THE 'MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. MONDAY, 'JANUARY 15. 190. Tt:re Is GcfTee and Bailers' Bamng'ton Hall, the STEEL GUT COFFEE ..Beat them all and aetitnea th moat faetidieaa. 40 CENTS A CAN Cnunmn than aay atber. Fir Mocha aid Java prepawa m The caflt berry U cut p (t gwand) by taim tl ataott . 1. .;. Mrtirtoi The It ia not trashed. U b IHW amnrpaeea iwt " 1 miA af irindinr. and tb Httl ail (fo4 pradect) tuaUt mparat im it F""" - -- season way a pound of Baningtca Hall will auk 15 t so cup mow of full strength eeBe thai will any ! graaad th ol4 way. Bat th real nfnificuc af Barring toa Hall CoBot U that It ea b sm4 withnt in tiect y taoa trha Sat ordinary coffe Injure them. Try It A. V. ALLEN SOLS AGISTS FOS AST0IL4. SOHE I'M REASON Accounttos for tht hvasMwby Women tf Business World SEVERAL . POTENT CAUSES Paper Seat oa Saturday Ust by Mrs. TnU K. Gratka, Beior Wwi'i Own of Aatoria Brirf, Bat Effectual trrkw of tb Sitnati. Tb A"torUa bat pleasure iu offering ft reader this morning the piper con tributed oa Saturday last by Mr. FreuU S. Gratke, at the session of the Aa toria Woraaa'a Club. It wa not pot aJM to publish it yesterday owing to mm abundance of material from' the MM meeting. The eugjeet i a larj a and of exceeding gravity, and the fallowing paper drive come derisive amfla as the fixing of reponibilitiet aad declaring of eaue. for a euaditioa that ia rapidly ' approaching a point where a aolutioa Butt be bad, it even the tabooed realms of socialism hav to Be invaded for the key and promt. Following i tb full text of Mr. Cratke'a contribution: "Haa th Urnst of women in the fndustrial world deprived men of their ymitiona? This is the question that to been given me to discus wub yon today. ' "In view of the great army of unem ployed men there may semi, at fir-t glance, some truth in the ttatement that women wage-earners havs driven the men from the field. The army of ta unemployed is one of the problem before tbe American people today, but Eke all great problem that aie con fronting the nation, the root of it canse lie in such a complication if condition that it i impossible to lay One's Inger on any one thing and sty this is the trouble.' Just a there are many cane that lave led women into the indutiial warld. to are there many reasons for the eonditons which there confront "oer. The accusation that women i the direct a use of the poor wages of today, ami the scarcity -of position, i made by yery superncial observer ; and before we dUcuta what has been the effect she bat had upon the labor question it will be well to take a,gtce at a fcw'iof the condition, whkh. w? find in our in dustrial world" Let me repeat the words 'a few, for it is not within the scope of a short paper tm-h as tbi. to do more than touch lightly upon two, or three of tbe mftBy-phases this question presents for our", ttiadderatioii. "The wonderful improvement in the last - SO year in machinery ha had wore than one effect upon the labor question. That in so many field one van can do tbe work that formerly Mqnired ix, is the complaint inot wfd. but that U of little moment twarpared with tbe main result of our COMPETENT JUDGES. Beawfr Deetww Eaaerao BerstlHaa, 'Women who make a builneaa of beao tlrlnt- other women come pretty neat knowlnf what will ferine about the best remtta. Here are letters from two, con cerning Herpicide: "I tan recommend Newbro'a "Herpl rMx". s It stopped my hair from falling cut; and, aa a dressing It baa no auper-t-r. -J3tned.) Bertha A. Trulllnfer, "Complexion H-,cllUt, "4 Morrison 8t, Portland, Ore." "After using one fcottle of "Herpicide" hair haa stopped falling out, an4 my 'ilo Is entirely free from dandruff. "(Sicned.) Ora Dodre. "Beauty Doctor, 136 Sixth St. Portland. Ore." --Id by leadlnff dnigrtsta. Bend 10c. la a jimns fnr sampi to Tb Herplclda Co, I "olt, Mich. Zagla Drug Etora, 351-353 Bond St, C Drug Store, S49 Com. Et, T. . lawHn, Prop. "Special Agent" Ccffe end Coffee, tst - .. & rwnan anbrokea. Tn eeatnTttT oU highly perfected aiachinea. Not only can on wan, today, accomplisb the work of six men, but so yery rapid has been the machine 't output of tut good manufactured, that in apita of our ira bwbmi couatry" and our great forrin tmde, -the supply in many cae so far outruna the demand that many a manu facturer shuts down bis factory entire ly, or also runs it at only balf ita ca pacity. Thi U on of th great causes of men so often being thrown out of work. "Then, just as tbe perfected machioea have In the citiea used on maa butead of six, so alo on tba farm bare lent men been' needed; that and the grow ing ditate of the Americaa youth for rural life, hat caused thousand to flock from the country to our already over crowd -d cities and there enter into competition for poHitions. Nine time out of ten, tola, the country lad will work for smaller wages than hi city brother, and the eompetetiim is keen. "To thee two omditkui add th enormous vearly increase in our popu lation through immigration (an immi gration of hard working, frugal men and women), and we have enough cauoes for the scarcity of work, without laying upon the shoulders of women the blame of robbing men of their placet! Poor woman! She ha bad to rear from time immemorial the iponiil ty of nil the evils our human institu tion are heir to. "lnatrad of women taking the por tion away