The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 12, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Ttsrc Is Ccffee and Ccfie tzi Coffee, bst
Bailers Barrington Hall, the
Butt them til and taUauet tht most faatiditut.
....Ctata mar than aay other. H Kocha tad Java prepared mw
way The cet bny U cut ap (t ground) by of raaor
aaarpaeta intt tmall anifona particle. Thut it U Mt cnahed, m by tht aid
mtOi f gnndiat, and tat BtUt til eel mnaia unbroken. The tttcatial oU
v ...... .,.. u U ore served indtnnitsly. ThU U
v . .a .t w..... Kill win make t. tt to cupa r of full
mm than wiU any colea frontd tbt old way.
But tht ml tagBiBcauct t Bairingto Hall Coflte U that tt cm bt m4
withett in efect by tiOM who fad ordinary nIn tojurei wm. iiy .
tteeting Question of Shjp Spart
Jhm Wead Reported Wrecked oa
Mebcaa Ceart Bay aid Kim Boat.
Their Matters and Movsmeati
Vattrfroat Doing.
Captain Rose, of tbe French bark
Ukbclet, ha filed a plea in abatement
af the tonnage charge imposed on bi
Tease! irpon her arrival in this port,
last month, on th score of tpaeo meas
urement. He allege that each and
evrrr apace on th. Michelet waa duly
ud plainly marked by painted figure
a wooden aigne; but th American law
Irquiree that all tech howingnUbe
tarred in the wood above the spaces
' and it will take an opinion from the
federal power at Washington to de
cide whether Captain Roe't eigne are
acceptable under the treasury ruling,
ar not. The statement filed by Cap
tain Rose ha the endowment of Yire
Coaaul Henry Labbe at Portland, and
hat been properly and promptly re
ferred. SA FRANCISCO, Jan. 11. Inca
rnation ha been received here that the
tke Meet Carefnl Atteattea an
Weil an 0e4 neU.
tS yea tvef tee a roeebuah which
aeapit tbe moat beneficent enTlrenment
pt eonof aunanine and of atmosphere,
-eeroed DTr to achieve a healthy
A Inn of manure will not help a plant
that naa a canker eating out It heart.
Toa moat deatroy the cauae before yett
tan remove the effect.
Von cannot etire Dandruff and Bald-Dt.-t
by rubblwr on hair lotion, and
rubbing In vaaelln. etc.
Ton mart look to the cause of the
trouble tt'a a germ at the roota of
rir nlr which canaea It to fall out
"ewbro'a Herpletda deatroya the term,
an healthy hair ta the aura result.
Hold be leadlna- druire'ate. Send He. In
tamp fr eampl to Tbe Herplclde Co
Detroit Mich. . ,
Eagle Drug Store, 351-333 Bond St,
Owl Drug Store,' M9 Com. St, T. F.
lanHn. Prop. "Special AgenL"
schooner Jennie Wand, bound from As
toria for La Pat, Lower California, baa
gone ashore two mile from La Paa,
and probably will be a toUl loss. The
crew wa aved. The Jennie Wand was
owned in thi city. She wa of 103
ton regi-teri 124 feet long. 32.8 feet
beam, t.0 feet draft, and carried a crew
of ix. She wa built in 183 at Marh
field. Orvgvn. and aa regUtered out
of San FrancUco. She left thi port
about three week ago, lumber laden
for the aouthera port.
The teamer Despatch arrived in y
terdap morning and paed on up to
the metropolis The enttom authori
tie here petenly received advice
frm the department in the matter of
tbe pending fine against the Pepatch
in the um of UW, for failing to hare,
and exhibit. lat July, a proper paen
ger lit n required by law. The de
thee word: "The department U eatta
partment dipce of the matter in
Bed there wa a failure, without excue,
to have and produt a pasngvr list
a reqtiired by the tatute and there
for decline to intervene."
Tbe Anerkan hip C F. Sargent
ratne down on the bawner of the Har
vest Queen yesterday and la anchored
in th cite channel preparatory to
berthing at Knapptoa for ber big load
of square timber for Xew York. She
will be docked at the northihor mill
a soon a the weather permit.
The Fremh ship David D'Ang.-r.
Captain La Carre, came down on the
Queen yesterday, and will leave out for
Tacoma at the first opportunity, to
load grain for Europe, providrd she
reachc that Sound port by the 20th
The buy little Jordan came in yet
terday morning from up-river point.
with the following passenger! Mr. R.
D. O'Brien, from Cathlamrt, and
Mcr. Ilans Peterson and Ed. Jo-eph,
from Altoona.
Storm signals were sent tip yester
day by th liical weather office, upon
a wire wrtk'e of pending northeat
torm, with weather turning to freez
ing point and snow due lust nij'lit.
The French bark Bretajnie. Captain
Ferlicot, went outward over the bar
yesterday, leing but one bar bouml
windjjinntr in JKtrt, the Duvid
The steam-Mp Aragunia, from (1iin
is the next trans-Pacilic liner duo here.
