9 THE MORXIXG ASTORIAX, ASTORIA. OREGON. TUESDAY JANUARY tj, iA Some of the Good TMngtfMOW escapes Fresh This Season's Crop I Aeronaut Ascends In Aeroplane HIW MOWKY FUnLM T.kes Tumble. CROWDS ENJOY WEATHER. .Vary fine Manaanilla oliv stuffed with olivv Mauanill olives, stuffed with Piemcnto. Mtmmolli Queen olive. fint yr on the market. Heinie' Chill Sauc, Heini' India Relish. Something new and ery flu. IIinw Pure Malt Vinegar, Iit up in quart bottle at A, V. ALLEN Yher they leep good thing to t NO COMMUNICATION DENOUNCE DESPOTISM. Germ a Chicago Socialist Condemn the Roatiaa Autocracy.' ClUCArO, Jan. . Russian d.pot FALLS THREE HUNDRED FEET Aatomobtl Rauling the Airthlp With a Long Rope Stop Suddenly and Aero-1 plan Fall to Earth Aeronaut Bare ly Eacapea With Hia Life. CIIIC.UJO, Jan. .-A dUpat.b to the Tribun frunt Oruiond, Fla., ayi Charles Hamilton, an aeronaut, drop I t.,,1 m iltn.illllf..l in tk ttlltott Cthtlt0 I HCil Jlkk !. th-itk LI., .iv.kln -.la.l.,. Dr. FunKSaysHe Heldno Conf'?rlus , th Ruian revolution . Lj IHHi hui iniuriee br ih. Br cheered by Germany Socialist of WL,,, , fcb ence With Spirits. rating "Bloody Sunday, January ti, airship dropped, wa pitched forward Kotos' Psychologist Expects to Bold Communication With Spirit of the Late Dr. Hodgson ia Short Time Ii Iareatigatiag Piychical Phenomena. jl!M5, when W of workiugmen pctl P " '. He Mruck heavily HE HAS HOPES OF DOING SO ,'OB'll Jr 1r t'H) 1B ' theland lost consciousness. , later it w Bim vi o!. i ... lounu no ooues wv-r broken. The date wa declared to bo a mile- XMlongh namitm WM , lh ,ir , .tone in the revolutionary movement of mow thnn ,hrv mill hi, M , the Julian proletariat and the death ft dw, , , ,u(Wfc knell of Industrial and economic despot- wM J(M! ( th ,wuUl,u.lt iitt of the capitalistic class throughout pV(r o( , ,ix,y hMepow Umrlng w the world. whk,fc WM UllJ ,0 towlng (,, Th meeting was attended by nearly . . . ht - ... . . 500 members of the various local Ger l. . . , m.:....i wr'u V "V W mui M " nun teiut orgn.uns. th wr to .lip backward aliut.tlv A collection of oi0 wa taken up for when the chauffeur tried to imwe hi the U'uelU of the t moling Kuv-ian Warm War Bringi Out Ntw Yoiki Thouaanda to Coney I aland. y NKW YtK. Jan. SkV-tWy Mali J earn back to life jelenlay. Th.! mild weather muted a Aod, rtiuitel b) the place. The ery of "tome on In, tlie Hie place. The croy of "Com n In. the vt in ilne," ai heaiit for th Aral time in eeia utoiitha aud thirty Hve men tri(ied mA took a dip in til dully Ul'llie. The board wall extending from the laikway Iwth to Manhattan Itearh wa well filled with people ou.l the winter bl'akiieit tif th M-tinn tk on n rm- blent of life, Itaitt-ndeii mere kept liu.y iterving diink and Kalauiauta did a big buiiic. TOWARD DEMOCRACY World Movement Is Democracy. Toward NEW YORK, Jan. 2i-Dr. 1-aac K. Fuuk, who for many year ha been AMERICA'S CPjEAT FUTURE Pretident Eliot of Harvard Predict! That In On Huadrtd Yeara United State Will bo Ore teat Democratic Country in tho World. CAMHHIIXiK, Ma-a., Tun -n.l peed. The aeroplane ro-' like a biid i .,iiirn.lrt .ml ft rH4iiltit ion of fraternal I .l. a-. ....tt i t- - t ...i ti: . ... .i klentified with naveUeal research, last . . . . : . . ",lu ""l "J " " ,,w '" i"aW nwiirmi a m.Rniy i,ht dUcusaed he claim of a western ' WT.. JT". W I WM 300 '''t m ! American n-public a hund.cl , revolutionary conimniw oi nu-w. of t ie tow bejan to leen tl.e air.lnii man that he had held a eojiiinunication, I ... . T v i ! ... i i i ..... i v; EDUCATE .'tliKUtS. In iiuiuuttMi, vy mi.iHitr, niiiru in Hodgaoa of Boston. Dr. Funk aid that he expected to be able to eommunicat with Dr. llodgtoii'a tpirit on January 23. He bacd hit