The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 14, 1906, Image 2

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taUUUM it?
Published Dally 7
By BtH,pr year .'....17.00
By avail, pec nsoata
By earrbr, per snoath .T
By b0, per year, la adveo. .11.00
Inter u seeooeVetsee Mttit Jaas
19. at Ux Boatnfflo l Ailona. or.
tjr-Orfer for Ik. oT TnMouT
Oregon aad Washington
Light nil or mow.
The ml effect of the south jetty
npoe the bar channel of the Colombia
river not yet being apparent, and being
remote to the point of blind guessing
why would it not be within the realm
of reasoa to use the next and better ex
pedient of putting the dregder Chinook
back on the bar to do tome real .tangi
ble conspicuous work! It coats infl
nitely lea to maintain her there than
it doe to build jetty work, for the time
involved, and there la the certain ad
rentage of hating something done in
the way of digging and holding a chan
net jut where it i needed. Thu U
merely a suggestion; but even vsjrue
prompting have been known to ma
terialize to the degree of potency that
k desired, though this U a far cry and
a faint one. Ilowever, reiteration may
increase the tone until it ia heard in
Quarters where it will do the most good.
and we hare a distinct purpose in unik
tag the allusion.
That the Republin party of thi
Mlv and countr is in urgent need of
4 . -
thorough reorganization and alignment,
ia do new story. The main lue eon
fmntinir the Dsrtins is when it's re
- 0 i
establishment is o be wrought? There
is bo ue indulging in heroics nor diving
into history or trying to forecast the
personnel of the leadership. That is
for the people in convention to deter
mine. The principal step to be taken
is the calling of the party conference,
meeting the call in the spirit of fair
ness and partisan good-faith, and
Win? the rest to the widom and
loyalty of the Republicans of Clatsop
county. The sooner tne ueiwr.
It costs tha people at least W.000
Fr month to kc-p the jetty wor in
motion. The big dredger Chinook can
t utiliied steadily for u months in
tha year for that sum and for le.
And the difference lie not so much In
the monev expended as in tha down
rlirht. Dalnable. sure and effective work
accompll-hed l.y the fatter, whereas the
results of the jetty work are .f me
hypothetical itort and inlinitely bard to
meure. That's all.
Don't for -t that Astoria Tillamook
railroad project, whatever you do!
Y,,ur best oniiiion upon the foasiliililv
aud necessity of the Md will be a-ked
for tomorrow or tlie day after. anl you
tn well do some ood uonot tlilliK
ing about it.' It doe- not make any
diffflrence what the nature of your es
timate may be; all that is to be sought
U fair and equsr concensus of the
public feeling in the premise.
You bad better think twice, young
Udy. beforo passing the plodder for the
"swell" felow. The plodder may be off
. little In tba cut of bis clothe am
be may not shine at tba party lika your
man." but be ia saving his wind and
will coma down tha bona stretch ao
fast he will throw dut all aver the
other fellow. Poke fun at him now, it
yon choose, but soma day you will have
U get a spy glass to see hiss ha will
stand ao far above you. The "swell"
fellow trevita you lovely now. tells you
that you are "pretty." "dances lovely."
kuvs you ice cream ana takes you
ousgy" ruling. Then ba has shot his
bolt. He i all in and k cream ana
hitr ride are a thing of the pt.
He will be lying around living off your
folks or hi own. whila tne pioauer
) h huilJina- a new house, buying
another farm or two, planning to take
his wife on a trip cast to a piaoe wnere
her father and mother did their spark
ing. Tha plodder in youth i a good
sort of fellow to tia to. True some of
K.m remain oloddirur all their live.
but a majority of them eventually ac
..ire snsvd. The swell fellow goes so
fast when he is young that h baa no
wind for the latter part of me race.
T t. extreme! Y difficult to keep poll-
t ..,. nf anvthina in Xew York.
Even tha schools more' the pity
seem to ba no exception.
rx.r...rB..r Black think the politl
cal time "are too awift for any man
. . ....
who atill ba an atmung repec
old fashioned things." An accelerated
pace certainly was needed, in some
quarter, but after the effects of the
initial velocity necessary w such .
.......i W. subsided thina will
slow down to steady, orderly progresa.
n.r.r. l "Aiwnts Wanted" or simi
lar advertisements that offer alluring
p.witkns salaries, commissions, and
-.11 Tnenset raid." Iny of these
glittering offers are swindle. And if
you And that tbe auvenwer .
cab bond" or "cash security" from
you in advance, you will be very wie
not to pay
Th r.nnn has dona rood work for
farmer in the past, and Is keeping at
it in fine style. It gained tHWOO mem
bers in tha last year. It is not appro-
..j n .,( tn be. Had every,hnrkni Granizo oresnuation.
Congress would dance to Grange music
right along, and Grango muic is gwu
The injunction againt eiv leal
which cam down from ueouuiu
thromrh Terence to Talleyrand is to be
commended to the Rusnian government
today in its dealing with its misguided
...hiert. It must restore order and
punuh those guilty of wanton crime.
