(1 UBllt-HIt FULL AMOOIATID PMII RIPORT .bOVIR TNI MORNIN9 MLD ON Trfl LOWIft COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 23 ASTORIA. OREGON SUNDAY JANUARY 14 19 06 PRICE FIVE CENTS I uOlD CHEERS 1 HADLEY IK H Unusual Scene Witnessed In Supreme Court. HE ARRIGNS ROGERS n, MU.Aiuri Prooruinr ftf ManHird . .1 Oil Trust Scores It's rkur RESUMPTION OF HEARING T.k.0! of Tastlmony Wa Resumed D. H. D. Rad tad Alb.it Smith, W.i. m th Stand and Olvt Soim Ttlmoay Regarding 8uodrd Oil. NKW YORK. J.n. 13 -An unusual im wa Bilnewed In th supreme ' P.iMirt today when Attorney-General llaillrv who wa. antuinir before Justice I (ilhk-rlv on thr rule to compel II. IL Hog to anawer question In th ML wiuri Htt (HI laquiry. waa applauded nd cheeiwd by lb 'crowd a. be con cluded hi. arraignment o( Roger., fur the position h had taken In th in tuiry. A decision in tin matter deferred until Monday. Ttlmeny Resumed. Th taking uf testimony in Ilia at tempt tit mint lb Standard (HI Com pany uf Indiana, (hp Water Pieie (til Company, and lh Republic (HI Com (winy, from Mi.aouri wa. rr.iiuwd to day. Attorney-General Ibidlcy an limtnred II. Clay Pierc of the Water.. lien Company had griHd to appear in Mi.ourl whenever Hadley wished, l, IL I). Read, formerly connected with on or tb other uf th Standard Oil Company, he did not know which, t--tilM tu having audited thr Water. Pierce Company book.. He reported mult of the first audil In W. K. ' McKee, 20 Broadway, New Yoik. and k ' it,. unJ (!.. I XL U'kil. .i. 26 Dtaudway. II. aaid M Kee after ward. be-ni ah ofllrer in the llcpidilir Cotnpany. At tlii jnnrture RoKeni wa. allowed In wine In and anwer r. rUln iiirlioiiH which In prevlmily hd re filed. He had been naked, he aitL Whether in lUO h had any buine transaction, with II. (Iny rh-rre. wlicrily he eet-iired for hiinelf or the Standard (HI, any .tuck of the Watvr. I'ierce Company. Ho.-rn .aid hi. refusal to aiLHer Hi iiicalion mlflil prejudice I'lcn and h w iahiil tu .lute that licit !ier in IWM nr at any lime, did he have Mich a traduction with I'l.r.-e. Allxrt A. Hmitli. .tcnov'iaphcr. .taleil lie wa. employed at 20 llruadway from llNkl tu IIKM In the ofllce of V. K. IteinU. He aUted he reerlved the dic tation of letter, aildreimed l Im t I the Water.-Tien Company and the Re jmlilic Company. ronirniii)( the general i-onduct of their bu.inewi. He never alowd the name, of either vonipany in npiiear In the carbon eopie. uf the CLYDE LINER CHEROKEE ON BRIGANTINE SHOALS ATLANTIC CITY', N. J. Jan. 13. Sixty peraon who comprise th pa enger. and craw of th big Clyde liner Cherokee which went a.hor yaterdy on the Drigantln Shoal., am complete ly rut off from th outalde world to night. Not ainc 4 o'clock this after- -1 nighl fl noon lean ' i ii U ha there been any algnal from mer, At thia hour th captain aig- -d that all waa well and th ve- letter. On rrtM examination b. teall- fled h had been dlt-hrgd by III 8t.nJ.rd Oil, but could t.ll no dm why, HELL U A W8ECC. VICTORIA. Jan, II Th te.im-r Nell U a total wrwk. at Metlakatlai h.viny drifted on th ruck off 1'oint Itv.n. January 3rd. during the heavy X I. TV- ...I -I I A . rrrtck. ROT SO WELL. NKW YORK, Jan. U-Th following bulletin on th condition of Uanhal Kkdd ra. I.ued at midnight i "Mr. rirld k not o well tonight. Th dl m baa not (tended, but be .bow. murk exhau.lion. TEAMS COLLIDE. Paaansf Trala Stiikci Log Train Thr Pvraoaa Injured. HKlJl! Ala Jan. l3.-ThrtMigh mUunderatamling of order, a iecl.l train carrying th Utile Johnnie June. company from her to Penuitd col tided with a log train between Monroe and Itepton on a branch lino of the UHiiatille and Nhvll and wa wreck ed. Thre of th company were In Jiired, Th eottiitany gav their er formanc at PmiMMiila tonight. HEARING QFORCIIARD His Opening Trial Begins in Caldwell. ELEVEN WITNESSES EXAMINED Sheriff Bell of Teller Coanty, Colorado, Identlfl Orchard aa Waattd oa Sua- pidoa of Blowing up Isdrpodnc Depot at Indepondenc Colorado. 