hope on a ttatement made to him by Profeuor J. H. Hylop, of Columbia University, who wa referred to in the message credited to he apirit of Dr. Hodgton. Of a report that he and Mr. Mary Pepper had communicated with the pint of Dr. Hodgon, Dr. Funk taid "It is wholly untrue and without any foundation. I hav held no auch eom munication and do not know of uch communication being held. 1 have never made any atati-ment about the Kodgnoo rae, but I am anxiously awaiting the rwult of further developnier.t. "Profefwr Hylop ha told me that he expert that by Januaiy 25th Dr. Hodgson' epirit will be able to com' municate with thoe he ha left behind I aim very ruriou to begin investigation on that line a aoon aa the time ap pointed by Dr. Hyhp arrive. I have don nothing yet and I am awaiting Profeor Hy.hip' action." . - RESIGNS HIS POSITION. CHICAGO, Jan. 22.-The Rev. Ceorge E. Burlint-ham, of the Convenant Bap tist elinrch re-ij-ned ye-terday to ac cept a cal) to the Firt Bupti-t rhiircli of San Fran-i-o, at a salary of M. WW. Mr. r.mlin.imp hi b.en at Cove nant chiircb thlee veal". cap which wa to have been the .iutial Would Teach Them to CnltivaU th w tno low unver to aiop. Soil The aeroplane at one Iwan to Hut XEV YORK, Jan. ?2. At a meeting her downward with increi.ifig apeed lat night in the Chitreh of the Holy until the tope caught on top of a flag Communion. W. J. Schieffclin. of thi Pole. Thtn a corner of the machine city and Rev. E. L. Chicheter, chaplain! truck the bathhouM plana roof, and of the Hampton In-titute, tokl of the I wedged lietween the building "and the purpoaea and accomplishment of that J flagpole. ftchoot for negroes. I Young Hamilton hiila fiom Houaton, M. rhi..W l;.l lrrna in),.l. I CX. on the practical character of the work done. nv:ntf that no necro boy or irirll CETS THE MONEY. might go through the institution with out earning hi or her own living. Theljapaneoo Secnres 17,000,000 to Inveit in firt step, Mr. Chichester said, i work Milli and Machiwry. In th Held, and thU reulta in a 8 AX FRAXCI.HV, Jan. K.-Sliiauo .Skilled, intelligent, interesting gard iKondo, a Japane capltali't, ha ar ner with the rudiment of thorough! rived here from London on hi way to agriculturict." I Japan. Th Chronicl aays that Kondo Mr. MiiefMin, who U a trutea of " - V paU up capital the school, recoinmenled that anyone " MKna, wmcn 10 oe inveeu who wa loo well satisfied with himself h'"1 MW"y "' I l I . to miU th. trin to llamoton and b- " r.ng.i.n Janne corp., where lat fall but three hundred out of 1900 applicants could be accepted and where, the atandurd wa being con stantly raked. Acknowledging the limitation CHAPLAIN DIES. Sickening Shivering Fji of Ague and Malaria, can bt relieved and eured with Electric Bitters. Thi i a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true - . ' t M .1 1 . curaiiT inuuenca on ine uueas?, orn-1 ing it entirely out of th ystem. It i much to be preferred to Quitiine, Ijav ing none of this drug's bad after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother wa very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till h took. Electric Biters, which saved his life." At Charts Rogei. drlftf it-re; pric 50c, guaranteed. A little love, litili, n. ulth, A little borne ii,r yu and mci It's all I -k except trond Ii'-; 1th, Which come with Itm-ky Jfountain T-a Frankl Hart, druggwt. . After effecting 1 combination of teel and iron work of Japan, th manufacture of celluloid and silk will b taken np and other indmdric will be taken up a th capital of th inter. of the n,'on' corporation permit. The in- I....- , . .1.. . ....- .. .. ..... ... Itanium ik n in, iiiv biiiidi in.niiijii'Lui race, Mr. Nliiettelin Mid that proiiabiy " - . . . I ik.. ku It . 