The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 31, 1905, Image 1

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    VOLUME LX NO. 220
Russian Government
.r Now. In Control.
Defeat Attributed By Government
To Lack of Public
PismiDeat Revolutionist States That
th Iaaurjeati Blundered Badly When
They Revelled at th Preecat Time
The Setback U Only Temporary.
St. Patersbuig, lt. 30. -Th govern
iuni claim th attempt at armed rbe
1dm haa failed signally. In aeml
uflklal communication Issued tonight II
la declared that th movement I liwken
and within lr week will b speedily
crushed. Tb committee attribute the
defeat of lb "Reds" nut only lo the
force, th government employed lint ly
Ik lack of public sympathy, himul
tancmialy tli government announces
regulations fur th elect iun are nun
. i . i I . V : l .1.... .. ...
celerat th meeting of thr IVuiiiia. A
prominent revolutionary b-ader for
horn th police ere searching elated
lo lh Associated Pre thai Ilia revolu
tionist blundered badly. Ho un
alii to conceal hi dcprcalun, but In
sisted tha movement hail only received
a revolution.
a trniMirary setback. II said, that
rmboktened by lb apparent paratyis
of lb government, they hail )rra'lalml.
Tb Workmn'a Council loiii(hl de
rided to declare lh vtrik off Monday
and proceed lo lh organisation uf an
armed Insurrection.
A UlspaU'B I rom tmesa siarca vnc
strike i going to pi!". At Lod eev
aral hundred revolutionists were ar
rested. la Waraaw an atlmpt lo erect bar
rhwdc In Hire placee in Ihia rity to
day failed. Heavy patrols are on thr
tr-cls. Banks ara closed.
At Iterenovllehl martial law I pro
claimed and lh railroad men were win-
lted to return to work.
At Schulavka large quantity of!
arm and explnive were ariard. Hev-'
entyright arrest were mad.
New from Kremenlschug atstcs that
proclamation ha been Issued an
nouncing persons throwing ImiiiiIis will
) ubje-t to court martial and be sen
tenced to death.
At Warsaw Ilia Socialist havt I
tied proclamation and confe th
atrik i ft failure. They Impute the
fatlui" lo III National Democratic
St rile Eada at Riga.
Klga. Hi. 30.-Th atrik itdl to
day. Paper hava re apered. Tha
work in factories I rumed. Tli ter
mination of tb atrik rescue tha rity
from famina. Governor General Hollo
jnib U niovlnc north with 10.01)0 troop.
New York, Ie. M.-Aitr four
month of tb most arduou work, the
legislative committee on Insure no ia
vesication adjourned toniirlit. Today
given over lo tne preseniaiioa oi
alary evidence. Late In th
newhat of ft atir waa cauard by
It i expected da will begin an ener
getic campaign aiiint Hm revolution
11 who bava rrrated condition of
anarrhy in tha country,
Tha revolutionists aatabliaked an
"axerutloa blink" whrra paraon ens
damned by Iba revolutionary commit
tew war khot. Tba pulk-a art sow arm
ad with rlflea.
Tb ravolution plaanad for Jan
nary and February. Witt challenged
and revolutkiniMa falling Into tha trap
aerepteil before their organisation waa
prr(e-trd. The workmen, war worn out
wltb tlw recent ttrikaa and tba move
ment rerelted no aopport from tha
populace nor from the troop. If add
that tha government hae not dealt a
det'Uiv blow. Tb element are now
fighting on the aid of the government
ha Dot dealt ft derbiv blow. The
clement a era now fighting on tha id
of the government a tbey did In tb
daya of Napoleon, and with th mercury
eighteen below, Are are everywhere
burning In the t treat to keep th
honer!a from reeling. No other de
tail of tha horrible affair at Moscow
were received today, when lVubaaoff'a
artillery brought the roof of tha Prok
handT cotton mill tumbling down about
tha brad of several thousand t titers
and revolutionist, rkcept the statement
that hundred priiibed. The attempt of
'Mark Hundred1' to man-h into the
rity and wrrrk vengeance on the
atiiker only tends to confirm the fear
that tha filial collapse of the revolt at
Moarow will be followed by an awful
mMir,'. Already rowdies are taklnc
advantage of tha situation to plunder
on a lai it wale. IfcmlwMotT baa not
given Iba flumes uf th loa during
th fight lug. However, he place the
oiit.Me limit at 3tKK), fifty of these be
lug among tba troop. , '
l He workmen resolution assigns
a reason that th Agbt agaiust th gov
eminent cannot longer be limited, to
th organisation of economic Ufa of the
nation through the universal atrik and
already many part of th country are
taking the rbararter of an armed up
nlng. lh resolution conclude by
saying lh council ha decided to pro
ceed with warlike oerations and the
organitation of an armed uprising. Thr
coiinril recogniaetl the immediate uprl
iu would not succeed in the capital
but while making preparations, it would
l necessary to undertake a aort of
guerilla warfare consisting of diarm
ing th police and throwing bombs. The
council drew up a proclamation to the
oasacka warning Hum that they would
be treated as mad doga if they con'
tinned to light against II) people.
