The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 08, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Senator Delayed on Her Voyajcj
to California.
comfort, under ear of th transport
ti officer ami employe. "All hands'
bmn chaperon for a youngster trav
rlinj alone, and it U a distinct credit
to American atesinshin and railroad
rfotic to Marinan,
Humboldt Bar, California, ldst of
lights, Buoy and Davmarka, FaciAe
Coavt. I9t, pg S3). Xotic i hereby
tfiVMM tkat Vi-tk ltn.,- a lil..l
TWO VESSELS LEFT IN PORT: ecoud-clasa can. No. S, placed near th
' turn In North Jetty, ItuniUtklt Bar,
' . 'California, hat gon adrift. It will be
replaced a soon aa practicable.
Grist of Sunday Happening aa tht
Aatori Waterfront Lanaca Larcni
OS for tht Sound Fog oa tha Rhrtr
Bay and Sim Steamer Buty.
(Tha ttrmhip Senator, of the Port-land-San
Francisco line, it usualy, a
very lucky resoel, in point of time, dia-
iv j : 1 iiu v .
jmuco, lira iunnni aruunu, inrvugn w
over obstruction but her atari from
gland, Vith grain stuff.
Tha iron ha arrived from th at
for the l'nin Oil Company' tank In
this city and work will be commenced
immediately apon their construction.
The steamship Argyle, an oil tsnkcr,
came In fi-om Seattle and San Fran
cisco, yesterday, and after brief duck
ing here, went on to Portland,
YesterJay'a bar waa amenable to
pag both waye and th bar hounds
made good use of th chanct to get la
aud out.
Th ateamer F. A. Kiltmra I du in
thi morning from Coos Bay point,
The acWner Crescent got away ye
terday morning on her California cruis.
The steamer Nom City, from Port-
Portland oa Saturday Bight, break ia yMten,,y Boon
upon her happy recod, somewhat. Sb ;
got away from her dock late and had rBch Urk m Um1 wnt
no aoocer paed out of th, tt.lUmett. .h u
into th Columbia than a heavy fog j4y
tattled down and he waa compelled
t anchor off Linton, where h atayed ( "
until 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The ateamer Tampk-o waa another
Daylight brok with th am barrier "get away" yeterday, crowing out at
and by th time ah waa underway th o'clock a. m.
weather wa thk-k enough to call for
a flow bell all th way dowa, and ehe ' The steamship Costa Rk-a is du in
docked at th 0. R. A X. pier it fir from San Francisco oa this morning'
o'clock yesterday oa pretty near a neap Hood tide. ,
tide. Here ah found 300 . ton of
freight awaiting her, and ah put out
her "departure board" for 6 o'clock thi
Morning. Among her passengers, hence,
to Saa Francisco, wera Captain Henry
Bandy, of th Gospel ship "Glad Tid
inga" (of whom an account-will be
found ia other columns of thi issue);
Mite Agne Bundy, his daughter; and
little Mis Clara Bryant, a bright little
miss of 12 years, who ia making her
aixtk Toyage, alone, between the Cali
fornia metropolia and thi city, and
who if bow returning to her home after
a , holiday visit with kinsmen and
friends her. She ia perfectly self-possessed
and make but littl of th trip.
This exemplifies on of th beau tin of
travel in America, when even the young
t and least experienced can go thou
sands of milea ia perfect aafety and
Th steamer Redondo parsed over the
bar oa her way to San Francisco yes
terday. Tha French bark Alio Mari aped
outward yesterday on her European
voyag. '
The steamer Aurelia went over th
bar yesterday at 9 a. m. for San Fran
cisco, lumber laden.
Th ship Clackmananshir came in
yesterday morning on th flood and is
anchored off th obi oil dock in tha
lower harbor.
Th French ship Europe, after twenty
days' detention, went seaward yester
day morning, bound for Falmouth, Eng-
Tha steamer I)aly Mitchell, loaded
to her guard rail, with 750,000 (n't o(
lumber arrived dowa ytday trtntng
and docked at th CUndr pi. until
thi morning a flood, when she will start
for Saa Francisco,
Th big and handsome T. J. Potj.-i
win maintain her run for about iw
weeka ktager and then make way for
th Hatsalo. The later will be man
ned and officered by th aam crew and
staff bow oa th Potter, Including the
genial purser, Harry Blanchard.
The only member of th bar bound
marine fraternity now in port ar th
British ship Wray Castle and th four
masted barkentin Admiral,, and they
may get to sea today.
The gasoline motor launch Iorena,"
left out ye-iterday noon, for Seattle and
the Sound porta, wner sh will be run
in the futur by new owner. Sit is
four year old, waa built here by Cha.
Wilson, and ia staunch and swift. Sh
ha already made a voyage to Alaska
and one to the Sound.
