The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 30, 1905, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, DECEMBIR 30, 1903.
s w a w m w m w w
Different Branches to Join In Mis
sionary Work. '
Propose to Consldsr Ways and Maana of
Furtherlag Work of Cbriattsalty
Along Katbodiat lines la Japaa by
Werking in Uaity.
vetIgatlon has dona much to combat
ihi evil, and al-o bad Involved blin In
a t'UfM ault for criminal 1111.
The aor-iatlon then arranged' to fight
tin win mjIi a body.
llaltiinore, Iee. 20. -With the purpoe
Of uniting the different brawhe of the
MfthotlUt Cliurrh in' the mllonary
work in Japan oorarolttee representing
the Canadian MethodUt (liiir.h. Hit
Met 1.1114. KiMMt, MethodUt Kiln-
pal South, the MethndUl lri.teLnt.
and the Kvangellcal A'ltion( will
met hero next Wednedy and Thura
day. Among the representative men at
peeled to attend are IHhtpe (Turin H.
:lloy of Mliip)l, and Atpheu
W. WiliMin, of thl city, representing
the Southern MethodUt Church, BIhop
Earl Cnuiton, of the Northern Church,
Drt. Carmen and Soutbcrlsnd, prel
dent and nwreUry rrapecllvely, of the
Canadian conference, apd Dr. A. H.
lonard. mlionrr awetary of the
MethodLt KpiMtHtl Church, with head
quarter in New York City.
It l proposed to ronxiuVr ay and
rnen of furthering the oik of Ciiria
tluhity along MethodUt liiiea in .1 11 pen
lv tlie diffcrcut brawhe of the church
woikiaf in unity. 1
Ittw York Stock Exchanc Uaa Hih
Year's Record.
Nrw York, IW. 29 The total amount
vf .bueineea done on the New York Stock
Exchange during the tmlnea year end
Ing at noon tomorrow breake all prev
loiim record, not excepting either In
regard to tok or bond,' the banner
year of 1901. The grand total for VMM
(toda)'a and tomorrow' tranactlon
Wing etlmaetd) U over a billion and
m quarter-41 H7JiW.4 to. Of thl figure
the etock aalee constitute 120OJUW,
compared with $18.12132.11 la-t veer an
increaee of $73.34 ,3.H, and with 2V2,
in 11HM. Tne transact i..n in
1itt t-Hk tnt.IM f212,H2.r2 and
in unliated I4H..M0.O.17. The Imnd le,
. ah'uUtcd on par value, agjncgated (I
. 02? JAStSO, ' t aiiwll imree er the
total for lal vear.,7iW.II?. Thi
year' total li made tip time: State
and railroad bond H.U(WO,him) unlived
bond WflSJMW, govemnieiit Imiid
1,11.1.1,(1.10. The sale of got eminent
(wind are three time a heavy u they
vere lat year,
Maa Found With Lett and Arm Broken
Diet Without Eiplalning, Cauao.
NVw York, IVc. 2t. Ernel Welman
n mAiiufarturer of clothing 011 C.reen
etteet waa found in the rear of hi
armrtment. 941 Park avenue. He had
internal Injurie and fracture of ImiIIi
leg and fight arm, ami died an hour
later at a hwnital without having re
gained cowMiouenett. How he received
bi Injurie U a tnyetery.
.Mr. Weinman aaid later that her
himbaiid' buine wa in good rondi
tion and that he waa all ritfht financial
ly. She y that he hud lieen suffering
from mental trouble fur ine time and
t.crrul time it wa feared that hi
liiiml wa badly affected. According to
Mi. Weinman, her huband suffeied
from tit of dcMimlcncy, but hi con
ilitiuti had improved recently.
Labor Leaden and the Uniona Have
Troublea of Their Own.
