II Ittorttflii 1 , r u .'COVINS TNI MORNINa fllLO ON THI LOWIft COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 23G ASTORIA. OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS CHARGES MADE BY TAFT Panama Freight Congest ion Blamed on S. P. ES ARE LOADED x Mail Steamships Refuse lo ! j r- virry uooos rrom rrom ,) Isthmus. GOVERNMENT MAY RETALIATE Swill Members of lb Appropriation! CeauuttM Suggeet That the United Stat Threaten to Cat Of Mail Cob trarfe With tat Company. U WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - The charge bjr Secretary Taft and Chief Kngtneer (Havana of Ilia Isthmian "al Commlseioa that th Southern Pacific Railway ia responsible fur th freight congestion rm tha 1 .thorn of Panama formed th mint Interesting developing! la tha four hour' hearing (day aa canal affair bafura a defic iency subcommittee of tha House com mittee oa appruprlatkma. Tha Southern Pacific Railway tym pany control tha Pacific Mall Steam hip Company, acrniding to alaleuieiits f tha Secretary of War ami Steven, who aayi that since tha abrogation of lh freight agreement between tha Panama Railroad and tha alramhlp company, tha latter ha horn dilatory In calling for Kan Francisco frri(lit on tha et .lilr of tha l.thmti. It is charged that sbemer frequently re fuse to atop to taka on fr-iflit and even leave port with only a partial cargo, while greet qiianlitira of frriyltt lia un tha wharvrs. It wa suggested by several members if tha appropriation committer, that tha Pacific Stall Steamship Coniany might ha Induced to act mora promptly If tha I'nitad Stales thrratrn to rut lT their mail contract with tha com-j-ny. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. Canaral Dabata oa Philippine Tariff ' Bill 'a Concluded. WAMIIXtlTOX. Jan. 13. Tha) gen rral ileliat on tlir riiilippinr tariff bill wa coni'iiidcil in the llour today, Tlir bill will ba taken up for aiiirinlnirtit tinder the five-minute rule tomorrow and put on pe either tomorrow or next day. I'rrmliiig tha diliata tha . titatrhood fight nmda it't pern-e I on tlir floor for tlir flrit time in, tlir form of a permnal explanation by Jkhroek, if 'lm-onin, credited with U-ing the leader of the opHinrnt of the joint Statehood force. IlnlR-ihk denied hi coiiikc In oppoltion to the liill wa dictated by any feeling of revrngr het-iUM ha wa not made chair man of tha appropriation, committee, ) lie alo took orion to tata hi posi tion in favor of tariff revUlon. Tariff 1lk were made during tha day by HARVARD ABOLISHES THE PLAYING BOSTON, Jan. IS. Football ha been Lhollnhed at Harvard nendlna reform (in th. gam. that will be acceptable to , I the board of overeeer. according to an official announcement today from the university. The diacontlnuanoe of the ame ia the reult of a rote taken la.t ls-ariumil. of Missouri, and Krllhrr, of Massachusetts, who spoke particularly with reference to tha nrwl. of that lata. HpTM-hra for tha pending bill wrrr ntada by Perkrr, of Xrw Jcrey, I a ml), of Virginia. Bennett, of New York and rUadrll, of Texas, 1 Tha peaking against tha maaura Included tlorM, of (Hiin, Darls, of Mianraota, Tlmlall. of Missouri, and Caaipball. of Ohio. Tha debate waa closed by aa antrndrd prrrh by llootrl of Illinola, In fvvor of tha bill. WANTED TOR ESf BEZZLESfEHT. IlKIJ.IMillAM. Jan. !3.CIarla A. (Iianilirr. a former bookkarprr for tha II. I. Jrnkln Mill Company, at ItUina. who diapprarat at Darrmbrr la auck a way that frara wra anlrtUinrd laat ha had mrt foul play, la waatrd by tha Still on a rharga of ambrnlrmant of 7. ' EVIDENCE Of WBECK. TtTl'ILA. Htmtm, via San Francio. .Ian, 13. A portion of tha hatch of a larga val marked "S. L I." waa ahrd up at tha walarn and of Tu tuila Drcrnibrr BTth lat. Tha two iron riu Ixdta wara fr of rut or corro Ion In th aalt watar. BONDS SEVERED. COTIIA. Jan. 13.-TI auit for di vorra wa aouglit by rrinra lhilip of Saar-Coburg and (loth agalnt hi. lf. rincaiHi LouUa, tha aklmt daugh Ur of King Iaopold. of Belgium, which ha bran Mora tha court for many mouths waa concluded today when tha Jlvon-a court rrndrrad a dacMon pro tiding for an alxtoluta divorra. EVIDENCE OFiliE Hembree Killed His Wife and . Daughter. CHOPPED THEIR HEADS OFF Diacovary Madt That 'Show Bom braa PI rat EUUd Wift and Daoghtar, Than Chop?ad Off Raada tad Bursal tha Houat Down. TILLAMOOK. Jan, 13.