Great January
This will b th Cost Rica last
trip to th port in her present charter
relation. She will be tururd back to
her owners, the Tacitte Cuat Steamship
Company. Th freight preaur under
which sb waa chartered having been
Th ateamer Su IL Elinor arrived
in from Tillamook City last evening at
4 o'clock. She towed the schooner
Marion out of Tillamook Bay yesterday
morning and gar her an offing for
San Francisco with her big load of
lumber. Sh report th steamer Co-
quillf Kiver out ot Tillamook after a
bar bound stay ther of thirty day.
Sh brought up a full passenger list.
Is Just in Its Infancy
GreatSaleof DressGoods
Continues Another Week .
Mohairs, Broad Cloths,
Cravenette5, Coverts
Than the Regular Price.
Special 20 percent discount
on Lace Curtains
Big Redactions in the CrocKery Depaftmen.
Where the New things Make Their Debut.
Purported Output of New Plant Under
Way at Seattle.
The Post Intelligencer of Seattle, un
der Saturday' date I responsible for
the following bit of news, of decided
interest to the fi-hcrs and picker of
the northwest!
"A location baa been purchased by
the San Juan Fishing Company on Stacy
street for the erection of a flh curing
plant that will have an annual output
of SO.OIMUXM) pounds of fih.
"It 1 th intention of th company,
to cure A-h in all th different wave.
aa well as to abip fresh fl-h to the east
in refrigrrator cars. When completed,
the new factory will represent an ex
pemliture of between 7'VK and tl'V
"The location purchased is on tSacy
street, near Whatcom avenue, and work
on the plant has been delayed until
some de'nite action is taken by th city
on tli different railway franchise ap
plications that bar been made on tha
"With the plant that w propo
estaliliih, good railroad facilities la an
actual necessity," said F. A. Twkhell
manager of th cannery department of
the company and a huavy stockholder
in tli institution, "and th San Juan
Finhing Company wants to see all of
the road granted equal privilege on
Whatcom avenue.
" In 1005 w shipped 6,000,000 pound
of flh over th Great Northern railway
in refrigerator expren ears. The freight
and express chargea for the year were
over $300,000.
"With a plant having a capacity ten
time greater than the output of last
year, th freight and expres chargea
that th company will pay ia th next
year ia an item worthy of note, and the
company very naturally desires to have
all of th shipping farilitie that it is
possible to aacur for th future.
'The market ia increasing each year
and during tli last season th Saa Juan
Fishing Company placed halibut from
thia coatt in direct competition with
the halibut of the Atlantic, with good
icc. It is th intantloa of flic
company to develop other of the na
tural fisheries resource of th Pacific
Coast, and all kinda of fish that ar
taken in thee waters will be handled
when th new plant ia completed. The
company will also rcquir severs! new
steamers, and the wiU b built in
Seattle during th present year."
From tht Pulpit of tha Flrat Lutharaa
A very larg audlne wai la attend
anc at th First Lutheran Church last
evening to hear He v. O. A Kyilquist
preach upon th them "Th Visit of
the Wise Men to IWIhlehem, or Majesty
in Loallness Th ' rvvrrsud gtutl
man said, in parti
"The Mngi wer orlglnaly on of tht
tribes of ancient Mede. Uk th L
vite among tne Jew, so l Iks Had a
priestly and sacerdotal character. They
combined religion, art and acienc a
far as these wer known in their time,
and were the chief promoter of learn
tug among tbclr people, They ent to
hav attained to their grestest glory
during th Medo-Prla Empire. L'a
drr this united emplr their liiltuenc
ws so great that king and princes
bowed befor them. The tacred east of
the Magi waa therefor th most famous
and powerful east of th ancient world,
Arriving to tuck power and pronitnenc
they soon lost their original character.
They wer smothered in political and
social scramble and bream degraded,
It waa then that 'Zroaster appeared
and became th great reformer of th
cast. II gav to th Magi only th
religious function. And thu in relig
ion they regained and surpassed their
former prominence. Through them only
th deity mad Hi will known to bi
creature; none but them could read
hi secret message U th star and
interpret tha will of Ormuid in dreamt
and night vision. Th general belief
in th trustworthiness of their predio
tiont, especially when founded oa astro
log it a I calculations, and th blind faith
which was repoacd In th Magi, created
for that sacred cast a power, which ha
never been exceeded in any religion.
But the Magi wer not confined to
th Medo llrslaa Emplr. Thry scat
Ured all over th then known world.
Among the Chaldean there wa an or
ganiied order of Magi called 'tha Wis
Men of Babylon,' among whom Daniel
waa clasard. Among th Greek and
Roman find them under th name
of Chaldean. Tbey usrd th tempi of
Belus a combined astrological ob
servatory and a labratory for th study
of ak'hrtuy.