But when that i uon, its own enu,
those of humanity, will be erv-
cd by that wise moderation which is
one of the surest indication conn-
dent strength.
o ever tried getting up a
stock compsny to buy a stallion in
your neighborhood? Pretty risky busi
ness. A good many men who have
gone into that kind of a speculation
have wished they had not If a num
ber of fanners really want to own a
rood hore in partnership, the best way
it for one of thir numlier to go where
oood hor-es of the kind desired are
bred, and buy one. Look out for the
stranger who come to work up a com
pany at a big price.
" o
At rhiladelnhia. the managers of the
Y. Y. C. A., have concluded that a
'fiirl" of 35 is fully equipped to take
care of herself outside and has out
grown any deposition to gililine, and
in order to relieve the congestion at the
issociation Home and to make room
for the large waiting list of country
jflrls lis decided to thrust them out
into the world. Soma of the residents
of the home have been there for twelve
or fifteen years, and though the new
rule has bem. posted, no one ha con
fessed to being 35. The rule takes effect
next 8itmlr.
. ft
Farmers complain of a sesreity of la
borers, and say it is difficult for tbem
to house their crops for want oi neip.
kt ike same time, lawyers doctor and
bankers from the'eitie ar scouring
country for servant girls. Why
1 ,n,liions! Is it because we
.,. .nti-imniiirration laws prohibit
rvsnt tirl and UDorer irora
,).,,, into our refuce for tn oppress
- " ... .
d-our land of the free-keeping ouv
A the shadow of "Old Glory" the poor
folk of Poland.
Th Proent Diy Crizt b For
Various White Fun.
Secret Bracaleta Are Worn by Young
Women WM Art Engage
Vot of tba Separate Coat Lac
For Cuff and Collar.
There la a perfect eras Juat now (or
vblte fur, bo it ermln or the Imlta
ttou. wblca ia In reality white rabbit
Tba lenulut thing baa reached faba
'.out price and la ludeed a fur for tas
Lingwle walsta, baud ombrolderai
waitu of bamlkercblef linen or ba
tiste, will bo worn all winter. There
la notblug particularly new in their
makeup thle season except that Dow
and than a yoke appear and tba da
Igu and embroidery ar never twice
Bhlrt vaUta of plain linen distinctly
tailor mad, with plain buttona, plain
i .c for cuff and collar la generally
backed with chiffon, Tba affect to quit
.it transparent, and tnero la no Bint or
luirvueea or of that unfluUbad look
that alway nrevalla arben tba rblffoa
la omitted.
Tinsel rtbbona In all colore ar tba
latest craae and ar employe vary
sueceeafulty on bta.
riu of the eccentric modea Of tba
moment la that of dyeing feather and
fur to match tbe riric wun wnicn
they are to be worn.
Perfectly "dear" la the waiat or am-
ptre green doubt chiffon seen la tba
cat. Over tbe bloueed portion or Ut
model ia a deep yoke formed of lat
tice of ribbon aud scallop of lac In
sertion, caught with velvet bow. Tba
velvet outlluee tbe entire yoke and
trim the cuffe on the elbow aleevea.
Ttieee la notlillia- that add to tb
tnartnesa of a ablrt walat mora tbaa
an attractive stock and belt.
Varied and nartlcu arlv cbarmlat ar
tb arraugementa for the neck In mna
Its. lace and Slmy chiffon, whetbat
they be atyled chemlsettea, coiuveu,
Xow a the day shorten, the nights
lengthen, th friMits lncrese, the proo
lem coiifiont all: How shall we srnd
the winter evenings? Afler all. where
vnu find a pla that comliine.
plea-iire and profit to a degree that
with vonr own firesides.
whether it is a mythical fireside made
of steam or hot water piper or the noi
.le . fiirirn. r a little fireside with
the sl therein actually al.laM. Oct
tn vour fireside. O busy worker; Make
n. ..i,.! nf vnur family. It
wilt nsv vour heart big dividend. It
win cheer your oul. It will uplift your
tncka. olaln aleevee and sometime fla
ished with a link cuff which button
down tbe Inside, are much worn. On
of tb nrettleat waist of tbe eaon
cornea from Ireland and la white linen,
heavily embroidered by band.
There la a revival of red for rougn
weather aarmenta. a rather bright
shade of red reaembllDE bunting pink.
Tbia color Is also a decided laature
In small coatee of cloth worn with
skirt of whit check on tb golf link.
Recret brace eta bracelet tnat loci
on tbe arm and are supposed never to
come off are worn aa engagement
bracelet. As a matter of fact, they
can be taken off by tbe Insertion Into
the lock of a Din point
Tha a-own Illustrated la a charming
combination of cloth and Praia. Tne
double eklrt 1 elaborately trimmed
with aoutacb. and tbe bodice la atrap-
ped aud laced In a faacinatmg rauion
with the braid.