-Anothrr dl- covery wa made in connection with the mytrrioui death of Mr. Ilrmbree and daughter, whoaa charred bodiea were found in the ruina of their home at Sand lke. Supk-ion that o mall a houe a that in which the family llvrd could hardly give auflleient heat in burning a to entirely Incinerate a human body, led to further liivreti gation with the reult what I I lirvrd are the kulU of women were found in the chert Iron atove in the Ifcmliree houa when it burnrd down. Ilcmhrre, the huland and father, I arretted in ronim-tion with the nip- pmed murder, and l now in the Yam hill county jail whence he wa taken after waiving examination in t hies county, to prevent a pille attempt at aumuiary vengeance, on the part of the neighbor, who flrmly believe tha prisoner committed tha crime, to con cent the fact that he had maltreated hi daughter. The dicovtry of hu man kulla in the tova eeem eonrlu ive eviilence that the women were Aral murdered, thrir hrada chopped from thrir bmlir and aftarwarda the hou.e wa act on fiia. OF FOOTBALL week at aerret meeting of the board vereer when it wa drchled mat toM would not be permitted until the rule (nd rutlone are ao changed and amended to remove what the over. aeer regarded a evlla in the preaent gam. IIRFI7AK AnPl MULIlflLU J1IIL 1INI1 Landslide for Liberal Party Continues. UNIONISTS ARE ROUTED Liberals and Laborites Secure 62 Seats. Unionists Get But One. BALFOUR IS ALSO DEFEATED Praaldaot of Local Government ia Bal four Caeiaat Dafaatad ia Laada by Big Majority Raw Parliament Will Ba Almoat All Libarala. lOM)X, Jan. 13. -The Liberal tand'lida continue. Out 'of aeventy aix contaaU today tha Lllierala and Uhorita together aecurad eixty-tao rata. The Ulwral gain today abow a urprting total of forty-two while tha lnJonite gained owly one area. Two former cabinet official went down before the ator niof Liberal eentiment. Gerald Balfour, prrahlent of the local government In tha Balfour cabinet, wa defratrd in Leeda by majority of 1C9 and Walter Hume Long, former chief arrretary for Ira-land lot hi eat for South Briatol while Augutlne Brrrrl, preidrnt of the board .of edu cation wa defeated by the . I'uinnUt candidate at North BrUtol. liord Hugh Cecil, leader of tha ran aervativa free trader, waa defeated at Ureenwk-h, and T. Gibaon Bowie, the I'nloni.t man for free trade, lot at Kinga Linn, both being oppoaed by tliamhrrlainite. Akla from the overwhelming gain by Libera la throughout the country, imnynoe majoritie aecured in the turnover are ranea of eiirpriree to both aide. Tha Labor candidate are ahowing remarkable atrength, the total gaina of the Labor party today bring erven, not Including W. Thome, who at West ham drrfeted the I'nionM candidate. Sir J. 0. Hutting by a majority of 3000, The compoaition of tlia nrw Parlia ment lip to the present la a follow: Lllirral 03. l'niouita 31. Uboritr 17. Nationalise 18, Soria)it 1. ARRIVE IN FRISCO. Oregon Exceraloniati Lal ia Saa Frandece Yeiterday. RAX FRAXCTSOa Jan. 11-Th ieclal train carrying W reprcenta- live men of Oregon, with thrir wive and dauglitrra, arrived in thi city to nlulit, Tha viior are member of the Portland Commercial Club, rrpre- aentativea of newspaper and variou other entcrprloe. 0ivernor Chamber lain ia at the head of the excunion party. After arranging their quartera at the hotel, the Oregonlana went aight-aeelng ia Chinatown tonight. PATRICK REPRIEVED. Convicted Murderer Gets Another Stay of Execution. ALBANY. Jan. 13. Albert T. Pat- rkk. the Kaw Yorlc; lawyerconvicted and awaiting execution at Sing Sing prlnoa neat week for th murder of William Mareh Rice la New York City In September. 1000, waa reprieved thl afternoon by Governor Hlggina until March 10th, a apace of fifty ai daya. The reprieve waa granted for the pur pose of giving Patrick' eounacl time to bring before the trial court, alleged newly discovered evidence. QUESTION ARGUED. Senate Dlectiseee U. 8. Interference ia Maroccaa ASaira. WASHINGTON, Jan. I3.