The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 21, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Some of the Good Things! j""
Fresh This Season's Crop
Very fin Xlaiuanilla olive stuffed ih ulivs.
'jlantanills olive, stuffed with Pimento.
Mammoth Queen oliv. fit vr on th market
llmeVhill Sum Wntt' ludi Keli.k.
Something new and wry fit.
lleinse'a ttir Malt Vinegar. Put up iu quart bottle at
Where they keep good thing to eat.
Russia Will Riise Import Duties
on Machinery.
'half of the uc duties uuder recipro
city treaty recently mail between th
two government. Germany ajr to
lmit ssricultural product from Ru
tin t her minimum rate of duty mi
lder thi treaty. Ocrman wunuifrtf
! hirer of roaclitnery, engine, motor.
copper wire supplies ami
agrk-ultural implement of all kind
ill hav great advantage over
Amtrkrut manufacturer who produce
the uim thiiu".
Duties Art Raised for the Protection of
. American snd Certain Msnuiactur
trt Who Hart Invested Capital in
Rassii United States Suffers.
College Graduate Ready to Graft
as Uneducated Man.
Charles H. Hushes, Insurants linvesti
Kator Says Younf Man Comes Out of
College With Sols Ides of "Getting
On" Sacrifices Independence.
Eeber Bishop Collection of Psintinp
Sell For $117,090.
SKW YORK. Jan. 20.-A total of
U7.0!0 wns realized at lut night's
al of paintinir frra the llelier HUhop
collection. Th.hii:ht price of the
evening ws brought by . Schroyer.
"ltulputiw Sniulei." whkh Marled
CHICAGO, Jan. 20. A dispatch to 0r at S.( the hi.L'ht opninjj bid,
th Record-Herald from 'Vaahinjiton. ! f the evening. And ran up to $13,lKl.j
On the first of Man-h next the du
ties on machinery, electrical supplies,
ami other article which are shipped Intpr bronylit the tirt con-id.--
attic price, lieviiiiiiiij! at
Then a t'hon.t jumped to 7,m, anil
meantime an Israel hud gone for
XKW YORK. .Ian. SO-In hi ndilr
at the dinner of the Drown l'nlverity
Club last nisht. Chnrles K.
counsel to (lis Armstrong Insurance
commit touched im-klcntslly on th
k't'ixlative impiiry rerently concluded.
Among other tkiiir h said:
"When prt cultivate th eitti-
nient that money l th bi-at thinjf.
tken prt is a bad thing
"W kwk about u W that
colics, men in tk wvrhl are quit a
ready to get Uiir hrs of th. graft
a men who kav not had an educa
tion. Nowaday th young man come
out of college with tk ol kles of
'g(tnlt To u tni n ' '"in8
to sacrifice hi indcpendenc and kit
en- of konur. He will become th
tool of a political Iwder and will put
hinwlf in a position of moral rvi
lud to pl.a him.
"When it i mad plain that thej
mut stand oil their merit the young
men will feel a piiit f emancipation.
Strip Act it ion reputUiim.
Ilav publicity ami nfore th law.
... .
-XV f ' -
.11 l .. V .1 v . ,
t f .:.-.
Sr. J -
..... . VinrA'
l t
.i-lHl bv ('.Mint and Baron Mag ri in their eharming comedy, "Two
Striii". t Her Row." or "Who Shall Win ller." at lite Star Tl.-uter next we-k.
in large quanlitie from th I'nited
tstatea to Ruia will be taxed nearly
1W per cent more Hmji at pro-cut.
The ilutica are to be rai-ed for tiie
pnitm-tion of Amerieun. mati. and
other manufacturer win have l-n in
duced to build factories un.l im-l
capital in th.- Ru lull empire. Tlii- i
the aecond time that the liu iau gov
ernment lw iiwiea-M-J iu imjMirt duti-
upon "ih-Ii menlian4te for the citiiie
reason and the manufacturer ot th.
I'nited State are tlie primipal -uf-fcr.
Uit year our din-ct export to
JUiia were about ii.lMt lea), itut our
indirert poit through lliimbnrg uii'l
other European market weie Vi-r..
much larger, 'fhe principal oiicit ex
irt to l'u-ia l-t year were fol
low :
Agricultural implement M.flJ.'tlS;
13,245,945; cotton good, ?5,51(.I47.