1UUSK. J.n. 13. The preliminary hearing of Harry Orchard, alia Thoma. lliHn, on th charge of murdering ex ioernnr Stetinenlierg w. lH-giin to lay at Caldwell before Pnibate Judge (liorcli. After aniining eleven wit neM, the court adjourned until Mun '.v. v. The public wa. excluded from the bearing by virtu of th atatut mak ing it the privilege of the defendant to have the di.ir. cloaed. Joeph Hut chinson, lieutenant-governor ' during Steunenlierg'. aecond term gav hia opinion thai the exphnion wa. from aome other high exphwive than dyna mite. HuU'hinann told of finding wnne Kiil, r in(Hcli.rd' ruom and aome pla.- ter pari. There i a towel tied over the door knob, h Miid. that covered the keyhole. Sheriff 1VI1. of Teller eoiiiity, Colo., id til ill d the prioner a th man wanted on au-picion of blow ing up the .tation honae at lndcieml- ence. Coin. He aaid he had a warrant fur IHelmrd'. arret and extradition paper, have been ined for (Hvhard'. return tu Colorado in chc he I. not convicted h.r. Mr. J. L.Miirtln, who live, near the Steunenlierg reaidene, leatiflcd that on nevernl oci-aaion. during the hut of Octohi'r, and flrt of November, ahe aw Orchard paa her hmia going In ward (he citeiiiienberg reaidene and hi him leveling a field plaa at (h ' arl waa lying ea.y with her noae .tuck- deep la the aand. Karlier in tha day a meaaage waa received from th (trended .teamer aaklng that lighter." b aent. They will probably reach Cherokee early In the morning. Old captain familiar . with the ahor hereabout .tat th craft I la no danger a long a ber bow la kept in th aoft bed of (and. AWFUL I ST, PETERSBUR NEW YEAR'S FETE TURNED INTO DEATH SCENE Student, for Refusing to Anthem Ruthlessly Slain by one of the -Reactionaries in Fit of Anger. TRAGIC SCENE 1$ THEN WITNESSED IN THE RESTAURANT Wbea Davidoff, th Std?ot, Will Met Honor th Kuaiiaa Rational Antk.m. Count Sherometi.fi, th BMctionary, Applied aa Epithet to Davidoff and Polled Hk Ckair Out Tnm Uadr Bin Hot Word Fellow and Count Pull Hia Revolver and Killa DaeidofJ. ST. PETFJlSBUtU. (Sunday). Jaa. UVA tragedy In whk-h a atmlent paid with hi. life th. penalty for refusing to honor the old regime look place 4a th f anion, reatauranl "Th It. or" aboitlr after midnight. Tb cuatoiu of watching th old year out wa. being olwerved. Th hall wa crowded and the orcheatrn of Mil. Rigu. .later of th paramour of Prince. Chinuy. upon tb atroke of twelve, burt out into tralna of "Cod Save th Kinpernr Th gueal. with the exception of a tudent named Davidoff, a nieuilier of an ari.locralie family nm to their feet, and th oflh-er prenent demanded an encore, determined to turn the cele bration into a kiyaliat demon.tration. Count Sliemmetieff, the react binary, applied aa epithet to Davidoff for re fusing to honor th .national anthem and pulled a chair from under him. Hot word folowed and auddenly in the mlat of th joyou. acclamation for New Y'ear, the gtieat. were atartled by Ave hot In rapid tucceaalon and the corpse uf I lie .tudent. lay on the floor. ' The Count, in addition lu killing Daviduff wounded two women. Thre companion, of Davidoff, armed with champagne bottle, attacked the murderer, who with blood atreaming from hi. fac managed to tight hi way to Ih (hair. jWomeiJ .bricked and fainted. lmpalonel .pectator rang Steunenlierg houae, which he evidently wa. .tudyliig carefully. Judge Snell of Nam pa leatiflcd thn Orchard wa. at Namp the day of the murder and talked tu him about an hour. The purpose of the prneculion Intro ducing thia evidence i. to allow that Orchard wa. at Namp on that particu lar dny and returned to Caldwell on the aame train with Steunenlierg, who had returned home from an abac nee of aeveral week.. A. Ilartlett. proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, at Nampa, corroborated Snell. teatimony a to Orchard presence in Nampa on that day, and that (n-chard took the weal IhiuiuI train, taking a heavy valiae with him. So far a the officer are able to learn, the valine waa not in Orchard' poeion when he retunied to Cald well, Other witne.ar gv minor tea timony concerning minor detail.. MERIWETHER AGAIN. Midshipman Will B Tried For Hating One Mora. ANNAPOLIS, J.n. 11-Th enation of th preaent aerie of trill of th al leged hater appeared thia morning, when it became known that th next can would be Mid.hlpman Minor Meri wether, Jr who was recently tried In connection with