The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 20, 1906, Image 8

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Some of the Good Things
Fresh This Setson's Crop
Very line Manaauill olive Muffed with olive.
Manaauill "lives, stuffed with Fiemento.
Mammoth Vra olive. nne.t ever oa tli market,
llciuae t Mb tuc. Ileiiuc' India Relish.
Sonielhifg new aad Very HA
Ileimie Pur Mall Vinegar. Put up in quart bottle at
Whew they Vf good thing to eat
Lawyers Argue Meaning of lord
la Wilt Ceatwrt Use lawyer Ask
Witeees (iMiN ia .Wnica ia tat
Wart -Camprrtxad- WiUa Deea
X Uaderstahd Veaaisg WarA,
SEW YORK, Jan. 19. TV meaning
of the word 'comprehend" hinn a
matter of argument yesterday at the
trial of the suit brought by heir ia
California to up-t the will of Franc u
Asbury Palmer, who dipod of sev
eral ' BiillioB dollar. Suprvnie Court
Justice Dudro tent out for a dictionary
and directed the witnese on the aland,
Dr. Austin Flint, to take the meaning
a given there a the authority.
Dr. Flint had been aiked a long hypo
thetical question embracing the teatl-mony-
about Mr. Palmer who made bit
will a few day before bia death, wbea
be waa 80 year old and oequeatbed the
bulk of it to the Francie Abury Pal
mer Fund, a religiout institution. The
teatimony hat tbown that after hfl be
came a widower Mr. Palmer waa aur
rounded by ministers to whose appeals
for money be turned aa indulgent ear.
Dr. Flint was expected to anawer
whether in hi opinion Mr. Palmer wat
competent to comprehend what be wa
doing when he made bia will.
Dr. Flint remarked
-Well that all dependt what yoa
nifaa by 'eompreiieDd'."
ItAuaten G. Fox and FVman B.
Candler, the opposing lawyer begaa
explanation concerning the ni'-aning to
be given the word, which Jutl-e imaro
rut abort by senJing for the dictionary.
Dr. Flint then answered that lie did
not believe Mr. Palinr did compre
hend. Dr. William Mahon, of Albany, and
Dr. ''CarWStiJDrtiiaW were also e-
amined and gave imilar tetiieony.
The trial eonfinuei t.lay7
Suaea B. Speaka Advocating Wouaa's
CHICAGO, Jan. 19. A campaign fur
Women SurT.-reg in Chicago waa atart-
ed kt night at a maaa meeting at
Abraham lineola Center.
Addre were mad by Mi Jane
Adam of Hull Houae, Jenkin Lloyd
Jones, of AU Soul Independent church
and other.
Mayor Dunn sent a message expres
sing hearty aympathy with tha movement
Susan B. Autbony aent tha message
to tha meeting:
"O, do what you can in Chicago now.
It ia your great opportunity. If you
mi it. it will be a grief to tha whole
If fjif plan go tlrougfa
Chicago will witneaa a atrong campaign
for "Women' right." Petitiona will
be circulated and the co-operation of
every woman'a club in tha city will be
asked to aid a great central committee
in the organizing of every ward and
precinct. Delegatea armed with fact
and figure will descend upon the con
vention, which J to evolve a new char
ter for Chicago.
Britiah Calumbia aad Ornea Ketau
Lumber Daalara Advice List.
SEATTLE. Jan. 19.-Folh.wing the
example act by the Washington Retail
Lumber Dealer, the retailer of Britiah
Columbia and Oregon have advanced
their lint. Tha demand at present i
strong, despite tho fact that thi ia
the off-season in the retail lumlier busi
dch on tha coast
January I. the retailera of Seattle ad
vanced their list on rough lumber H
per thousand feet locally, and fi er
thouand feet f. o. b. Seattle for de
livery eat The advance achedule
rough lumber at - in the city, and
10JO f. o, b. .Seattle for eastern tra.i.-.
here wa not known until lata ia the
day. He met aevr-ral of theaa friend
but upon what buinea did not Iran-
pire. Thnnigh hia rtary he nt
out word to hit houae lat night tbat
ha waa not well and it waa becauae of
that that he bad returned to New
York City.
Ia Senator Ik-pew's illnoa trrioua?
Ia he routined to hi bed? The accra-
tary waa aaked.
So. waa the reply, "it lt a
bad a that but tha Senator did not
feel ixmal to remaining in Wahington.
and beside, he had other reeone for
coming What thoaa reaMNi were
I cannot Mate."
In reply to a direct o,ucation thJ
ecretary aid.
I can tell you positively that the
senator haa not tlie leant intention of
reMining from the I'nited Statea Sen
tliarle Siwuldintt. a nepln w of S na-
tor IViiea-, ld that hi um-le had taken
a cold a few daya ago and tlii had re
sulted in a alight lndiipiilion.
At the dinner of the tranportatKn
club lat night it waa aunounced that
Mr. Depew. who i president of the
club, wiaiU be unable to attend on ac
count of illnea.