There waa alo large quantity of
iron and tecl el ctriial mipplic and
oilier m.inufaiture. tin the llr-t of
.March the dutica on all thee artic'.e
will lie rained 2-i to WO per c nt, which
am practically prohibitory. (o-rnian
manufactiireri of th artk-lea who
are prsctiralljr our only conijietitor',
will receive, concewiiona of about on
t 1II A;. -Ian. 2" A ilUpMlrh to
th Triliiine from -:w Vorl: -ay-;
Mi Helen t;.iiihl ,Tiive to tin inve.i
gntor an "itimlyi ' m wimple of the
ck' mail icwiv. .1 by tier allowing
tiie umiiluT of i'iiie t nnd what and
,i.iw 111 ii" a t !. were Mir.
a-UI for wa l.5mjHK.
Tile total
lll(.I.O. Jan. ill. -A cjble di-palcn:
to the Tribune from I.011 Ion. y:
The' will of the late Sir Henry Irv- 1
in., ii., ,1 vf.-li'iilav. Hi e- !
tate i a itK-.J at J;'.'! I'i..
"Tlie hoik of lh le-iilue go(i ill
eipial pirt to the two -on of the
XKW YORK. .Ian. 2i-The Ameiinin
.liioniiry A-iaiation i iiiing an
appeal to Congregational, Meth(alit,
ami oth r ilei:omiimton to obervc
Sund.iy. F.-bruary 1 1 tit. in recognition
of the 97lh birthday of Abraham
Lincoln. .
The ttrlckea Baa Tnm Crlef.
Vhat s fort 0 rata provialnn f naturs
It I, that deprives the rose of mental
uff'-nn; for how poignant would b Its
rr.ef to dlncover, in tha height of It
1 .cmlng glory, that a canker fed at its
):irt. nnd that Ita beauty and fragranr
were .loomed forever. Naturs always
r area ths sufTering; aha is a veritable
tire-houae of pleaalng reward, for
tWne who teek her aid. In the year
f ,r.e by falling hair ami grayn-r bava
.ft s f-toon over ths Uvea of thouaandf
of ': T women, but thanks to the In
M' ni rni of B?lentlrt the true can
if ha.'r d'S.'n.etlon U now known to b
k germ or f ir.iite that burrows Into
tl.e hair follicle. Newbro's Herplclda
ahaoljtely destroys this germ, thus
),-nnltllng th hair to grow as na
ture Intended. Sold by leading drug
gist. tnd lSft. fh stamp f r Sample
to Ths Herplclds Co.. Imtrolt. Mich.
Eagls Dm? Store, 351-333 Bond KU,
Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St, T. F.
Lsurin, Prop. "SpecUl Agent."
Japanese Bepreiaintstive Sees School
Girls Gitre Athletic Exhibition.
NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Xagai .Mich
Ukiia. an afcrcdited reprentative of
the Jtipane government, witnesaed S
pecial exhibition by the girl athlete
of the pirl branch of the public nchools
athletic league. The Japance ha come
to tbia country to tudy th method of
phyicnl culture in the public school,
nd a l-o ths working of th athletic
club, wi'.h the ides of adapting it bt
featnr a to the phylral tipbuilding of
ths boy and girl of Japan. Mora
than half s hundred girls took part in
tha relay racing running and other
port end llr. Mkhiali.s xpreej
hiniM-lf t well pleseiL
"Mske men tand on their merit.
"Politic kIioiiIiI be conducted ojienly.
"I.der. .I1011M I clnwn for their
-.tale-iiniiilike iinnlilie, for their stand
ard of courage, not for their kill in
pulling iie. Ami where I i 1 -t I we
look for tne spirit, the in
epilation to do gil and ! IioiichI if
not to the education ami em ironiiicnt
and the "titmilu of college hall
"I Would like to tell you of the
doubt nnd heartache and headache of
the- l-.iel- f ' month, but I won't.
don't know whit will leally !' accom-i
pli-hel by the invent igul ion into thej
in-uiaii'-e eompani but I hope forj
poriiiaia-nt iK'ticlit. 1 lielicic that wj
a dl ge men. have great bon to!
take to heait to put ucceion on a J
tnie lit-, to lcmn to deny to men of j
money pecnl 'privilege ju-l taeail
they lone money, in other word to
dev lop the vj.irit of per'ect fairne
and hontv."
Colored Fightsr Knocks Out Sullvan is
P.fteenth Round.
SAX VUANt'lSttk Jan. 111. Jo
t;.in. rejuvrnatcl. put up the light of
hi life, and knocked out Mike (Twin)
Sullivan in th fifteenth round touighk
From, th atart to th Hnih tian ws
the aggressor and kct right on lp of
hi man. Sullivan mail several brave
rallie but could not hurt the colored
man and finally in th fifteenth round
eiie of lijflitning right hand blow
to th jaw ended Niiltivnn' apitatin,
aiivl put tiuna one inor at the top of
th fighting heap. Th light a fat
and fu ion from the atart.