Schenectady, X Y, IVc 2!.The dele
Kiitc to the trade' acmhly from
union alHliated with the Industrial
Workera of the World have been ex
polled from the body by the adherent
f the American Federation of Ijlor
n the ground that their election wa
iinuonotilutionnl. Among the depow
delegate are the president and eecre
lary of the trade aaemhty. ' The it
imtion in lubor circle la exceedingly
trained, and further trouble I ex
WarfarO Begun on Those. Offering
Fraudulent Inducement! to
Chicago, IVc. 29. Warfare on com
ncrcial achoola that offer fraudulent in
duormenU to gain etudenta wa de
clared yeaterday by the biiMine men a
ger section of the Commerin! Teach
r'' Convention. E. X. Miller, of New
York, reported that hi three year' in
Sailor Falls Off Wharf fat Darknea
Breaka Lf and Arm.
(Oakland, Cul., Dee. 29,-Half In and
half out of tha water, with on leg
and one arm broken, William Colqhoun,
a aallor 69 year old waa found yester
day morning lying on tha rock beside
a long wharf, having fallen off in tha
darkna. He belonged to the ahlp
Hampton, which i lying alongside the
wharf and started out from the ahlp
shortly after dark. Ha lay that he
stumbled over a tie on hit way out and
went over the trestle, falling fifteen feet
to the rock below. He bad been sev
eral houra in the water when rescued.
Scores of Astoria leaders Art Learning
the Duty of tha Kidneys.
To Alter the llood la the kidney's duty
WVn they fail to do this, the kid
neys are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills fol
low 1
Urinary 'trouble, diabetes.
Pom's Kidney Tills cure them all. :
J. Blake, whose place of residence is
523 Market street, Portland, aayat "I
bought several boxes of Doan'e Kidney
Wl and I scarcely think if the first had
not proved satisfactory that I would
used almost everything said to be a
cur for weakened kidneys snd bladder,
but nothing ever gave mo tha astUfao
tion I received from Poan's Kidney
I'ills. They art eaey to take, have no
effect upon the stomach or bowela and
act directly on the kidneys. I thor
oughly believe from the reults I re
reived and alo from observation that
Doan'a Kidney Pitla ar one preparation
on the market which acta directly as
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here In Astoria. Prop into Chaa
Rogers' drug store and ask what euato
mere report.
For aale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Fotter-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y, solo
agent for the United Ststea.
Remember tho name Poan's and
take no other.
A of War.
It la not slwsys policy to acknowl
edge a defeat. A little coolness at tbe
critical moment eoroetlmes save the
day, as lu tbe case described la Mr
Ripley's "Mtory of Company F." la i
close encounter dating tbe civil war
two soldiers, one from escb army,
came face to fare within short rsnge.
Each put op bis gun snd fired, aa It
subsequently apeareil, bla laat car
t rid ice. Itotb mlacd. Tbe bullet of one
man burled Itself lu a trc. and tbs
sbot of the other psaacd throogb tho
coat of bla enemy. Each man, know
lug his ammunition wns gone, supposed
himself to be at a disadvantage.
One of them wade a great show of
reloading hi gun, and, stepping for
ward, demanded a surrender. The
other threw down his arms with a
"if I had another cartridge, I would
neven surrender."' he exclaimed.
-That's sll right," calmly remarked
the raptor, marching off hta prlaoner.
"If I had another, you may be sure
I shouldn't bare asked you to sur
Heart Flattering.
Undigested food and gas In the stom
sch, located just below the heart.
preaea ' against It and cause heart
palpitation. When your heart troubles
you in that wsy take Ilorbino for a few
days. You wil soon be all right. 60c
a bottle. Sold by Hart's drug store.
Of Interest to Clergy.
The Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Co., having been granted member
ship in the Trans continental Clergy
Uurenu, the name of that company will
appear in the clergy application blanks
snd clorgy certificates issued by the
bureau for 1900, and commencing Janu
ary 1st, of the coming year. Theae
permita will be honored by all agents
of the A. k C. R. R., thus eliminating
the individual half-fare permita issued
by that company in former years. Re
quests for official application blanks
should be made to J. C Mayo, general
paesener agent, Astoria.