-Srnator Baron today eucceedrd in arcuring aa open diaciuwion of the Moroccan ue tton by the Senate. Tbl ecu It wa. acromplUhrd by 'introduring reaola tion making declaration againat in terferem oa the part of the United Statee In any roatrevemy among En ropean nation eoocerning thrir inter nal affaire. The broad aropa of the revolution relievrd it from the point of order made oa tha Moroecaa resolution and aot withstanding that llama refer red freely to the Morocco eonfeteaee no effort waa made to put him off. Ha pole at Irngtb ia opposition to the policy of interference la Kuropeaa in ternal complication, pointing out the poMibility of diraatrou tnequem;ea. During the rourna of the debate Hale took oocai oa to exprea ia frank and emphatic term, hi diaapproval of the polUy of partkipating ia the Algeciraa eonferrace, at the aame time voicing bit confidence in the ITcideat and Sec retary of War, a to guide our dele gatr-e a to prevent any departure from the non-intervention policy of the I'nited Slate. Lodge, Spooner, and Tillman alwi part iciNi ted in tha do- bate. Bacon' rewdutioa. at bi re quest waa referred to the committee ia favor of the bill. MAJOR GENERAL KILLED. l'KNZA. Ruwla. Jan. 13. Major General IJoovikl who waa aaid to ba under aentrnce of death by a fighting eel Ion of the Socialist Rcvolutioaariea, ara killed today. The aeaaeaia eacaped. Is Bound Over to Circuit Court For Trial. TWENTY WITNESSES CALLED Proaecatioa Seta Forth Strong Array of Evidence Againat the Accaaed Murderer of Steuaenberg Defeaa Off en No Witaeaeae or Teatimoay. BOISE, Jan. 13. At Caldwell today Probate Judge Church . committed Ibrry Orchard oa a charge of having murdered e-Oovemor Steunenberg, Ifervmber 30th. The defense offered no totimnny. The accued maa i ia jail at Caldwell. Twenty witneaeea in all, were put on by the atate ia the preliminary hearing, eleven, Saturday, and nine today. The moat Important today waa Andy Johnon, the Boise officer who talked with Orchard aev eral tlmee before and after hi arrest. Ha had a collection of exhibit con nected with the ce. W. II. Sehem-k te.titW that Or-hard roomed with him two week in November and during that time two atrangera visited him. Several witncsc told of having teen Orchard in the vicinity of the houee of hi victim. Julian Steunetilierg, aon of the former governor, testified thai a man, who he identiltcd a Orchard, cam to him Wednesday before the murder and asked when hia father would lie home. He aaid he hd a deal with hi father for.aome ehecp and wa anxioua to are him. The boy told the man hia father would bo back Friday night. Among tha wltnesaea waa A. Ballantyne, a Caldwell buinea man who w Or chard few minute before 9 on the evening of the murder. He testified that Orchard waa In a nerrou atate, evidently pre -occupied with ao me thing. Ballantyne ia believed to be the laat man who aaw Orchard before the ex plosion. CHEROKEE TOTAL LOSS. ATLANTIC CITY. X. J- Jan. 13.- Captain Archibald, hi two matea and tha life living crewa tonight abandon ed the ateamer Cherokee. The veaael will probably be a total W. 0D!CQ CONFERENCE CONVENES Delegates to MoroccanCon fcrcncc Arrirc. GOOD FEELING SHOWN National RepresenUtivesAlt Appear Very Friendly to Each Other DUKE ALM0DIVAR PRESIDES Spaniah Duke Welcome the Delegate ad Doubtleje Will be Cbeeea to Pro aide Orer Conference Aaxericaa Dele gate! Have Arrived oa Scene AIjGECIRAK, Jan. 13. The opening of the international conference oa the Moroecaa reform ha beea definitely fixed for 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Duke of Almodivar, the Spanish minister of foreign affaire, took tha in itiative goon after arriving here today, in arranging plana for beginning the deliberation. All the delegate ar rived during the day. It ia expected the Duke will preside and make a brief address of welcome, after which doubt lesa he will be chosen the permanent presiding officer. The Interesting feature of thi after noon was the landing of Ambassador White,- the American delegate, from the American protected cruiser Gal veston, and later the arrival of of 8. R. Gummere, minister to Morocco, and second