I TOE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JARCARY, 17. ic. Itcre b CcfTet ind CcfTw tsi Coffee, tst Baiters' Barring'ton Hall, the STEEL CUT COFFEE Btt them all aad satisfies the meet f aetidieaa, 40 CENTS A CAN ... Cam m mar than in Other. Pare Mocha 4 Java Itntnt il I Mt way. Th cofieo heny U cut p (sot ground) by hairee of almast .5 akuyMw into email aaiform particle. Thus it it not crashed, U ft M nMtkad of sriadinr. aad the little oil eelm remeia labrokea. Tie eestBrfiS oil ffU nradactl eaaaot evaporate aai U metered iadcfiaitely. Thia to M mm way a pound of Barringtoa Ball will maka is to ao caps mere of full strength coffee taaa trill any cofl Iran ad the oil way. But tba real ajgnifieaace of Barring tea Ball Coffee ia that It eaa be sd without ill effect by thee who tad otdiaaiy coffee iajaree them. Try it A. V. ALLEN SOU ACESTS FOR ASTORIA. HELD TO ACCOUNT LatonU Stock Association Must Explain Business. STOCK SOLD WITHOUT RIGHT It ia AUtfc That i$ Shares of Stock Held ia Tnst, Wert Traaafrrd to Oeteide Partiea Without Warrant and Right qxaXXATI, Jan. 18. -Suit wa hegua ia tba United fctute Circuit Court, ia Covington. Ky, yeterday by Harry Barria of New York in which he pray for a decrea annulling the fret transfer of 833 share of stock ia the Latonia Agricultural and Stock Asso ciation, formerly held in trust, and for aa accounting of tba receipt a and ex penditares of tba association ainvo tba tra4 agreement wae entered into near ly tea year ago. The plaintiff aeta out aa cause of ac tioa that William ApplegaU in 1895, aa troatea for himself, and associates, took over certificates of 825 share of atork ia tba Latonia Agricultural and Stock Associatioa and that these ahare vera subsequently sold or traasferred y Applegate to Joseph L Rhinock of Cewington, and Juliua Fleichmana of Cincinnati, without consulting hia as aocktea ia the trust and without war- swot and that no accounting of re ceipta and expenditure bad ever been Biade by Applegate to the plaint iff and hia associates ia trust REALLY WVESTIGATIHC Traeadaio Committee Will Secammead Draatic Aetisa. NEW YORK, Jan. 1.-The Herakl today aya: Despite the recent silence maintained by the Truedale eommittea a to tu iaquiry into the affaira of the Mutual Ufsj Inauranco Company it ia now kaowa from out aide source that a four different occatiious it haa made incomplete reporta to the board of trustee, covering such ground a a it bad traversed and embodying not only elaborate finding of fact, but also re commending drastic action ia various directions. la well informed banking circle yesterday it wa credibly reported that the committee would not content it self with dealing in generalities, but would recommend to the company ac tion of the mot radical character in the case of epeciflc individual, who are thought to have abused their trusts. Whether the committee' report when finally made public, will go ao far a to recommend civil action at law to compel restitution of diverted money or funds wasted by lax man agement could not be definitely learned, PLUMBERS PROSECUTED. Caaadiaa Plumbers Plead Guilty to Unlawful Comhiaatioa. TORONTO Ont, JL R-The gov wnment' prosecution of Toronto plumber aa individual for combina tion ia restraint of trade and conspiracy ha resulted in 134 men pleading guilty. Forty er yesterday fined a total of I0.6U the P. tie of the other being suspended. The roaihinatioa a a whole a fined IliOHO several weeks ago, HELD IN CONTEMPT READY TO REPORT. New Yoik Life House Cleaning Com mittee Working. SKW YORK. Jan. ltk-Thoma P. Fowler, chairman of the house (leaning committee of th New York Life In surance Company said yesterday that the committee would bo ready to re port to the trusteea la about ten day. He aid that the report would go to the trustees, who undoubedly would make it public. , caa only report now that w ar,hrd at work and making pro gress," said Mr. Fowler last night. "Wo meet four or Ave time a week, and the 'aMioa 'continue aatil late ia tba evening. We have aot yet begua the work of framing the report hut are still being occupied with account, figures, and fact. We should be able to wind up the Invest lgt ion aad re port within tea day." CONFESSION Play Moves Burglar to Confess His Crime. IS ARRESTED BY POLICE f,IAH5ll ALL FIELD DIES Sometime nervous woman's afflie- ftona are imaginary. Again they are a form of actual and terrible illness. In any event, Ho!litera Rocky Mountain Tea, makes you well A great nerve tonic. 35 cent. Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist Count Witte i right. If Ru-sia is to be saved, resolut- measures must he adopted and enforced, and it is not lis fault if at time tiny se m Tiarsh. He ia dealing with a condition for which he ia not responille, but which he must dipo-e of. and lie is doing so with the sole aim of saving Russia from ruin. In that work the; world wh-he him success. Avoid Appendicitis It it caused by the clogging of the bowels and intestines. Keep the di rection active, the stomach right the bowels healthy and open with Beecham's Pills JMi Everywhere. In boxea 10c. and Sc. YOUR HAT IfBT Bo a ftrtl . Bet It Xakea Ttwablax. A man usually buya a hat that's "in style," but the modern hat for man baa lots to answer for. Baldheada are arowlna" mora numer ous every day. Hat mafca excellent trdln place for the parasitic terms which aap th Ufa from the roots of th aatr. When your hair begins to fall out and your scslp is full of Dandruff It Is a ore sign that these countless terms art busily at work. There is but one wiy to overcome thf trouble and kill the terms tnat wav if to apply Newbro's Herplclde to the scalp It will kill the germs and healthy hair la sure to result ok! by leading drurglsta. Send 10c. In tamp for sample to Tho HerplcM Co. Detroit. MUS. Eagl Drug Store, 351-353 Bond 81. iwi Di-iip Store. MO Com. EL, T. F. Eaurfn. Prop "Speelsl Agent" (Continued from Page 1.) endowed with al.fxw.wo the museum now kaowa a the Field Columbian Museum, for which a house valued at $8,000,000 i (hortly to be erected in the heart of the city. II later gave to the University of Chicago land valued at 4450,000, to be used for athletic pur poses, and a portion of it i known to day a a Marshal Field. Gave to Every Worthy Caa. He was extremely charitable in other direction, never failing to contribute to a cause which he knew to be worthy. Personally. Mr. Field was a hand some u;un, a trifle above medium height, slender and well-porportioned. He was popular socially, although he never mingled in society as the word is generaly understood. In hi personal taste and habit he wa quiet and modest. In politic he never inter fered, although he was always ready to give time and money to movement looking toward better national and municipal government. Ha wa promi nently mentioned as a vice-pre-idential candidate on the Democratic ticket in 114. He was several time offered the si-coiid place on the ticket, but he re used to accept it. One nijjht he was called up at hi home in this city by tin- As-ociateJ Press and for the sec ond time witliin a week a-ked if he in tended to accept the nomination. He declared that he did not, and added: "Th re is no need of the As-ociated Press asking me this question again. It has my authority to deny the state ment as often as it likes, no matter where it comes from." Second Marriags Last Year. Mr. Field wa twice marri-d, bis fir-t wife having died several years ago. Mrs. Field left two children, F.thel. now married and residing at L anington, England, and Marshal Field, Jr who accidentally shot himself at his home in thi ctiy November 22, 1905, snd died five days later. September 5, 11X15, Mr. FLU was married ia Lon don, FJigland. to Mrs. Caton, the widow of the late Arthur Caton, of this city. There will be no service of any sort in this city. It is planned to hold tho funeral eryiee in Chicago at a date to be fixed, either from the Field resi dence or th' Prsirie Avenue First Pre hyteriaa Church. Slaved by PUy Where Burglar ia Caught ia Act, Says World it Agaiatt Criminal Who Trie to Re formSafe Cracker Confesses. CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-A dispatch to the Record Herald from New York says: Moved by a passage in a play where a burglar, caught in the act, tells a clergyman that tiie) whulu world I against a criminal who trie to reform, a young maa who gave hi name as Albert Emerson, arose from an orches tra sest ia tho Csrden Theater last night and befoHt the audience, pro claimed himself an expert safe bresker snd mbher and declared hi experience proved the word of the stage char acter. His Interruption.' made in tone loud enough to be heard through the theatre, stopped the action of the play. He was arrested, and at the police sta tion hi statement and record were verified. Emerson bas served several terms in prison. FACTS MEAN MORE THAN Ma Ta jjart Takes Children Out of Courts Jurisdiction. GOES TO EUROPE ON TRIP Appeal ia Now Pending la Circoit Court by Mrs. Taggert, aad if it Don Not Hold, She Will he la Coatempt aad Liable to Flae or Imprisonment. . ttXMhXTOX. X. Y Jsn. Itl-' I am more than surprised that Mr. Taggsrt left the I'nlted State with her chil dren," said Judge Fa son, who presided ia th Tagxart divorce case, when told that Mrs, Taggart left for Europe yea terday. "The only point on whk-h Mrs. Tag gart claim to. have aa appeal over my declsioa In the case h the ruling re garding th custody of the children. The divorce ia final but (he has now filed aa appeal bond for 4U00 la order to pay that part of tho decree as to the custody of the children to the cir cuit court. "My decree doe not permit her to lake the children out of the court's jurisdiction, but if her apieal hold good she would not be la coatempt but she would have to abide by the decree of the circuit court which aierta Feb ruary 13tk. at Wooster. If (he appeal doe not hold, and Mrs. Taggart haa taken the children out of the court' jurisdiction, unless she has an excuse that is Mtifctory to the ewurt, she i in contempt and subject to fin or imprisonment or both." Mnnlng of the WK M PROSPEROUS CONDITION. Coif Financial Associatioa ia Good Condition, NEW YORK. Jsn. I.