a'V 'Y w4 " v OOVMt TNI MONNINa rilLO ON Trt LOWS COLUMMIA VOLUME LX NO. 226 ASTORIA. OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS. v ' DMI0 Oil X i STAND State cf Missouri Versus the Oil Trust ' . ,, , . tOMBINE IS ALLEGED Missouri Will Try to Oust Oil Company Prom Operittaj In the State. ANTI. TRUST LAW VIOUTED Suit W Missouri Will Attempt ( Show TU Three Companies ia th Stat Pooled Taalr Interest aad Formed Holdup Combine, NEW YOKK, Jan. 5,-Tha taking of testimony la the two auilt brought by th State of Missouri to out the m m" tit - i..J Ail i . f-jr - B-t at rr Pierce Oil Compear and the Re public Oil Company from Mioarl and lo prevent the carrying out of aa al leged pooling agreement among lh ompaakrr mentioned, wea begun here today before Frederick W, Sanborn, special nimiol'liiiwr appointed by Gov ernor Folk, Herbert Khdley, attorney- general for Mluouii, ho4onducted lhi State' ce( attempted lo ahow that th Weteiw-Plere and Republic com panic were in frailty ulidlary con rani of tha Standard Oil . Company. During today'a haarlng there were a number of lively tllla between tlia op posing lawyer, one mulling In a tie inand by tha attorn1 for the defend ant companies that the testimony b taken down verbatim in longhand. Tkta tedlou method of recording testimony waa permitted In the examination o( two Knees today. . K. U lledfnrd, receiver for th Standard Oil Company. rafuMff absolutely to auiarrr quetions I solving tha Standard Oil Company'a affair. A. V, Jockel, th (ormer book keeper of the Standard Oil Company, who said ha had trnfcrred to th Water Tierce KI Company of Okla homa City without resigning from the Standard, aaid he wa Instructed to aiy that tha Waters-Pierce Company in Independent, but declared that the Watere-Piere barrel wart filled with oil from tha Standard barrel. Atlor-nr.v-Ci'iifrat lladlcy aaid h would re tort the racak'ltraiit witnesae to the huprenie Court and allow tht tribunal to di-al with, tlx-ui. Tha Waring will jiroceeil tomorrow, Hnh C. I-ake, alUnt attorney gen eral of Miaaouil, who came in advani of hi rlilef, when keen at tha Wal dorf laat nlglit, aaid: "It i our pui to et the wheel In motion prompt ly and prot-eiti ex tilitiou.ly. Tha hearing in Xt-w York la hy no mean th beginning of our ARRESTED FOR PORTLAND, Jan. 5.-Charged With murder in tha flrat degree for ahooting th aged Thorn Flemming ' in the hold-up of the bar-room in tba Centen nial Hotel, In North Portland on the night of December 13th laL "Tattoo" Kelley, and "IUnry" Romn ara un der arreat, tha former ia in thl city, and Rootman i In Tacoma, Kelley and Rom man tally well with tha deaerlp tion of th men who held up tha Cen tennial barroom and murdered Flem ming who attempted to rapture th work. Wa tegaa taking testimony ia MiouH four or Bee month ago and bav already aeeured testimony how Ing th divUbin of tarrltory and trade In Mlmirl between tha Standard and tha . Water Pierca Oil Company. Wt expert to terur rumtilatlra avidenra ra that point and aim to abow that tat Republic Oil Company whirli aoara at tlia Independent Company, , waa or ganlaed by elerka in tha oftV of th Standard Oil Company at M Broad way, and Wa barked by tha money of thl. Standard. , The i4a i baaed upoa tha ehaige that tha defeadant oorporatioa ar federated for tha purpoae of abutting out eurapetltion and controlling th prka. in violation of the. ant( tntat law of Ulwourl. Tha peaahy of viola tioa 1 forfallura of chartar or liina to do bualneaa ia tha Stat. Tha Water l'ierea Company I a MUamtri corporation, and tha eucc of tha tKaU'i ea will meaa the Ida of charter, while tha Standard Oil Company of Indiana, which duet bul- nM wen of th Ohio nd tha Republic Oil Company, being foreign corpora lion, would loa their liranaee." BIO FIKE. Kaaaat City Retail BuaJnaaa Sectioa Iwtpt By fira. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 5.