The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 21, 1906, Image 1

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    : t; i
I tU
Russian Journalist Sent
enced to Prison.
M. Souverin Convicted of Insti
gating Riot, Sedition and'
Armed Revolt
la Aatidpatiea of Terrorist Attempt at
Bomb Throwing oa Monday Polk
. Arrest All Ldra ol th Wotkm.oS
Council Until Afterward.
hi", I'CTHtSliriMJ. Jan. 20-M
Suiin. editor of tli Hum, twlay
tta sentenced to ycal 'a Imprison-
f w-ut In th Fortr. far th publish-
liia In Dcmlr 11 "manifesto uf
I t hn Workmen'. Council announcing
I I In- government hud Jeelaied rlvll war
on tlw Proletariat end saying tit rim I
h-itg must If accepted.
KlTort am being made to accur a
mitigation of lli senlenc The accu
sation wi that tli article wa an In
citation In tli iopl to a revolution
by publishing pn. lunation ami atale
mcnt designated to instigate riot.
lition ami armed revolt, Tli rutenc
itiiHMm on Hi editor of the mtt
widely circulated paper in ltuia and
lm ! alo a prominent publicist ami
litu-ratuar caused a great commotion
in all eirele uf aocicry.
In anticipation of a terrorist attempt
I at iHimb throning Monday, tli police
t.slay conducted searches in all thei
1 Inig factories ami a a precautionary
' v measure gathered in a tarn number
of l!drs of tli workiiigmcn wluan
they will detain ovrr Monday. Heavy
- guard tmluy began t rolling the in-
ustrbtl quartera and rillca hav la-en
piovidnd th pl -. If Monday past
without disorder th authorities air
mtishVd traniiiility will nin till the
critical priii of tli elections to he
ItiMiiua. Hi street ralway employes
Mild apothecaries voted a general strike
Mommy mil it I believed tli deer.
of th Workmen' (Vmniil will lie only
partly obeyed In Hi factoric and com
mercial hou. Mos.nw workmen have
not rmtivvrrd fioui tin 1h1 atrik and
prd.alily will m-pa-i'l to idwrv th
t'lNVlNNATI, dan. 2".Tho.h.i P.
Sh'iuita. rhalrnun of th I.thmian t'anal
I f t7rtnmilon waa Hi gnel of honor and
fA cole epiaker at tli January meeting of
" th (VimmeMal Club In thi. tily to-
I night,
ST. rETRRSBCRO, Jan. 20.-Aa
omiittl eommunhwtion aaya aarloiu dU.
order on th anniveraary of "Ui-d Sun
day" la practically impoaibb aa a ma
jority of the worker ara not Inclined
to indulge In them. It alo Mate th
yovararro-nt i determined to atop all
Parliament Will B Liberal by About
flra to On.
MINIMIS', Jn. l.-l to tl.l. time
the total nuinW of memlier of IVr
liament alerted la 4HO of whom S47
are Ulierak IU I'nlouUtm 40 Labor
ll, ?H NallonaliU, and one KoriatUt.
ThU leate Wi aeata til varant.
Tlu UlwraU bava thna far gained no
Im than ITT cat, counting tli libor
gaiii a Liberal or government gain.
If tli Mine proKirtkin U kept up lb
UlwmL will bav 4i" vole in the next
I'aillatiient to whbb adding Labiaate.
Hw-Mi-t and NatbinalMa will give
('ainpbrll llamumian JI1 vote agalnat
13 l'iHirvativ.
NKW VtHtK. Ja. 20.-Th Hemld
((iniorroar will nay that l-arty Parker.
wi( of Mr (iilbrrt Parker. w robbed
of 173,0110 In jewel, arveral week ago
in the Carlton Hot) .in lxndon. On
morning a well drwJ man knra-ked at
My Pailer'a door, and when be
enrd the door the man aMdogi(ed,
Mying It waa a niUlak later la the
day. aliiln lady Parker wa. Wnt be
ffn-ed n entrant to the room by a
Ley. Nothing hut a jewel ran
taken. Kmm th dem-ription the de
tii'thr. rri-oKtiie.l a Uotolioll. hotel
and anetk thh-f who wa trared to New
Yolk ami thene to Klorida.
