The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    tttp. xfnrVTVfi ASTrmTAtf. ASTORIA. OREGON.
a .led Aadr to tk hW plae.
k .trnejur. while 1m tad hi
went to Furt 8tva matter
business. Thi tit Finn did willing-
x iy eough. and Mr. Jo and his so
departed never dreaming of th. i-
Ous Anderson StaU Money Fiom ck a rt feikur .k. .
7, K, , , ' their property, (for t. oWa mom;
Mf. Ne JOne. . v.tteU th. property
. '... J,u) i hut when thev I ar-kecier Mint
""""" returned U the briu houe, thei I morning of yesterday tad handed him
':.:' '. .u at that substitute tco- I back the pure; that hi money wa
net AM nDltUKFM SPt IHHiE . .w. k.... .l,mJ .verr other it. or he suouoaed it was; that th
avaW wa weave - - UI'I . Bir4 I
' ; and disagreeable -sign n
'needed to eoavinc them tbey had been
i. in infirrntn nnnrnr aa iri-. i
i;,iAiiiiiio oniLiici!
Caatared by tlx Mm He Had Wrong Jurt why Mr. Jonee did aot nm to with the man ho wronged
w i;swehr Takes Saefnl Bant tb. -it. ,t once aad put tn omoere i rapture
Stoaty Dollar b Recvecd Mx to th outrage kaa not yet bees I ioB-
m a . rirruit Court Bail Moo ..JulnMl. ttnt k did not come alter
MM V - . - l
!.k. tkir ii(i1 eartv vesterda? mora
'properly plundered.
'end br himself, hoping to spot th
Gu Aaderson, a atari, trow,. criminal He wa. entirely .uee..ful
atupidlookl Finn, aged S3 yew tor he was on. of th. r,t h.
plIl -guiKy- ta Jutk Good.'. w .ft" roachng the city, )"
iort.y.t,rd.y.nenioofctoth..wor. thWf whhi. arm. reach of him. h. naUW hhn and at.rted for to.
t,nJCT for CUtsop county o. th. lwwhk him. Tki. happened in t nton-
l A Oark hrids. with or thli city, town, pui r -
chargiiif him with deliberately Iteal
inx two neckties, 4 pair of gold cuff-
when th. roctie krok. away from him
and ran UW. lijrthnwg for tio
huUona, a revolver, and two ftun-.ironi, mt. -.
drl and fifty dolUr. in coin of the'. 11 tb. apoed he po. caUia, out
nabn, from him. th. .aid Jone, onjtop thief t every jump. Thi. wa.
Wednmday of thi. week. 4 'th. cry that moved Mr. Unr.ter
"When found bv th. officer, luieriere -
. ' .1 I .,11.1 In Uxml cantur. of th.
Mnniin. in iiw hi i ii nuuu vi i - r .
vmj j, i
vr.. . tl Tin.nm.twr. nt th. Stan- purloiner,
j 3 n nm in thi. eitr. Proce wa iu.-d from the of
IUUU VII vviin'--; " . . , .
. , v. .4 .v. In nr th Dutru't Attorney without
wiia mi nnuiinv una . km v. - -
Mr. Jon. Tociferoua cry of "top
thief," h. had the aura of $72.20 upon
hi. penoa, part of hi plunder. beid
a rweipt for th. further aura of 1125.
giTa him bp Propietor Petemon. of
Um "Big Stride" saloon, who rlaima
fc. bad charge of that turn of money
for tb. thief over night but returned
it to him early yetrrUay morning.
Thar, vis mo ign of th. leer ar
ticiea alleged jio have been taken, and
Anderson swore b. knew nothing of
other; good and chattels.
It awms h. had been working for
torn, time past for Mr. S toner, a far
mer living at one end of th. bridge,
and Mr. Jone bad met bira frequently
and bad don. him some minor favors,
iut Amirinir to be absent for a few
... L.Ml
any few of tune, ana ne
before hi honor. Judge Goodmsn, where
h. pleaded guilty without negation
and . was committed to th. custody of
Sheriff Linville. for hi appearand b-
fore thei lton Circuio Court in dt
fault of ' $00 bail imposed by the
court below.
