The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 15, 1906, Image 3

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    H05DAT, JAtfTAlY 15 itrf
Pustnjtr on Chchilis Rclitu
Story of Rescue.
Chefcalia Picks tip FeeMa 08 Month ef
lb Colombia rver an Taking Dis-
) tbltl tkf U Tew Isruras to ti
Aa interesting account of tlw evper
htm of tha (tram schooner OirhalU In
tewing the dUsbled ftingrt steamer
I'lfbl Into K Francisco, written by
a ef the Caehelle' aeseengere fur the
Aberdeen. W.b, Ilutletln. U herewith
"I am bark to Fileo again after a
li day' jaunt ' up the u( on the
(Vbslls in seerrh of adventure on lb
fciley iff. RUter and I left here on
the flnxj(Ml or the JHIb and after
ine of Um stormiest tris on record
arrived Huetlay veniag, I ha SUt, off
tba Columbia river. We were Joat on
gretuJatlng ourselves tbat on lha mor
row wa would oitro mora ba walking
laak aidswslk ami chawing tba ftbrk
with, our old eronie. but as vara
Krkuoing without tba rhartrr of ac-rl-l.
nl that wa to occur. For sbout 4
o'clock wa sighted a steamer In tba
ofllng lying ilgnala of distress. Wa
ImmeJlstely want about and mada for
hrr. Later, wban night settled down
uter tba twean and it grew darker, tha
dUaMad vwl thraw up rocket and
burnt rad fir, at of which wai very
pretty and Interesting. Coming up with
hrr at about 8;M. wa mada her out to
U tha City of Puebla. a 3H00 ton !
sender steamer, tha fastest and best
equipped on tba coast. Hailing htr, Capt.
Jhnxn of tha Cbehali. aked her if
ah wantad a Una. Tba reply we
'Vn, sir,' and tha tOO paioanjpra yelled
Sura, Mike.' 'Tban someone on board
railed for Three eheere for tha steam
bnat.' and tba eheere wara given In
voire ranging from dp bait to ahrlll
tt.bk. And afU-r tha other vlTe bad
died awajr over tba ten a bahy'a voles
quavered 'Kur Milt,' and of course wt
all laughed. After lengthy confab
wt Unw& that the PurMa luid broken
her tail abaft during tha bear wtathrt
of the day Wore, and alnra then bad
been drifting around tha owaa at tba
merry 0f tba element. Wa 1m learned
tbat tha Cbarlra Nelson bad tried to
give bar a lift, but had failed to make
good on account of troubles to her ows
A lint was mada faet, after 1 great
deal of manouverlng and at I o'clock
N'ew Ycer'e eve wa started on our
king Journey berk to tba rlty. Jut
think of It, only forty miles from
home, with the light of home almost
visible and forced to turn around and
atart on a Journey of another thousand
mile, It made ma a little eore, but
of roura I had to clay by tba old boat
or swim. (
About an hour after we bed Started
xiuth with our prlae wa were spoken
by the oil tank Wblttler. At Bret afl
the talking was dona with tha search
light, n ert of fiahy wig wag that's
aire to see. The lung brama of light
taut berk and forth and up and down
for a lime, then, to signify that the
message I done, they swing atraight
up at the Zenlln. and rem la motion
leas. Then tba other party to the dia
logue takes up tba wiggle. Tha Whit
tier jromled to report u tba next day
dy at Vancouver and ateawed away
into tha north.
All New Veer's day we ploughed
south over a calm sea at six knot
slip. They say that what you do on
tha flrt day of tha year yon will do
all tha ret of tha year. I certainly
don't wsnt to tow hosts down tha
meat during quit alt of 1900. It's too
"At 4 a. ra- January 1 wa hailed
the Norwood. Wa had some difficulty
in establishing our identity, but she was
finally persuaded that wa had been in
troduced at eome eoirra or other, and
etnented to glvs 0 a lift. Shs be
kings to tha ssme company as tha
Cbehali. you know.
"There was nothing doing on tha 3rd.,
We sighed several veeL but they
era too rtote In shore to Identify and
none of (ham arainrd Inclined to a
clo-er aeqiiaintanshlp.
