The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 15, 1906, Image 2

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. .-mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmi- ,
-asasaaaaaa "- aaaa
1 .. 1- - .
EaUMirtel ilTJ.
Pubtbw Day y
tf mSI, per year ....
Br 9 saoatk...
By mr, per saoata.
wxxxiy astoriah.
By Mil, per yr, la draoa. .11-00
. . Jan
ILltt. a tbe pw""- AT-V,rT
ml aadar U oat ( Ooof r oUUrob I.
aar-Oi.W. for taa aritrxricMC rf T. Moair
iaai-rauatonar wl"
SZTtatoOM. Amy kmraterity to
EZTafcoaM a- MiaTltalaij raparta. t Ua
aacaof pubtfcaUo-.
MfaHM The Ouo Inventor and Mvhic-
RDITORIAl SALAD. U ao aay h will iUrt frt- that
4))4)4)4)4eee city at t 'clock. April il ana in the
, , ., .. .. ... 1. 1. Iwj.
1 vemnj( aenver inia we nuu wi 1
A tirl may b. aaniej IVerl and lill dent Roo-vlt a wee from Mayor
b. a kraou Dunn, talk Interest Inpiy ana pwusiuy
Kvea. th. Stork smuetm.e. get. tireJ ,k thatwy.
of working overtime.
Old blood U thin and rum Jowly j
give tha old folk the araiet nook in
th chimney corner.
Love i a nightmare with one foot,
Two children with ona tun.
Two turnip with a aingla root
Two cabbage head, in one.
Talklug acrose tha Atlantic between
London and Ntvr Ycrk h oue of tha
alluring possibilities of tha futura hUl
out by cientiU. Sueh prognotiftUri
m valuable la atimulatinf invention
l.n.t almi a. demonstrating that the
- .-
arieutific Imagination la atlll in good
working order.
Mr. Roosevelt haa ona welldevel
oped hobby and that la tha eolleotinu
1 0eu nvuitj - - - - -
For every bby bora to Mr. and Mr. J ot oM chlna, Under bar auprvikn
njAi,ln Iowa. th I -t 11.. n.ul valiiahla fullMtion
Viao, ITintrr at on wi ' -
. ., . .v. v...k...l tha familTIi- .l;. Ka !iB niawd on
lauiar 01 vuv nutuw. a 1 ia ium .
1000. Thfy hv twalva childran now. I xhibitio ia the baarwot of tha white
a - I houe. and it i a prou oay wn-n .
r ohtrnruu tron U. add aomething I hutorio worn
from tha Wiuta Hou eouu oe arouKu 1 to we
.11 v.r in lort them 10. I 1 '
. oy navuig . .. .,...-.
I 11 t ina ouvj w r ,
I ... ..... . . .-L . IMM
. .... 1 Aiuiia arv . uuini
A oIUK.n o. - v., t0 t.k. proper car. of
York harboi ahowa ne grini . - -
of pea. that concent th. W ' weann,
n - w aaw -
I .. . t. ... Vav A.waa InvaPlADlV
. a I Itaa 111 ft nfD OH UW aaww ... . ,r
By the per.on.1 tax l wt M car,.. untidy won...
not how nrnoh a n.n ia worth, but ho I fmUUr
little be i worm.
. . fA innird COUDlea
Heifer require a largrf mount of th, novel innovation in SwUe Jou
. .a .3...,.a I Hit K I na II I
Sayi Dtuuiat Rofari, is What Make
Vinol PapuUr.
The lntrliiic merit of thU new
cod liver oil preparation, Vinol" ald
Mr. Kogvra, "U btinning to be real-
tied by tha people of Astoria. Of
rourae In my pmition a a druguM.
I hive en innumerable m.slWnaa and
nrnnrii-tanr artk-lea introduced, but
nevre ia my wng experience have I
ever known or heard of a niedivlue thai
would produce mora bencflcial iviulta
tha Mnol.
"I attribute thi to tha fact that
Vimd contain in a concentrated form
all tha medicinal elementa tontjimd in
cod liver oil actually takes from fn.h
end' liver, but without a drop of oil
or greaae to naueata and upet the
tomach, and it contain ro tkkenirig
'A nrninmenl phykla wilteat
Vinol I tha mot valuable prvp.iril n
of eod liver oil known to niirim. it
Ih of untold value to create ttreligth
and build up the general ayttem for old
people, weak women and chidden, nnJ
it h not equal for bard eolda, bron
chial and all lung affection.'