She U expected to be in on or about
Saturday the 20th.
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President.
0. L PETERSON, Vioe-President
J. W. GARNER, Avdstant Cashier.
.Astoria Savings Bank
Capital rwid in IIOCBO. garpio. and Undivided ProflU 35.0il.
traaaaeta a General banking BuiIocm. fntereat Fald on Tim Deposit
Tnth ttrcat
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transfer Co.
Harki. Crrt, I ifsfe ChetM and Transferred Track, and Fur
niture V ppon Pianni Moved, Foxed and Shipped.
The kUamcr r. A. KillMirn came
Jown yesterday from Portland and left
out for Saa Francisco at owe.
'The steaerar Homer, Ptrthind to the
Itay City wa another outgoer jester-
day morning.
The steamer Northland earn, down
from Portland at noon yesterday and
went to aea without delay.
The I. S, lJghtliouse teml. r Heather,
deirted for tlray' Harbor point at
10 o'clock ve-lcnli)' morning.
The t;-mer Argyle wa among the
outgoing fleet of bar-bouuds, yesterday
fore no n.
The BritUh alilp Wray Caatle, Cap
tain Owen, crossed out yeaterday on
her trip to Europe.
The Clan Graham, Captain Mclnlire,
wnt (caward yesterday on the noon
The British steamship FJrric is due
to arrive here at any time from Comox
B. C under charter to Portland peopl'.
Tbe fteamer Hue 11. Elmore i due to
tail thi morning for Tillamook City
and bay point, if the bar in propitious.
The steamer Cascadee. from San
Francisco, should report In, thi morn
ing, if all ha gone well with her.
The Nor'Easter yesterday leveled the
bar into patsabl condition.
Origin of Fike Railroad Stock
Certificates Discovered.
Lithograph Stoat from Which the
Bof.ii Certincatta Were Made, To
gether with Correspondence Implicat
ing Surpect Uadji Arrait, ia Found.
Edward Ifoura Take Profrnonhlp in
Hartford Theological Seminary.
HARTFORD, Conn- Jan. It.-Profes-
sor Edward K. Nourse wa iuauguraied
last night aa profemor of biblical the
ology in the Hartford Theological semi
nary. He wa introduced into office by
Elbrklge Torrey. of Boston, presiilent
of the board of trustee and the charge
in behalf of the trutee was deliver
ed by Rev. R. H. Potter.
Profeor Nourse i a native of Bay-
fiehl Wis., and wa graduated from
Lake Forest Cotcec. lake Forest, III..
in 1M. He is the author of a number
of article on the New Testament sub-
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company Now
Controlled by Belmont.
NEW YORK, Jan. II. The t.iry of
... ..... m I.
a transfer ot the control 01 ine nrona
lyn Rapid Transit Company from An
thony B. Brandy to August Belmont
and the interest he represent wa
revived jesterday and VVH Street was
inclined to beiiev it. Mr. Brady ami
Mr. Belmont would not talk almnt it
After oflice hour, however, a posi
tive denial that such a deal wa under
way ma made by a man whose con
nection with the Interboroiigh- Metro
Hiiton interest i intiiiinte.
It't coming toon.
Mr, Harry Paint Whitney I a Sculp
tor of No Mean Ability.
NEW YORK. .Inn 11. Mr. Hurry
Pavne Whitney, who before h-r mar
riage was (st-rtrude Ynmlerliitt and who
has for several year been a very in-
ilii-trhims M-uJil(r, yesterday owiifJ
ed from tre buililer of the new Ho
tel llelriiotit the roimiiisoion to do much
of the woik on the interior dmra-
tions of Oie hotel. She is eiccily to
leign the Caryatidr for the corri
dors and dining room.
Mi. Whitney took up sciitjitiir a a
diversion and lias devoted much time
to it.
The datt ia art.
Timet Hyde, tht Grafting Vice-Presi
dent of EquiUbtt Life b Dropped.
NEW YORK, Jn 11. Jamet H.
Hyde, wa dropped a a vice president
of the Equitable, Trust Company, at
the annual election yeaterday. Hi
place wa not filled. Mr. Hyde receiv
ed 110,000 a year nlary a vke presi
dent of thi Institution.
Tuesday, Jan. i6tlu, at 9 a. m.
(33 CommTfui Street
Fhnne Main l?l
Danger of Cold and How to Avoid
Moit faUlltie hare their origin ia
or mult from a cold than from any
other cause. Thi fact alont should
make people more careful at there 1
no danger whatever from a cold when
It Is properly treated in tht beginning.
For many year Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy haa been recogniad a tht moat
prompt and effectual medicine In us
for thia disease. It acta on nature'
nlan, loosens th cough, relieve thi
'nngt, open tht secretion and tlds
nature in retoring the tystem to f
Wealthy condition. Sold by Frank Hart
snd leading druggi'ta.