At t o'clock on tba morning of tba
4th wa came up with tha ocean going
tiitf Itelief, which bad been sent out by
the Underwriters to look for tha lost
passenger stesmer. Tha tug begged to
Bay in ftlhie Moinitihi For 65c
The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
Reduced From 75c to 65c a Month
Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year, by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian
ba allowed to put a Una to the Paella.
but rapt. Johannson, who was not tak
lug any chance of losing tha $100,000
salvage, refused to allow It, so tba little
fellow trailed along is our wtke. bang
ing on to tba quarter of our tow like a
leach, wishing and waiting for soma
accident which mljfht plaee tba prist In
bar hands, an aecldent like tba parting
of our line for instance. At fl:J0 we
paee4 Point Beyee, and be re wa were
joined by another tug. which mada an
other acceptable addition to our impos
ing marina parade, though tba tug de
rived little satisfaction from that.
Wa aUrrd across tba bar at 1
o'ebrk against a strong abb tide, and
rlht In tha middle of tha breakers our
tins psrted. After towing W0 miles to
due tba ball on tba Ave yard Una was
enough to make a person swear and
sailors aren't parson. Wa cut away in
t jiffy and went about, but tba tug got
her, and when wa put our heaving una
aboard tha aallors on the Puebla threw
them off sgaln. But tba selvage, all
tha way from (UO.OUO to II 00.000 and
tha honor, which cannot be estimated
batons: to tha Cbahalls and at she
steamed up tha harbor tba paeengers
cheered her to the echo.
Jut Inside the beads wa were met
by the newspaper boats and interviewed
and photographed. Tbea wa went to
the dork.
There has been a great deal of ex
citement over tba fata of tha Puebla
for several daye. Tba papers printed
seers head extras and tba steamship
office were besieged constantly by
friend and retativra of tha derelict
steamer. It waa avn reported tbat
both tha Cbehall and tha Puebla had
bean lost and ona account had tha
Cbehslis disabled off Caps Flattery
with two tug out looking for ber."
Tha Crip.'
Before wa ean aympsthlxa with oth
ers, ws must bava suffsrsd ourselves."
No ont ess realise tha suffering attend
ant upon an stack of tha grip, unless be
haa bad tha actual experlrno. There
Is nrobablr no dieraee that eausaa so
much phyJcai and mental agony, or
which so successfully defies medical aid.
All danger from the grip, however, may
be avoided by the prompt use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among
the tens of thousands who have used
this remedy, not one oaa haa ever been
reported that has remitted la pneumonia
or tbat baa not recovered. For sale by
Frank ITart, and leading druggists.
. The BaKiaert Okie lallreal
Commencing Sunday, November 19,
traia No. , U Royal Blue Limited, will
leave Grand Central paieeager station.
Chicago at I p. m Instead of t:M p. am.
sad wtQ arrive b Pittsburg at 1:35 a.
nu, Waehiagtoa at 4:40 p. Baltimore
l:M p. a. Philadelphia, 1:19 p. m. New
York 10:40 p. m. the same ss with the
eld schedule, thus reducing the time
one how and thirty mlaates. Ns usees
fans will be charged ea this fast limited
train. AH ether trains will arrive and
depart the same as formerly. Stop-ever
ia allowed at WMhlngtoa, Baltimore and
Philadelphia, not to exceed tea days at
each place, on all first-elate through
for any disease of the akia there la
nothing better that Chamberlain's
Salve. It relieves the itoblag and burn
ing sensation instantly aad aeoa effects
s cure. Sold by Frank Hart, sad wad
ing druggists.
r - -s.
Accordion, buncurst
ad Knife Pleating
To Order
Bet liana. V laraiaf sf Ossda.
Ml O. Gould
Eighth Fleer, Marqnam Building.
Prompt sad Careful Atteatiei Given
to an Oat-ef-Tewa Orders,
The best eot you no more tbsa "any
old thing." It will psy yon to buy at
We Pay The Express
and charge yoa bo more than our next
door neighbor. Send for 111 ultra tad
catalogue today. A solicitor wanted
ia every towa.
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than yon
have ever seen it before: Call and inspect
our elegant lines.
B. F. Allen Q Son, csSst
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Bayt.
7 L BISHOP. Secretary
Designers and tttntiactsrers of
Canning Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnijhed. ; .
CORRESPONDENCE SOtJCITtO. Foot of Fourth;8treet,
Are You Planning
J. A. Montgomery, Istoria
A. L, POX, Ylee Pres.
to Remodel?
If you contemplate remodcGog
your present borne bow or la the
Mar furore, 70a should study the
subject of Plumhbg.
A Ettlc knowledge on the subject wiS
be benefidsl to yoa b tie selectioa of die
best material and Irtures scd la tiielr proper
locstioo tArosgnoot tbe hotae. .
If yoa will c3 ai couult os, wt wi3
give yoa attractive Eterature oa modem ami
tsdon aad will snow 70a the stmples ot
aatSsri" Ware wt hive !n our ilwvrrootns.