a fight which ended in the death of Mid.hipman Branch. All offen charged again.t him are al leged to have occurred September lat. No offen of any kind I charged alnee the ad affair with young Branch. Honor Russian National ed themaelvea acording to politirwl faith. A well known courtesan, her head proudly in th air, atamped her foot a from the aide of the Lnyaliata, and declared the .Indent met hia due. Th climax came when the aunt of IXivhloff .who had fainted revived, ahe ruahed forward and threw heraelf on the body and paxionately kied hi. cold bloodaUined face. A regular panic followed. Many , gueata among whom were aom of Ih moat prominent an cle tr leaden, in St, Petemburg. in cluding a number of diploiu.!, h.aten e away In order to avoid being .urn. mon.nl a witnee. . Confirmation wa. received in the re port of former Mini-ter . Kokovaroff th.t he wa partially auecenafiil in hi miaaion in Pari. Credit of t-i0.00n.000 wa. obtained with the ammrance of more if neceary to maintain the ta bility of the rouble. II explained, how ever, that it wa not in the nature of a loan to the Ruian government, but .trh-tly an operation between the Dank of Ruaaia and the French hank. With a mania for criticixing every act of the government, the paper even go to the extent of attuning Witt for attempt ing to maintain the gold atandard. Th Novo Vremya declare, it a encle. policy ami advocate, decree ing paper lo be receivable with gold fur public and private due. and let the value take care of itel. SERIOUS QUARREL. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13.-Speaker Cannon and Repreentativ Rabcork, the hitter the leader of the inaurgenta in the llouae, had an intereating meet ing today aa a result of which aeveral enational atone are in circulation which indicate a eerioiia breach lietween the gentlemen. Their difference on the Philippine tariff and Statehood bill have long been apparent, and in re gard to lhee difference they met to- duy. Hancock took exception to an article in a newper and preferred a reiiiet that he lie recnguiaed on the matter of peraonal privilege in the Huuae, to deny it. Conversation re vealed the fact that Hahcork wa un der Ih impreion that (he article re ferred to, wa. Inspired by Cannon', friend. He waa aasurred am-h waa not th cane and the interview terminated without dicloing more than radical difference a to bill, which are now the chief topic of conversation about the Huue. ELABORATE WEDDING. CARLISLE, Pa, Jan. 11-At a din ner party for the Carll.le Indiaa foot- bal player and Udle Unt evening giv en by Superintendent Mercer, of the Carli.l achool. Mi. Roe La Farge, a Rlackfont Indiaa, and a lat year' Car liala graduate, bow acting a aa aUt ant matron her announced her en gagement to Chart Dillon, th Chey enne guard on th Carllale football team for Hi but few year. AKKTJAL BEP0ST. Snperlntendeat f Railway Kail Servic Give Flf area. WASin.VIJTOX, Jaa. U.-Tha aa anal report of the general auperintend nt of railway mail aervio for th fiaral year Iwi3 .bow th total aum ber of mile, uf nervfc by railroad, elee trie cable ami ate.mboat line, to have been 376JH(Ki;. Aa urgent plea k made for a retire ment and .uperannnatiua for the bene fit of clerk disabled la line of duty or worn out through long and faithful aer- HOUSE PR0CEEDIRCS. .... Hia Sptecbea Mad aa Philippia Tar iff BiH. WASIIIXC.TON. D. C. Jan. 13.-Xine ajieeche. were made in the Houae today on the lliilippine tariff bill, contain ing .ix and one-balf hour. Three op-po-ed the bill and aix favored it. Thoae who argued for tha meaaur vera; Cainea of Tennea.ee; Thoma. of North Carolina who included a plea for the Southern farmer and demanded reclp- r-ity to benefit tlie aecd oil iinlu-try ; Needham of California; Creet of Tea- nea.ee, and Scott of Kanaa. T'.tt op ponent, were Young of Michigan; Lmid of Minoeaota; and Morri. of Ncliraaka. The debate ail cke Monday. Woman is Ravished and Then Strangled to Death, MURDERER CONFESSES CR1HE ttra. Beaaia HollittM Attacked by Mar derou Maa Wh Attampti t Aaaaalt Her, Than Twin m Copper. Wtn Around Reck and Strangle H.r. CHICAOO, Jn. 13.