There are hundred of te.dt rlul t
hero In Artorla who can te.tiiy that
there I nothing equal to Vimd to nmke
rkh. red blood, to lncreae the api'etlle.
feed for the production of milk than
do older cow.
1 TV.. Hrt edition OI inia lt
IBIU. A . - -
.tate that the ol.j.-ct of th
1 . ... . 1
ruixr l to uppiy a 01 eng.
. . .
w. iui Waahinpton I . .1 i.. make the mr I i... .Wnien for buineMi pur
A TicrM rain ! . ... l,l nmverb. but a good 1 ... Tlwra an near to be 11000 en
-- . I rt, aa.a - r - n'. -I ,
.A...iAaaaattll i. . u m.uiev eoiue I . i.- i c.ii.arUail ami their
mother cow maa w I gtftrii counra -
. . - .... a I I ..II ara n(v,t tn the
with hi-r nun. now.
name and addroe are given in the
An Indiana farmer
ht ahown a
i. -i
t U .livovered th inoueenua v.
. , ... .1... ;M ... I ... . . AMa alin HT l.Th ID"
mere are nwra .umga reaiihnu oi luinigu - - i ..uiii. f the
..... I . ... .u !... Miitimie I ihinff nr two about the utility oi tne
torU, by .beer right of aoao.ut. per.. he re., o. . -
M and tb. wUI of the people to have to nece.era.e uC.. h for vef
them. There' that Atoria-T.lUmook
railroad; and tbe cwall between the
Pennsylvania i to
. ,. . -,l4...
laoAMion Of It legwami- i
Tongue and Smith' Point; and earthen u likf ot n(rtm taking
. . t I ...
thoroughfare, and a line oi puunc iadd taking baM.
Park along the backbone of the pen in
aula; and a auperb hotel for the globe
have two ctra for mm of the moat neceary daily
thi. je-r. dutiee of carrying oq w. p.
not tte him long to -maae gowi
hi. auto, which b hanieeed to hi corn
heller, and to the pump which euppiie
the barn, etc. That teache that the
auto i not a luxury any mora, but a
it., la not afraid
aula; and a auperD hotel lor me gioiw- v nue me b" r - i ,uj0 t no a luxury any mo,
trotter.; and th dredger Chinook on of atock .peculation at thea figure, a 1, m oriinrj angina would
U ' " 6 I. enntinoa to work on aafe . . :, .
..... i r w uu.a.a. . .in ma runniiiir ... . u n u.
41.. Vi all anmmer. and the Hnef 1 1
band between Saa Francisco and Vic
toria! and a few more bagatelle of the Th. Vnited St.te. Senator who celled ANCIENT ENTERTAINMENT.
.- ,1 I r. "iieMciuie naa
aart 1 hi mra 1AKI1 m UllUD lliafc UIW I uuivinui wa. '
thing, are eded wiU have it. weight U tlt
but we. tbe people, have got to go after VtrfMua ha gone b.ckt
them, and go with jaw. and J . .
indomiUble purpose to attain them. ui.toric.lly apeaking. of course, Jlr.
Wa mut invoke' tha Astoria initia- Abraham Lincoln igned an hmancipa-
live. If. here, alright, and it mat tiw ProcUmation o.e,y
nma .(rent for a great dramatic
be found and put to work. There i. a P-
Tl. mnntrv t. ink. tiiurii 0 Mr.
morael of it right in thi office, and it
.liall be ued to leaven the "whole
reerletlB ( Oae Given fcr Xenoa
haa' Araay al Creeka.
In bl. "AnabaaU" Xenonboo drecribe
an entcrtalnnieot given by bla army of
Greek ou tbe vhorm of tbe Black nea
during tbe retreat from Perala after
tbe battle of Cuuaxa, about twenty-
three ceuturle ago. "Two Tbraclan
first roue up." aaya tha aoldli blto-
rUn. "and dauced with tbclr arm to
the' sound of a flute. They capered
Terr hlirb aud with great agility, then
made ue of tbclr aworda. At imi one
. . -. i i'.i m.. In . u t. . Kill, anniiui what effect
lump a last I ll can oe.appneu. i m i nrnni n i -
' I :. v.. ..a- him n have to liaten of ilicui .truck the other In auch
Artorian ta A,tonan. And Atm must y - -r - - one . . h, M
la m nieinr ji vumvc v. -
bilippine. Lavlna (lea Dolled
"O I . i.i. m-Mtit nut alhfflnlP a
. , t UMU V. a....", " - " -a m
v. Vnrlr haa adonlen an amriiu
be equally A.torian. Tb Astoria
habit muit be cultivated to iU Uit and
bet resource.