II. wa not one whit abahed. nod
aahamdl of hi prwfoaiuent. in the!
court-room, and.gav. a disconnected
story of bU antica to Deputy Pro.
cuting Attorney Abercrombia, from
which may b. adduced th. following
simple fact: That he atoto th. money;
that he cam. directly to town; that he
hunted up on. saloon aftar another,
nntil he arrived at th. "Big Swed."
wber. b. became enamored of a "fairy
hour, from th. briJg. on Wednesday, and lingered until broad daylight yea
la added to th. long chain of preceding one. During th. Big Em
broidery sale thi Great Old Sto present, th. appearance of a veritabl.
Tticano in activity.
Sever befor. hav. tb. good people of Astoria shown their appreci
atioa of our effort, to pleas, in such a demonstrative way. Wa ther.
as a reason and a good one, too. Th. public ha learned that thi stors
Mer trifle or juggje. with iti patrons confidence, that it U a depend
abl. tor. in th. broadest sens, of the word
That Its Advertising is Acurate Its
Bargains Real
That's why our advertising pay. Why people reepond ao Tigor.
oualy to our bargain announcements
Tou'v. just a hort tim. left to avail yourself
tioa on i
of tb. big reduc-
Coats. Skirts, Suits, Children's
Dresses and Dress Goods.
So matter what your tast. we've a styl. her. to suit in tb. article.
mentioned and they can b. bad mw at a saving to the purchaser of from
20 to 25 Per Cetit.
Where the New things Make Their Debut.
be accounted for in a manner more
satisfactory to th. officers handling
th. cav It k a peculiar style of do
ing busine to giva a man a receipt for
such a mm of money and return th
money wiUwutJ claiming tb. receipt
that i out for it; it may he attribut
ed to stupidity, but it i hard to fig
ure it jut that way. All th. officer
who bav. been in touch with th. esi
fail to account, upon any rrotuUl
hypothesis, for o extraordinary and!
careless a method of doing busines as
is disclosed, and th. matter will b. in
vestigated under proper auspices and
at th. proper time.
terdar morning; that h succeeded
'peeking 17780 during tb. twelv. or
(uiurteea hour b. wa In th. ealoon
aad about it. mostly for "bottled beer
at $1 SO per'; that befor. he retired
for the aight he depowted with the . n, .. Di
Ur keeper th. aam of $123. and took - rj.
hi receipt for it (which document wa
found on him a aforesaid); that tin-
to htm rly In the
bar keeper did not ask him for the r
ccipt; that he later started on his
ramble which resulted in hi mretitu:
and ' hii
II. mar hav. a clearer explanation to
I 'the thief, until early yesterday mora- make in the higher court, and it Is
ng whea b. mad a round of the west hoped he may throw some light on the
.n.i k. himself, houin to spot the matter of th. $123 which ha yet to
Mis Elisabeth Epping of Portland
is visiting in th. city thi week with
her aunt Mr. J. A. Devln.
C. Markham a resident of Seaside
lcut yesterday in town transacting
a A. Peck of Portland i in town
thi week on business.
01. Bracken of Seaside spent yester
day in town with friend.
J. F. Fletcher of San Francisco to
visiting a few day in town.
Robert Fink of BrookBeld wa is
the city yesterday tUnding to busi
ness inUrest.
G. E. Welter of Portland spent yes
terday in town on business.
Mr. Matt lloean was a visitor in
th. city yesterday for a short time.
X. P. Sorenson of Portland arrived in
ik eitv vMterdav to remain a few
. v
dav with friend.
I T tt.ilrv of Grav'a river i in
town for a short tim. thi week.