-Th enllr. down town retail diatrkt waa threat ened tonight by a Br which etarted in tha rear of tha three atory brk-k build ing of the Columbu Buggy Company, devtroylng thin and tha adjoining build ing WTUpied by tba Kimball Piano Company and tha Hettinger Brother' Manufacturing Company, and badly damaging tha National Bank of Com mere. Tba Iota la 1330,000. Petition the Governor (o Save Patrick's Life, . - LAWYER CONDEMNED TO DIE H Haa Beta Coorictad af tba Murder of William Mtrih Rico and Saataactd to b tlacttocntad aa Jaanary Governor Hlggini May Art Later. ALBANY, Jan, . Governor Hlggin received today tha petition for the el arriao of exeeuUva! rfemenry In the) (-aa ol Albert T. Patrick, the Vew York lawyer confined In Slug Sing prlaon und?e arntenra to die tha wek begin nlng January 22. for tha numler of Million William Mrh Itire. Tha peti tloii I eignrd by nearly a hundred well known in-mono, including drover ("leva land, John O. Carliale, and a large mini' ber of prominent member of the New York fitly Imr, Mark Twain, Allan Uumiltou, the well-known alirnit, Ir, a Aui'iit Hint, head of the lU-llevue Medical ScIiimiI ind nmnji' other phyxl cin it and ehcmiKta of tamling, Pter. IV. (lie i lea II. Paiihiiinl,'iIev. Dr. Muditon C. Vetera, lvid nclnaro, and. Itoliert Krkin Kly, diiwtor of the Leagne for Political Ednration. t!overmr Hiiii mIJ toliinlit that he did ifot know when ha would act on tha matter. HOLDING UP SALOON IN PORTLAND roUrr a they left tha place) with about 11215 in caih which they took from tha till after lining up a doaen or more men who were in the place. Another man who waa In tha bar room wa ahot In tha arm. Boatman, who 1 believed to have been Implicated a year ago In a aeriea of robberie In Tacoma wa arretted In that city Friday after noon. Kelley waa arreated at tha da pot In thla city Friday afternoon Juit a ha wa about to leara for tha north. Both men hare police record. DIABOLICAL bv cossac (s H0.1WBLE ATROCITIES Jewish Refugees Lauding Beyond Description-Men Women and Children Torn limb from Limb. BODIES OF BABIES ARE TOSSED ON SOLDIERS BAYONETS Horrora Ar Deecribed Which Art Aimeat Beyaad Belicf-On Kaluga aaid B Saw a Woman Slaahed Opaa From Throat tt Abdomen aad Tata Raeaiaa Soldier Staled Her Body With Faatnera Wamen Kill Tbeir Children Rather Ton Eav Tbtm Murdered. NEW YORK, Jan. S Opecial). -Re port of bow th dead were mutilated, terrify th living In Ruatia war brought today by Ruwiaa refugare, 700 of whom arrived on tba ateamer Penn aylvania. One woman told of having a a young married woman kill ber child . nut, t , tliat Vt CHa-k mur der it. Another refute related bow in the town of Nova aloacor, five drunken, (ol die r marched through tha atreete car rying arm, and a dead baby with a bayonet run through the body dis played on tha end of each gun. UeM-r Landomlnako, a dry merchant, who bad 110,000 which, ha had aaved in tha flight, aaid it wa a common thing to aea men atrung up feet flrt lying dead along tba route of tha railroad. Uirxrh Luachmiakl, with hia wife and two children wa another refugee. He waa a lumber merchant. "The civill- aed world will never know tha extent of tha allocking outrage constantly in flicted on women of our faith," aaid he. I aaw a Ruaaian town attacked on October lath and 300 Jew put to death. Women ware throww out of window, men beaten over the bead with rifle butt, and bayonet run through the children. I aaw tha body of a Ruaaian boy about II year of age, lying dead oa the road, on hi bneaat wa a label, j which read, 'Thla la tha way to kill them off young.' In tba (treet I aaw two and three- N P, R. R, BUYS A. & C. R; R. PORTLAND, Jaa. 3. It la learned oa good authority that tha Northern Pacific Railroad Company will purchaae the Astoria and Co lumbia River Railway for four million dollar, Tha Aatoria and Columbia River ia owned principally hy A. B. Hammond of Saa Fraa ciaco. It ia generally understood th road pay Pr cent on four mil lion cellars of valuation. , IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. Preaident and Secretaries Root. Taft and Bonaparte and Moody Confer. WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-An Import- ant conference which covered a wide range of diacumion on the internal management of tha war and