o iURSDAY, JANUARY u, 1904. ttlE 5I0RS ftfG A51URIAN. aSTOKIA. OREGON. FINE AND DANDY" People of gHJ tMl will appreciate Our Annual Sale NOW GOING ON EHMAN'tS RIPE OLIVES Tfi.y art Ju.t In and jut right J J; AT 20c THE PINT ROSS, HIGGINS . Co. Columbia River Puteri Start Foundation,. J. A FASTABEND GETS JOB 'I . 7 10. TBS RELIABLE GROCER. 1 TERSE TALIS OF TBI TOW e) r - I Build Waarf. The construction of i wharf it Hum mill ill be torn rnead In a few day. Ferguson 4 Jlfislna bat ordered gaOO pile from ella and a soon a tba first hlp nU ara made tlia work of building i! a hat I will M begun. Bart Tw Eetnen. Two donkey en gine, were purchased In tbl city a few dlyi ago from tha A. A C. II R. bjr if. F. Wll,' manager of tba Mutual 1umU Coiriany at Uncoils, 'ah. lb engine war fuiWity ued In ilia rock quarry at Dughy, It's tomiaf eeoa. Opening Addraae.-Rrv. Custave Ryd- djult of tbla rlly will deliver tha npra- ng eddies, at Uia annual convention of ha Columbia (enter Lutheran league. Jtbieh meet, next Tuesday and Had' lesday In Portland. Tha league U imposed of all the Lutheran young eopl. In tha Northwet. Tha data la tat. Iratt Oil Taak.-The crude oil ator- ge UnK or tne 1 nion uu lompany fill ba arerted shortly on tha property tha company. which wat recently urehaaad from tha Astoria Wood Yard fa tha watar front. Tha building me- arlal hava arrived from tha East and till at once ba put In place. Qther (intitar tanka will prnlwbly ba erected by tha company on tha tarn projwrty In tha near futura. 0000000000000000000000000 ! 8 ' ""8 an j 1 j WHY? j Docs Hill Bros., i ! ; Mocha & Java I ; ! Coffee Sell Better ; j : Than :Any Other? I : , 8 0 JOHNSON BROS. j! 8 GOOD GOODS. 8 I !fl 118122 Twalfth St. Aetorla, Ore. fit 8 51 ' I o30oooooooooooooooooooooo I mwm coae A Household Favorite Wherever Used Australia's Best Product and your most economical and satisfactory fuel 'Phone Orders to Main 1961 ELMORE & Liceaerd to Wad A marrUga license aa issued yeaUrday bjr County CVrk Clinton In favor of Mr. Jamb owa and Miss Hannah Taylor. Regiiratioa Piecrtaa. Ridtrann at lh county clerk.", onice gee spacer Tha total yesterday were, 124 for tha eeven city precincts and twenty-three for tha auburban ballc wicks, a Mai la data of 137. Aaaual Meeting, Tha stockholders of tha A.lorla National Hank yotcrday hflj thair annual abating In tha dlrae- U' room of tha bank. Itrix.rl. of tha JllT..'?iit oJT.fiala wara read and at- wptJ. and all tha former oflUvra wara re-rWt'tad for another y-ar. Tha laiard of dlrn-tiira ara 0. 1L (5urua, fl. W U'arra. A. r brnlan. W. II. Hnrkai and L. Man.ur. (h II. firorjf cbmfn prtraidant; 0. W. Warran, lca i.t.i.Un(i J. K. HitaHns rabirr and C. It. illgKin, awiatant caihiar. Tuaday, Jaa. itth, at a. m. OS Fer CaliforeU.-lbn. II. It. Tar krr, una of A.torla'a arteran citLavna, If nut tha aarimt artaran of them all, a III laava for an aktaadnl trip to Call f. i a la on Uiia mornlnjj J rxprn. hrn.a to I'ortland. . Mr. Iarkrr la way up in tha "alghti'a," but I young enough yt to thoroughly enjoy an out log of thia aort. He will go afiuth fruiu I'urtland via tha Oregon IVvebipinent exptirln train. At Foard k Stokea Ca. Wadded Ytatarday'A prrtir boma wedding transpired yantcrday after mmn at 3:30 orlx-k, at the home of Mr. and Mra. Joarph llroaa. No. INI S-enth atreet in thU rity. Tha prln IihiU bring Mim Hannah Taylor, of SVhalem, and Mr. Jamb Howa.h. of Kureka, Cal. Rev. W. feynumr Short, rertur of Grae KiiItoimiI Churrh. nill.lnllnjt. and Mii Klhar Taylor, lter of tha brida acting aa brideamaid aiwl Mr. Charlea W. Nnab. a brother of tha groom, aarving aa gnKinimnan Tha nowly married pair will make A- toria their homa for xmie tima to eome. Cooper! Annual Claaraaot Sal How Going On. Don't Mlaa It , Caaa of Diphtheria.