In Moscow General TkmhaaeorT today
auumed th offensive against the revo
lut binary stronghold in the Presna
quarter, and all day tba Inhabitant
were listening to the thunder of can
non and the rnttl of amall arms. At
this writing Jli firing la still audible
and the lurid glare show that many
structures are in flames. It I admitted
the alnughter I Immense, A terrible
affair occurred at workmen's tea house
near lh Prna dMi'ict. It waa sur
rounded by "lllack Hundreds" who ap
plied tb torch and tHxl watching their
victim oonsiime in th (lie when the
Cossacka arrived on th acene.
Salt Uk City, Dec. SO.-A deputy
sheriff will Wave tislay for Port land to
bring lavck to this Stale Frederick II.
IVikirt. who 1. wanted bar on aeo-
olid clmiii of cnilieuleincnt. Perkins'
father mad good an amount recently
which It was charged tb son had mi
appropriate and this new effort: to
bring Perkins hark to I'tab ia the re
sult of complaint made by the super
intendent of th mining company of
which Parkin was manager, charging
him with taking l.taiO which wat to be
used for th payroll .
letter from David B. Hill who pro
tested against th bearing being closed
till he was heard ft ft witnes In re
gard to hi retainer from the Equitable
Uf. Chairman Armstrong announced
that not withstanding Hlll'a attitude
the coin ml tie would have to complete
their work without Hill' testimony.
Unknown Assassin Places Bomb Under Front Gate
Which Is Exploded When the Governor
Opens It With Thrriblc Results.
The Whole State of Idaho it Arou4 and Escitemeat U Intense Gevcroor
Gooding Saya Stab Will Offer tjooo for the CapUr tf the Murderer,
Dead or Alive Tb Towa f Caldwell ia Being Guardtd te Prtyent any
Suipidoua Pertont from Luvlng.
Boise, Dec. 30. Frank Steaaeberg,
killed at 6:jo o'clock tkii evening at hia home ia tat aubnrba of Cald
well. A dynamite bomb waa placed beneath kit gat with noma coa
trlvance by which it exploded when be entered. Both lega were blown
all and be lived but twenty minute. There ia a known reaaoa for
tha autragi but It ia charged te noma member of the famoua Inner
Circle" of Cocur 'I A ten dynamiter, whom ha praawuted a relent
leaafy ia iMg when he waa governor. ' Governor woodiag ia ia osmmunl
cation with tha authoritiea of that county and ia preparing to put tha
full aupport ef tha at ate behind the official! in running down tha per
petrator af tha crime. It la thought probable that tha leading detective
agency of tha country win be aaked te aend tome of ita beat me t tha
acta a and tha atata will offer a reward aa great aa tha governor find
hat power te off or. Steuneaberg waa governor from 1(97 t 1901. Be
waa 44 yaara old, aad leave a wif e and three children.
Governor flooding ha informed the
Canyon county official that th stale
will offer t-VKiO reward for the appre
hension of the murderer, A special
train ia leaving for aldwrU carrying
th governor and othera lo assi-t in
running down the criminal. The latet
Information is that th bomb waa
placed by the gatepost and the moving
gat exploded it. When person reach
ed the prostrate man the bitter said
soioehing like, "W)io thot me," and
also something about turning him over.
but lapsed into unconciousnsa and
died without giving any information.