House Discusses Abuses in Expen
diture Appropriations.
Nearly All th Tim Yettarday la
Taken Up la Coaardering the Aboae
Which Department Make of the De
ficiency Appropriation Fund.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20-Abuae. In
rxpt'itditiir ' appropriation ware the
tiAl of a' tliM'iiulon in the Ibm to
dax during iwi naioideration of ai
urgent drfli'ieni-y appropriation bill.
Little progrew waa mad in th con
hleration of tU bill wblrh will b the
coulinuing topie on Mouday.
Th portrait of m-Atlorm-y-di-iwral
Knox, for whii-li th departnnlit of
ju.lii' aka otr l-iNHI wa agniu th
topir of ronmient. Tli ml aniuiati'd
diwition of th itay. over an
aniendliw-lil by Kei'er of Ohio to in
irene th amount for tr:inporttiou
of rilvr coin. It argued to rut
the appropi iatioft meant for th di
tr4 in Interior eectioiia, wImT ailver
ia ued, On the other (mud it ia
iiiViiiil tin- appropriation n alml
by th xpr ronipnnie for wIhi"
la-nelll it aa latfl the nipropriution
wa annually made.
MAKYSVILLK, Cnl., Jan. 211 -Thou
aan.U of ahrep were kilhil in a atorm
on the range of tlua county during the
pnnt week. Some owner ht a
third of their rWk. Put few kinili
anrvlveil '
max mealing and demonstration at
once. It la aald tranquility la being
rapidly MtablUbed in all part of the
country except a few border diatricte.
It i atated the revolutionary organisa
tion, bar decided to divert from ac
tivity two attempt on the livea of
ofllfiala. 1 s
Says Present Reform Movement Reveals Situation
of Brighter Promise to All Lovers of Good
Government Upheaval not Transitory.
Th Governor Advocate Publicity aa a Cur for th Evil of Graft Thar
la Nothing H Say, "A Corrupt Man Fear Mor Than Publicity and
an Aroused Public Coaadeaco. If People Awake, Grafting Caa Be
Stopped Through the Foroe of Public Sentiment."
IIOSTOX, Jan. 20. Five hundred
trailing bu.ineaa men of Itoaton, mem
ber of th Merchant.' Aociatlon, at
lrmle.1 th annual dinner of the orga
nbtatioa tonight and heard addreaaea by
(lovernor Folk, of Mi-oiui, Nluyo
Weaver, of .IHiiladelphia; AioernH
(Juild anj Mayor Fitagerald of thi
city. Cover nor tiuild in welcoming
tiovernor Folk and Mayor Weaver,
paid a high tribute to their achieve
ment a, Govrrnof Folk aaid:
"There hav lieen (treat veform mov
menta of a political nature in daya gone
by but they were merely bical. The
prrnt reveal, a ailnation of brighter
pronila to th lover of gHiJ govern-nM-nt.
Reform ahowa aign of becom
ing univerNil in.tead of local and tran
aitory. I'nlra thia Idi-a of civic right
now abroad in the land die out we
will pMi from the ae of aordid coin-men-ialiaiu
tu th age of high ideal.
F.vcn now wealth ia not worshipped
with th aame devotion it urd to be.
A new atandard baa U-en e.tabli.hed.
n'. yet old ju4 honealy, tluttj ia
"Tber ia nothing a corrupt man ot
tlio who make a buaineaa of violat
ing laws fear mor than publicity and
an arotlaed public ronacivnee. The
prison, might be filled with gia'tcra.
yet if th people wer IndilTcrent graft
lllinoia Steel Company Will Build a
Model Towa.
CHICAGO, Jun. 2II.-A iikmIcI loan
which wil la built by the Illinois Steel
Company In connection with is new
plant to lie constructed near Hulling
hui. In.l., will Iw nuiiaal Corcjy, iiy
honor of W. Kllia Corey, president of
the I'nited St.itea Steel Corjau at ion.
th parent concern. The town I to be
.built on the line of the mot ad
vanced and acienltlk idea of munici
pal reform.
