TIIE MORNING ASTOR1AN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, io. AFLOAT HIRE Jan Baptist Nearly Don Un hiding Cargo. TO PCuTLAND ON TUESDAY But Few Vessels Pasting Br or Kim Some Tow Cam Dowa for So Yesterday Local Boati Are All Busy a Schedules. Th lor.Ua docked hr ytrdy morning from Cath.la.net and way points with th following people on boards Sheriff Flanders snd son. snd J. O. Ilouchm. fmm Catblaairtt Mr. ltd Mn. Auton Peterson, from Altoons ml IMrr Dicglisch, from Clifton. Th steamer Alliance tm down fr,Mn th metropolis yesterday with about ixty passengers ok Uunl for Coos lUy nd Kureka. Sh weut to th bar, but things were Brr ,'kin'1 h r"" turned to th city for comfortable berth at th Cullender pwr and will try it again at 9:30 this morning. Th bark rortd off th heads at aooa yesterday U thought to b th French bark Jacques, Captain Hunter, from Mollendo. for Portland. undr grain charter for Antwerp, Th barkentine' Portand. from Cali fornia cam in ovr th bay ytr- Th French bark Jean BaptMa, un .u. mnun.l nt Pmtsin Delahoe. U .till debarking coal at th. Kimor day .norning on th to. . mi. . . . ,, . . k tooh and U anchored in th city than- H i. expected h i" nmh off A A c dofk discharging by Monday night when she Btv put off WOO ton at this port fit barken tin Ceorgina cam down for her consign, Samuel Elinor 4 oa the hawser of the M. F. Henderson Co. who bava sold th balance in hr yesterday morning and U anchored off . 4 . , the O. R. X. pier, hold, torn 1800 ton, to th Holme, Coal A Ic Co., of Portland. On Tue. day. if towing faciliti. ar at ban , fc a ,h, 10 th' H d 4 x , lo Porl,.n( deliver her remaining cargo there. lap-j tain Delahove is Mill busily engaged n WITH THE TEACHERS. Meeting ( Mutator Held Yatrdy Moraine TW. ..iin ! Ilia tnti-hera of th Astoria schools, foc'tho present terday in th city .1 ... settling business mattr her, and " pecialy th matter of the claim for talvige filed again4 his - ship by the O. R. A N. Company. The matter i stilt pending, but an early conclusion is looked for. The Puget Sound tug Tye was due her yesterday, after th French bark David D'Angers. She will tak the Frenchman to Tacoma. 1 Th oil tank Asuncion was report ld off th bar yesterday but that bar- The Callander tug Melville took thelrier was a liftle bit t. rough for her ahip C. F. Sargent to Simpson mills at ' to attempt crossing in. Knappton yesterday when that vessel) will load square timbers for Xew York Th British steamship FJIric was j.i: ti.- fw,. th. Karoont'sdn resterdar from Comox, B. C. Sh uriitnj. a w y anchorage off th O. R. A X. dwks. to th north shor berth was nccomplished in a fraction less than one hour. Oood work by good boat. will load at Portland for the Far Eat. 0 How to Prmat Bilious .Attack. I On who is subject to bilious attacks I will notice that for a day or mora be The British ship Vandtiara, Captain j for the attack he is not hungry at Williams, grain laden for Europe ar- meal times and feels dull after eating. rived dowa from Portland yesterday morning, on the tow lines of the Oklo ha ma, and went to an anchor in the lower bay. She is among the bar bound for th time being. A dose of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver 'Tablets when the first symp tom! appear will ward of the attack. They ar for sale by Frank Bart and leading druggists. . .. . 1 . . school montn. was new yesicruaj si th Shiwiy building, at which th en tiro ataff was prnt. save on. After roll-rail and th reading of the minute th school superintendent spoke on the cominjr county institute in April. and th meeting tlu-n adjourned to th cnstl meeting and work under conuleration was "Arithmetic, and th lender wrt In first grade. Mis Linn; eond grad. Mi-a Shivelyi third and fourth grades. Miss Winni fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Mr. WilWutt; th Ulcusioa latd for a hour, after which Superintendent Clark .poke in relation to h term aminations, -.pcially a to promotions, warning th toeher against th pro motion of peopl not duly equipped, as they had a deterrent effect on th class, and advising that tho who fell below 04 per rent should not take th examinations. Th teachers have decided, to take up the