THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUA1T l,.tA l SI r! i i 1 i; I! I I if I i I1 - m a . . . i THE MORNING ASTORIAN XataVlitasd ilyj. Publiaaed Dally by THA. J. 1 DXLUHGSS COMPAHT. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. Sy baH, per year ........17.00 By vail, per nsonta..... .00 Br carrier, per aronta..... uS . WXKLT ASTORIA W. By MO, per year, ia tdrue. . fl.00 latere. M swooct-class snaller Job & Mk, at lh ptMtofflc at Astoria, ure ta.aBirUaaai(CoB(rnot March a, aa-Onl lor tWMtnnworTai Moaa M urouui waiUMT riiHim or piaoa of star M ai J posuu earn or a. Air trrmWitr ftrary aaoald to oawttkMr ratwrtea to to TELEPHONE MAIN Mi. WEATHER. - Oregon and WaLingtoa 4 4 Bain, outa to easterly. STEPHEN S. WISE. Kabbi Stephen S. Wise, of Portland, bas wakened some of the Hebraic dead in the effete East by promptly declin leg a rail from the greatest temple within the gift of that people, ia the whole country, upon the ground that ha would preach only from an "unmunled pulit" Good for Or. Wise! It ia pity there are not more like him in, and out, of hi faith. The idea of leader with a "ring in hi note" is con temptible, and toe men wbo give np their live to the tremendous task of guiding men and women to the height of wi adorn and virtue and right living hould be, beyond all other, free from the restraint of cliquery and elaquery and answerable only for the in of trmnKresinir the law of moral. The doctrinal law can take rare of itself and will do ao, just a it ha for the unnumbered etnturiet it ha contended for exist nee. Such manliness as hi in boldly standing for an unfettered expression of tha best that i in him to do acd say for the real good of the people, i a monumental example that many another pastor might well follow. Unhappily, the pulpit of the country are dominated by the influential few of the congregations, and the men wbo are supposed to teach, direct, care for and pilot the erring, lustain and help the trong, and do for all, what the Master did for the world of men, are hampered at every turn of their careers by the limitations set up for them by people they are supposed to govern under the code of morality and' the ethics of religious life. It i a pity there are not more preacher with the backbone of Rabbi Wise. The pulpit might be far more potential than it is, and the churches have leas to complain of by way of attendance and support. There are exception to this course of restriction, certainly, but th-y ire won derfully in the minority considering the vastneo of the profession' and the infinite scope of it calling in this world. n -STICK TO IT. Tbe lute Judge Andrew Wylie or Vir ginia had a happy (lift of illu-t ration. The judx ea-t in 100 the only tote 'for Lincoln that was given in Alexan dria Va. In an address on Lincoln he once illustrated in an odd way the pow er of premance. '"IJnroln persever ed, . id, ".and it is only those who persevere, they who cuncentrate their energies, w'.io niioeeHl. Don't jfiv thre years to jmirnnlUm aud then, di-rntir. aged, try the law awhile. Don't learn the grocery buine-s and in a little while take up placer mining or plumb ing. Consider, rather tha postage stamp, wnose uefulnes depend on it ability to stick to one thing until it get there." o BOSTON HOME OF BEAU EATEBS. 'So tremendous has become the de mand for baked beans ia Boston that mora money ia spent each year oa this vegetable tha a wimkl buy tha biggest battleship in our aavy. Ia l'.HM hioiy than 68.UW barrel wire aed. In each barrel are Ave bubel and tha average price at hi-h thee wer M by the wholesaler was one dollar and eighty 8v rent a buhet, ami wto-n tlie wer. again sold to eonsumer they brought aa average of twelve cent a pound, or a total of WWra for a year's supply for the inhabitanU of lUoton who are vreat htvrr of the drlevtable dih. Ac- P cepting a the population of llostoa proximately M3,0(M, this would give each inhabitant, men and women, boys girl and babies, an average, of thirty seven quart. These thirty-seven auarU of beans would wi'iijh 14 a pouiuK AMERICA Brilian Would Regulate American Insurance Companies. URGES ANNUAL INSPECTION TOO MANY DOCTORS. London "Post" rarer Election of Brit ianer to Inspect Operation of Ameri can Lift Insurance Companies England o,ooo British Policyholder LONDON', Jan. ?.