Bogota Declared ii Be in State of
Siege for Few Days.
Government si Declared to be la Per
fect Control of th Situation snd
Wdl Try ths Three Consplrstors in
Short Tims.
NEW 'tl!K. Jan. 2il.l.oiii. K. lb.
nilhi. coii'iil gi-ncml at New Yolk for
the I'niteil Slate of lidiimbii, today
IIMI'' public the following cable di'
patch revived by bim from l'renleiit
Rec and dated llogia.i. January H:
"Capital i i'tnlaie.1 iu lte of iegi'
ill Older to jlldgei rolpiltltor ttiUl
peifrt-t ralmn.'. Siege will ! tiicd
within a few day. AUolul traiMiiil
it y prevail throughout the country."
The inpiralor alhdcl tu are leli
Angelo and thieo other arreted la-t
Ik-cemb-r for trying to overthrow the
government tif lrldent Reyes. Theii
arret wa follow e.1 by considerable
cgitntion In I he capital and through'
out th country.
Conul t iencral Ikinilla had thl com
ment to mak 011 the new phin:
"It wa conldril lict by Piddi-nt
Iteye. doiibtk". to put the capital in
s lag of iege whk h mean merely
declaration of nmrtwl law In order
that tha trial might not lie ilitiirbd
in any way snd that perfect jiitk la
MHiireil. Titer i no revolution in
Colombia. The go eminent la secure
ml the people content with Pretlibnl
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 20 - Robert
Xeilon Stephen th iliamatlt and
.hurt lory writer i dead at Iknirite
mimth. Kngluml.
I'll It 'ACO. Ian. 2.-.dvhv from
the .Middle Wcterti Stale -how the
temp-iatute i the highet for .limitary
in a ipinrter of s .enlury. In I'itt
burg, th January record i btoken.
Worry i the mother of lick, nervous
snd troubled mentality, upets ths en
tire physical system. Ths body is s net
work of nerve. Hollister't Rocky
Mountain Tea soothe and rebuilds ths
entire tyst m. 35 cent, Tes or Tsb
lets. Frank Hart, druggist.
Ths Btltimor & Ohio Railroad
Commencing Sunday, November 10.
train No. 8, ths Royal Blus Limited, will
lesvs Grand Central psasenger station,
Chics go st S p. m., instead of 3:30 p. m.
snd will srrivs in Pittsburg st 8:35 s.
m., Washington st 4:40 p. m., Baltimore
5:60 p. m, Philadelphia, 8:10 p. m. New
York 10:40 p. m. ths Mm a with th
old schedule, thus reducing ths time
one hour snd thirty minutes. No csoess
is re will be chsrged on this fsst limited
train. All other train will srrivs snd
depart the m ss formerly. Stop-over
Is si lowed st Washington, Baltimore snd
Phitsdelphis, not to exceed ten day, st
ach place, on sll first-elsas through
Cured by our Hand Woven
Elastic Bands and Stock
ings. J Over-fatness and
weaknesses relieved by
our Abdominal Belts.
Wrilt for blanks ni too.
Dr. Reed's
Cushion vSole
Death on
Easiest Thing Yon Ever Pat
on Your Feet. Sold by
543 Bond Street Cpp. Ross Kigg n & Co
A Piano Number Free With Every $3.00, Purchase
Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free Except Saturday
The End of the
Drawing' Near(
While Reductions
In Force
While Assortments Are
Or Else You Will Be
Merman Wise
MUS1U A l uus r
See window dipry of 2 Jo and 3.V copyrighted hit - sll ths latst
whits they last
10c Per Copy
Wednesduy Evening
Ye will put In s display of sheet mtiic -standard cli.l works,
music on which copyright hs expired that tills tegular st luc, l.V snd
2.V st
Only 6c per copy
Twenty pi-ccs for It. oo. Wstch this sale; It will b s humtnsr.
V Y 11 II ICtl U Beer.
Three Routes
to the East
Central or Scenic, by way of Colorado,
thence to Chicago. Kansas City or St. Louis ia
Rock Island System.
Southern, by way of Lot Angeles and
El Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or
St. Louis via Rock Island System.
Northern, by way of Minneapolis and
St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island
System. ,
Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct
connection in Union Stations at all three, for
all important points in Eastern and Southern
Pull Informstlon, with folder "Across tbs Continsnt
in s Tourist 81sepln( Car," ssnt on request.
a. h. Mcdonald,
Osnsrsl Apnt, Rock Island Systsm,
140 Third Strsst, Portland, Or.