study of Oregon history and impart it to the children In story-work. The next meeting will be held six week hence, at th MeClur building. At Foard k Stoke Co, FOR SEVEATEElt YEARS. About thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Matson gathered at their cosy home on Bond street, yesterday after noon, from 2 till' 5 o'clock, to mark, in terms of friendly good will, the aeven teenth anniversary of the Matson mar ring. Th time was pleasantly spent in games, nmsie, converse, and a dainty lunch was served, the entire affair be ing heartily enjoyed by all, and not th leat by the principals. TENNIS TOUR DONE. XEW YORK. Jan. 13.-Per Latham of England, the world's champion court tennis and racquet expert, finished his American Umr with a victory in an exhibition court tennis match with Ceorg Standing at the racquet and tennis club yeterday. fl conceded Standing odds of one-half fifteen and won in straight sets i, 81. Lathair. sail for home today. an AY ! AT 9 O'CLOCK Marks the Beginning of another and the Greatest t yiiil EM WE HAVE EVER INAUGURATED OUR PAST EFFORTS TO PLEASE OUR PATRONS ALTHOUGH SUCCESSFUL TO A MARKED DEGREE, ARE REALLY NOT TO BE COMPARED WITH THE PRES ENT INSTANCE. THE PRODUCT OF OUR MOST RECENT PURCHASE, REPRESENTS THS Largest Quantity of One Priced Embroidery Ever Brought to Oregon AND in ORDER TO MAKE THIS SALE A SUCCESSFUL ONE, IT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR OUR PATRONS TO SUPPLY THEMSELVES WITH A QUANTITY SUFFICIENT TO LAST THEM THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH. THE QUALITY OF MATERIAL USED IS PRINCIPALLY CAMBRIC, ALTHOUCH A GREAT MANY OF THE WIDER PIECES ARE OF NAINSOOK. THERE IS PLENTY FOR ALL SO BE ON TIME AND GET BUT, AS YOU KNOW, THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE FIRST WORM, FIRST PICK. YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE LOT REPRESENTING 11,000 YARDS IS A YARD ACTUALLY MORE THAN lO SALE OPENS 'PROMPTLY ON THE HOUR AND NONE WILL BE SOLD UNTIL, THEN. The hard 8 Stokes (CsmDany Where the New things Make Their Debut. PERSONAL MENTION, I. A. tiilliam of Mayger spent yes- C. V. Drown went to Portland yes terday morning oa business, L. C. Thompson of Portland was In town yeterday for a short time. Mr. Charles Jordan of Cathlamet was visitor in th city yesterday. C. A. Whit returned from a busl- Th subject I nes trip to Portland lat night. O. F. Morton of this city waa a pas senger to th metropolis lst evening. lr. J. E. Shearer of lloseburg is In th city visiting Pr. II. l Henderson. Mr. S. B. Worsh-y, a resident of Svenson spent yesterday in th city. William Boyd of Kelso is in town this wek attending to business Inter eK T. R. Hutchin of Portland was visitor la th city yesterday on bul ns. J. E. Spencr, a resident of Rowburg was a business visitor In the city yes terday. Mrs. C. P. Eigler returned last night from an extended visit with Portland friends. C. C. Clinton, of th llwsco Journal. Is in th city for a short tint, visiting friends. George II. (ieorg h-ft last evening for Portland to rmaln a few days on business. B. F. Ston of San KrencUeo. repre senting J. K. Aruisliy A Co.. la In town on business, Mr. and Mrs. P. Peterson of Altoona were visitors in the city yesterday for a brief time. Sheriff Flanders of Wahkiakum county. Wah was In the city ystr day on bulness. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kuettner wr homing passengers on the expres from Portland last night. IWal Tvlcgraph Agent Charles Hum phreys, left lt night lor a brief busi ness trip to Portland. W. K lwrnis of Warrenton, waa s business visitor in th city. ylerday. returning oa th evening local. Mr. Citl foreman of th Columbia Packing Company went to Portland last night for a business trip. Mr. and Mr. It. II. Bullock arrived in th city from their nom at IVep River to transact some busine. Miss Maliel Munroe, accompanied by her sister. May, returned from a busi ness trip to tirny's Harbor, yesterday, J. .V. Griffin left yesterday for Pott- land to accompany the excursion i ll.a flroonn flvveloniiient Inu'vie to California. W. K. Tallaiit and Mrs. Tsllsnt left ye-tcrday for Xew York to remain l few months on a business and pleas ure trio. Captain and Mrs. William Starr came in on the Portlsnd express, last night Mr in,! Mrs. J. W. Johnson Were among the home-bound people on th 6 1 10:33 express last night. J J. P. Rogers, on of th leading riti th f'atiital (it v. arrived In CI " . . Astoria on hi-t nights express, jir R.i.r hss some Isnded interests in -e-- - - Clatsop thai require his occasional pres ence here. He returns to Salem tlti evening. Oak Sutton. lM.kke.