-Tbe annual report of the executive eommittea of toilf Association, published today show that a prosperous financial condition continue to exist The balance on hind on January I, 1!M3. waa 1 0.4m. a gainst 111,11)0 on December 1, 1003. Tb report also show an increase in nemberhip. In February, 1905, the total was 2Nfl club and on December, lonfl. it w SM. Kinre the lt meet ing fourteen dub have been dropped, while two club have beea transferred from associate to allied membership. THEORIES THOUGHT TO BE LUCY. PAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14 The th e-ma't d schooner ashore In Umpqua t'.iver is l ieved to b the Luck which Mt San P dro in billast three weeks !," R.t. CarUale P. B. Martin, L. L, D, Of Waverly,- Texas, write! "Of a morning, when first arising, I oftea find a troublesome collection of phlegm hich produce a cough and la vary hsrd to dislodge f but a small quantity of Balard's Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge it, and the troubl"ls over. I know of ao medicine that is equal to It, and It I so pleasant to take. I can most cordially recommend it to all per sons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble." 8old by Hsrt's drug store. The big show for Vi ! K-'i" to be the I'uumna Canal eWTcntly. , Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. More fatalities hare their origin is or result from a cold than from any other cause. Thia fact alone hould make people more careful a thsta Is no danger whatever from a eold when It is properly tieated in the beginning. For many jesrs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy bss been recognised as the most nromnt and effectual medicine in use for thia disease. It acts on nsture plan, loosens th cough, relieve tbi lung, open th secretion and aid' nature in restoring the system to healthy condition. Bold by Frank Hart nd leading dniiwiste. No one can intelligently follow the development of American politic who does not avail himself of the informa tion coll-cted in a comprehensive politi cal year book like The Tribune Alma nac. This publication covers the ns tiomil field, and offer it render the fre-hest facts concerning our varied political activities. It reproduce th vote hv ijumtic in euc'i S'.itc in ulilch an election was held in l(Hl5; sum marizes federal legislation for the year ind notes all important rhsnges in per sonnel under the national government and the State governments. The Trib une Almanac for liXKj gives, besides, the vote in every rttste by counties for Roosevelt and Parker, and tabulates the official returns by State for all the six Presidential tickets in the field in lrHl. It give the popular vote for l'r -ilent by State from IH) to PHU and the electoral and popular votes for lreident and Vice-President sine 1780. It give the full and exact vote cast for randidate for Congres in each Congtrssional district in United State in 1!NU and the political plat forms snd national committees of all partie. Politic i the main feature of the Issue fur 1!HH, But other topic art covered with fulnes and accuracy. The federal government, the various federal activities and services, financial, com mercial snd industrial statistics, ar feature only important than the dijrest of election return. Educational snd religiou statistics, sporting records, statistic of lesmed and patriotic so cieties, foreign mi-cellsny, a necrology j ' .. . and s review of th! Rnsso-Jspsnese Q? V f T I Hi II P war are included in this hsndy and l-f u eful publication. The new issue, of 4'f! page, lis. a uuat, for 25 cent. Cloth bound, 60 cent. 543 Bond Street 0pp. Rosa Higg.ns Co Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes are Death on Corns. Easiest Thing You Ever Pat on Your Feet, Sold by AGENT TOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE OF CLOTHING HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS MenmKu Wise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER JVLUSltJ AT See window dispray of while they last and 35c copyrighted hits -all th latest- 10c Per Copy Wednesday Evening We nill put in a display of sheet music-standard classical works, music oa which copyright ha expired that sells regular st 10c, lie and 25c at Only 6c per copy Twenty piece for li.oo. Watch tbi sale) it will be a hummer. J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS STATIONERY ' MUSIC Weinhard's ss ccr. Three Routes to the East Central or Scenic, by way of Colorado, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St Lpuis via Rock Island System. Southern, by way of Loa Angeles and 1 Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St. Louis via Rock Island System. Northern, by way of Minneapolis and St Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island System. Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct connection In Union Stations at all three, for 11 important points in Eastern and Southern States. Pull Information, with foldsr "Aero tba Continent la a Tourist Bleeping Car," sent oa requeet, a, h. Mcdonald, OenereJ Agent, Rock Ieland System, too Third Street, Portland, Ore. J