The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 13, 1906, Image 2

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laUhttshel xtjy
Published Daily by
By mail, per year 7M
By mil, pec month....... .
By carrier, per nootk. ......... JS
By BkO, par ynr, la advance.. fl.OO
Bnterea M seeoaaVelaiai narto Jna
B. ls at U postoffle Aslorttk. vr-
(VOntos (or the ttttntmg of Til Mow
saumuakMki or paw?
ktow J n T ra! eari w
Mwk M kOM. Any li rsgnlsrttr
tun sltowkl SMritstsij rsporud to th
Oregon and
Light raia or tnow,
la a article booming the JCehalem
Tillamook railroad project the Oregonian
recently outdid itself in the employ
went of every conceivable argument
specious, and otherwise, but it failed to
Dial even a beggerly mention of the
iargeii community indigenous to the
territory to be invaded by that road,
.the city of Astoria. It did not fan,
however, to notify the reading world
that the country under consideration
waa "within one hundred mile of
Portland." In the name issue it quoted
from this paper aa to the effort being
made here to rouse the public sense of
local progress, aad caustically comment
ed on that purpose. This is the normal
becking that the lesser towns of the
State of Oregon all get from the Ore-
gonian; never a word of honest en
couragement, never a line of generous
expression of any tort; always and
forever after the advantage that lies
within one hundred mile of Portland
It loyalty to Portland is alright.
should never forget that duty for an
instant, and it never does; but there
such a thing a "bogging", and to that
level the big Portland sheet bas come.
It knows nothing of the smaller
agencies of Oregon that are contribut
ing to her growth, except as they shall
make that contribution via the profit
of the metropolis. Of course we are
aware that these kirks are but laughed
at in the "tall tower"; that the prestige
of the Oregonian plaess it far beyond
the reach of any small sliest in the
outer, ex-Portland sphere; but it may
count some, even in the exclusive and
impregnable compass of that great
paper, to know that it is cordially de
tested from on end of the state to the
other, upon this hypothesis of "hog
ginhness"; that while it is repe-ted
for its immen.e value and power, i is
hated for it narrow and utterly sel
fish program, that con see no good thing
beyond the limits of it own city and
office. We are in the oiiy clas cer
tainly, and we look for nothing from
the Oregnniun but sneering abuse and
snarling reprisal, but that is t h-t
mea-uie of its notice of the outsiile
pre-, anyhow, and we ran stand our
share of it. All the same, the Oregon
ian is following the wrong system and
will continue to pursue it.
appreciative and too many patron look
upon the serv ice a something to whhr
they have to same general right
they have to receive mail at a post
office. The 14.000.000 deficit has
brought the government to the conclus
ion that there is little ene in spend
ing the pp)e' money on those who
do not appreciate it.
Japan Trying to Purchase Pacific
Mail Line.
a i-nrmuTAT sarin A
Berlin's new census give that town
a population of 8.0M. OlM.
Soklier are demised in China. They
belong chiefly to the coolie clr.
Five hundred thousand person are
employed in banket making in Ger
The Trana-Padnc Mail Steamer Con
sist ef the Korea, Siberia, Mongolia,
and Manchuria Their Total Cost Be
ing Tea Millioa Dollar.
The value of the annual crop of
peanut in this country is about 112,
auier say today i
A dispatch from Washington state
that Consul General Miller at oko-
hama ha Wormed the State Depart
Intent that the Toyo Kisrn Kaisha, th
Japanese Steamship Company is nego
tiating to buy the traas-IV'iue Une of
the Pacific Mail Steams) ip Company
Th dispatch then goes on to say that
R H. Harrima ' recent visit to Japan
may have had something to do with
this proposition and that the Japanese
The most active center of railroad government ta neninu me pur-
1 .a...
am-atrlr si,. fir. r.. Vr4 hY lktHXll IL-niMTS
mvwaai BUastw -
Men often mix opportunity knock
because they are themselrr too busy
One of the inventor report that it
will be inioos-ible within a year for
everybody to fly.
during receipt yesrd
the southern gulf state.