1 .1.... ninetv wr cent won I.I lie better' off "''""'"' ""' . .. ... . , I nyt Mieaiilt-. vt that the ramilication on iarmare ociier nuea lor asrri i " ulture-but he made an appeal for the ot ,W "l"'.v buainM in likely to leiiiainiiiv ten percent, mmnz: I r " if they are going to lie segregate! a tlic whites want the in to be and a t-ein te-t to the South ought tln-y not to have leader.'' Old 'Naval Chaplain Pisjei Away at AIamda. N. I!. Truth, .St, Paul, June 31, 'M.- ALAMEDA, fal.. Jin. i-.T..hn Sing- I've liveil o long, I remember well when er Walliioe, naval cliti!uin on th retired the Mis-ifjipi wan a brook. My good li-.t, died yesterday morning after a health and long life cuine by taking brief illnew. He wa one of the oldest Holli-ter'n Rocky Mountnin Tea. 3.1 chaplains in the nervic having received cent, frank Hart, dmugist. I Ins atpointment from President Lin coin in 1H(3. For a period of wveral CURSE OF INTOXICANTS. years he l.eld tlie ix-ition of instructor in international law ct AnnaM)Ii. He Chicago Ministers Speak on the Samel wa a native of Ohio, 71 year of age. MEN ARE POVYERLEbS T rtgki Asa tut DhnH 1'iltH Tkey SI like at lh I'aaerlrlaaT (sbm. To treat Dandruff, ,a faing Hr Willi trritinta or olia on which a prs attic ferra will prosper, la like sfoopln" wster from th ocean to prevent the it4 from rlslnc. Tou cannot aceompllah a atlfa'torr CUre WithOUt hSVln A Plht ,inJra,..J. Ir of the fundamental cause of th 1 ein Subject. iri('.i;0, .Ian 22. "The. cure of Intuxiiaiita," wa the subject of the sec ond of the scries of co-operative ser mon which wa! prenelied simultaneous ly lat niyht by Jenkins Lloyd Jones in All Souls Independent church, th Rev. The remains will lie t:iken to Washing ton, I). C, for intnuent in Arlington cemetery. a nuiititcti vear hence in an aildres yetrdjy liefoi the "Prospect I'nlon mi Reteience, Con istent with Cenuiiie IVmocracv." II poke in part oa follow! "The great movement of the world to.lay I toward lleimicracy. The great keynote of the present century, the cen tiiry that w are jut entrring upon, will be democracy in all thing. One hundred year from now th population of our country, vhich is now for th most part wildcrne, will be beyond nny present conception, and this great nation will be the uiot democratic that the world hat ever knowi. 1 I The progress of IVmocracy will be the great future of the advance nf clvl liuition In the present century. If thi is to be sound, th character of our people mu-t be a sound a their pro ficiency In the art, In comm-rce. In governments. "Though critic of democracy say that democracy has destroyed some of the finer characteristics of the older coun tries, such as reverence of children to ward parents, pupil toward teacher the people toward their ruler, there Is in all relation a more genuine relation than formerly. Xo nation in the work) has such revereiii-e for women as have tit nis-n of tlie great republic. Our rev erence, for symbol ha diinini-hed, but not for the ideals which these material signs of religion and hive of country stand for." TILLMAN WILL SPEAK. XEW YORK, .Ian. United Utate Brown Thorp in .South Congregational Senator Penjain R. TiUman of South urch. Dr. J. If. McDonald in Oakland Carolina. I to I th nrincin.,1 s.eUk .Meinouist f-piscopal church, and the Rv at the Democratic Club at its first E. I'. Tiller In M.morinl ftaptist chur.