No Opium in Chamberlain's
There la not the least danger in giving
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy to email
children aa it contain no opium or
other harmful drug. It baa an estab
linhed reputation of more than thirty
yer aa tho moat successful medicine
in use for colds, croup and whooping
cough. It always cures and la pleasant
to take. Children like It Sold by
Frank nrt and leading dnigglata.
Tamtla T at rail Dwa ika
Ono of tho most thrilling stories In
Alpine history Is that of Mr. Bloggctfs
fall on tho llatterhorn," writes Aubrey
U Blond. "With two Zermatt fnldef
-Alpbons Furrer and Anguatln OentJ
netta this young Englishman had
made quick ascent of the mountain
and was a long way down on tne re
turn tourney. At one spot It la ueces-
aary to cross a couloir, or gully of
snow and Ice, and down tuis cnannei
fall moat of tbe atones that detach
themselves from tho shattered face of
tho peak. Tho leading guide, Furrer,
was making bis way over wnen a
tone, dropping from a considerable
height, struck him fuu on tho head
and lnatantlr killed him. The two
others, attached by their rope, to bla
dead body, were unable In their pro
cartons foothold to resist tie tnock ana
wero Immediately swept away, down
tho couloir at terrific speed. Their
axe wero torn from their grasp, and
Gentlnetu, who never lost conscious-1
neaa. was convinced that death must
await tbem at tbe end of that awful
Journey, but this man of Iron nerve
kept bla presence of mind and s bowed
wbsf stout heart and a keen Intel
Hgence can do even In the most des
perate situation.
'About 800 feet below tbe spot where
the party were carried off a small
bergschrund or crevasse ran across the
Ice slope which forms the base of tho
Matterfaorn on lu eastern side. This
crevasse Is not always open-In fact,
la October, 1903. when 1 went on to
tho mountsln to photograph tho scene
of this accident, It did not exist at alL
Beneath It are Ice cliffs, and any one
shooting the crevasse and falling over
these would bsve a sheer drop which
most Immediately be fatal, but la Mr.
Bloggett'a rase the crack waa several
foet wide and Into it the two still liv
ing men and their dead companion
were precipitated. The chasm waa
partly filled with stones and aand, and
Mr. Bloggett fell face down. Genu
netts, though terribly bruised, without
an Instant's delay seized the helpless
form of bla employer, pulled him out
of tbe position In which be lay, almost
suffocating, and cleared the aand out
of his throat and eyes.
"Ills Jsw wss broken, and bla brulaeo
were even worse than those of GeuO
netts. but ho other bones were broken.
Tho disaster waa already bad enough,
but at any moment an even more ter
rible catastrophe threatened the two
poor wounded men In the crevasse.
The couloir wss, as I bsve said, a nat
ural channel for falling stones, and It
waa Jnst the hottest hour of the day,
when tbe snow waa thawing fast and
looaenlng from Ita fetters tbe mlaalbw
It bad earlier held fast frozen to tho
mountain. It waa Imperative to lose
no time In wattlug for ssalstance from
the other parties who were on the Mat
terhora. 80 tbe guide and the English
man, without axes, bruised, sbskea
and weak, started on tbe desperate
task of climbing back up that glassy,
blood atalned wall, a task bard enough
oven for an uulujured and fully equip
ped party.
"How It was accomplished Gentlnet
ta declare he does not know, but by
an extraordinary display of pluck and
skill the two at length reached their
old tracks and gained a place of safe
ty. Assistance was now at band, and
with the help of the other parties the
wounded men eventually arrived at
the Bebwarte hotel. Though laid up
for many weeks after, both In the end
made an excellent recovery. Toor Fur
rera body waa with much difficulty
brought down next day front the crevasse."