A report has reached the cxar that
the revolt in some part of the country
is serious. The cordon of misinforma
tion provided for the emperor by thej
grand duke must have sprung a loop
Missouri, whk'h borders Iowa and
Nebraska on the north, reaches far
R, P. Schwerin, vice-president and
general manager of the company and
personal representative of Mr. Harri
man, In discussing the nistt-r yester
day, said:
"It is not true that the Japanese gov
ernment haa made any offer to Mr. llar
rima n to buy the trans-Pacifle steamer
line th Pacific Mail It i true,
however, that the Toyo Kisen Kaisha
have niade Mr. Harriman an offer and
if Mr. Harriman waa milling to sell to-
BOSTON. Jan. 14.-o complaints
have reached the police autboriUe that
forged municipal bond originating In
Cleveland, tHiio, have come into the
piMewlin of person In thl district.
The Boston office of th Denlson,
Prior A Co, of Cleveland, lis been
closed since Wednesday and Charles K.
iVnison a member of th Ann ! up
poaed to be in Cleveland in connection
with th failure of hi company. The
conitany did a considerable business In
Newk England In th sale of municipal
bonds. Mr. Denison had charge of the
Ponton office and spent mo.t of hi
tiiue there.
The Protestant churches of the
world spent last year in foreign mis
sionary efforts not quite tl7.000.0na '
It I time to rail attention to th
fact that all tho fellow In Mass
chuaett have so far nikwed the oppor
tunity to congratulate the new Gover
nor (iuitd on standing in Governor
Douglas' shoes.
Th football discussion msy b con
sidered ekiaed. now that Harvard pro
(eor remark eonAJentty that some
people need killing anyway.
For that matter, Mr, et-Judge Parker
ha for some time been of the opinion
that pretty much everybody isn't
Democrat any more.
Dont let your face grow old, sallow,
hollow and wrinkled. If you rare at all
for beauty, take UollisUr'a Ho, Icy
Mountain Tea. U rant. Tea or Tsb-
kta. Frank Hart, druggist.
The Baltlmer k Obi lUUrMl
CbtsBMBoing Sunday, Korambar It,
train No. i, th Royal Blue Limited, will
leave Grand Central pssssngsr atatton,
Chicago at p. Instead t I SO f m.
aad wiU arriv la Plttsbarg at iM a,
Waahlngtoa at 4:40 p, m4 Baltiaiora
;M p. m, Philadelphia, 1:19 p, as. New
York 10:40 p. a. th aamt aa with, th
ekl fchedule, thus reducing th time
one hour and thirty minute. No asoa
far will be charged oa thl fast limited
train. All other train win arrive aid
depart the aamt aa formerly. 8top-vr
la allowed tt Washington, Baltimore aad
rhiladalphia, not to exceed tea day, al
eaok place, oa all Ant-elaaa through
enough wuth to have produced 3J.048 K fcuy him w wltfcol
nam o. coou -.-"u. "" the least heslLition. Wh.t Mr. Darri
cultural range of .Missouri take in tne
whole American list.
One of the candidate for mayor of
Pittsburg, P-. i a manufacturer of the
far-famed "stogies" of the Smoky City
Ue thinks it appropriate that he sboukl st hl Company in round number
oe its cluet magistrate, ana, io induce ai n 110000,000.
man' Intention in the matter my be 1
do not pretend to know."
The trans Iacific Una of th Pacific
Mail consisting of the steamers Korea.
Siberia, Manchuria, and Mongolia.