American delegate, from Tan gier. Aa the delegates assemble there is no outward evidence of tension, but oa the contrary a notable exchange of amenities between the German aad French delegation. There ia, however. aa undercurrent of eentiment that a supreme diplomatic struggle ia immi nent with France and Germany oc cupying the center and the other pow ers ranged in varying degrees around them. The French count upon Great Britain. Spain, Italy and Russia, aa sure, and consider relatione between tha I'nited State, France and Great Britain as in suring the support of the American delegation. On the other hand the prevailing eentiment is that Germany can count on Austria, Holland and Sweden, and perhaps on Denmark, with Gcrmanv also epecting the United States to support -some of her conten tions. KILL THREE. Three Lieutenant! of Police Murdered by Rosaiaa Mob. RIGA. Livonia, Jan. 13. A band of revolutionist today fell upon three lieutenants of police and killed - them with their revolvers. The assassins es caped. The lieutenant were returning from a conference at the palace of the governor-generaU PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT FAVORS Roosevelt Is preparing to send Congress Rasevvlt ia preparing to aend Congress a message which will favor the lock dual lie held a conference today with several members of the Senate commit tee on Inter-oceanic canals,' including Senators Kittridge, Knox, Dry den, Hop- BUILDING COLLAPSES. Wind ia Chicago Deae Mack Damage to Property. CHICACO, Jaa, U.-Tbe aevea-atory warehouse buibling ia course of eoa truetion by the Harder Furniture and Yea Company at the intersection of Fortieth atreet and Calumet avenue, partially rollapaed today injuring three) ' workmen, one aerioualy. A heavy gale waa blowing at the time. Over 100 mea ia the aggregate, were at work. The majority of then were protected by the floor, 'none of which gave way. FIELD BETTER. NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-SUortly be fore 1 o'clock thia morning August Eddy, rloe friend of the Field family came from the bedside of Mr. Field, a ad aaid for the Brt time nnoa Sator day night the attending phyakUna told Field' immediate relative they might retire and rest eay. Thi Is taken to indicate that the improvement which commenced early thia evening eon. , tinue.. I LOOKING INTO STATUS. I Financial Condition of Defunct Firm Being laveatigated. CLEVELAND, Jan. 13 Aceording to a statement made tonight by H. R. Neweomb, of the Bankers' Committee investigating affair of the DrnUoa, Prior and Company, developments to day show the grosa liabilities of the firm to be 000.01)0 not including $L 000,000 ia supposedly forged securities. The assets of the firm. Kewcotab be lieves to be about $500,000. SI i"' Unknown Three Masted Schooner on Umpqua Beach. CRErV IS REPORTED SAVED Steamer Alliance from Portland Ar rive at MarahAeld aad ReporU See ing. ThreaJdaate4 Schooaer ia tha Breaker oa the Umpqua River Beach MARSHFTELD, Jaa. IS The ateam er Alliance from Portland, at S o'clock this morning, reports a three-masted schooner ashore about eighteen miles above the Umpqua River light. It waa upright and inside the breaker which were washing over her. The crew were evidently saved, as there was a camp or what looked like one oa the beach above the wreck. It waa too rough for the Alliance to learn the name of the schooner and a there ia no telegraph line it may be two days before the name and particulars ran be learned. She is apparently light as ao deck load or wreckage waa aeen. The ateamer Ascunsion, Captain Brklgrtt, which arrived in Portland today from San Francisco reports ser ine a three-mased schooner answering the description of the eraft wrecked, at the mouth of the Umpqua, standing off the mouth of that river on Friday last. At that time the eraft waa hove to, as if waiting aa opportunity to cross in, but shewed no indicatioaa of being in distress. LOCK CANAL kin and Ankeny. The message of the President will favor a lock canal oa the ground 'of it being ia the interests of the present generation and not for posterity and it ran be built at less coat of time and money. : 1 f