It will contain, beside, model work
incn'a dwellings, public bath, laundries,
kitchens, ami othir municiiat enter
prise, and will have a theater and a
large assembly hall fur the me.-ting
of every description.
Th new plant will cost ultimately
rJO.OtW.ONtl to .'t0,00(),fl00 and will re
quire ten yeara for it building. There
will be twenty-aeven blat furnace
and fifty open hearth furnace, making
it the largest ateel plant in the world.
More than 12,000 men will be em
ployed in the plant.
SALT LAKE, Jan. 20. Six men
wen instantly killed in a anowalide in
the mining camp of Alpha yesterday
according to a meaaage received lofore
th telephone wirea broke. Effort to
gain further Information ar fruitl.
owing to condition of the wire nd
the deep now in th mountain. Al
pha ia twenty mile from Salt Lake.
ing would go on ju.t th Mine. On the
other hand very few might get where
they belong, yet if the people are
awake grafting can b topped through
th form of public aent intent. Th
grafter who make money at the ex
jiena of t Ire common good do not know
giaal from Iwd, all they know ja
wlirtlier it pay or not. They ara be
ing Uiught that official grafting, in
iiram-e grafting, tniat grafting, and
private grafting doea not pay and when
thia leaann aha II have been thoroughly
learned th revolution will be virtoriou
and reprrenttive government will be
"Th great et enemy to representa
tive government ia lawlea.nea. The
trtit magnate deflea the lawa of the
tat, agaia.t combine and mnnopoliea
and then call, for the protection of the
Mate for hi. property. The dram hop
ieople want th kw enforn-d against
th man who rob hi cah drawer, but
think, he ha a right 'to break the law
requiring hi. aahan to cloe on Sun
Ur. Th burglar deteata the law break
ing of th trust, but consider th t'
tut against housebreaking aa an in
terference with hi. peraonal lilierty.
Ill btaaller ha no ue for th pk'k
piakct, but think th statute against
bribery ia able. Uw. Kvery law batk
blue to the man who want to break
M. Taigny, Venetoslan Minitter. Will
Com to Capitol.
XKW YORK. Jan. 20. -A cable dis
patch to the Herald form
from Curacao, aays; '
M. Taigny, late French charge d'Af
faire. at Caracas, is under order, it i
refuted, to pn.eed to Wnshington and
rejairl to M. Jusserand, French ambaa
aador to the I'nHed State. He will
tHke the next avilahl steamship from
here, probably January 2th.
YKTORI.V B. C Jan 2ti-The flfty
three Russian released prisoner of
war who recently arrived by the Jap
anese liner Kanagawa .nam ui eea
home, having refused to go to Y'ladi
vostok when releaaed by tire Japanese
government, are reported to be in di-
tr and aUrvmg at Yancouver and
other point a in British Columbia, ,
Stat LegiaUturea Throughout Country
to Iaaugurat Reform.
NEW YORK. Jan. 20. A general
decision in insurance reform to be in
augurated immediately by th tat
legislature throughout the country
waa arrived at by the inurno torn
miaaloner of several tate who con
ferred today with the New York legia
lature' committee.
"lig Aim" Profeaaor Make 6on Draa
tic Football Deciaioaa,
(IIICAf Jan. 20-FootbaJI waa
dealt a ataggering blow by representa
tive of the farultiee of th "Hig Nine"
Weatera college. They recoramend th
abolishment of the game aa played at
present, that tun Ameriraa football
rule, rommittne make mm h modifica
tion of the playing 'rule will free
tli game from bru'ality and nnecee
ary danger, and in i-a-e where the al
teration ara not aufTicient a confer
irm deli-(fte, romniitte of it own
will make th rule. They recommend
that player have aa many recitation
during the football season aa any time
oft the year, that the .faculty have
charge of the gate receipt, and that
no player having received hia degree
shall la? eligible, that th roach .hall
be a member of the faculty and the
numlier of game each season be limit
ed to five.
(1.KVKI.AX1). Jan. 20. Tb Leader
tomorrow wil say tli market prior of
window glass wilt be controlled by aa
absolute nioniMily. Th American
Window Clar Co., and the National
window Olas Co., having agreed t.t
at ii-k together on price.
Revolution in Ecuador is a Live
ly Affair.