Mr. Depew ia in F.urope.
Judge Treata Educated and Uneducated
All Alike.
XEW HAVEN, Conni, Jan. Ifl.-.Mm
D. Shirk, Tipton, lnd a Yale juiiir.
waa bound over to the- Superior Court
yesterday charged with aaaultiiig Hugh
-I. Connelly, a bartender, and breakinji
hi k-g. Connelly wa sent to a hos
pital. Jude Tiiter, coin incut ing on the ng-
gelion that a eah penalty be imMed
and aaid he had no sympathy with the
position taken by Miirk, and addl
"Because a nmn i a student, i mi
r-aaon hit should not m punished like
anv one el-e. He come into thi court
The Baltimore k Ohio Bailroad
Commerebg Sunday, November '10,
tia W t. tha Roval Blue Limited, will
, , ., ion the same footing with a eonl heaver
leave Grand Central paaaenger etatlon,;"" f .
and ai l oe in?uieu mi ur sni nm
rm r . . J OA .
uucego at a p. m ipi oi v. MrtitiML
and will arrive ia Pittsburg at 0:30 a.
m, Washington a't 4:40 p. ni., Baltimore
S:S0 p. n. Philadelphia, 8:19 p, m. New i
York 10:40 p. m. the eame aa with the !
old achedule. thus reducing the timejB"t 'or Hh ta en Annual Ac-
oae hour and thirty minutea. No exeea counting.
fare will be charred on thia faat limited XE' V)HK. Jan. l.-Zeno If.
train. All other train will arrive and : insurance .-oinniisioner of Wisconsin who
depart the same at formerly. Stop-over)" merest of in-uran.
it allowed at Washington, Baltimore tnd
Philadelphia, not to exceed ten daya, at
matter in hi State, In-t nilit anid
The let remedy for all tli ill in
each place, on all fintlaaa through the life inauran'-e Im-ius- i actual
ticketa. f j annual accounting and distribution of
: iirplu to policyholder. The mxt
I iniHrtant step i to limit the expense
ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE. 'of w biwinea by prohibiting ex..
ive commission to agent for aeciiring
new biisine. Proliibit by law the ue
of proxies and comp4 insurance oun-
panie to permit their policyholder to
vote either in person or by mail. In
my opinion, the life insurance situation
ia auih a to warrant a special ses-ion
of the lejfiBlatiie of Wisconsin, if only
BMaarr baa Ptwvee Ikat Daa4rwtT b
Caaasi kr a
Science la donlg wonder thee dar ia
mullein aa well a In mechanlca. Slno
Adam lived, the human race haa beea
troubled wlib dandrult, for which no halt
preparation haa bxretoWe proved a sue-
pMfnl nnra until VutMi1, ll.pnUM. mma
pat oa tb market. It la a acleotlflo prep-1 14 ,''t th 1 n,w , j" '
ration that kills the germ that makaa
oandrun or acurf by dlralnf Into the
scalp to ft at the root of the hair, where
It sap tbe vitality; cauelnf Itchlne; acalp,
fallina hair, and finally baldness. With
out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly.
It I tha only destroyer of dandruff.
Sold by leading- druggttta. Bend lte.
In ata m pa for aample to Tbe Herat.
clda Co, Detroit ills-
VICTORIA. B. C, Jan. la An M
taaa dispatch say the Allan Line ha
been awarded the contract for carry in;
Store, 331-85J Bond St, Uh Canadian Mail on the Atlantic U
f . 7.4 the next five yer on condition of bui
ing two new liner before 1907.
Depew Returns to New York From
. . ' . - ,. -.v.. c... o relalivra. the relimlnd.t of the rev-
' rmu. i.. 1mi iuLI lh ai-aJcmv anil the
I or I iiiatea aa ao bctwi uyr-w
aay Ha Has Na Intention of Rettgn-i ,
' ui ..r liU .un kniLt tiiirfliers
Davtapart Academy of Science Gets
Rick Doaatioa.
CIIICAliO, Jan. Ill.-A .liil.h to
the Record Herald fituii DavenMirt, la.
lly the term of the Will of W. C.
Putnam, oja'ned her yesterday the
lhucnport Acad-my of S,ien'e be
come iirosiiceiively on of the most
richly einlitwe.l lii-tituthm of it kind
In the world,
Mr. hit nam Ml an estat of iTt!,
uni, with provision for llmiled iimunc
ing From Senate.
NEW YORK. Jau, 19. -Senator Depew
who reached Washington Tuesday nigh
returned here early yesterday. F-ee
at the death of hi limiting brothers
atid lsler. Her art rulhvlkm and li
brary, each the niol valualdo private
mlliH-tion in the etate. am left to the
academy, with provision for a rtre pnail
building III hh-h they are t be In-
11 tlhl
Mr. hitnaui had U-en lending nnan
to aoiue of hi friend bia prewiKs. . ier ami buines. man of IXucnport f
New York City Beer Manufacturer
Will Join Force.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. A plan i un
der wy for forming into a combine all
tli bin breaerie of thi city, accord
ing to the Journal of Commerce. The
beer combine is. it I said, to be com
posed of neveral smaller iviubines, each
to 1 known a a "series" and to have
a paid up capital of tl'l.iKm.OOil. H hat been decided hat breweries
shall con' tit lit "series A ami th" pro
moter are now at work on the detail
of the merger. Plans for th forma
tion of "series" have also begun.