Their total cost to the Pacific Mail
similar belief among hi one thousand
employe lie ha raised their salaries
and told them to 'smoke up1 or words
to that effect
Postmaster-General Courtelyoii in his
report made public today outlines a
policy of stricter adherence to the Icjjil
regulations of rural mail routes. Most
important to rural route patrons is his
inti-ntion to "discontinue without delay
any route where it is found on inspec
tion that because of a lack of apprecia
tion of the service the expenditure in
volved is unwarranted," and the an
nouncement that where patronage ia
insufficient to warrant daily delivery
aubstitotion will be made of a every-other-day
senic. Not every route is
secretary Tsft recommends th en
largement of the military reserve at
Fort SilL Okla., to 1-I0.O0O. The climate
there will permit open air exercise the
year round, and the general advantages
are pronounced excellent I'ncle Sam
is getting acquainted with the south
Managing Director M. Shiraht, of
the Japanese Steamship Company is
now on hi way from Braiil to London
and will probably arrive in New York
early in March. The supposition is
that he is empowered to finally discus
with Mr. Harriman the Japanese offer
to buy out the trans-racifle line of the
Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
YtBen Missourlans pay fW.W0 a
year on the school certificates of In
debtedness, formerly an asset in gov
ernment bonds, they are soothed by the
Democratic inventors of the certifi
cates with an assurance that they are
an endowment. It is a unique fiction.
but call for the tame hard rash as
other taxation.
England ha found it advisable to
exclude certain aliens, though more im
migrants land in New York in a week
than enter England as permanent re.j
dents in a year. In l!K)4 only 32.010
aliens arrived in England to remain.
Australia enfoite a reading test with
aliens, and excludes all except the white
rare. By exacting more strinfjent reg
ulations for newcomers, England showi
that certain abuses connected with im
migration compel new safeguards.
The government employe!' of Wash
ington are, ais-ording to their own story.
the most abused and maltreated indi-1
viduals in the I'niled States. Thev arel
compelled to work seven hours a davl
and they may be dixmi-scd at any time
that the head of the department dis
covers th-ir incapacity for their work. I
Still these inftagrant injustices do not
result in any noticeable number of
resignations and according to the an
nual report of the civil service commis
sioner 14H,7.'IO M-rsons "look the exami
nation last year with the hes of en-
ering the ranks of the down-trodden.
A local newspaper credit "the Im
mortal. William" with saying, "Hell
hath no fury like a woman corned.
That deep thinker. Hill Devery, was
Mire to get hi right some day.
If those Missouri people are to be
shown anything, the Standard Oil Com
pany will break it gently to them.
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitter. Thl
is a pure, tonle medicine; of especial
benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true
euratlr influence oa the disease, driv
ing it entirely out of the system. It I
much to be preferred to Quinine, hav
ing none of this drug bad after-effect.
E. S. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex
write: "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice, till v he
took Electric Biter, which saved bis
life." At Chsrles Rogers, drug store;
price 50c, guaranteed.
ip at a
We Wont to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . .
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them (it to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
je tf sje
J. S. Dellinger Co.
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street
:0000000000000c O000900OOO00OOCO00OO0OO0OOOOOO0O000O000OsKOO
Some scientist Darwin, we think
in illustrating the struggle fori
existence going on in nature, made the I
statement that if all the eggs should I
liatcli, the descendants of a single pair I
of rodlikh would in twenty-five years I
have a bulk greater than the earth.
Don't encoiirave that bov in his Me I
that he bad enough schooling before lie
has finished a common high school I
course. Keep him soiiiir, even at the I
expense of some rather stringent urg
ing. The successful man of the future I
must be an educated man. Things have I
hangrd since you were a boy and arel
changing more rapidly now than ever!
befor. The chance for the plug man I
are disappearing so give your boyl
enough education to raise him out off,
that das.
ncr3 n ett3
n rvn
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR
for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising
imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably
known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR.
We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk
your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine.
Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and 1.00.
Prepared only by FOLEY & CO., 02:04-80 Ohio Street, CHcago, Illinois.
- - ' - SOLD 11) FICC-EHED BY ZI
Sold and Recommended by CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.