-The "Morning rvt i continuing it agitationl in The overcrowding of the medical profession In Germany is a matter of grave concern. .There art now in the empire 29200 physician, which doubles I favor of circumscribing the activities of the number found in Id. Ia other I American life inuranca eompanie in word, there i one lihysMan in Ger- Great Britain by rule of the moti , . , ( maa for every 100 inhabitants. In the I stringent character. For the pat few city of Berlin 44 per cent of all the! days the paper has devoted enidersblr phvskiant have aa income of less than I. pace in ita editorial columns to criti- $700, and five per cent of tha 'whole Irism and suggestion, amMn its most number do not have a sufficient Income I recent attack it advocates the election to return it for taxation. On the other I of an English man to the presidency of hand, in the tarsi profession in Oer-the Mutual company, la this conuee- many 80 per cent of the lawyers have j tin it syt a iimime exceeding tWO. It i esti-l "The British indicvbolders In the mated that the preparation of a man I Mutual number apparently nearly for the duties of. a physician In Cer- thirty thouami, and their interest" man costs about fGOOO, and thus it i must be protected. V hold that tha seen that the income is often W thanlfit step to be akrn is a thorough ex 10 per cent of the fixed charge of tliel ,mi,ton af the Mutual's books by a capital invested. This leaves pmcti- I reputsble firm of Englih accountant. cally nothing for th reward of hi own and that for the future English policy personal service, nor for wear and I holders should be represented by at . tear. I least one director on th board. It has recently been suggi-ated in our columns THINK FIRST. that 'tb liabilities incurred to British policyholders should be msthemstk-ally Right thinking is the foundation of valued by Independent British aitu- right living. To live the highet life arte, and a umcien um in w of which we, a human being's are euritie. not necessarily British, de capable w must firmlr believe sml posited in the nam of British trustee ii.. .m our belief that wa can to meet tliosa liabilitie thua ascertain y I .. ... i . la .L....I.I 1 -.! should and must resolutely master our leu. ana mv uii urposiv m . tWhi well a our actioni and that justed year by year a an annual vaiua we must control tha mental picture ia Mion might require.' The uggetlon. whk-h we indulw a minh a tha word which ha. already been incorporaiea in i. i .... i:u, 1. . m.nlth I-rench Insurance law. is, in our thiuketh in hi heart, so is be." opinion, an excellent one. Thoughts generate feeling. When dis- p,ut no regulations wil be of much couraged and depressed, lift up your grail unles the new president of the chest, tak an attitude of courage and sorirty is a man of chsrscter and one speak these words several times, mow- ho already known to and trusted ly and earnestly: "Faith, hope, eour- by the British policyholder. All agree age." AVhen nitiva over ill-treat- , praising the personal qualities: and ment, take the correct physical atti- bu.iness capacitie of D. C. llaldeman tude and say, several time, slowly and the Mutual's generil manager in Eng earnestly: "Lore, patieace, forgive ness," and sea if you don't feci bet ter." o- EDITORIAL SALAD. land. Were Mr. Ilaldrnian to succeed to the presidency of tha company he would carry to the discharge of his dutii-s a reputation untainted by what the Amt-rican journals call McCurdy sm, proved administrative capacities based on a thorough knowledge of the business, and, what in our opinion U You've beard people say that they most Important of all, tha confidence had "worked like a dog all day." An and esteem or nruisn poiirynomrr. t I . ...i . rm wittiniil either voice exchange has figured mat u mis werei" - - true, tha twentv-four hour or influence in New tork. That also would be spent thus: On hour digging