The parent roriralin will I known
a the Brewers' Bond A Securities Com
pany for the iiMsirporatioii of ahich a)
cert illcate has liecn issued.
In "seric A" are flv brewing com-
panics, three of which have their plant
in Manhattan and two in Brooklyn.
They are the Consumers' Brewing Com
pany., of New York, Limited, The On-
;r:il Brew ing Co., I lie Kvivl-ior llrew ing
'iiiinuiy of llnsiklyn, the India Wharf
Co., of llroolslyn. and tin- l-i"n Brewing
Merchants Indorse Jobben Setting
Direct to Retailers.
Report From Chicago, Baltimore, aod
Other Folate ia Wett aad South Art
to Eflect That Coat of Doing Buainet
it Cheaper.
NEW YORK. Jan. In, The llrst gen
eral session of the National Wholesale
Dry tiissls Association, held lure yes
terday brought out the important tact
that 3 per cent of the drygood manu
facturer and commission merchant In
the I'nitid State have Indorsed in
writing th position of the Jobber with
reference to telling direct to retailer.
Thi Information was sent to th asso
ciation in th form of a report from
the special committee appointnl at th
last annual meeting.
Tli letter were suit out from car
fully compiled to every branch of
tbe trade, stating clearly and frankly
the position of the Jobbrr. th demor
alisation then existing being on of the
principal point mdc Rejdic began
to flow in at once, according to th re
port nd in almost every i st a nee
hearty sympathy with th jobber
tiews were expressed." Only '23 per
cent of th letter sent out now remain
unanswered. Th report a a received
with apphius and the committee, con
Rejsirts from Chicsgo. St. bull, Bui
timor ami other points in th West
aud South were to the effect that the
eot of doing business in tlow cities
had decreased in ll"t-". The a-s. ition
now claims to' represent H.'i jx-r is-nt of
the Jobbing trade of the country.
Resolutions expressing admiralion for
rlie character-of tb it Marshal Field
and regret ou r bis deutli were passed.
Electric Fuse Burn Out in Theater
Frightening Audience.
NEW YORK, Tan. 19. During a per-formiim-
by .Miss Ola XetherMil t
tlie llarlein lierai House lat night, an
electric fuse burned out in the upper
gallery. Firemen playing hand grande
on the blaze, nearly caused a panic at
well is a fight among scleral person
who were drenched. Sytii'-ons in the
ilre-s circle hearing the shout cried
"Fin-!" and a panic was narrowly
averted. The spectators all over the
house stood up and many started to
have .tlie theater. fi N'ethersol
rushed to th front of the stajfe anil
appealed to the audience which after
somii moment , waa reassured, Th
performance wat then resumed.
Imperfect Digestion.
Mean lea nutrition and in conse
quence lea vitality.. When the liver
fail to accrete bile, the blood become
loaded with biliou properties, th
digestion become impaired and the
bowel constipated. Uaibine will rectify
this; it give ton to th stomach,
liver tnd kidney, strengthen th
appetite, clear and improve th com
plexion, infuse new IK and vigor to
th wholt system. SO cent a bottle.
Sold by BarVadrug store. ,
" Beauty and grace from
no condition rise;
Use Pears,' sweet maid'
there all the secret lies."
Sold vsrv.r.
Dr. Reed's
Cushion vSole
Death on
Easiest Thln Yoa Ever Put
on Yoor Feet Sold by
543 Bona Street 0pp. Sot Hlggina k Co.
Wniilng f the
1 .. .. -
TJT. it-M . Iv'TtTTTO
See window dUpray of !5c aad 3ie copy righted bit all th latest
while they last , , '
10c PenCopy
Wednesday Evening
We will put in a display of het -mtrtrstandard classitwl works,
music on which copyright haa expird that tell regular at 10c, 13o and
Only 6c jaer. copy
Twenty pkee for ic Watch this talei It will be a hummer.
-- , i .f - : -. .
a i-i
Three Routes,
to the EasB
Central or Scenic, by wiy of Colorado,
thence to Chicago, Kanaaa City or St Louia via
Rock Island System. t
Southern, by way of Los Angeles and
1 Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansaa City or
St. Louia via Rock Island System.
Northern, by way of, Minneapolis and
St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island
Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct
connection In Union Stationa at all three, for
11 important points in Eastern and Southern
Pull Information, with folder "Acroe tha Continent
la a Tourlet Sleeping Car," aent on requeet.
a. h. Mcdonald,
Oeneral Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third 8 tract, Portland, Ore.