Xow ia the aeaaon for the man who
"never bad an .piratkn for office in
.. M. tnlk tia ntien and.
Uia m r w -i ' ------
at tbe "eanie.t wliciUtion of a hot md 600,000 ton. of beef, mutton and
of frienda who will not be denied", an- Iamb will to be imported into
., i. . K.i.i. in- tha r ... rtrltain to keen the market
electoral franchise of hi community uppliet.
... i
it.. .Mm nt "ovneral nverMPr Oi M I - o
iu, ,in w. n
lilni of hi. arum iriiimiili Tlmn other Thraclnn
. , . .1.- .1.1. ann.titlltilin author I i . .I ....... ... le ft.. I...I kaN
nienv w . m r rn"U ou uj- iiiuu n, n w
izina an exiienditure of t.50.000,000 on dwjf though 1iult--d bo wa not hurt
" .... .--.! ... -i-..i r
road improvement
throughout thel AfI(.r lui auie .Kulnu. and Magne-
lnn. rone up and iluui-etl In tlielr arm
wbut they called the rartwean dance,
k.1 .a.n K'iO 000 1 the uiauucr of w hich I. u follow: One
It i eatimated that between 5.-0.(."
Uk IUIIU " '
now aud drives a Joke of oxen, look
ing often IHilud him. a IC be were
afraid. Then a robber approachee.
whom the other perceiving, be catclie
op bl. arm anil, advancing, ngme wiu
, r , -
against hi -rill" to boost hlmwlf into number, .cconlmg to uie
... -i... t. . h..-- men .lanaHment atat tlc two huncirea mu-
.ine cgveieu pi, -i anai,a r-
win h.nd out great gob. of peron.l lion bearing apple tree,, whi.b prod.u-e
0 i.l ..a An lai.nlrawil anil fti'V
diiinclination for public life at Mien now an .ver.-jr ... .... . -
time. a. these, and do it with tbe or- enty-ix nmnon. e..--.-
a .f.J - ..a... v. tm t-VfTV All I - 0
3E 1PJU I'VUIIttlVU ...-. j . , a
.he, are sin.olr Pining for Ex-Hovernor Black sigh, for the good
these men performed in time to the
flute. At last the robw-r Dinua me
plowman and enrrloa blm off with tha
oxen. Somrtlmea the plowman over
come the robber and, fastening blm
to the oxeu, tie hi bauds bebina Dim
and so drives blin away.
A'tar this .Mvsu entered wun a
know, they are ..n.ply pining .. r , ";',over 7, - I .r v'Uv buckler In each bu ml aud Uaue
oflto and it. emolument. nd privi- old time, of 'the port and cider variety doom ' f bwn
leges and dignities and prestige. Bah I of politi.-. that farmer iinueran... tdveriMlrlw(i twa UM-d bl buckler
Why not be honest with yourself and Doe the ex-Governor refer to tie Lard f n(e( w,th OB,. W. Son,,,
tb people .nd come squarely to the or the sweH variety of cider! (ln)e. n wbr towii, then threw
... . . . x .1. -o himaair l.,.ci.l fnrvinoat and fell on bl
front and ay wn.i you
In C.lifomU the for
-..nt. ll anil ahow VOUTStlf WOrthT
of confidence. Happily, A-toria his none women is solved by the fruit.
of these humbug. e are ill straight
fnra-ar.l ilnwn her. Democrat in
himself head foremost and fell on bl
feet without oartlng with bl buckler.
Thi made a One lght. Ml or an ne
women is wnvru i., - - -
liesins with the cherries, that ripen in danced the Persian dance, striking bl
begins wun in . i baMen tgaut ea-h other and in
May. and l kept b...y mo-t of the ipnjnf
time until Ute in the lall. . . , tuI bt ktvt time
o I to the flute. He wa succeeded by
Th-- fdth is entering iioii her third
a O I to Uie UUTe. HO waa -hii-i.-j.--i
. t i i . , I I. v.! mother. I u .,.. .nil nihAt irmitlani.
s entering upon her tuiru . ooys u"v i..-..-. iuui ji.nuur.... .