NEW YORK. Jan. Il.-.nnounoe
meat wa made today by deteciites
engKged on the ra that the mystery
surrounding the origin of the counter;
fcit Norfolk A Western Rilway
certificate recently placed upon the
market had been cleared Up and that
the man most wanted in connection
with the forgeriee wa under arrest.
The officer said that Charle Augus
tus Seton, th promoter, who ws ar
rested in Turkstown, a hamlet near
FJMon. Md., last night on a charge of
grand larceny. In nowie connected with
the stock certificate fnrgerie. wouhL
however be a valuable witness in the
forgery prosecution, as he I alleged to
one of the counterfeit
have received
The lithiigraph tne from which Im
Isigus Ci'ltilleales were nude, together
with correspondence llcge to Impli
cate the uevt have bc.-n turned over
to the illtict attormy' U.-e. t A
pie-e of a letter and an allegi! fotgeil
order for utiwk certificates addreed to
the Hamilton Hunk Not Company and
purporting to lie signeil by the presi
dent f the Norfolk A We-tern. was
found, the detective declare, iu a Wall
treet office during a search among the
etreet of a suiect in anotlw-r case
lat rVpteinher. The full significance
of the find wa not realUed until the
forged eertilh-ate were marketed. It
wa then that the plate wa traced
through the correspondence found ami
this together with the proof and al
leged forged order, wa turned owr to
District Attorney Jerome.
The sucpect in the forgery cae. tlie
officer say, went to the Hamilton Bank
Note Company In this city and showing
a letter written on the stationery of
the Waldorf-Astoria and purporting to
come from the president of the Nor
folk A Western Railway, ordered 300
certificate of 100 share of common
stock each. They were made in two
books. One of the bogus certificates
ha been shown to a lot of lithogra
pher in town. One, t.utve u.
Nchwartiwald. said that the "Transfer,"
had been made from a good certificate
without breaking It up at all. Such a
Job would I exceedingly difficult, he
id. He Is said to have given the
detective the names Of severul, men
who. he belieted, were able to do such
work. Two of them are In Canada.
Keton, who 1. charged with grand
larceny, come from Cleveland anil is
aid to lie well known th.-re, lie in
herited WiyillO from his father. Soon
after he came to New York he gut up
the National India Famine Relief Fund,
lie was arreted twice in connection
with that. One charge wa that he had
collected money from a lot of young
women who hud applied for work as
stenographer and another ch:irg. was
that he had forged the mime of a so
ciety woman to his niilwription appeal.
He was in the Tombs for two months
and was then discharged, the complain
ant having gone to Europe. That was
in 1000.
Seton' wife was a Mi Crum of
Columbus, daughter of a former post-
muster. She is hi second wife. They
occupied expensive apartment here at
I04H Kl:th avenue, while Seton waa a
banker and offering to float bond.
They left the Fifth avenu place last
At Foard k Stoket Co.
Rer. CarUtlt P. B. Martin, L. L. D.
Of Waverly, Texat, wrltcti "Of a
morning, when first arising, I often
find a troublesome collection of phlegm
which produce a cough and it vtry
bird to dislodge; but a small quantity
of Balard't Horehound Syrup will at
once dislodge it, and tht trouble Is over.
I know of no medicine that I equal to
It, and It It to pleasant to takt. I can
most cordially recommend it to all per
son needing a medicine for throat or
lung trouble." Sold by Hart' drug
tore. '
Don't let your fact grow old, sallow,
hollow and wrinkled. If you care at all
for beauty, tike Holster Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cent, Tea or Tib
let. Frank Hart, druggist.
Tht big embroidery talt.
MMwt f the
rt ft
0 .. P
0 n WO i 1 11 n
II -II II 111
II nil r
II fill i 1 II ii it VI
ieraiaE Wise
Our annual book clearance continue offering you book, it cost and
many for leuour tint of
Such tt Crantark, Right of Way, Call of Wild, etc. Regular 74
vhich art being sold at a to-called "Clearance Sale" here at Jtri cost
you 500 II Kit E, V hart not adverti-ed there because we were offering
much better liargiitt.
Sheet Music Sale Jan 12
Iook for window display music tt lot than eot.
books station;! ' MUSIC
Weinhard-s cr.
Three Routes
to the East
Central or Scenic, by way of Colorado,,
thence to Chicago, Kansas City or St Louis via
Rock Island System.
Southern, by way of Los Angeles and
El Paso, thence td Chicago, Kansas City or
St Louis via Rock Island System.
Northern, by way of Minneapolis and
St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island
Notice the three eastern gateways. Direct
connection In Union Stations at all three, for
11 important points in Eastern and Southern
- States.
Pud Information, with folder MAcrott tht Contlntnt
la a Touriat Sleeping Car," ttnt on request
a. h. Mcdonald,
Otneral Agent, Rock Ialand Syatera,
tta Third Street, Portland, Or.