from men. ninety per cent of the women who work art doing so because of tbe neglect of tome man to do hit nrt, or because there i no man in her family to awuine tbe role of bread-winner. It i not n question of whether or not women should, in the opinion of men, hold thi or that por tionthe ability and right to work aod be self-tupporting is not the preroga tive of sex. nor would tbe trouble in the labor world be solved If women were forced out of their prenent posi tion in favor of men, a ome of our would-be reformer U)get. Kx-I'rei-dent Cleveland, for example, declare that all the women hould marry and tay home. Very wie of the ex-Prenl- dent to be mire, but as a great per cent of the wage-earning women are mar ried, and find that they are better able than their hu-band to support their families, hi. proponed remedy eem more than abotird. ""That women in many ca;- are prov ing the superior of men i one reason he i preferred. Xaturaly she i not given the po-ition becue her em ployer i chivalront (in buiine. there is no sentiment), nor because she will work for less, wage as been often stat ed. In some few case perhaps, both the a-sertions may lie true, but the main rea-on women find it eaicr than men to get woik is simply became as a rule (liey are more dependable. Where ever men are the superiors of women they hold the positions. There i, how ever, no line of work that has not more applicants than there are positions to b filled, and the fact that this Is true of thoe positions where only women are the applicants, prove that she ha the same condition Wore her as man. That tliee very conditions are far from ideal, that they are in many intanc,-s even appalling, is the reason that the attention of many of our ablest men it being turned to tbe solving of these problems. "H fart strikes the observer very forcibly in the face of the great num ber of unemployed: that Is, that there i not an institution in th country to day, that is not eagerly seeking for competent help. Trained and skilled. labor ha never had any difficulty in procuring and keeping good positions. It is the untrained, mediocre class of lalsir that is overcrowding the market. Women is today a recognized factor in the industrial world and hold her posi tion therein without any regard what ever to her sex. It therefore behoove men, instead of lamenting that women hare snatched from them the prized position, , to prepare themselves more "ame-tly for the place tbey with to occupy., "The fact that ia every walk of life it U growing wore and mora difficult . procure competent wnikmanhip. shows that there are good position waiting. A i to often' said, there i still room at the top for either men or women, whichever prove mot capable. "There are, aa 1 said before, many other phaee of this problem, but vea thi short survey It rnuugh to thow that all the trouble of the labor quet Urn and the sennit y of work for tbe masse, cannot lie ascribed to woman's taking her share of the world' work.' It a coming too a. WAKB UP, CLATSOP. Tbara Are Fattibilitiea For Yea ia tba Apple Trade and Culture. The Aotorian Is ia receipt of a let ter from a prominent cititen who i now en route to Southern California on tht excursion aent out Saturday evening from Portland under the au spice of tbettregoaDevelopuient League in which be says that at the Horticul tural Coatet held in Portland on Sat urday at the league meeting, "Columbia county took the priie on 'Northern Spy aad 'Jonathan" apples"-, and con tinuing, be argue that the fa rater of Clatsop should get in Una on th apple question aad do a much or better than her sitter county 1 that there are no worm in Clatsop county to contend with, and that some kinds of her ap ple seem to do well aad are good keep ers, and that they should be cultivated, in tbe light of tbe tuccest of the neigh boring soil Th growers of thee Columbia apple sold 11500 worth of their product off of two acre and ara stimulating tba resource ia every advautageout way known to science and good sens. II also urgi-a the attention and pre- tnce of all Clatsop farmer to. and at. the coming institute to be held in thi city in March next in thia behalf, a well a other matter of local import ance. He reports all section of the State represented at th league, tad each and all shouting the prosperity and general superiority of hi particular section of the country, over all other sections. And while he is writing, he drops an other vital hint for th progressiva people of this city and county, when he says, thst a well known man from th East, at present in Portland, bad told him that 80.000 ton of pig-iron were to be demanded during the year, a well at 600,000 tons of structural Iron would be needed, and he did not doubt if the btaek aod deposits were prop erly exploited, any amount of Eastern capital could be induced to invest in tba local plants for ita production." Tbesa ara thing worth thinking about and attending to, and the man who suggested them will take a definite hand in the work just a soon as ha re turns from thi trip. Let other do the same for the good of Clatsop. Tba date ia tH. TiinifH (Continued from page 1) which the people will commemorate the day for it wil show to wbat extent the Jtussiun government ha succeeded in restoring eaee. The Workmen' Council has called a general pMriflr strike for January 22.1 and there will 