Miss Dorothy Epping a resilient of
Portland, wa a visitor in th. city ye
terdav with her aunt Mrs. J. A. DeV'
Joseph Effenbergvr of Nehaletn was
business visitor in Astoria yester
Mrs. Pulliam of Altoona spent ye
terday in th city on a brief shopping
Mi-s Callie Munon of Rkamokawa
in in the citv vesterday for a short
- .
Hugh McCormick wa in th. city
v.prd.v on business from hi I-
A. J. Xcl-on of Oystervlll. spent ye
tenfcy in town on buinoa.
Miss Margaret fcLaren and Mis C.
R. Pomerov of Rainier wera visitors
in Atori yesterday.
Vi-H fiorhoroiii'h of Cathlafflet Was
visitor in the city yesterday.
Jacob Bosshsrt of Warrenton w in
town etcrdr transacting business.
Mr. W. E. Carpenter left for Call
fornia on last night' 8:10 expre, for
an extended visit with trienus.
W. A. Barrow, the versatile artist
fisherman and iteamboatman of Chi
nook wa In town yesterday on bis way
horn, from a vilt to Portland.
Hard Luck.
Jacques and Seaborn, ta Portland
Major Guy Howard Agaia Uadv
Repair Captain MeVlckar" Dere
lict Hewt of Day Along Dock.
It begin to look aa though th. char
ter of th. French bark David D'Ang-
er. which must be fulfilled at Ta-
coma, by midnight on Saturday, will
be forfeited. Bh. ia now in th. lower
bav awaiting towage. Mi. wa to bav
gone hence on th. hawser of th. tug
Tyeedisabled a few day ago and forced
back to th. Sound ia distress. Th.
Sea Lkm sent out ia quest of the.
Tyee, was off thi bar yesterday and
wa supposed to b under order to
pick up th. DAngi-r and take her
round to Tacoma. but th. bar was too
rough all of yesterday, and If she
de not get away early thi morn
ing, she wil hav. to wait a new en-
giureineut. It wa th purpose of the
tug people htv to tow th. bark-out
and turn her over to th. Sea Lion
outside, but it could not b. don yea
The schooner Jamea Rolph went up
the river on th. line of th Oklaho
ma yesterday morning.
The finejiil tanker Asuncion got away
over the bar yesterday morning for
her Californian port of destination.
Th. ship Columbia com down on
tlwtowlines of the Harvest Queen yes
terday and i awaiting bar dispatch
in the lower bay.
The Harvest Queen returned up the
Th. Grip.
"Befor. w. can sympathize with oth
en. w. must bav. suffered ourselves.'
No one can realize th. suffering attend
ant upon an atack of th grip, unless he
ha bad the actual experience. There
is probably no dis aa. that causes so
much physical and mental agony, or
which so successfully defies medical aid.
All danger from th. grip, however, may
b. avoided by the prompt nse of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among
the ten of thousand who bav. nd
thi remedy, not on. eas. has ever been
reported that has resulted in pneumonia
or that has not recovered, for sal. by
Frank Hart, and leading druggists.
Jamaica lady Speaks Highly
ChcmtMriain'i Cough Bemedy.
Methusala was all right, you bet
For a good 'old soul wis he,
Tbey y h. would b. living yet.
Had h. taken Rocky Mountain Tea.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Franc and Venezuela are about to
break off ntlry their unfriendly relations.
M J4r
Th ' s "i ""''' " "" 1
The Great Sale
at the New
Bee Hive.
Have you been
treating yourself
to some of these
If not come in
and be surprised.
Bargains in every
Special bargains
tomorrow in
women's coats,
children's coats
and dresses.
See our window
for millinery
'Any Hat 89"
; A lot of chil- jij
ijj dren's hats 5c.
RKTinfrTTnvfl wpnnfpTTOWB
Of all Great Sales
going on Mi
Look at our Window and
SSetSf $4.65 Suits
river yesterday noon with the baik
Ucque ami th. schooner Seaborn on
her hawser.