-cr fi th As torisn left lat night for faleiu snu Corvallii on a brief business trip, Mrs. Sutton who has been visiting in or- vullis for the pat few Weeks will ao company her huland home. Mi Grace Stokes hft yesterday morninir for Wssliinirton. D. C, where he will visit s short time with her aunt, after which she will go to Xew York City and IVwlon for s few months visit. i It' coming soon. WILL NOT RESIGN. SecrMarr Shaw Will Remain In Office Another Ytar. finCAGO. Jan. 13. A dispatch the Chonicle from Washington sayst 'At the meeting of the Cabinet yes terdar president Ilisievelt asked Sec retary Shaw to remain at the head of the Treasury until Msrch 4. 1107. Mid Mr. Shaw agreed to do so. Mor than a year ago Mr. Shaw let it be known that he xpert to retire from the Cabinet in February of this year. The President did not under stand that this was th Secretary' wish until some unusual reference wa mad to It a few week ago, snt then be lost no time in urging the Secre tary to remain in th Cihinet until th end of th present s.ion of Con gress. FINED THREE HUNDRED. MAX FRAXCISOO. Jan. 13. -lens C Jensen, of lloqulam, who was compell ed by conscience to accuse himself of fraudulent naturalization, was yester day sentenced by United State Dis trict Judge D Haven to pay a fine of $300, or ia default to be Imprisoned in the Alameda county jail. prnnrrrrnva PTTinnTTnva MMsVVVaAVAiM RWaalr' T TT T PKnnnTinwfl PF.ntiOTiOKft REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS HB mil 01 all, Great Sales going on mi REDUCTION REDUCTION REDUCTION Look at our Window and !;:.' $4-65 Soils "1 REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS. REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS Tuesday, Jaa. ifitlL, tt a. m. ooooooooooooo J$ X5he SMJL. BEEtHIVE The Great Sale at the New Bee Hive. Have you been, treating yourself to some of these ' Bargains? If not come in and be surprised. Bargains in every department. Special bargains tomorrow in women's coats, children's coats and dresses See our window ' for millinery 'Any Hat 89M A lot of chil dren's hats 15c. .Jl7 tsHSflsU Want Something Good For Dinner ?i Try a can of PARIS COIII WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT UN EI OF CANNED FRUIT AND VEGE-i TABLES. ST0RIA GROCERY Phon Main 081 023 Commercial Sw WILL INVESTIGATE. Alleged Unlawful Deportation of Chi net Cause Trouble. Hiv pit tvri.mrv .inn l.i "li,nl, " 1 Mehan, head of the local Chines biijj ristu, ha received teh-gram from Frank P. Sargent, cimniWlwier of Im miirration, a-klug for his version of t trouble over th di'DoHutioii of l.c Wah and wife, and Cliln Yoka, threaj l llins, vim sere seni awiij on ii' Coptic on Wednesday last dspU si order of the United States lhlri Court. Fifteen minute before th sail Inu of the Coptic Judge IV Haven th United State District Court nni.U sn order that th Chines be held hei until their case could lie appealcil Xotic of this order was telephoned t the passenger igent of the Pacific Mait who agreed to hold the Chinese. II telephoned to Mehan about the m4 ter and Mehan. It Is mild. In the face n the court order. Insisted that the b deported. Th Chines consul here, snd th P, rifle Mall people, have telegraphed tl Secretary Metcalf, asking that th three Chinese be landed at Honolulif snd return here by the next boat Th date I set. Cooper! Annual Clsaranc Sal Now" Going On. Don't Miss It ooooooooooooc Pleasant and Most Effective. T. J. Chsmber, Ed. Vindicator, Lil erty, Texas, writes Dee. S3, 1002 1 "With nleaaur and unsolicited b ' T bear teatlmonr to the nirstiv ' k power of Bsllsrd's Horehound Syrup, f hsvs used it y family snd can cheer fully affirm it I tb woit effectlv 1 1 lest remedy for coughs snd sold I h ever used." . Th big embroidery sal.