Tha voa-u of the eetiarate coat baa
a special feature tn Ite favor In tba fact
that It make possible tb wearing of
different frock or skirt underneath.
Sow, with a well selected separate
wTari tbe Question of both street and
evening wear 1 solved. Tb bom
toilet can easily be worn to tb theater
with tha addition of a smart topcoat.
Gulmp and guimpe enecta ar auii
very popular. They are at once both
rami obsbx waist.
imart and economlcaL Any of tb
aheer silk or cashmere kt need with
atrtklna effect when accompanied by
a dainty lac or batiste gulmp and
perbap long rnffi of tb same mat
rkv -
xwuuted by a row of'eyeim note rm
broidery. The little collar band la aim
llirly adorned.
Collar bands of stltcbed kid are se
vere affair, bearing on either aide a
velvet motif encircled with allk em
broidery aud finished In front with a
mall velvet bow.
Kitretuely pretty la a cravat of whit
allk spotted with color, tbe collar band
dged with plain allk in tb earn
hid. A Ilk band edge tb pointed,
knotted scarf.
The stocks areu In the sketch ar new
and pretty. Hi top design I mad from
lac braid In a rluny pattern, Tbe low
er stock la of gray green allk. bordered
With a Hue of white taffeta. Krcu.b
dot and a dainty design lu roaebuds
adorn the end and form a pretty de
tall on tbe neckband proper. Tbe white
edge la outlined with a row of French
Among tbe amart new black trim
mini of tbe aeasoa la black etuay
lac apaagled with Jet. Tber ia alee
a net trimming covered with apeafle
aad bugle beada, and atill another new
on Is a conventional design of cwt Jet
beada with a allk cord throngs tb
center and a allk edge.
Some of the neweat material ar allk
ardaroy, gold cloth and taffaU aylph.
labota or flchua. Rome of tba first
named. coniHed or alia nowera or,
tar connected with allk "hairpin" or'
herringbone work edged with a filmy praacroraa cum ooai
frill, are especially attractive. I paibloa Ds run mad aft? la visible
Tnare ar aainty cravaw in crei u. These r not dn&H Knaraa,
with Mtlanad hnMoilbolaa. sur- - '
mrtb rCori aSTS tft each tbe
with a rich shaded effect
Tuiia 1 anlovina- a distinct revival
for day and evening wear, both for mil
liuery and gown. Tb full boa k
mora potmltr than that of feather or
shaded chiffon. ,
Abater red and fire red ar favorlteA
colon la Paris, dividing honor with j
llts ssanelaw arM It 1 11 tAIVawal kill
tlJIUl HS MWV ! sww ww-- - j
almond green, Mrown la coaaldera.1
The most everely plala walat may
be given a dreaay air If topped by one
af tbe numeroua lace collar to be
found hi tbe ebope ready to put on.
A clear aton gray la a favtctt color
for coat and aklrt aulta A bat f the
tame abade la tb niodiah finlah.
White fox ta a more becoming fur
than ermine and la quit aa am'
fcianiaita bokeroa formed it alterns
trip of ermln aad black velvet are
among tbe season' nevelttea.
Earring of pink coral ar vary -!
Tha diractolr coat ta the cot la d
signed for a girt of tea or twelve. It
sa r dull srsss cloth. Black velvet
yarlay tb Napoleoa collar, revr7
aad cnaa. Tn amioa ore w v
ui imiin f-iml.I.arrV
VN. ...v--w
Tk Bahiaar Okl lallieU
Ooauneaclng Sunday, Kovewber l.
Uala No. t, tha Royal Blue Limited, will
leav Grand Central passenger atatlow.
Chicago at I p. m, lastead of Ii30 p m.
and will arriv ia TitUburg at Je a
. Waahlaetoa at 4;40 a. m- Baltimore
8:50 p. m. rblladelphla,
York 10:40 p. m. tha m
old scbsdul. thus reducing
one boar aad thirty mlautee. K
far will be charged oa thle fast HasiUd
train. All other train will arrive aad
depart lh aam as formerly. Plop-over
la allowed at Washington, Baltimore aad
Philadelphia, not t ied tea day, at
each place, on all nrat-elaa through
10 p. m, iMumorei
a, I 1 fS
earn aa wnX tb-T
sdurlag the Un
It seems to be sufficiently demos)
sirs ted Ihat It Is hard to break Into
either the jail or lh penitentiary.
Don't let your fare grow old, sallow
hollow and wrinkled. If you car at a!!
for beauty, take lloUlsler JWkjA
Mountain Tea. SS reel, Tea or Tab-
lela. Frank Hart, draggiet.
jp ap je je
We Want to Talk to You
Wc do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . . .
je dt
Wc take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
je je g g
The J, S. Dellinger Co.
Makers of All Kinds of Books :
Corner Commercial, and 10th Street m