16 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, JARUAIY to, A The Deputy Game Warden By CLARA TAYLOR OpyrtX, x l C. C JMrerito Harry Taylor. Tale graduate and all round good fellow and a general fa write, although It waa known that he bad no fortune, bad goue Into the Main wood with a party of campers who. 111 himself, could but well afford the eason at Newport A it was the ekiee season for atl kind of big pinto, (boy mad little pretense of bunting. They had been In the wood for a wfek or tea day when Nick Barton, the game warden for that district hap pened that way and wa put up for the atght. Before leaving In tbe morning he a id to young Taylor: ,. "Look here, now. I have got to go out of the woods for a week, but It wont do to Wart thia district without warden. There at plenty of ramp tea coating to. and some of them will run any rtak to secure the antler of a Moat. I've got to tear deputy be hind bm to travel about and watch, and Tm wondering why yoa wouldn't fill tb blU." "I hare never acted a a policeman yet replied Harry, with a mile. "Bat this la a tar different thing. naO giro notice to all the camper I wwme across that a deputy has beoa left In the woods and that any Inter tforeac with the game law win bo ttaly and rigorously punished." "But suppose I And tbe law being vio lated and make an arrest" "AD yoa hart to do Is to take your CMter before the nearest justice of peace and auto your case. It Isn't over tweaty-flve miles to the nearest magistrate. It will beat fishing and dawdling around all hollow." Farther objection were made and combated, and the upshot of the mat ter was that Harry Taylor was duly and legally appointed deputy gam warden In and for a certain district j TafflflubodT there for the next two I minute and stared. He had at last recognised Mln Bessie Whiting, dans tar of the banker. II had met her half a doaea times la society, and It waa whispered around the clubs aud else where that he had been more than "at traded." But she was the last person be expected to Uirvt in the deep woods of Maine. "Our camp Is ouly two wiles away," she explnlued as lie gave her a hand to help ber out of the cunoe. "I came up the pond hoping to get a shot at a wild fowl, but I have had great luck. While 1 waa resting and looking around a great moose pushed his way through the bUHhea to drink, and. though I Ored ouly one shot, I brought him down. 8uh antler: Why. all the girls la the City will envy me w ben I get back. IH you think they will hare It In the pa pers r "I am very much afraid so," he said tu a serious Tolce. "Why, what la Itr "Iidnt your father or brother tell you that It Is against the law to shoot a moose this time of year?" Why. no." "Well, It ta. and you have, as I said, laid yourself liable to a heavy floe. There may be Imprisonment as well. but I am not sure about that" "And what-wbat am I going to dor he aaked In faltering tone. "If you aud I keep still about It bow are they to know that I shot the mooter' 1 i ouioi: u of . . ... . - . . . KM, Situations Wanted Advertisements InserteJ Twice Without Charge. HELP WANTED. LRARX 1 CLEORArilT AND R. R Accounting. ISO to l&OO a month sal iry assured our graduates under bond. Dur ail schools the largest ta Amtrtoe tad endorsed by all Railroads. WrIU for catalogue. WORSE SCHOOL OF FEXJEQRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0, Buffalo, X. Y, Atlanta, Ca, La Croat, WUv, Tax trkaae, Ttt, Baa Fraadseo, CaL .VTr.l r.nergetie. trustworthy man or woman to wtrk in Oregon, repre- enting ljrjjv Manufacturing Company alary fW tu $!H) per month, paki week Ivi rxprni adtauccd. Addret with tamp. J. II. Moore, Aturi, Or. LADIKS ONLY READ THUS If you honestly wink to make money, and will caarats the women of your local' There's where the trouble comes la I Uy, w have the article for jouj pat You see, I am a deputy game warden. and It Is my duty to arreet yoa and that you are punished." And I've got to go twenty Uv mil through the wood with your The nearest magistrate la that dis tance away." The girl sat down on a log and began to abed tears. It would be la the pa pers wun a. vengeance ahe were brought before the law. Alter regaruiug ner with a aympa thetic look for a moment young Tay anted; guaranteed, and great ssllerst end 60 cents for complete sample t money refunded if ' not satiafactory. Ramoaa Novelty Agency, 03 4 Mohtwk Bldg, Fortlaad, Or. WANTED: YOUNG MENi PREPARE yourtclve to fill th position that will b mated as fast as the aumcrou railroad eooiplet their extensions during 19O0; talariet paid telegraph operator lor made bia way down to the edge of to 1J0 per month w prepar yon the pood to look at the tuoove. That at hom by mail first and you can (titer the animal bad fallen at the discharge our school later, saving 1 to 2 month' of the rifle aud rlouudered about forlwrj lntt tuition t writ for our term today. Pacifio Coast School of Tele graph, Portland, Ore. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED House keeping room. 571 Commercial. FOR SALS. rOR BALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL- umn newspaper outfit; complete es 3vt p !: cheap, inquire U mis ot ic. .1 AJt A DKPCTT OlHI tllDR, AXO IT U XI Di rt TU AKJU9KT XOU." until sach time a relieved. He hadn't the slightest idea of bestirring biniMelf as an official, aud It never occurred to blm that be would be call"! uion to exercise bis otllrlul authority. The unexpected was gettiug ready to huppen, however. , Four days uf ter the departure of the warden lim deputy took a stroll UirouU the wood with gun upon his shoulder. It wait simply a matter of coim-lem-e with hiui. aud be did not iuteud to tire hiiiiM-if out He bad beard of iio cuuiiktm witbiu a dozen mileit, and he was therefore cou klerably turpried at bejiniii; Die re port of a ride a ijuartir of a mile from where be aat retiug uinler a uee. He knew that Uie Drearui bud beeu iii hargel on the shore of a uutl fur rouuded by thickets and kuowu the bauut of the uiooe. It was Inure than 'likely thut whoever the hunter uiiglit be, he had tired at a niuofe und vio late! the law. There was a feeling of authority lu the youug liiun's breunt si hv pUirted out to ruu down the violator. He did bot hare touch trouble about it. As he neared the lake he heard a wounded aniuial thrufhiiig about In (lie gras and water, and, getting Mill nearer, be could distinguish a person in a cauoe. That person washokiiiig the diM barged rifle across Li knee a he sat aud watched the dying struggles of bis game. The canoeist, was wearing a nondescript garb, and it waa three or four minute before young Taylor loade up bia mind as to sex snd mut tered to biuiself: "By Jingo, but It's a. girl amter, and ahe has surely shot a moose! What the deuce am I going to do ajwut arresting Lor and conveying ber twenty-fire mites tbronxh the woodsr Two or three minutes later the moose for it waa a moose, and a big bull at that ceased bis struggles, and the ca noe was paddled to the bank. That'f right-come ashore." called Taylor. "Do yoa know that you have -killed a moose in the close season and thereby subjected yourself to a heavy fie if not to imprisonment a well? am a deputy game warden, and It 1 eay duty to place you under arrest" Ta It is It Mr. Taylorr Inquired a girlish vote as the canoe waa slowly ftoshed through the grass to the Una bore t 1&JPtf yoo-joaV sereral minutes was a fact beyond dispute. The branches were broken aud the grass all beaten down, but there was no moose. The bullet had hit an antler and stnuned him. and on coming to the cunning anluiu had skulked away with no more noUe than rabbit, He said nothing of this. however, on bis return to the weeplpg girl. "When when are you going to take nier she asked as she looked up through ber tear. "Well, I supiiose we ought to go to camp and see your father first I don't eisctly see what be can do In the mat ter. bur- Mr. Taylor, you must get me out of this scrspe somehow. Why, I'd be a perfect laughingstock If the papers got bold of it Can't father pay th amount of my fine to you 7' "He might but there's the Imprison ment yoa ee. Can yoa say that you thought the moose wss an elephant or a rhinoceros V "1-4 caa't tell a lie, Mr. Taylor." "Can you say that yoa sbat your eyes wheu you pulled the trigger?" "N-o-p-e." "But there must be a way of saving $5.00 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR you," he said aa he sat down on the tb return of Chine certificate No. log beside ber. "I think you shot at a of SXong gbM Moy( ..bout S . TV . , . . , , wk sgo. Return to Wing Chin Chong. went off by accident As yet I have " " not seen the desd moose, snd I csn't ' YYB RALE-CHEAP HORSE. BUU- 1. T-.s.taw A Aa AS. I yy tUHl BMi-gjCMsj UJtllJ aKajiwaaaaea) vi BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. GUM WAH CO. Restaurant 7l Astor St Aitoria, 0r. All kinds el mtaU. ltoo4lM and Chop Suy. T0KC POINT OYSTER HOUSE. Etra and Sboalwater Bay Oyster Steak. Chop, Ela, Open day sod Bight. Uth St, axt to Sculry's etgtr store AOKERAQt, , C J. TKENUIIARD Real Istate. Inure, Cmmlal and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSC IR0KER. Offlee m Ninth Street, Neat te JueWe Otllea. ASTORIA, ORIQ0N. DENTISTS. DR. T. I BALL, DENTIST. C: Commercial Hi Astoria Orsaon, LAUNDRIES, F1RST-CLA8S MEAL for 15c; nics c, coffee, pic, or doughnuts, 6c, at IT. 8, Restaur- aat 434 Doud SL BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always fiud the beet 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 r-nmmercialSt. The Troy Laundry The nly white laber laundry let tK elty. Deo the beet we Hi at reateaabl pries and la la every way worthy at yeur patronage, Dr. VAU0IIAN, Dkntist Fytblan Building, Astoria. Oregoa, Dr. W. 0. LOGAN , DEKTIBl (71 OomoMraal Pi, fiaanahaa BaOdlag 10th and DUANI St ftiene 1ML PROFESSIONAL CAROi. PHYSICIANS, TAILORING. E. MARTINSON Fin merchant tailoring, Room 8, over Cooper' itore, K. of P. Building. As toria. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord weed, mill wool, bos weed, any kind of wool at lowest prices. Kslly, the transfer sua. Thoa Mala, Bara ta Twelfth, eppealtt epera aotts. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHQF.ON iatlnf AsiiUMit lanrma C.a Marts HubsJUU Harriot. Ot&M hour: u to It s-m. I to 4:H am 4T7 ComnwrclsJ Street Ind Floor. DR. J. P. GORAY. 6pciaUt EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT so$ Ortjonlaa Buildiag. PORTLAND .... OREGON DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, ataosall Building Talephooa lUd KWI Astoria, Oregon SEASIDE DIRECTORY. U-. - '!' A JB-JltU-lt- I B5 WOTES AND LIQUORS. THB GEM As up to-dat retort for 0atlata. Choice Wine, Liquor and Cigars. CWs u a call and w'U do the rest, 0. E. HUNTER, Prop, Seaalds, Ore. I ll II WOltKISOMKS'S HOTKU OSTEOPATHISTS. DR. SH0DA C. HICES 08TB0PATV OrBc lfaruwt, Bid, Photo Black toil ITt Commerclsj St, Aitofta. Ore. Good bosrd sad clean bsds. Nly rtnovsttd throughout L. It. Abercrombie Prop. Corner Hlh and Exchange 8U, (Formerly Kehalrra Houm.) t OOOOOOOOOOCXX)0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW LOST AND FOUND. LOST-ELK TOOTH WATCH CHARM on gold tyickt. Finder plea leave st this office and recelv reward. will give testimony I thluk"- expect that you agalimt yourself. "What" "If you are to be In the woods for tbe mouth, and if 1 stay here as well, and if I vlMlt your (imp every day to see that the law Is not being violated, aud If you Und I a in not ultoicrtuer al together Indifferent, why .why" A month Inter as they were getting ready to go out of the woimW Ml Bctle said: "Whut do you think Iwhuiiip of the Ixxly of that luooe? Father und Fred went fr the horns next day, but the body hud mysteriously dinipeurttl.' IfUSIC TEACHES. WAXTKD TIIRKE MUSIC IXI'ILH. Inuir at Attorfan oflice. MANDOLIN LKSSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. JUST A MOMENT! ip jp it SECOND HAND DONKEY" KNUINEa for sale, suiUble for lopRing and hoisting purposes. For deTiptnn ana "I think the Ixidy walked off on its price apply to F. D. Ku. ttner, Aitoria own legs lef.rw we gut through talk- Orecon. liijf." he truthfully answered. Her vyv flnlil fur a inonient, and then lie I'IiihIhiI nml suiiled and said: I dido t think there wan HUcb a mean man lu all this world." HOUSE WANTED Fummhed bnu wanted; no children; responsible parti . Addres "S. C." care Auiritn. A Skrrldaa Rrlvrt. KUliiinl Hrlnsley HherlUan always maintained that the I Mike of Welling ton would succeed In 1'ortuiral. while bis frleud General Tarleton bad the opinion that he would fail. Tbe mat ter was one of constant dispute be tween the two. Tarleton, who bad been wrong, grew obstinate. Consequently, when the news of the retreat of the French at Torres Vedss arrived la England Sherl dan. by way of a taunt, said: "Well, Tarleton, are you on your bitch horse still V ' "Oh, higher thsn ever," wss the reply. "If I was on a horse before, I am on an elephant now." "No. no. mr dear fellow." said th wit; "you were on an ass tfore, and yoa are oa a mule now." Mil till i -ilia left over will be sold at great reduction. lafalllblo. It you would have your porter clean yeur I deed ImiTUuuUlelr, tak th blotter H That serves tor cover, straight vn all thins out Tur perter. b It understood, who -doot doe That needful thing , bat lets It ( snd go W nr. malt a lltu not tb blotur on Of soms Important tblna and a away And huar haatea back to quick refresh Xur BMa'ry with tb annotation' l(ht And sot a blotter cover spotless, new. All things ta order, but no stnd trace fragment whereon what yoa want was wrttl -Jttw Orln Timet-Democrat. Alto big discounts offered on all regular lines. Yokohama Bazar sV Commercial Street, Attort HOTELS 1 HOTEL PORTLAND ORTLANO, OUt We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING t We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . & je Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. 56 J8 ejC The J. S. Dellinger Co. 60XXXXX300COCXXXXXX Makers of All Kinds of Books Corner Commercial and 10th Street OCXXX5COOCOOOOOOOCOCCCOCC)0?CX)OCOCCO Astor i an Building ; 00000000000000 rr.M Hotel In th Nortnwa