- Umr llanl.li. tha daughter of Mr. Anne llank-h, liv ing at 185 Forty-eighth .tract, wa re ported to lx down with a caaa of diphtheria. City Thy-Man nikington wa at odp notiftrd and yeaterday morning made an examination of the patient, and found that the aymptoiiu were thoa of tha dread dl-eniw. The hmia wa onlrml iiiarntluel, , and the other memhera of the family were given antl toxin to prevent the diwane ipreadlng. Cooper! Annual Oearanca Salt Row Going On. Don't Miia It. - The big embroidery tale. COMPANY Five Competitor! la tha Field Near Plant at Eureka to ba Among Flneat in tha Group Controlled by tin Aaao- elation Work Proceed! at Once. Yeaterday afternoon tha Columbia lllvar Pai-ker' AMriatlMi let tha con tract for tba building of the founda tion of tba aoriation' sew cannery at Eagla Cliff, near Kureka, on. the UV.bington ahore of tba Columbia. Contractor John A. Fatehend, of tbia city waa the iKTCful bidder in tba lroiKitln and bi work will eoat la tha neighborhood of The aaao- rlatlon called for bida Undi r four aepa rata proposition and Mr. Fa.tabend a tha winner In each and all aa egint tha following four competitor. John MattHin, FergiiKin A liouaton, L. Ixlieck and Paul Ktangland. Tha work will be started without da lay, everything bring in readlrua for it. tha old cannery, which for thirty. eight year pat baa dona good ear. iT, having been entirely demolished aith a view to tbl general improve. Hunt. After Ilia foundation haa been built and accepted, tha construction of tha new and modern cannery will ba punhed to eom-lunion aa rapidly aa poa ilile in onler that no acaon navy be lot to the enmpaniea. Tha new atructura will be utterly modern in arvbitecture, machinery, ar rangement and appointment, and will ba patterned after tha big aa.h and ioor factoriea of the Kat, a email part of it being installed on a second floor, 1th every department In plain sight of the manager. It I expected tha new cannery will cost, when ready for handling ita raw material in the nelghlmrhood of 123,000 and it will ba one of the Iarget and finest in tha group of plants owned and o-ierated by the association. Tha niansecment expect this fine Idltlon to It property to maintain and exceed tha utility and value of the old and serviceable caunery it dia places, and there ara none to wish them any other outcome of their liberal and lioainnw-like investment. THIS IS THE RIGHT. . Her Marriage Vow" at Fiaheri', tba Great Attraction. Tonight the scn-stlonul nnelty com edv-darama "Ibr Marriage Vow, will hold forth at Fishers'. Tha story deal with the life of Kate Walter, whose father I known a Hiil. Kngineer of No. 7". She fslla in love with John Carlton, son oi (lie superintendent, who take her away from home on a pretense of marrying her, and ha performed, what he iup pose a mock ceremony, through an ac complice of his Following events how ever, prove that the marriage waa a i-gsl one, and that the accomplice was not sin-h a fool as he looks," I'pon he villain discovering this fact, In makes every effort to do away with the life of Kate, and even gnea so far to attempt the wrecking of two rains by a head-on eollir-ion, by turn- ng a switch. He does this, fully aware that Kate and her father are on one the trains, and that the suc cess of his plan will likely result in ha death of both of them. How his scheme 1 frustrated and the switch turned just in time to avert tha collision, a the two life-like trains pa each other at full speed In plain view of the audience, is said to ba one of tha strongest spectacular eernea aver itnessed in modern comedy-drama, feats now selling at Hoefler's candy at ora. REDUCED RATES VIA RAIL LINE On January 12th, fur morning train only, the A. A C. R. R- will sell tickets from Astoria" to Portland and return at rata of ti'O each, good for return trip until January lath. Thia reduction I uthoriied on account of tha Oregon Development league meeting to ba held at Portland, January 12th and 13th. WOOD! WOOD! WOODl Wa have moved to 330 Tenth itreet, corner of Grand avenue, and can be found there at any time, for hauling and draylng purpoeee. R, a McIKTOSH. Coop ri Aannal Clearance Sal Raw Going Oa. Daat Miaa It C. H. The Leading a FESSOHAX 1OHTI0V. a John Fuhrmann is in llwaco tills' week on business. Mrs. Carding la in Portland this week visiting friends. F. M. Murphy, of Kelso, la visiting In town for a brief time. It. J. Johnson, of Portland, waa in tba city yesterday on business. N'orris Staph-a apent yesterday la Portland transacting business. Charles Below, of Cathlamet, waa la tba