Th victim' clothing and ahoe were
torn to tatter and bi back waa ter
terribly injured. The ahock of the ex
plosion waa felt all over th town and
broken all th gasa on that side of
th govvrnor'a house, Kvery exit in
town i guarded in the hop of cap
turing every suspk-iou character. Two
men are under uplcion who have been
laying around Xampa for several daya
and k-ft for Caldwell today. Thev lived
in Couer d'Alcn in 1800 at the tiro
of th rkit. IVscrlptkma of them have
Is-en wiied in every direction.
A Stat-sman-representativ who went
to Caldewll state that when Rtrunen-
herg was laid on the td, he aaid "Who
shot in," h then attempted to sit up,
hut sunk Iwck with the exclamation,
"For Uod'a suk turn like over, I am
ilying!" Though conscious to the last.
he did not understand what was aaid
to him. He believed he had been shot.
His feature wecr not disfigured. He
waa thrown ten feet from the gate.
Th gat I gone, not splinter being
found, .Mm. Stcunrnberg is prostrated.
MeunenHerg became known through
out the nation through hi connection
with the Couer d'Alcne strike in 1899.
The Miner' Union made certain de
mand whk'h were refused by the mine
owners. Moat of tha mine closed down, I
Fun Francisco, Dee. 30. The United
State inspector of eteem vessels hand
ed down th decision yeaterday in the
oaae of Are on board tha steamer Des
patch on December Sth in which a boy
lost hi life and a number of other
boy, were aeverely burned. For negli
gence and the failure to report the
leaking condition of the oil tanka to
th steamboat Inspector th license of
former Governor of Idaho, waa
but at attempt waa made to operate
tiie mill of the Bunker Hill and Sul
livan group with non-union help. In
April crowd of strike aympathixere
took possession of train and went to
tha mill Th building wa blown up
with dynamite and at least one man
killed. The mine owner appealed to
the governor for protection, alleging
that .the striker vre resorting to
everv form of violence and intimidation
to prevent the operation of the mine
by non-union help.
I Th state militia bring considered In
sufficient to cope with the situation,
tiovemor Steunenhenr proclaimed a
atat of insurrection and called upon
President McKinley for federal troops.
General Merriam occupied the distrk-t
and proclaimed martial law. A stockade,
known generally a the "bull pen" was
erected. Striker and atrike sympathi
aers were imprisoned in great number,
A permit aystem waa also established
by the military and no miner wa per
mited to work who would no make an
affidavit that ha waa neither not a
member of th union, or had aevered
hi connection and would not again
This drastic treatment resulted in the
extermination of the miners' organiza
tion in the Coeur d'Alcne. and has
never been re-established. Tha matter
aroused such widespread interest that
a congressional inquiry wa order.!.
Republican memlier of the commission
made a rvport upholding Steunenberg.
although he waa a Democrat, and the
action of rreident McKinley. Th
Democrats, under the leadership of
Congressman Saber, made a minority
report, oonsuring th state and national
administration. The bitterness against
Steunenberg waa accentuated by the
fact that he, at the time of hia incum
bency, waa a member of the Typogra
phical Union,
Captain Harry Wehet and Chief Engi
neer Jumea M. Spencer, have been sus
pended for three moat ha. ,
Will Lift Over Tw Hundred Posada
late Air.
Sydney, X. 8M Dec. 30. After experi
menting for a number of year at hi
laboratory, at Being Bbreagh, Braddock,
with flying kite of th Tetrahedral
aader t.raham H ll announced yeater
day that he had auureeded ia baring
his attt de-igned kite riae in the air
and carry a weight of 227 pound, this
including man weighing 104 pounds,
and ropes and linen weighing twenty'
is pound. Tli kibe itaelf weigh
ixty-one pound, making ft total weight
of 2M8 pound.
Tha kit roe to height of thirty
feet and remained there ateadily imtil
photograph were taken of H. Follow'
ing the eiperiirfnl Profeasor llell left
for Washington.
Chicago, Dee. 30. A di-pabu to the
Tribune from San Francisco, eayst
Robert Fitzsimmoo baa received I
kindly, sympathetic letter from Preai
dent Itowvelt, which be treasures above
all bi worldly posse inns. The Preai'
dc-nt wrote, "Filf" when he learned of
the latter' defeat at tha hand of Jack
O'Uriiw. Fitzimma telegraphed an
appreciative answer to the President,
lie thanked him for hi letter and wish
ed biiu the compliment of the season.
Dun Suicided Because of
His Troubl s.