Fickle People. Firat Follow On Leader
and Then Depot. Him to Seek An
other Rioting it Continual ia Quit
Among Inhab:1ant.
GUAYAQIIL Jn. 20. General Al
fero occupied Quito Thursday. A
Junta of notable person met in the
government palace today and formed
the new government. Y' ice -President
Mjoreno aiimed executive power and
appointed a new ministry which lasted
one hour. Rioting followed. The peo
ple attacked the prison and liberated
th political prisoner and captured the
police barrack obtaining a number of
rifle. Rille shot, afterward were heard
in all part of the city, and an attack
waa mad on the Cordon of military
in which many were killed or wounded.
The people, rejected Moreno and pro
claimed tJeneral Alfero president. Dur
ing hia abseuce Dr. Arvilo assumed
military authority.
The great panic during the evening,
during which tieneral Plaza, minister
from Kcuador to the I'nited States, who
ciiimi here to assume command of the
tnsips in their operation, against the
rcliel fM-aiied Toni th city and board
d a steamer for Panama. Later in
the evening quiet wa restored.
DKNYKR. Jan. 20.-Wil!iam Barnes,
car repairer, wa arrested today on
the request ' the authorities of Bed
ford. Indiana, charged with eompUVity
in the murder of Mis Shacfer, two
yeara ago.
VICTORIA, Jan. 20.-A dispatch
from Captain Davidson, of the wrecked
ship King David this afternoon, aay
the' vessel U a total wreck on Bajoa
Reef, although not broken up when he
left her. The span ar still standing,
but the steel hull is badly broken and
Moroccan Delegates Put
mm t a '
on mm Arpmem
umiraoami lomrmuee torn"
pletes Draft of Agreement
to Be Submitted.
Agreeent Will ProviJe For Difanat
Power to Prohibit Citizen' From
Exporting Arm to Morocco Bs
atrkt Coaat Patrol Moroccan Water
AU;KCIRAS, Jan. 20. The commit
tee examining the ' qneation of contra
band rompkrled a draft agreement
which will be submitted to tbe confer
ence Monday. The agr.ement while
temporarily aolviag the question seem
purposely framed to defer the main is
sue. Th drar't provide for various
power to prohibit their citizen from
exporting arm to Morocco and th
coaat patrol ia restiMed to Morocco'
territorial waters, but due not ay
who shall administer thi patrol leav
ing open the delicate Franco-Gennaa
controversy, whether Franca alone or
all the power shall exercia surveil
lance, until after the police quetioa i
Squadron Sail for Algiers.
TANGIER. Morocco. Jan. !. The
Amcricap cruiser squadron, commanded
by Rear-Admiral Charle D. Sigsbee,
sailed from her today for Algiers.
The American squadron was received
with great honors. Admiral Sigsbee
exchanged visiU with the Moorish
officials and other. Mr. Philip. Ameri
can Charge d' Affaire here, organised a
wild boar hunt and also an evening
dance for th officers of the squadron.
Increase ia Wat Budge of Franca.
PARIS. Jan. 20. According to M.
Klotz, reporter for th war budget in
th Chamber of Deputies, the eatimate
for l!a1 ihow an increase in th war
expenditure of nearly SOO.OOO over
1XKS AXGELKX, Jan. 20. A a re
sult of the running amuck today of
Manuel Samura, a Mexican laborer,
Saniura i dead, and one man seriously,
. i . i. . .
eui.anu several outers wounucu s m
garding oinip iu thi city. Samula be
came imvns-d at lii seat given him
at the mea table, and suddenly whip
ping out a kr.ifc ran along the tab!
bihing everybody within reach. The
foreman of the camp met him outside
the tent and ordered the Mexican to
throw down hi knife Then Samura
started for him with th knife uplifted.
The foreman ahot the laborer in th,
back of the neck inflicting a wound
from which he died shortly afterward.
full of water. Davidson think Mat
Wallatrom and six seamen who left the
wreck to seek assistance were drowned
by the swamping of th boat in" the
h.-avy gale of December 23rd. Tb dis
patch add the schooner Turner wa
towed from Bunby Island by th
Queen City and is at a safe anchorage.