believe, is a suggestion which the n..t . r. two hours trrawimr a bone. American olUoers oi ne company win . . I II. J It 1 ihair lntl.r.t to tjt Intfl COh- one hour waiting lor a cai to come down from a tree, half an hour beg- aUeralk. Nothing at any rate could ging to get into th house and the bal- I more harm to the company In Brit- anc of the time sleeping on a mat In lh. opinion ban that the new president th cold doorway. "h""1" "' DUl- sider Ignorant of insurance problems or a msn who wa uspectd of being closely allied with Wall Street." The men of Big Horn County, Wyo., are ibout to advertise for 1000 single women. They have prepared a census of the county, showing that there are Un bachelors to one unmarried woman. 0 Of Interest to Clergy. The Astoria ft Colombia River Rail road Ctx, having been granted member ship in tb Transcontinental Clergy Keep your eye open for new Urae. . , wU Whenever you come to anything that fe f. .ppjictlD. blank you think would he worm rememtr- f .-rtiflcate. Issued by th. ing, cut it out and paste it in a book - L t fof im M(, tog . , , .i. rj K ot the coming year. The Jifty thousand people can et thera- ' . . . u .v.s in Oikago'. pl.yhouses at 5lfctA.4ftB.Eittlt aJimlaating lime, ana over o,.-w a in 7 i.ji.m.i fc.if.f.r. Mrmlta Issued .u .i. .1... . k- . I r rouuu wrong ,n. . , tomer years. Re Mmhss- SKa a ... . , . ' . . . , quesU for official appllcatloa blank to murderer. In ten years over 900 person were found guilty of murder of hom only twenty-three were put to death. should be made to J. C Mayo, general passenger agent, Astoria. It Is stated that in Australia there were in October only VifSO unemployed persons in a male adult population of 1,31,0110, the smallest proportion in any country. 0 If the sweet girl graduate of last June hasn't got a ehol or an engge- ment et, it Is high time for her to stmlv shorthand and bustle around to get a job at typewriting. a The Christ ma trade in Chicago this year is bowa by facts collected on Mate street to by 20J(t.000 greater than at any Christmas in the city' history. If Carnegie ha started out to-patch up the difference between all the married couple who drift apart he will discover presently that thia world ba some kind of trouble be didn't know about before. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole vShoes are Death on Corns. Easiest Thing Yoa Erer Pot onToarFeet Sold by S. A. GIMRE, AGENT TOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE 141 Bob! Street Opp. Roe HlyjM k Ce. -O CPICES, o C07FZETEAa DAini.OFOVfDZn, FLaCC-.3 RTnACTSI UttJuNrHrty. flnasinivor. CLOSSCTwiDIVTI r IKNrrtJkrO, OKXQON. THE DEER FOR THE HEALTHY -WEALTHY AND . WISE on draught and la bottle Brewed andee sanitary condition a4 properly d rlh here la aesesla. North Pacific Brewing Co- ASTORIA, OREGON. CHARLES A. TAYLOR'S NEW YORK COMPANY Presenting Vance and Sullivan's DIG MELODRAMIC SENSATION nfloih MflfllWa - Wat IFOSHEEiS' OPERA C20DSE L. E. SEUH, LESEE AND MAX ACER. January 11 1906 T1IK MOST THRILLING AND EFECTIVE RAILROAD SCENE EV ER PRO- DfCED A Play ruled wltk Intensity ef Action. Strong Beatt Interesting tceae. Sensational Situations... Thrilling CU-auiea. StartUag Mechanical Kfiecta, PRICES: BsMrrrd Saalt sown, Gallery, AdnlU jj eenti, Children $ eeata. .. Seat aal optaa Tuesday Morning at Koeflert Candy Store. Sherman Transfer Co. , HENRY SHERMAN, Manager i Hack, Cnrriigrt Baggige Checked nd Tramferretl Trucki anil Fur nlture Wagons Piano Moved, Huxed and Shipped. 133 Coiaiaerdevl Street Phont Mtln 121 cunEO C0UGII3 and COLDO Foley's Honey and Tar Charles Ro tiers, Drultt. Tho genuine Is In a Yellow package IUIum tubatltutM JUST A MOMENT! J8 We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BIDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . t j j8 je je 1 i Wc take your Old . Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any -library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you, on fixing up your ' Library. Jf kSS The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorxan Building Corner Commercial and 10th Streb-t ckxxooocoqqxcccooo;oooqooox