nary de partment wa held in the White Houie tonight. It wa participated in by See- ret a lie Root, Taft and Bonaparte and! Attorney-General Moody. Propoaed hangea in the nary personnel bill ef fecting the promotion of offlcera which are now before Coagreea waa mentioned during the evening' diacuasion. From the length of the conference .it la be lieved matter affecting the Philippine, Panama, Saa Domingo, the general board of the navy and tha general ataff of the army, alao may have been brought up. DEEDS DONE OF RUSSIAN SOLDIERS in New York Tell of Deeds year-old children torn limb from limb by tha imane rufBana, inepired to tha dead by tba potior tbemaelvte, who thu hoped to take tba mind of tba Rua aian populate from tha real revolution that fct epreading throughout tba em pire. I aaw one woman alaahed open front throat' to abdonara and aaw the Send atuff feather from a pillow into her body." Several refugee raea a flnit-claa paaarngera. They had aa aggregate of about $100,000, and jewele la money belt. . Situatioa Scrioua. '- ST. PETERSBURG, Saturday morn ing, Jan. 8. Th AteocJated Pre haa been permitted to inapect a report pre pared for the emperor regarding the aituation in th Baltie province. The report declare that though the open revolt haa been eruahed ja parte of the prorincra and though the local author' it lea who were depoeed by the revolu tioniate, are returning tha rein ol gov ernment under tha protection of troope, the aituation i ttill a very arrioua one. In tha diatricta of Dorpat and Pernau, in northweetern Livonia, the troope are unable to move exceyt In heavy forcea. -Advice received by the government report the capture of an important ar aenal for revolutioniat at Temarnik lb Southern Rum la, in which waa found rifle, bomba, and explosive and alao a -mall Held pi. 'Another araenaj .wuglit fire and an exptoaion followed rcMilting in the killing of twelve per ton and tha wounding of nine other. SURVEYING LINE, Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul te Be gin Conttrnctioa Work ia April. SPOKANE, Jan. . An Mlensburg apecial to the Spqkeiman Review aaya I pon reliable authority it ia learned here that a, definite line between Paaco and Ellenburg ha been aelrrted by the Chicago, Milwauke and St. Paul, and that Saoqualmie paaa haa been decided upon that the main line will not touch North Yakima 1 and that the cooat ruc tion work will commence on thi line in April One of the ten aurveying carp which are working upon the west ern .extenaion of the Chicago, Milwau kee and St. Paul, ia camped near El leniburg. Thi party baa run a line from Paaco to EUentburg. By a aur vey, the diatance ia leaa than 100 mile, while that of tha Northern Pacific be tween the-e pointa ia 127 mile. j t f-l ATROCIOUS BUTCHIKY. Far Revenge Mas KIDj Three-Year-Old Child, Catting Body lata Bit. HONOLlLU, Jan. -Umoa Wharton- wa found dead In a eaaefleld HaUluk on the, IaUad of Oaha. E wa murdered in aa atrodooa manner. Ilia leg, arm., end head were aeyered from tha body, the tongue cut off, and eye gouged out. The internal organ were found aevera! feet apart. The murderer buried tba remain tlx incbea Oder tha ground. A laborer named Sayiuel Johnaon, boardinf with th pareata of the child waa arreated. He made a eonfrenioa. Hia motive wa revenge agaimt the boya' mother, be eauac alia bad refuted to give him liquor. ; , ' j M0. SIGHinCAHCX. WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-In reference to the movement - of Rear Admiral Kig.beee cruier aquadron, it wa Ut ed at the navy department that the plan for a rruie were projected long befure there tlie alighteat lu-pkioa in official miitd here that Moroccan affair would aMiime aut-h ahape aa to threaten the peace of Europe. REPORT DISCREDITED. SAN FRANCISCO, aJn. S.-C. F. Swe-ney, vinr-preaident and the prin cipal ttoekbolder in the Seattle Brewing aad Malting Compaav, diemlitt the reported merger of the Xortbern brew erie. He ay, however, thai juat be fore leaving Seattle, be gave an option on hi atock in th company named to Andrew Hrmrich. , TALK OF LYUNG Residents of Tillamook arc in an Angry Mood. HEMBREE HELD FOR MURDER Arraigned for Killing Wife aad Daugh ter. Whoa Charred Remain Were Fosad la the Bains of the Bambrte Home, a Few Days Age. , TILLAMOOK, Jaa. S.