The big Enwlish tramp steamship
Klleri. arrived in from fomox. It. t-
yeaterday afternoon and proceeded to
Portland in eharg. of Pilot Archie
esse. Kim will load gralntuffs out
of the metropolis for thine, port.
Th. I'ndin. cam. down from Port
Isnd, yesterday on the Lurline' run.
nd will be bak agsln liy. Mir
ha a Una new ihlstel and th-y are
o proud of it in the pilot house, they
Idow it on the slighte-l provocation.
Th. Jordan arrived on at-hedule time
from up river point )e-terday bring
ing among m-r ther consignments, tli
folloalng peoplei Mr. Capl. Cliarb-y
loiimn; T. K. Johnson, from Tens
lllihee; Frsnk White. Cathlamet; Mrs
II. F. lloiram. Sliamokawa; Mr, r- II
AHoona, llolwrt Frink. Brook'
itailrnad lie are at a discount off
thj f VdumMa river liar, according to
remit of Captain Mi Vh-ar of the liar
dint service, who say tbey re nal
ng riMind outside by the hundred.
hey carry mi brand and are simply
The I"orlland representative of the
owner of the aleaim-r iepsicn s
th. city yesterday and paid over
tlie sum of lisX), to Collector of Cus
toms W. L. In settlement of th
government' fine glnt hen ,
for lmpner boat equipmentrsnd auj
for being without Jigai hsi 01 ps
You take no Chance v
When You BuTT
From Us
Fancy Coodi and, Prices
Guaranteed to be the Lowest
Qnalliy Considered.
W. quote you fresh goods just la.
Heini Dill Pkkl-s, oiea ,.o
Helm Cut Sweet Pickles, pt. ......130
Beins plain sweet pickles, qt. ....15s
Phone Main Ml
123 Commercial fit.
Th quartermaster steamer Major
Ouy Howard, has again Wn laid off
for repairs to her machinery. The
Astoria Iron Work ha the work in
hand Th Howard Is but lately back
from Portland where she wa presum
ably, rigidly overhauled , and repaired.
The work done there must have been
poorly done, if it lasta no longer thon
in thia case.
The United State Lighthouse Ten
der Columbine, Captain Cba. Richard
son on the bridge, leave thi morn
ing for an extended cnils. In Puget
Sound waters. 8ha i. boded to the
guard with supplies of all. description
for th. variou ost and Sound sta
tion, from big can buoys to bobkln.
snd will b absent fro mtbr. week to
month. WhlU on th Sound th bot
of the handsome tender will be
' Worry I tb. mother of sick, nervous
snd troubled mentality, upsets tb. en
Ore physical system. Th. body is a Bet
work of nerves, Holllitor' Rocky
ifountla Ta soothes snd rebuilds the
I entire tvstem. 35 cents. Tea or Ttb
Tha Mofrfng Astorian, 664 a month. scraped and painted, under contract J ' j let. Frank Ilart, druggist.
to be let, and the Work will be doa at
Seattle, Quartermaster Harbor or al
Kile Harbor.
tuied Lnmbago.
A. B. Canman, cniesgo, write March
4, 10U3. "Having Uea troubled with
Lumbago, at different time and tried
on. physician after another then differ
ent ointment, and liniment, gave it up
altogether. So I tried one. mors, and
got a bottl of Ballard's Snow Lini
ment, which pvs me almoat instant
relief. I can cheerfully reeomrnand It,
and will add my nam. to your list of
sufferers Bold by Hart's drug store,
Ser. Ctrlltls P. B. Martin, L. L. D.
Of tWavrly. Txa. writes 1 "Of a
morning, when first arising, I often
find a troublesom. collection of phlegm
which produce a sough and Is vary
hard to dislodir.1 but a small auantitv
of Balard's Horohound Syrup will at
one dialodg It, and th trouble is over.
I know of no medicine that is equal to
It, and It la so pleasant to take. I can
most cordially recommend it to all per
ton needing a medicine for throat or
lung trouble." Sold by Hart' drug