Water Curs for Constipation,
naif a pint of hot water taken half
an hour before breakfast will usually
keep tho bowela regular Harsh ca
thartic) should be avoided. When a
purgative is needed, take Chamber
Iain's stomach isnd liver tableta. They
ire mild and gentle In their action. For
sals by Frank Hart and leading drug'
I On Sunday Peoember 17th, tho Dea
rer 4 Rio Grande railroad will Inaugur
ate a daily line of standard and tour
ist sleeping cars between Peaver and
Los Angeles in connection with tho new
Clark road. Both eaxa will leave Pea
ver dally st 9:30 s, m and arrive at
Salt Lake City at li35 p. m., tbe next
day. At this point the ears will bo
hold over until midnight, thus allow
Ing through passengers the privilege of
' stop-over of ten hours and a half In
I Salt Lake City. Eastbound, these ears
I will leave Los Angeles at S p. m, and
arrive si Salt Lake City at 9:30 a. ,
i second morning where they will remain
over until 3:60 p. m- thence to Denver
where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol
lowing afternoon. This stop -over at
Salt Lake City of tho regular line of
sleeping ears promises- to be aa 'at
tractive feature for troiisoonUoental
! travelers.
Salt Lake, Utah. , Dee. 28.-Xephl
Sheet was -hot by highwaymen, his
pocket rifled, and hi dead body left
i n the sidewalk within half a block of
the eity and sounty building at 8:30
o'clock tonight. Many persona beard
the shot, btu the murder waa not dis
covered until fifteen minutes later.
Sheets waa a livery man about fifty
year of age.
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of Piles. 1 eaa
truthfully aay," writes Harry Colson, of
Maeonville, Lv, "that for Blind, Bleed
ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Bock
len's Arnica Sabre, la the best euro
made." Also best for cuts, burns and
Injuries. 25e at Charfce Rogers, drug-fist.
la Praise of Chanreeruin's
There Is no other medicine manufact
ured that has received so much probe
and 00 many expressions of gratitude as
Chamberlain's' cough remedy. , . It 1st
effective, and prompt relief follows its
use. Grateful parents sverywhera do
not h.!t&te f testi t? its merit for
the benefit of other. It 0 a certain
mrt for croup and will prevent H at
tack if girea at ths flrct rppcaranre rf
disease. It Is especially adapted to
children as it is pleasant to take and
eontaJns nothing injurious. Mr. E. A.
Humphries, a well known resident and
clerk in the store of Mr, E. Lock, of
Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, sayst
"I hajve used ChamberVin's Coughf
Remedy to ward off croup and eolds In
my family. I found it to be very satis
factory and it gives mo pleasure to
rseommend it" For sale by Frank
Hart and leading druggist, ' f
& sJ5 s48
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in Ah the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . . .
& J8 ,
Wc take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
' ' " --. -'"''',,
library. - ' . ,
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rcbind them and return
to you good as any new book
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
Library. ' ,
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Makers .of All Kinds of Books
1 ,
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street
Clear thinking, decisive action, vim
and vigor of body and mind, the sparkls
of life, comes to all' who uo Holliater's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 33 cent, Tea or
Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart,
Obstinate racking; coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by
k I)
It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FOLEY'S
HONEY AHD TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate people.
Remember the name-FOLEY'3 HONEY HD TAIl-and insist upon hating the genuine, as no other remedy
is so safe or as certain In results.
Given Up to Did With Croup.
. ' Mrs. P. L Cordier, of Uanningtoa, Ky., writes: &ty three-year
old girl had a severs case of croup; the doctor aaid oho could sot live
and I gave her up to die. I went to the atore and got a bottle of
Foley1 a Honey and Tor. Tho first doss (ate quick relief and
avsd her life," ' '
Editor Cured of Lung TrouLls.
W. L. Straub, Editor of St Petersburg; (Fla.) Times, writs.
"Whea coming across tho bay from Port Tampa I rot wet and caught a
cold that affected my throat and hinge. I neglect edit, thinking I would
soon recover, but I kept retting worse, until I bought a bottle of Foley
Honey aaa Tar, and It cured mo completely.
Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The SO cent the contains two and one-half times as much as the small also and tit
$1.00 bottle ahsost six times as much, RefUM f ubttltutO. ,
Sold and Reccommened by CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.