-Mr. IWie Hol liter, 30 year of age, the. wife of Franklin C. Holli.ter, of tb printing firm of Holli.ter Bro. one of the targ et concern, of it kind in the city, w. murdered Ut night by Richard Ivin. 28 year of age, who had at tempted to ault her. Tlie body of Mr. Holliatcr wa. found this morning lying on a pile cf .table refuae in the rear of the Ivin.' reaidence. at 308 Bel den avenue. Around the neck wa. twisted a fine copper wire, and death had been caused by strangulation. Ivin, who pretended to find the body, and reported the fact of the mur der to the police, confeed to the crime a abort time after he had been taken into custody. Hi atatement to the police wa.'in effect that be waa at work in hi carpenter Wp. which atand but a abort distance from the place where the body wa found hi morning, and that "alien Mr. Hol li.ter pa-aed by he attacked her and that alien ahe rcaiated he dragged her into the carpenter hop and killed her by twisting the all around her neck. He (hen went home, and remained ther all night. Ivin. in hi confession, claimed that he wa drunk at the time of the crime, hut thia i denied by hi own mother, who m,v. that he came into the houae and ate hia upier while perfectly eober. - Ivin had previously born a good reputation. GENERAL MORALES IS SAN JUAN, P. R-. Jan. 13-The U. 8. gunboat Dubuque arrived here this morning from Santo Domingo with General Morale, the former President of Sanio Domingo on board. II I ulleriiig from a broken ankle. The in jury resulted from a fall from hia horse on December 24th and ainc then he has been without medical - attention. is Engiana's Parlianentary Contest Exdlto" BALFOUR IS DEFEATED Unionist Candidate Beaten Bv Horridge Who Was Thought Weak. ELECTIONS LAST FORTNIGHT Seault of tha Elect ioai Tkaa Fax Has Ftotib a Great Sqrpria t Zeta th Liberal Thanjelre Excit.meat at Maachefter Intenu. .. 4 ! LONDON. Jan. 13-The political map of England underwent a atriking change today a a result of the Parliamentary election held in 39 conatituencie- in widely watterrd but im porta nt center, and in which th Liberal gained eigh teen aeata. The Laborite, who ara counted among the Liberal in the gains, .ecu red four aew aeaU. Ia the east division of Manchester, Arthur J. Balfour, th former Premier, wa de feated by T. O. Horridge. a Liberal, who wa conceded a weak candidate even by the Liberal. Horridge'. ma jority wa 1080. Thia victory wa. de cidedly the sensational outcome of th day' polling and will, it i believed, enormously effect the election which will continue for a fortnight. Although only sixty-six seat are now filed out of 670 required for the new Parliament, the composition of the House a ihowa by the result, up to midnight is. .Lib eral. 39, Unionist 11 Laborite k and Nationalist 7. Little disorder occurred anywhere. The excitement at Manches ter wa intense and candidate aad con stituent worked with feverish anxiety and activity, especialy in Balfour'a dis trict. Dispatches from Manchester say the excitement tonight is indescribable. Great Crowds swarmed th street cheering nd demonstrating with the utmost enthusiasm. Balfour tonight adi!reed a meeting at the Conserva tive Club. He acknowledged the grav ity of the disaster, but predicted a short life for the Liberal government. Of course Balfour will find another seat before the elections are owr by one of the I'nionist candidate retiring in hi favor. I'p on the present however, ther ia no indication of where the for mer Premier will find thia place. MINERAL LARDS. SPOKANE, Jan. 12-In a decision mainly against (lie Northern Pacifls Railway Company, the register and re ceiver of the I'nited Statea Land office at Corur d'Alene City, Idaho today held that a vast tract of lands in Shoshone county claimed by the railroad a non mineral are mineral, in character and therefore a part of the public domain. The land, are valued at 1 1-5O0.000. wm IE vraious BROKE FINANCIALLY Th officer on th Dubuqu state Mo rale, has bo fund and hia entire bag gg conaist of two trunk. He told Commander Fechteler that he wt fla ancialy embarrassed aad hoped to se en r employment in Panama. Th Dubuqu reported all quiet in Santo Domingo. Monte CrUti will probably be invaded next week by General Ca ceres. .