' I .... . in - linik I -.t. 1,11.9 .inaaaiMl In th handsomest
"fat" vear. five more ike uie iwo ami iw uj " r - - -
. . - .. .ha v.... l .h.t he owes hi. mother. i the .rmor they could provide. roM up and
just p.-- v-t - .L -hi I- .o.t anuirht after by advanced In time tot nute mat piayea
.Hxition to witbaUnd a long siege of one who -ill be mo.1 ' . . . Thoy .un. tb- p.eno
.... I . . I aa aV Ft .'- . Hflil UT I - - . ,
lean" years, although there are no rea- me p-opw " - , , and danced In tbe same manner mat is
sons for apprehension. But in tliee apt to inKe me m - practiced In solemn proceaslons.
fat vear. should we not mke provision "On this one of tha Arcadlsns led
for necesitie to gTMt progress and Mr. Mary Baker Kddy. head of the forth , W0IDan Uanwr, dressed hand-
. . .... . . .. v. i !..:.,: u..:..nn. ha. stirred and earrvlnc light buckler.
aahghtenmentt J.or. ami ""'7 v '" J "' ' ,.,w.r. h.lm danead the Pyrrblc dance with
hou-es. more and better te.-uers "P - :' La.ldHte. on whlcb tbert was imt
opportunity to every child to lea.n to putting a ia on i,e g.Mng . I aniilniia That caused th. Papblago-
Md and write-insi-t upon these things ma gift. nd discoureging pei . r prt to a.k wbetlier
Bow, and in the future tbe youth will congratulation, on the occasion of 'el )w ,.htrged whn tu-
gather more in the "f.t" year, .nd lose yun-ime
l. I. tha "lean" vrari. Culuiliiiii
,M I
iS. C.) State.
IV. Parkhur-t siv. Police Commis-
I aaaainakt- Ttalltlial tit itt tlt
n.. n.i.. r..M with th. Inlelli- awears. and no ventb-man wer. -Olcago ew.
sent asaUtanc. of Mis. Eliwbeth Alt. P-h.w, good doctor. The criticism is
. a..u am I- I 1 A ltT.'l : I akaa aaAB-naHlaaaififftawr
troop. Then the Ureeke aia mat h
waa the women who drove King Ar
ihhih out of the rainD. Thi wa
th end of that night's entertainment.1
Don't let Tour face grow old. .allow,
man, annually disbn. 1500.000 in he-ty. Wait unt.l the "m'er bon0w ad wrinkled. If yon ear. at afl
eharity. Probably MiM Gould support, h.. combined th. vor-.bul.iry of he 1 fak jj
directly snd Indirectly more ch.ritie. force- with the voc.l firework, of '' MonilUa Tefc mU Tea or T.b-
than any pe aon living. army and then ten u. Fnmk Hart, drnggUt.
399 Bond St., cor. Ninth
euro etomach troubles giv strength
snd renewed vitality to the sged. build
up th. run-down, tired end debilitated,
mak. th. week .trong. eur. chi.a-l.
poiighs, cold, and build up the con
"We freely offer to return your
money in every whera Vinol
fails. Try it on this gii.rantee." . Tha.
Roger., druggiat,
Cooper Annual Sal. H.
Going 0a. Dont Miss It
J. W. GARNER, A-UUst Caihlw.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital -aid la ItOtM. Itirplua aa Cadlvlde rrsfll laaAs.
Trauacl. Owieral maakln sualBas. lir-al rWl oa Tlats Papoalt
IU Tenth Itraa,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Csrrlsgct Bsggsge Checked and Transferred-Truck and Fnr
nilure Wagons 1'isnoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped. .
(33 CommerdsU Street Phont Main 121
H Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat mm.
m i jn - .! vrnnw si
11 UlCs s-OUglia, vuiui vivuj., 'ft"-t
l and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption vttuxw packao;
Charles Rogers. Drulat.
jp jp je d.
We Want to Talk to You
Wc do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . . .
aj. dt
Wc take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
Library. ,
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Corner Commercial and 10th Street
oooooooooooooocoo: scocoeooooooooooooooootooo
9 . 4
;!; Astorian Building