1 purade and meeting in memory of the day. JViuoiig the convention this week, the niot important arcs' The Second National Conference -for Primary Elec tion and Ballot Reform at New York on January 13th; the United Mine Workers' convention at Twtinnnpoli-. on January 16th, and the American Pro tective Tariff Leagues annual niee'.ing iu New York on January lHlh. A Jamaican Lady Speaki Highly of . Chamberlain'! Congh Remedy. ,Mr. Michaelj Ilart, wife of the super intendent of Cart Service at Kingston, Jamaica, West Indict Islands, ityt that the hat for some years used Chamber lain' Cough Remedy for cought, croup and whooping cough and hat found it very beneficial She haa implicit con fidence in It and would not be without a bottle of it In her borne. Sold by Frank Hart, and leading druggists. Tuesday, Jan. 16th, at a a. m. Dangeri of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. Moia fatalities bare their origin in or result from a cold than from any other caus. Thit fact tlone should make people mora careful at there I no danger whatever from a cold when it it properly treated In th beginning. For many year Chamberlain' Cough Remedy hat been recognuv-d at the moat prompt and effectual medicine in use 1np thla disease. It acta on nature' nlan, loosens tha cough, relieves, th. 'ings, op'n- the secretion and aid attire in resto Ing the system to a althy cordition. Sold by Frank Hart nd leadln-' 'intrifHt, MOTHER LAYS DEAD Turns on Gts and DiesTwo Children Rescued. WOMAN MADE DISCOVERY la Feuad la Flat Gat Xacaplag One -Child 111 From Diphtheria. Wat aa Floor Polio Think Cat ia Oat of Suicide. NEW YORK. Jan. U.-Mr. Bridget Meyer, J year old, of Jt Hop street wa found dead la bar apartment this morning from gaa asphyxiation, while her three children, who were with ber, were only slightly overcome. On of th Children, Frank, four yan old, who Is seriously ill from diphtheria, wa found lying oa tb kltchei floor. For several day, the police of th Bedford t venue station learned, Mrs. Meyer had been acting ttrangely., and tba police ara of th opinion that the may havs, takea ber life whll tempo rarily insane. She baa not slept lor several night, having been up watchlngj her sick child. Mr. Meyer'a husband, Louis, It a longshoreman employed at th Have meyer Sugar Refinery dock. He left for work at o'clock. The three chil dren, France, 6 years oldj Frank, 4, and Annie, 2, were in bed. At 9 o'clock Mr Mary Dirkea, who lises in th same hou, went to the Meyer apartment to see how th tick child was getting along. She got no respone on knocking and then entered. Tbe room were Oiled with ga and th sick child wa lying uwonsebu on th floor. - Mr. Meyer ran out and got Pollc maa McSorley, who aumtuoned the am bulance from tba Wllliamburg Hospital. Dr. IJppold said the woman had been dead for om tims, but b had no troubl in restoring th thre children to consciousness. The police, oa mak ing an investigation, found that the tub that led to a gt atova had been disconnected and the jet was turned on full At Ftaid k Stoke Co. Ural Lembage, A. B. Canmaa. Chicajro, writes March 4, 1903. "Ilavlng been troubled with Lumbago, at different timet and triad one physician after another then differ ent ointment and UnimenU, gave it up altogether. 80 I trUd oaca more, and got a bottle of Ballard' 6now Lini ment, which gav ma almoat In.tanl relief. I can cheerfully recommend it and will add my name to your list of lufferers" 8old bf Ilart't drug etore. Tb big embroidery tale. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole iShoes are Death on Corns. Easiest Thing Yon Ever Put on Your Feet. Sold by S. A. GIMRE, AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE 543 Bond Street 0pp. Sou Higgint It Co SPICES, o C0FFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER FLaCOniNG EXTRACTS Abtelufi Purify, Pine jf Flavor, Crwrtsr Sf m$K CtasoraHeft CLOSSET ft DEYOtS f PORTLAND, CJJEG0N. Winning of tits OF CLOTHING n HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS leraiaE Wise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER EE Our annual book clearaac continues offering you book at cost end many for lets our tin of LATE POPULAR NOVELS finch a Cranstatk, Right of War, fall of Wild, etc. Regular Tflo thk'h are being told at a to-called "Clearance Sale" Iter at 50c 1 cost you 500 II Kit E. W htv not advertised there because w wer offering much better bargaio. M:E OUR SHOW WINDOWS-SALE TAOS PLAINLY MARKKI). Sheet Music Sale Jan 12 Look for window display muaio at lea than cost. J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS STATIONERY MUSIC AA:MUOM4'o Laser TV If ICM Three Routes to the East Central or Scenic, by wa of Colorado, thence to Chicago, Kantai City or St Loula via Rock Island System. Southern, by way of Lot 'Angeles and 1 Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St Louis via Rock Island System. Northern, by way of Minneapolis and St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island System. Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct connection In Union Stations at all three, for all important points in Eastern and Southern States. Full information, with folder "Aero tba Continent In a Touriat Sleeping Car," aent on roqueet. 1 jM .ME IY V-l 3 Beer. . a. h. Mcdonald, General Agnt, Rock bland System, io Third 8trtet, Portland, Ore. mmm J V 4,