Re Clew aa to Who Waa tb Murderer
of Mr. Taa Draft Eatper Vaa Draa
Mad Moat Careful Pre pa ratio ai for
Hia Death.
Portland, Dec. 30 Late development
in the investigation aa to tha cause of
the suicide of Kaspar Van Dren, the
tragic, unsolved mystery to the
aational shooting affray and th sub
sequent murder of hi wife, only serve
to convince hi relative and friend
that the lat act of the tragedy waa due
to mental worry over th prospects of
a second surgical operation, coupled
with the multitude of family troubles.
Furthermore, it ia apparent that, al
though he did not confide hia intentions
to a single living soul, all arrangements
for the commission of the rash deed
were thoroughly premeditated and
carried out without creating the slight
est suspicion in the mind of any one.
These conviction are strengthened by
the fact, which only developed today.
that on the morning of the day of hi
suicide Van Dran remarked to Mrs. V.
J. Monticth, his aister-in-Uw, that he
had paid a visit to th aafe deposit
vaults. This action on hia part led hi
relatives to think that possibly be had
deposited thvre some final misnive ex
plaining his contemplated act of self
destruction or hia last will and testa
This morning hia brother, George Van
Dun, and hi brothers-in-law, M. 8.
Monticth, of Pendleton, and W. J. Mon
ticth of this city, accompanied by
Coroner Finly, repaired to the safe
deposit vaults and made a thorough ex
amination qf his effect: on deposit
there. A careful search of the contents
of the two bones failed to reveal the
existence of note, will or document
of any kind, and ao far aa any of his
relative are aware, no paper was left
making final disposition of his property,
the value of which ia roughly estimated
at from $13,000 to 5.000.
Wilmington, Dee. 30. laden with
dynamite the steamship Pennsylvania
from Kew York for San Francisco crash
ed into the schooner Preaoott-Palmer
today. So great was th impact that
not until late this afternoon were the
vessels separated. Th sharp prow of
the ateamer rut into the echooner'a
ttern a distance of thirty feet. That
Germany Discusses Moro
cco Ccatroversy.
Deny French Accusation That
Their Morocco Represent
ative Ws False.
The Whole Cue Prom tb German
Standpoint Will be Placed Before th
Public Such Action Haa Bern Been
Taken Before.
Berlin, Dec. 30. The foreign office
will iue, next week, a book on tha
morocco controversy, containing docu
ments omitted by the French govern-,
ment from its. 3"tTEw book, and eorrrw-
pondoac rrpelling th acca-ation ef
bad faith made againat Coun Von Tat-
tenbach-Ashbold, th former special
German representative at Fea. Th
whole case, from the German stand
point, will be placed before the public.
Such a book on a European diplo
matic question, has never been issued
by the imperial Foreign Office, which,
unlike other foreign officers, has fol
lowed Prince Bismarck's rule never to
publish auch paper, but to hold for
eign dispute m absolute secrecy.
France' yellow book, however, produc
ed an effect on the world's opinion that
the (r.-rman government is not willing
to let go unanswered, and the decision
waa taken to disregard the former pol
icy and publish documents tn rebuttal
of France's presentation, which it re
garded as that of a partial attorney
d'terniined to arrange the facta ao as
to produce a conclusion held In view
from the beginning.
The German government rearnta, es
pecially, the statements designated to
produce tb impression that Count Von
Tattenbach-Asbold haa bee untruthful.
The Imok is expected to clear away
some impression abroad that Germany
threatened France.
Chicago, Dee. 30. At the closing ses
sion of the National Commercial Teach
ers Federation held yesterday, Cleve-"
land was chosen 'as th next place of
meeting. A. C. anatuit of Omaha was
elected president and J. C, Walker of
Detroit secretary.
San Francisco, Dec. 29George D. Col
lins was indicted by the grand jury on
the charge of perjury committed in hi
recent trial A bench warrant was is
sued and Collins wws arrested and tak-
n to the county jail, where he ia for
the night. He ia confident of being lib
erated on the required 11500 bond to
morrow. th dynamite waa not exploded ia little
short of a miracle. Th schooner i
hard aground and ia fast breaking into
piecee. The damage ia estimated at
130,000, Tb captain of th chooner
assert then waa no fog at tha time of
(He collision and has filed a libel on th
ateamer to be exercised by the federal