Carriigei BaggafM Checltd and TrniferTd Trucki and For
niture Wagons rianoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Hi la 12L-,
San Fram-iM-i''i ted'ii
venurmt an-l tsmily h.icl
CtliUall lovatrO Con
ttnietil o all tar Imrs, and
pltcea o( iinuaeiiient uiul in
terest. Cafe and (lull at- '
tached. Rated I 00 per da
ad up. Sutet cars direct to
aoul from and to all deoti
ft ; i
on draught sod la bottle
rw4 e4ft sasllsr tmtttnioM ss
ptursny sg4 rikl st Is Sstofla.
North Pacific
Drawing Co.
, eo vt-nr
V ' A TnaoC MaJMt
n suuaa
CosvsjiHTa At.
asvmM ! s Mrt iM.ipMsa
Sab-air rim'n "" '"," v
mhii imi Jt"'"i'l
naak Mana SkXa. taastr
fftefl mW, SMSO! avaraa. Ml I ft
Scientific American.
nlaiM ..f aa? arwMI l""1! TS'"- r
Medicine Co.
Formerly located S6S
Ahler Mret't; (or tle
i 73r AhlerMreel; for tlie
K ?T-,rJ flveyara.HAVE
'rVTVV W(VEU Into th.
mj-"1' "1 lT" b,lrk boHdint
t .a trf ' aililh.aast mr.
ner ot First and Morrison Htreeta u
traneeNo.lfi.rmnt Ht.
Successful Home Treatment
tr.r),IKR 90 Is sitnwn thnnixhout th
PnltMl Hialrs, snd Is rSlkd Ilia unai hlnaM
j . lor on arrounl of hla womlrrfiil sura
without th slit or a Sulfa, without ualii-
l,MMrMlrhswllal. ,"SSUWwj-a.-H mr
A 4,1
polaon or niiiaam snv klnit. its trmlasniri
ami sll dlarawa wild .wr-rfl orlmlsl r''ive '
lirrlt. Iisrka. anil Vavvtslila thai sra uli-
known l Minllral ari, noa In thla ruunlrr.
and thromh Ilia ua nf thsa hariiiltaw mue
ilM lirgusrsnttws to eurw
Catarrh, Aithma, Ung Troubl, Rhtumetiim,
NtrveuiMM, Stnnwch, llvtr, Kidney, fimslt
WtskrwH and ill Chronic D msm.
l ull or wrllr, ani-loalii 4 terni stamp tot
llutlllnr nook and simitar. Addrma,
Tht C 0 Woo Chin Mrdlcln C..
No- MM 14 rir St. IE. Cor MorrlK
Msntlon tills Portland Oros
FRANK PATT0N, Cashier.
J. W. GARNER, AssUUnt Cahlr.