-A. J. Hembree waa arraigned oa tba charge of murder ing hi wife and daughter whose char red bodice were found in the ruina of the Hembree house at Sand Lake a few day ago. Hembree waived hia prelimi nary examination, and the case will go to the circuit court. The evidence againat Hembree ia circumstantial. There ia considerable feeling in the outwent part of the county and threat of a lynching are openly nude. Hi neighbor are all the more excited over the matter because they think tliey have reason to believe the burn- Ing wa prevented, it becoming known be had maltreated hia daughter while she was attending tha academy In Tillamook last spring. It baa been de cided for thi reaon to incarcerate Hembree in the Yamhill county jail at MrMinnvUle until hia' trial PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION NOT BEFORE WEDNESDAY BOISE, Jaa. 8-Fred Miller, of the Spokane law firm of Robertson, Rosea haup and Miller did not arrive la Cold welt today aa expected, to defend Harry Orchard alia Thoma Hogan, oa the charge of murdering Frank Steun- enberg. It said he left the train at Walla Walla, and it was auppoaed he would arrive here tomorrow moraine County Attorney Vanduyn atate it will be impracticable to hold the pre liminary examination before Wednea- Clark of Missouri Enter tains tlic House. HE RIDICULES SHAW Says Secretary of Treasury b lo&- cal Republican Presid- , entia! Candidate. FAVORS PHILIPPINE TRAFFIC Representative from Miaaoari Ascribe Future Greataeaa ef Republican Lead, era t "Stand Pat" Pelicr la later raptedMaay Times hy Opponent. WASHINGTON. Jan. I-"damp Clark Democracy" which wa expound ed U the delicbt end entertainment of the house for three hours today by Clark, of Mia-otiri, constituted th fea ture of the -debate on the Philippine tariff bill Clark' epeech took m wide range. .He labelled hi political belief aa above, ia answer to the question a to what kind of a Democrat he really waa. tie talked that the PhiliDpinee favqred the pending bill and diseusaed the general tariff question end ia par ticular the German tariff aituation. Ha reviewed Bryan'a record on ailver, aad paid hia respecte ia character! tie ora tory to tha Republican leader. Ha, aa- cribed the future greatneta to what he termed the "atand pat" disciple aad declared one of these waa Secretary Shaw, whose record a Secretary of tba Treaaury included, he said, the classify ing of frog's leg aa poultry aad pooiea ' aa "household article" for the collee- tion of revenue, waa the logical Repub lican presidential possibility, unlese hia mantle aboukt fall oa "The gray aad. griaxled speaken; I'nde Joa Cannon." Clark addreeaed many of hia poaitive aaaertiona directly at the Republican member. He waa internlpted many time, the, interruption generally re- aulted in repone that delighted both idea, . . . The fight against the bill opened the interest la tha beet sugar industry by Fortlney of Michigan. He recalled the Republican membership to it pledge on the' "stand pat" tariff plank of the party. The houae commit tie on interstate foreijjn commerce decided to defy the Senate int cttinertion with all litfhU house matters and similar bills which v I must be ped on by th committee. It ha been the practice of the house to frame these measure in such a way that when the sum of money is not specified, but doe not exceed a certain 1 amount, it Is to be used for a particular improvement. "CHAMP CLAM DE10CMCV" Deputy District Attorney Cillete of Cripple Creek, Colo, today Hied, an in formation la the district court charging Harry Orchard with tha murder of J. W. Harttock, one of the fourteen men kilted in the Independence Depot explo sion of June 6, ISO. The information is based oa tie affidavit made by Sheriff Edward Belf Orchard i under arrest , at Caldwell Idaho, charged with th assassination of former Governor Franks Steunenberg. ' - ' '