city yesterday oa business. J. Lynch of Tillamook la spending a few days in town on business. -J. K. Peterson, of Knappa waa In town yesterday for a abort time. W. W. Gordon arrived in tha city yesterday noon from Portland. J. P. McGowan, of McGowana, apent yesterday in tha city oa buainos. Chris Henry, of CharMon, wa in town this week transacting businesa. Mayor E. J. Ford, of Hammond, apent yesterday in tha city attending to busi ness Interest. , . ff""' 1 I Mr. and Mra. Bernard Lindenbcrger have returned from a few days' Tinit with friends in Portland. X. II. Webber, a well known cannery- man of Kngle Cliff, wat in Astoria yes terday for a brief time. Mr. M. llogan, of Skamokawa. waa in the city yesterday on a brief, shop ping tour. Mr. John McCue, of Portland, ar rived in the city yesterday from her home to remain a short time with her son, J. C. McCue. J. P. Hicks, of Silvcrton. waa in the city ye-tterday for a brwf visit with friends. C, W. Wallace, of Portland, waa a business visitor in the city yesterday. F, M. Blaisdi-U. of Olncy, spent ye- terdav in town on business. K. C. Martin, a resident of Skamo kawa. was in town yesterday for a brief time. 0. Tufty, a resident of Cathlamet spent yesterday in the city attending to business interests. A. Stenger arrived in the city yes terday noon from Portland for a brief business trip. Alma Smith, South Bend's boat builder, was in town yesterday on a business trip. Slcktaing S hire ring Fit! of Ague and Malaria, can ba relieved and cured with Electrio Bittera. Thia a pure, tonic majicinei of especial benefit la malaria, for it exerta troe nratlva influanoa oa tba dlaeaae. driv ing it entirely out of the ayatem. It la much to be. preferred to Quinine, bar. Ing none of thia dnig'a bad aftar-effecta. E. 8. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex, writes: "My brother waa Tory low with malarial favor and jaundice, till be took Electric Biters, which saved all life." At Charlea Rogera, drug itore; price 60c, guaranteed. Wood I Wood! Wood! Wood! Wood! For eh oka dry bos-wood, talephoa SOM Black, or laava order, at the Aa toria Grocery, 0. Kelaoa, "Tha Wood Coo pert Aannal Qearaaca Sale Row JCoangOa. Doa't Kiaa It Every article in the house reduced. This is tne greatest offering in Fine Dry Goods. Qothing, Furnishing Goods. Etc., placed before the people of the Lower Columbia for a year. COOPER, Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. TOUR RXXT. Never have to wait long at the Oe oidaat Barber Shop. A. E. Patereoa, proprietor. Shartkaad ScbeoL Partiee wishing to etudy shorthand at private sight achool ahould call oa or adreae Roy H. Keagy, Holdea House. Astoria, Ore. N. A. Aokarmaa, 421 Bond St, does all man ner af taxidermy, furalUtra aphol- itering, carpet cleaning and layiag, nut traaa making a apadalty and ail work guaraaUad. Why We Do It Don't Matter ! We Can Do Better FOR ORE WEEK WE WILL SELL OUR POPULAR 75C ARD WE HAVE A BIG LIRE" BOUGHT DIRECT FROM ERS. WE OFFER THEM FOR ORE At 45 WE tDO IT BECAUSE IF OTHER WART CAR DO SO TOO. Souvenier Booh of Astoria This Week 18 Cents. . OUR ajC BOURD BOOK-TAKE YOUR CHOICE 15C. FULL OF GERPIRE BARGAINS THIS WEEK. vSvenson's Fourteenth and Wa ar tela agent! la AatarU for tha Celebrated Stoves and Ranies liLuussJy OREGOR DEVnOPXERT LEAGUE MZSTDIO , Portland, Jan. 12th and 13th. On aorouat of above meeting tba 0. R. A N. Co. will aaH round trip ticketa to Portland at una and one third fara for boat learrrg Aalaria om tha morning of January Iltk Ticket good retuminj until January 18th. Any phase of hanger caa ba daintily -gratified at any boor of tha day or night at tha Palace Restaurant. Tha kitchen and dining room aerriea are of tha positive beat Private dining room, for ladies. One call inspire, regular etta-" ton. Try it Commercial atreet, ppo-' V. site Page building. ROVELS PUBLISH- WEEK Cents TO GIVE AWAY BOOKS WE OUR STORE IS Book Store, Commercial Street Xiagara Stove Werki ef Buffalo, R. T. THE ZERITH ARD THE STAR Every on. guaranteed. Will let yow ataad or ait on th. ovea door If yo wish. Prioea reduced on all atoves sad range, till af Ur tha Holidaya, ' 17. J. Scully 470-478 COMMERCIAL STREET