"In th AH w hav a reference
mad to a Simon Magu as 'Some
great one,' which gives us occasion to
think that they were still held In re
spect at th bewinlng of our er. The
Of all Great
loins on
Look at our Window and
tSSi $4-65 Suits
Morning Aatoriaa 75 orat a moo tit.
J$ X5he JU
aT . . . , i. m
The Great Sale
at the New
Bee Hive.
Have you been
treating yourself
to some of these
If not come in
and be surprised.
Bargains in every
Special bargains
tomorrow in
women's coats,
children's coats
and dresses
See our window
for millinery
"Any Hat 89"
A lot of chil
dren's hats 15c.
J$ t3 fie
art ot th Magi x-mt at this tint to
hold a position between it anrinit
ptendor and it coming drgtadutim.
The paid by th Msgl to the new
born king of the Jews show a!o that
the system wa not yet dgrad-d. Th
visit was a homage paid by th lept
M-tttaiives of the highest exiitliig in
llucnccs iif th beaten world to th lis
ing star of a new day, in the fuller
light of hch they wer pedily to
That the wi men of our
wrre mere heathen is hardly conceive
able, Thry er perhaps some descend
ent of one of tha tribe uf Israel) that
had settled on th est side of Jordan,
and thus combined tile knowlrlge of
Javeh with th practice of their magic,
"They came from a far off I'j.tern
country to see and to pay hnmap to
th new-horn king of th Jews. They
naturally sought him at Jerusalem.
Hut llcrnd knew of no other king of
tli Jew than himself. After having
ought in the halls of splendor and
among the royil and prominent inhabi
tant of Jerusalem they wer pointed
to the little illiig of Bethlehem. And
lo, tli star of the new born king wa
not yet faded. It directed Iheiu nln
and brought them to the place where
the new born king still lay wript in
hi swaililllng clothes. They did not
de-it from their' se.irrh beisn-r of the
lowliness of the place, nor did I hey de
sist from paying their hoinnge to the
infant king Ixt-aus of the humble little
group by th manger. They were tin
scrupulous and honest enough to follow
the directions of a kind providence,
Ihe wi men from the hasl are
placed In sharp contrast to the scribe
and high pii-sls aa representatives of
the Jewish peopl. Tli former hv
com from a far and have seen the Ms-
jsty of tli, new born king already in
the light of bl star. The latter Inter
prtt prophesy and point out the birth
plac of their MessUh, and yet they
show no de-lr to go and worship at
hi Infant feet. Th wis men from
th East ar wiser than th wl- men
of th Jew. For tbey taw a hat these
could not ae 'Majesty in Lowliness.'
When w spesk of th Majesty of
Christ we mean hi divina majesty.
World majesties art not a reproduction
thereof nor ar they a faint shadow
thereof. Divine majesty doe not con
sist of throne and aoepter, nor In
rob of royal purple, but In glory,
honor and power and that in an in
flnately higher sense than w are able
to comprehend.
A Fpiv Rayp nf
rw vri wvjivu vi
Baldwin Apples at
per box
Fancy Naval
Oranges at Low
i a ,
I'huita Mala 081
823 Commercial St,
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7.-Ruiiej;
Hire fert In the aml under th cellar
of a biiihling on Stev.-nwin street, near
the rear uf the .Muiestk? Thel..r lm
will of 1'hilip Mailer, an aged men who
waa recently killed by falling off tha
Army-sheet railroad bridge, waa found
by a deputy of the public admini-tia-lor.
Hy th will, Muher, who llv., aa a
miser, leave hi entire estate of Uu,.
wit) to bi brother, ICdward Maher, of
Albany X. Y. Th xecutor named lit
the will is Timothy Sullivan a contrac
tor of thi city. Today th will
Hied for probate.
V hav niowd to 33d Tnth ttrt,
corner of Grand avnu, tad caa b
found ther at any tim, for hauling
and drying purpoata.
It Invigorate, ttrngthaa and builds
up. It keept you In condition physical
ly, mentally and morally.' That' whal
HollsWi Rocky Mountain Ta will do
38 cent, Ta or Tablet.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Dangeri of Cold and How t Aroid
. Thtn, ' -
Mora fatalitl bar their origia ia
or result from a eold than from an
otb.r causa. Thit fact alont should
mak peopl mor cartful aa ther la
no danger whatever from a cold whan
It I properly treated in th beginning.
For many year Chamberlain' Cough
Hemedy ha been recognised a th moat
prompt and effectual medicina la us
for thi dlaeas. It acta on natura't
plan, loosen th cough, relieve th
lungt, open th Mcretlont and a Ida
atur In restoring tht lyatem to a
'lenlthy conditloa. Sold by Frank Hart.
land leading druggltt.