-h. Monthly dinner 011 fue'day evening of Ail tlie four clergymen denounced the nut ww.k. The oceis.lon, it is said, habit uul of intoxicant and the bane kill mark the opening of the statu ful influence of saloons. Mr. Jones uig-lfjght, ed a revivil of tee totalisin and enforce ment of llipior law. I BIO AMOUNT, Ir. McDonald decried the license syS' fundamental causes of ths I fein. and is n-nre.1 Atovrir Innn for fail I ri.w.. rk.....a T..n... r.n..j v.. frn,it,l I - --- - . - - - A bvhwiwi vviisii wviicttcv UI Ton must kill th Dandruff Cerm "re to close a..ns on Sumlay. Foreign Missions. Jtewnro Herpiclde doe this b-au.e It I I'a-tor Thorpe advocated fk'hts for BOSTOX. Jan. 22 The announcement hs-al option in wards, villages, and was mad last night at the old South citie, th increase of saloon Ik-enses to Church that th annual collection for Iihs, an. the prohibition of sale of the American Board of Foreign Missions niior in uance nail. , - amounted to 111.000. This amount. It Dr. Toiler also favored increase nfll. s.i.t 1. tin t.,i M. j, i is specially mad to do that very thin. tVhen the ferra Is removed, tlis hair b.i no choice bat to resume healthy f rowth and beauty. "Destroy th caus. you remov the effect." Sold by leadlntr drugelsts. 8nd Me. In stsmps fnr sampl to Th Herplcld Co, Detroit. Mich EagU Drug Store, 351-353 Bond Et, Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St., T. F, laurin. Prop. "Special Agent." CHANGE OF TIMl Th Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Commencing Sunday, November 10, train Xo. fl, th Royal Blu Limited, will lesvs Grand Central passenger station, Chicago at S p. m., instead of 3:30 p. m. and will arrlv in Pittsburg at 6:3S a m., Washington at 4:40 p. m., Baltimore S:50 p. m. Philadelphia, 8.19 p. m. Xew York 10:40 p, m. th tarn a with th old schedule, thus reducing th tlm on hour and thirty minute. Xo excess fans will b charged on this fast limited train. All other trains will arrlv and depart th tarn aa formerly. Stop-over is allowed at Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia,, not to exceed ten days, at each placV on all flrtt-claia through ticket. A PUno Number Free With Every $3.00 Purchase Clothes Bought it Wise's Pressed Free Except Saturdiy The End of the JANUARY vSALE- Drawing' Near in H While Reductions Are In Force While Assortments Are Good. Or Else You Will De Sony. lennaaii Wise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER MUSIC AT COST S window dUpray of S5c and Sic copyrighted hits-all th ltst wbil they last 10c Per Copy Wednesday Evening We will put In a display of sheet mulcatsa.lrd classical works, musio oa which copyright hat tipired that sells regular at lOc, 13o and 23o at Only 6c per copy Twenty pi ce for li.oo. Watch this tale), it will b a hummer, J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS STAflONERT KVSIC Weinhard's Lo&c, r Beer. saloon licenses, an addition of 1000 men gregational mission by any on parish to me pome lore sn1 declared Jumclf I in (he country. for a state law prohibiting th sal of ,"l"0' V, I The Morning Atorian, 63e. a month Dr. Reed's Cushion vSole s ' iShoes are Death on Corns. Easiest Thin Yoa Ever Pat on Your Feet. Sold by S. A. GIMRE, AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS M10C 543 Boat Street 0pp. Son Hlggina k C. I Three "Routes to the East Central or Scenic, by way of Colorado, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St Louis via Rock Island System. , Southern, by-way of Loa Angeles and El Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St Louis via Rock Island System. Northern, by way of Minneapolis, and St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island System. Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct connection In Union Stations at all three, for all Important points in Eastern and Southern States. Full information, with folder "Aero th. Continwit in a Touriat Sleeping Car," nt on request, a. h. Mcdonald, Osnsrsi Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Or. A i